Trump on the oscars boycott "Whites don't get any BET nominations".

How do you know they are "exclusively" black? Because they have the word black in the title? The NAACP is on that list and white people are members. Several of those organizations don't require members to be black.

Don't you know what tokenism is.? 3 white people in a group of a million blacks is still racism. THINK
BOOM. I also heard a black pastor respond to the sleezbag Sharpton about this. he asked him what about the Diversity of the NBA? NFL isn't much better.

why can't these blacks go form their Oscars and film studios. they are so special and brilliant in memorizing lines for a movie. what a bunch of whiners. that all we've heard them and I just tuned sixty. when are they going to go get a life and make it on their own?
Trumps been acting timid on this issue but no more. And also point out how blacks are allowed to dominate the NBA and whites don't whine about that.

Trump Weighs In on Oscars Boycott: 'The Whites Don't Get' BET Awards

jan 20 2016 Later in the show, Trump weighed in. "I saw somebody on your show today say, 'Well, what do we do with BET?'" said the real estate mogul, who called into the program the morning after Sarah Palin endorsed him for president. "The whites don't get any nominations, and I thought it was an amazing interview, actually. I've never even thought of it from that standpoint."

Oh jeez..... but they do have white people in the NBA, do they have black people in the Oscars?

Yes, those with talent, do they have white people in the BET?
Trumps been acting timid on this issue but no more. And also point out how blacks are allowed to dominate the NBA and whites don't whine about that.

Trump Weighs In on Oscars Boycott: 'The Whites Don't Get' BET Awards

jan 20 2016 Later in the show, Trump weighed in. "I saw somebody on your show today say, 'Well, what do we do with BET?'" said the real estate mogul, who called into the program the morning after Sarah Palin endorsed him for president. "The whites don't get any nominations, and I thought it was an amazing interview, actually. I've never even thought of it from that standpoint."

Oh jeez..... but they do have white people in the NBA, do they have black people in the Oscars?
Of course...
List of black Academy Award winners and nominees - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now how about listing all of the whites that have taken home a BET award...

Firstly, I'm not saying there is a conspiracy to not have black people.
Secondly I'm just responding to what has happened the last two years.

The BET awards are only for black people. The Oscars aren't. hence the difference.

Thus, the BET is racist, the Oscars are not.

Those bitchin' can't be serious in their thought that just being black makes one an Oscar winning actor.
BOOM. I also heard a black pastor respond to the sleezbag Sharpton about this. he asked him what about the Diversity of the NBA? NFL isn't much better.

Yup - that's a good point. The NBA is 90% black and nobody complains. What was Sharpy's response?
BOOM. I also heard a black pastor respond to the sleezbag Sharpton about this. he asked him what about the Diversity of the NBA? NFL isn't much better.

Yup - that's a good point. The NBA is 90% black and nobody complains. What was Sharpy's response?

Just change the name of the Oscars to WET then there should be no bitchin'. That or maybe some blacks might put forth an acting performance worth an award.
Oh, there are plenty of disadvantaged and poor whites. We can help them.

Oh there are. That's not exactly what you said though, is it? You said "Advancement of White People", not advancement of poor white people. White people can't really advance much more, even with the poor people.

White people have 7% in poverty, blacks and Hispanics 25%.
The inner cities are full of whites and they experience the same problems as the other races. Because they are as lower rate, we are going to ignore them?

This whole line of discussion was meant to be satirical. There should not be Associations for one race without allowing others the same benefit. NAACP should be changed to the National Association of Poor People.

I didn't say you should ignore them. My point would be that poor people are poor people, no matter their race, and you should deal with poverty.

However in the US the govt isn't run for poor people, it's run for the rich, so the govt certainly thinks they should be ignored.

The NAACP existed because of a problem in US society. Slavery existed, Segregation existed, and even with both gone, black people aren't always on a level playing field. Okay, then they went off with positive discrimination, which I think is an idiot's way of avoiding dealing with the real issues.
Slavery and segregation once existed. It does not now. We have had Affirmative Action and now everyone are equals. It is up to the individual to make their own future.
And, the government is run for the poor people. How many are making a career of welfare checks? And they are both black and white. The new Association should be part of the Welfare program, come in for classes and get your checks.

No, everyone aren't equals. People pretend this is the case, but it's just not. Black people have a 25% chance of being born into poverty compared to 7% for white people. White people are more likely to get a decent education. If you're poor, you're probably staying poor unless you're a genius or can play sport.

Hope is just not something in great demand.

One of the biggest problems is education. In Europe education is equal for all those who don't go to private school (more or less), having a good school doesn't depend on whether you have loads of money, it depends on whereabouts you live, and the difference in schools isn't always as great as in the US.
Also unions don't mess up schools as they do in the US.

Governments make sure that this is the case, they have much better teacher training, much better social responsibility.

In the US the attitude is "don't care, won't listen, just make money and feel important being a politician", and the two party system just makes this more so every year.

The US is falling apart.
White people are more likely to get a decent education.
Why? This is an example"
Trumps been acting timid on this issue but no more. And also point out how blacks are allowed to dominate the NBA and whites don't whine about that.

Oh jeez..... but they do have white people in the NBA, do they have black people in the Oscars?
They do if they deserve it.

Well, often the Oscars doesn't go to the people who deserve it. It's a problem when the people who vote are old white men. It's not necessarily a problem of race, just a problem of not being diverse enough on many different levels.
Sorry, but voting for somebody because he's black doesn’t work. Just look at Obama.

I guess they could have voted for someone who had picked up a stupid stray dog like John McCain did.

Voting for someone who'll insult anyway and play the "I'm a strong man" because his supporters would bomb fictional places also doesn't work.
Supporters would bomb fictional places?
Oh jeez..... but they do have white people in the NBA, do they have black people in the Oscars?
They do if they deserve it.

Well, often the Oscars doesn't go to the people who deserve it. It's a problem when the people who vote are old white men. It's not necessarily a problem of race, just a problem of not being diverse enough on many different levels.
Sorry, but voting for somebody because he's black doesn’t work. Just look at Obama.

I guess they could have voted for someone who had picked up a stupid stray dog like John McCain did.

Voting for someone who'll insult anyway and play the "I'm a strong man" because his supporters would bomb fictional places also doesn't work.
Supporters would bomb fictional places?
He must be talking about Israel.
To the left and Muslims it shouldn't exist.
What's next? Has he said anything about Indians? How about Jews? Maybe Native Americans? What other hate-maul talk can be spewed out to rile up the good old angry white man base?

Looks like you blacks are the ones being racist. The BET awards BAN white people from consideration. The oscars are open to all races and many blacks have won.
I always wonder how that works, all I hear is everyone wants to be treated the same. So why is there a BET, NEGRO COLLEGE FUND, that to me looks like blacks are racist. What am I missing, and don't play the slavery card, no one here is a slave!

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Blacks have the same educational opportunities in america as everyone else. Trouble is they are born mentally inferior.

They clearly don't. Education is based on how rich you are. 25% of blacks are in poverty, meaning they don't have the same educational opportunities as richer people. Only 7% of whites are in poverty and they also don't have the same educational opportunities of the middle class and the richer class.

Poor people shouldn't have kids but you liberals created this welfare state that ENCOURAGES poor people to have lots of kids!!!

Oh right, and before the welfare state people didn't have kids? No wait, they had MORE KIDS.

Don't the right want an end to abortion, aren't people on the right more likely to be against contraception, like the Catholic Church?

Trumps been acting timid on this issue but no more. And also point out how blacks are allowed to dominate the NBA and whites don't whine about that.

Trump Weighs In on Oscars Boycott: 'The Whites Don't Get' BET Awards

jan 20 2016 Later in the show, Trump weighed in. "I saw somebody on your show today say, 'Well, what do we do with BET?'" said the real estate mogul, who called into the program the morning after Sarah Palin endorsed him for president. "The whites don't get any nominations, and I thought it was an amazing interview, actually. I've never even thought of it from that standpoint."

Oh jeez..... but they do have white people in the NBA, do they have black people in the Oscars?

Yes, those with talent, do they have white people in the BET?

Trumps been acting timid on this issue but no more. And also point out how blacks are allowed to dominate the NBA and whites don't whine about that.

Trump Weighs In on Oscars Boycott: 'The Whites Don't Get' BET Awards

jan 20 2016 Later in the show, Trump weighed in. "I saw somebody on your show today say, 'Well, what do we do with BET?'" said the real estate mogul, who called into the program the morning after Sarah Palin endorsed him for president. "The whites don't get any nominations, and I thought it was an amazing interview, actually. I've never even thought of it from that standpoint."

Oh jeez..... but they do have white people in the NBA, do they have black people in the Oscars?
Of course...
List of black Academy Award winners and nominees - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now how about listing all of the whites that have taken home a BET award...

Firstly, I'm not saying there is a conspiracy to not have black people.
Secondly I'm just responding to what has happened the last two years.

The BET awards are only for black people. The Oscars aren't. hence the difference.

Thus, the BET is racist, the Oscars are not.

Those bitchin' can't be serious in their thought that just being black makes one an Oscar winning actor.

Racist? No, it's not racist. Racist would be that they're saying that black people are superior to white people. The fact that they have an awards ceremony might suggest that they feel they don't have the representation in the main stream, and therefore they're not saying they're superior.

In Basketball is there a "black most valuable player"? No, there isn't. Why? Because they're the majority, they simply don't need to have a minority award.

Also, the award IS NOT just for black people. It's actually for certain types of Music.


She was nominated in 2015 for Best female hip-hop artist.


Nominated in 2014


Nominated in 2003

What's racist about this?

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