Trump On Syria True To Form Putting His Own Interests Over the Common Good!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Trump administration made an outstandingly horrible decision yesterday deciding to arm the Kurdish militia, the YPG, that is affiliated with the Turkish Kurdish separatist forces, the PKK, to use the YPG forces to defeat the Islamic State forces in and around the city of Raqqa in north central Syria the last remaining significant amount of territory in the Islamic state geographic caliphate. Why did President Trump do this? Optimal incite would conclude because he wants to get a success claim in Syria that being that he defeated the Islamic State he eliminated any significant territory throughout the world for their caliphate and President Trump doesn't care about the two major consequences of this move. The first being that the Syrian Kurds will be left in control in the area of Raqqa not the Syrian Sunnis so the Syrian Sunnis will be deprived of the strong leverage that such control would give them at the peace table in negotiating with Bashar al Assad. The second being that giving the Syrian Kurds the power and wealth generated from facilitating this Raqqa land grab will give them the wherewithal and temptation the latter being irrelevant because they already have the fervent zeal to expand their territory control completely across the northern part of Syria connecting with the present western Kurdish enclaves thereby enabling them to form their own Kurdish country and dramatically increasing the threat on Turkey that the southern eastern section of Turkey which is primarily of Kurdish ethnicity will secede from Turkey thus spitting our Nato ally's country apart. President Trump is acting so stupid here just show a little patience and keep the YPG out of the fight for Raqqa; by the mid-term, 2018, elections the Islamic State in and around Raqqa will be defeated by the Sunni rebel forces coming from the west they're making headway against the Islamic state just give them eighteen months tops that is all they will need they will probably accomplish the goal much quicker!

The American public needs to really understand some of the fundamental facts when it comes to the overall subject of the Kurds in Syria in Turkey. The Kurds in southern Turkey have waged a very bloody secession campaign that has gone on for decades inside Turkey and the Turkish people were finally on the verge of peace where the Kurds would permanently abandon this secession campaign when the Syrian Civil War broke out and the Turkish Kurdish violence with the aim of bringing secession has sprung up again with no permanent end in site. The key group in this Turkish Kurdish separatists movement is the PKK this name applies both to the political movement and their large and formidable fighter group. When it comes to the Syrian Kurds there is a very powerful separatist movement it is called PYD and it dwarfs in power the Syrian Kurdish non-separatist political groups. Many experts believe that the PYD and PKK are part of the same organization in any event they both have the same goal of a Kurdish country in their region. There is two major Syrian Kurdish fighting forces one, the YPG which is the fighter wing or group of the PYD and they are extremely strong they number like 25,000 fighters and the second major fighting force is the "peshmerga" much smaller than the YPG who do not have as part of their agenda seceding from Syria and setting up their own Kurdish country.

The American public should be well aware what the situation is here. The PYD and the YPG are hell bent on laying the ground work for having the Kurdish region of Syria secede from the country of Syria. There have been instances in the areas that Kurdish forces have taken from the Islamic state where YPG forces have arrested political Kurdish leaders that are against the separatist movement and have done other things like blocking native Sunni Syrian population return. During last years terrible battle of Aleppo, local YPG forces stabbed so to speak the Sunni Syrian rebels in the back. The Sunni Syrians had controlled the eastern portion of Aleppo and there was a very small Kurdish enclave in the northern section when the Syrian government forces were making their big push to take the Sunni portion of Aleppo the YPG fighters in this enclave attacked the Sunni Syrian rebels that were in the area securing "Castello" road the last supply road to the Sunni Syrian section of the city the YPG forces drove the Sunni rebels out allowing the Syrian government forces to take control thereby shutting off the Sunni Syrian section of Aleppo to resupply and causing a lot of suffering and harm to the Sunni Syrian rebels.

The Turkish government has always prudently recognized the threat posed by YPG they never wanted the United States to militarily make them strong through providing arms and training and help them gain territory that wasn't Kurdish prior to the Syrian Civil War because they know their allied with the PKK which increase the risk the Turkish government with lose territory in a war with the PKK. The U.S. government has not heeded to the Turkish government wishes here and the Turkish government has been great to the U.S. in the Syrian Civil War they allow the U.S. to use their air bases. During a key point in the civil war when the Islamic state had the upper hand and was steadily spreading west from the area of Raqqa and was on the verge of conquering the Kurdish town of Kobani on the border with Turkey the Turkish government allowed Kurdish fighters and supply to ferry through their territory and resupply the Kurdish fighters in Kobani resulting in the Islamic State losing the battle for Kobani. After doing all these good things the United States government repays this good by helping the Turkish governments enemy the YPG.

This is what the government of Turkey and the government of Iraq should do about the U.S. President, President Trump's betrayal of their alliances with the U.S.. The country of Iraq is affected here because the Kurdish northern area of Iraq wants to secede from the country of Iraq and President Trump with his move here is facilitating the Syrian Kurds seceding from the country of Syria which will make it much easier for the Kurdish section of Iraq to secede from the country of Iraq because they have a strong military ally in the Syrian Kurdish forces. The government of Iraq should ask and demand that all U.S. forces permanently leave the country of Iraq at this point in the Iraqi people's war against the Islamic State the tide has permanently turned in favor of the Iraqi people they can completely win this war without American forces it may take longer but the Iraqi people's interests are best served by sending the American government the message you don't want them helping Syrian Kurdish separatist forces. The Turkish government should do the same thing especially shut down Turkish air bases for U.S. planes. Moreover, the Turkish government should tell the U.S. government that you are now on notice that the Turkish armed forces will protect the Turkish people's interest including bombing the YPG forces so they do not conquer Sunni Syrian territory and if embedded U.S. embedded forces are killed or wounded in the processes that is unfortunate but that will not stop us. The Turkish government should hear from a good American citizen that if U.S. soldiers are killed in this manner that we the American people hold the President of the U.S. fully culpable in this matter for betraying a good American ally the country of Turkey and this citizen believes that if this plays out like as outlined that a large number of the American people and members of Congress will call for bringing home all U.S. troops out of the Syrian theater and similarly react if President Trump orders or allows the shooting down of Turkish planes by the U.S. military!
I think you are worrying prematurely. History suggests the US will betray its sectarian civil war allies in the end.
War is just bidness and the empire must always expand. These may or may not be Don's personal interests, although I'm certain he'll manage to access public funding somehow as well as the usual suspects, but really now. This is how this system operates, with or without Don, with or without Hilary, with or without Obama ...

We fired 59 missiles into Syria at $1.4M each and Raytheon stock surged on Wall Street. We're training and supplying ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria. We're arming the Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% collateral damage rate in the field, that they rain down on Yemen.

Your economic system depends upon this shit. Exceptional.
The Trump administration made an outstandingly horrible decision yesterday deciding to arm the Kurdish militia, the YPG, that is affiliated with the Turkish Kurdish separatist forces, the PKK, to use the YPG forces to defeat the Islamic State forces in and around the city of Raqqa in north central Syria the last remaining significant amount of territory in the Islamic state geographic caliphate. Why did President Trump do this? Optimal incite would conclude because he wants to get a success claim in Syria that being that he defeated the Islamic State he eliminated any significant territory throughout the world for their caliphate and President Trump doesn't care about the two major consequences of this move. The first being that the Syrian Kurds will be left in control in the area of Raqqa not the Syrian Sunnis so the Syrian Sunnis will be deprived of the strong leverage that such control would give them at the peace table in negotiating with Bashar al Assad. The second being that giving the Syrian Kurds the power and wealth generated from facilitating this Raqqa land grab will give them the wherewithal and temptation the latter being irrelevant because they already have the fervent zeal to expand their territory control completely across the northern part of Syria connecting with the present western Kurdish enclaves thereby enabling them to form their own Kurdish country and dramatically increasing the threat on Turkey that the southern eastern section of Turkey which is primarily of Kurdish ethnicity will secede from Turkey thus spitting our Nato ally's country apart. President Trump is acting so stupid here just show a little patience and keep the YPG out of the fight for Raqqa; by the mid-term, 2018, elections the Islamic State in and around Raqqa will be defeated by the Sunni rebel forces coming from the west they're making headway against the Islamic state just give them eighteen months tops that is all they will need they will probably accomplish the goal much quicker!

The American public needs to really understand some of the fundamental facts when it comes to the overall subject of the Kurds in Syria in Turkey. The Kurds in southern Turkey have waged a very bloody secession campaign that has gone on for decades inside Turkey and the Turkish people were finally on the verge of peace where the Kurds would permanently abandon this secession campaign when the Syrian Civil War broke out and the Turkish Kurdish violence with the aim of bringing secession has sprung up again with no permanent end in site. The key group in this Turkish Kurdish separatists movement is the PKK this name applies both to the political movement and their large and formidable fighter group. When it comes to the Syrian Kurds there is a very powerful separatist movement it is called PYD and it dwarfs in power the Syrian Kurdish non-separatist political groups. Many experts believe that the PYD and PKK are part of the same organization in any event they both have the same goal of a Kurdish country in their region. There is two major Syrian Kurdish fighting forces one, the YPG which is the fighter wing or group of the PYD and they are extremely strong they number like 25,000 fighters and the second major fighting force is the "peshmerga" much smaller than the YPG who do not have as part of their agenda seceding from Syria and setting up their own Kurdish country.

The American public should be well aware what the situation is here. The PYD and the YPG are hell bent on laying the ground work for having the Kurdish region of Syria secede from the country of Syria. There have been instances in the areas that Kurdish forces have taken from the Islamic state where YPG forces have arrested political Kurdish leaders that are against the separatist movement and have done other things like blocking native Sunni Syrian population return. During last years terrible battle of Aleppo, local YPG forces stabbed so to speak the Sunni Syrian rebels in the back. The Sunni Syrians had controlled the eastern portion of Aleppo and there was a very small Kurdish enclave in the northern section when the Syrian government forces were making their big push to take the Sunni portion of Aleppo the YPG fighters in this enclave attacked the Sunni Syrian rebels that were in the area securing "Castello" road the last supply road to the Sunni Syrian section of the city the YPG forces drove the Sunni rebels out allowing the Syrian government forces to take control thereby shutting off the Sunni Syrian section of Aleppo to resupply and causing a lot of suffering and harm to the Sunni Syrian rebels.

The Turkish government has always prudently recognized the threat posed by YPG they never wanted the United States to militarily make them strong through providing arms and training and help them gain territory that wasn't Kurdish prior to the Syrian Civil War because they know their allied with the PKK which increase the risk the Turkish government with lose territory in a war with the PKK. The U.S. government has not heeded to the Turkish government wishes here and the Turkish government has been great to the U.S. in the Syrian Civil War they allow the U.S. to use their air bases. During a key point in the civil war when the Islamic state had the upper hand and was steadily spreading west from the area of Raqqa and was on the verge of conquering the Kurdish town of Kobani on the border with Turkey the Turkish government allowed Kurdish fighters and supply to ferry through their territory and resupply the Kurdish fighters in Kobani resulting in the Islamic State losing the battle for Kobani. After doing all these good things the United States government repays this good by helping the Turkish governments enemy the YPG.

This is what the government of Turkey and the government of Iraq should do about the U.S. President, President Trump's betrayal of their alliances with the U.S.. The country of Iraq is affected here because the Kurdish northern area of Iraq wants to secede from the country of Iraq and President Trump with his move here is facilitating the Syrian Kurds seceding from the country of Syria which will make it much easier for the Kurdish section of Iraq to secede from the country of Iraq because they have a strong military ally in the Syrian Kurdish forces. The government of Iraq should ask and demand that all U.S. forces permanently leave the country of Iraq at this point in the Iraqi people's war against the Islamic State the tide has permanently turned in favor of the Iraqi people they can completely win this war without American forces it may take longer but the Iraqi people's interests are best served by sending the American government the message you don't want them helping Syrian Kurdish separatist forces. The Turkish government should do the same thing especially shut down Turkish air bases for U.S. planes. Moreover, the Turkish government should tell the U.S. government that you are now on notice that the Turkish armed forces will protect the Turkish people's interest including bombing the YPG forces so they do not conquer Sunni Syrian territory and if embedded U.S. embedded forces are killed or wounded in the processes that is unfortunate but that will not stop us. The Turkish government should hear from a good American citizen that if U.S. soldiers are killed in this manner that we the American people hold the President of the U.S. fully culpable in this matter for betraying a good American ally the country of Turkey and this citizen believes that if this plays out like as outlined that a large number of the American people and members of Congress will call for bringing home all U.S. troops out of the Syrian theater and similarly react if President Trump orders or allows the shooting down of Turkish planes by the U.S. military!
Desinformed, manipulated, even brainwashed.

- There is no group "The Syrian Sunnis". There is no "Sunni Syrian territory". Although the "rebels" - like ISIS - are exclusively Sunni, the majority of the Syrian Arab Army is Sunni, as well. In so far, from the view of the government, it is not the sectarian war that the western media try to suggest.

- The Kurds did not stab the back of the "rebels". The "rebels" are trash that lures children to car bombs. The Aleppo Kurds control a predominantly Kurdish neighborhood of Aleppo with the acceptance of the government.

- "The Kurds", as of now, do not plan to separate but to federalize.

In so far, as the "author" has neither the knowledge nor the competence to determine whether Trump´s move is right or wrong, his conclusions are not of any value.

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