Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.

All that suckers and losers to dead soldiers certainly is! But we know it is just oh so MAGA to you fools.

Trump admitted that he lied.

Show me in the definition of "downplay" the word 'lie'.
He was the first to put quarantines into place, the first to limit social gathering size. and because the coronavirus continued out of control Cuomo "closed the valve" and ordered the shutdowns, and stay at home.

That's because Trump left it to the governors to do anything at all.
He certainly wouldn't want to be the one that shutdown the economy in an election year. Doing the right thing even if cost him the election would have taken real courage, something Trump is bit short on.
Trump saw the coronavirus as a "New York" issue, since NY was the hardest hit, and it spread like wildfire.

It's been reported Trump actually "played it down" so that it would hit NY and the surrounding democratic states hard, for political gain.

Little did Trump realize that you can't contain a virus from crossing political lines. And now the hardest hit are republican states.
It's been reported.....

By who?
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.
Trump has demonstrated he doesn’t actually understand what makes America great.

His rallies are peppered with grievances, calling others disgusting names. It’s hate. Pure and simple. Own it.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.

All that suckers and losers to dead soldiers certainly is! But we know it is just oh so MAGA to you fools.

Feel free to bring those quotes from his rallies.

Watch this dodge......................
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.
Trump has demonstrated he doesn’t actually understand what makes America great.

His rallies are peppered with grievances, calling others disgusting names. It’s hate. Pure and simple. Own it.
why wouldnt there be hate against people that would destroy freedom???
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.

All that suckers and losers to dead soldiers certainly is! But we know it is just oh so MAGA to you fools.

Feel free to bring those quotes from his rallies.

Watch this dodge......................

Does it matter when he said them? Watch this dodge does calling America's war dead suckers and losers " Make America Great Again?

There is nothing left to be said.

Are you saying now he should have panicked the public?

No he should of said what he said on March 11:

Mar 11, 2020

We are at a critical time in the fight against the virus. We made a life-saving move with early action on China. Now we must take the same action with Europe. We will not delay. I will never hesitate to take any necessary steps to protect the lives, health, and safety of the American people. I will always put the wellbeing of America first.

If we are vigilant — and we can reduce the chance of infection, which we will — we will significantly impede the transmission of the virus. The virus will not have a chance against us.

No nation is more prepared or more resilient than the United States. We have the best economy, the most advanced healthcare, and the most talented doctors, scientists, and researchers anywhere in the world.

We are all in this together. We must put politics aside, stop the partisanship, and unify together as one nation and one family.

As history has proven time and time again, Americans always rise to the challenge and overcome adversity.

Our future remains brighter than anyone can imagine. Acting with compassion and love, we will heal the sick, care for those in need, help our fellow citizens, and emerge from this challenge stronger and more unified than ever before.

God bless you, and God bless America. Thank you.

What did he know and when did he know it comes to mind.!!

How short your memory is...

Before that address little was known about COVID-19...

Faucci was saying that there was nothing to worry about, and that we didn't need masks.

Pelosi was calling for people to come on down to Chinatown and party.

Biden said that the travel ban from China was "racist, and xenophobic "!!!

Meanwhile, Trump enlisted auto makers to make ventilators, tasked the VP to assemble a task force on the virus, and marshaled ppe for health care workers.

Notice last night when Bret Bair interviewed Biden's press sec. he wouldn't answer the simplest of questions...In fact, he outright lied when he said 4 times that Biden supported the travel ban...

So, excuse me if I'm not impressed with your faux outrage, and armchair quaterbacking...

Let me refresh your memory.

Fauci on mask said that at the beginning of the crisis. He regret saying that ...... that doesn’t mean you don’t wear mask.

Pelosi went to China town February 24, 2020. At that time there were no restrictions. Trump rally February 28 called this a new Democrat
hoax. Pelosi visited her constituents. Why is that a problem? Since when that is a violation of the Coronavirus crisis? Look at Trumps several rallies. Is Pelosi even worth mentioning to deflect Trump hypocrisy?

Biden called Trump travel ban racist and xenophobic. Read links below to refresh your memory. Just because Biden called him xenophobic and racist. Is that an excuse to downplay the severity of this crisis

Trump order of ventilators and other medical supplies for the Pandemic. Trump didn’t place any orders till mid March 2020. That is just placing the order that doesn’t mean supplies will arrive in March. While this country is facing major shortages of medical supplies.

There was a Pandemic Team assembled by the Obama administration after the Ebola outbreak. Designed to handle this kind of pandemic before it even reach US..... Trump dismantle the NSC pandemic in 2018.

Biden press secretary interview with Bret Bair. Big deal...... have you seen Trump interviews with Wallace or others aside from Fox?

Trump's Misleading Comments on Biden and the Coronavirus -

In mid March the outbreak was small....

" The United States confirmed 669 new cases, bringing the total number to 3,485. Five more deaths were reported, bringing the total number to 65.[635] "

So, Trump was acting to ramp up PPE in Mid March when there was only some 3500 cases and only 65 deaths...I'd say that was being proactive....See, You people want to look at this through the hindsight lens and attack him for political reasons....You ought to be ashamed of yourselves politicizing this....

All those excuses doesn’t mean anything.
Even one of his advisers Navarro warned Trump in writing this pandemic will hit US

Mid March outbreak was small here in US . True. ARE YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING? In January, February and March China was in full scale war of Coronavirus. The whole world knew this is a big health crisis. March and April Trump and Fox are very busy downplaying the crisis. Didn’t start ordering supplies still mid March. That is a total failure of the administration. Then he blamed China and Obama.

Bob Woodward interview on tape showed Trump knew this is a big crisis. He lied to Americans. Those deaths are not necessary. Trump is responsible for this crisis....... Even today does it looks like he is serious fighting the pandemic? He goes around with these rallies most of his supporters don’t wear mask. He doesn’t even encourage them to wear mask against his own administrations policy.
He tweeted Covid-19 are all lies, deaths and infections are all lies created by democrats. Tweeted only 9,000 deaths. Then promoted a lunatic doctor.

Now you tell me what kind of a president is that? Trump is part of the problem. As long as Trump is the president I don’t think this crisis will go away.
He is an excellent President and hundreds of times better than the idiot you are trotting out to run for all your complaining.


Over 194,000 Americans are dead because of his lies.

He called the Marines who Killed In Action at Bellau Wood, "Losers" and "Suckers".

He has attacked Gold Star Families and Denegrated the name of Men who were Prisoners of War.

No, over 90,000 in 6 Democrat led illegal sanctuary states are dead because of inept and idiot Democrat governors and their global leading 8% mortality rate. The remaining 44 states have the additional 100,000 deaths but with increased testing and much more common sense and less stupidity, a 1.8% mortality rate which brought the US down to 2.9%. You can awwwk and parrot all the ignorant lying points you want, but this thing turned bad early because of idiot Democrats like yourself.
To understand just how we found ourselves in such a devastating humanitarian and economic predicament, look no further than how the governors and legislatures of many red states blindly deferred to President Trump and his blatant disregard for medical expertise.

Adjusting for population, the ten states with the highest rates of new coronavirus cases are Florida, Alabama, Nevada, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, Arizona, Tennessee and Arkansas.


Kung Flu Death Rates:

New York: 6.97%
New Jersey: 8.11%
Mass: 7.42%
CN: 8.28%
PA: 5.38%
DC: 4.25%

Florida: 1.9%
Texas: 2.08%
NV: 1.98%
AL: 1.71%
GA: 2.15%
TN: 1.19%

See a pattern?
Yes the pattern is clear. The Northeast was hit hard by coronavirus being carried by people traveling from Europe which Trump refused to stop until it was too late.
You mean the travel ban Crazy Joe attacked him for?
If you would take time out from your nonstop posting, you might learn the truth, something quite foreign to Trump and his supporters. First, Biden's comment was not about Trump's travel ban on Europe. Trump claimed erroneously that Biden was attacking his travel ban on China. Biden actual tweet was:

“We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”

But Biden did not explicitly tie xenophobia to the China travel restriction. His tweet reflects coronavirus remarks he made during a campaign stop in Iowa Jan. 31, the day the travel restrictions with China were announced, two and half months before Trump began a travel ban on Europe.

Biden use of the word xenophbia in January and March was in reference to Trump many tweets using the phrases "foreign virus", "China virus", "China Flu", Kung Flu", Chinese Plague", etc.

Time To Remember 45 sent tons of Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) to Communist China.
That was in January when it was all a hoax.

That is one of many despicable lies he shit out of mouth.

Anyone Who Wants A Test Can Get One....then he deliberately slowed down testing.

God he is what Charles Emerson Winchester once described as "An Emflamed Boil On The Buttock of The World."
Trump has demonstrated he doesn’t actually understand what makes America great.

His rallies are peppered with grievances, calling others disgusting names. It’s hate. Pure and simple. Own it.
Actually Trump stokes fear and panic at his rallies. Telling stories of a dire future, of riots, and defunding police, and rampant looting.

You know. "Playing it down" so that he doesn't panic people.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.

All that suckers and losers to dead soldiers certainly is! But we know it is just oh so MAGA to you fools.

Feel free to bring those quotes from his rallies.

Watch this dodge......................

Does it matter when he said them? Watch this dodge does calling America's war dead suckers and losers " Make America Great Again?
thats been proven a lie,,,
As I have written Trump lied and people died
Just cut that slanderous bullshit out. The liberals have never yet proven that COVID-19 is an actual virus or a real illness, let alone that anyone other than themselves lied about the "seriousness" of it.

It's nothing but another dirty political ploy by spoiled-rotten DEMOCRATs on the heels of their failed impeachment of President Trump.
They had no choice after the Trump administration's failure to produce working test kits, stockpile reagents, or even coordinate with states on delivery and processing tests. Trump and the CDC had their chance to stop the virus before it spread across the county and they failed primarily due to a lack of leadership, preparation, and infighting between Trump and his medical advisors
Or not
The virus was clearly as bad as it was made out to be
Post the number of deaths in the same time period of 2018 and 2019, and let’s see. You must have those figures to make such a statement

About 34,000 or so deaths from the flu.
Currently you're at 195,000 from Corona. I'd say that makes it worse than the flu

Where have you been for the last several months? I mean seriously, it's as if you people live in a cave. The numbers are a complete joke. A big fat LIE. The way they've done that has been explained over and over and over.

At this point, I'm thinking that the people who believe this BS are borderline senile senior citizens who don't get out much and get all their info ONLY from the controlled mainstream media.
I don't deal in right-wing, white trash, Deplorable conspiracy theories. I deal in facts. Refute them if you can.
The virus was clearly as bad as it was made out to be
Post the number of deaths in the same time period of 2018 and 2019, and let’s see. You must have those figures to make such a statement

About 34,000 or so deaths from the flu.
Currently you're at 195,000 from Corona. I'd say that makes it worse than the flu

Where have you been for the last several months? I mean seriously, it's as if you people live in a cave. The numbers are a complete joke. A big fat LIE. The way they've done that has been explained over and over and over.

At this point, I'm thinking that the people who believe this BS are borderline senile senior citizens who don't get out much and get all their info ONLY from the controlled mainstream media.
Their so braindead stupid they probably still think oswald shot jfk as sadly many sheep in America still believe that fairytale as well as well as believing like you just said so well,the propaganda our corrupt school system taught and indoctrinated us with,that our votes at the polls counts.Lol so no surprise they are this stupid.

Christ Almighty. A post from the Conspiracy Theory 101 playbook. I suppose you think that Elvis still lives and the moon landing was a hoax.
The virus was clearly as bad as it was made out to be
Post the number of deaths in the same time period of 2018 and 2019, and let’s see. You must have those figures to make such a statement

About 34,000 or so deaths from the flu.
Currently you're at 195,000 from Corona. I'd say that makes it worse than the flu

Where have you been for the last several months? I mean seriously, it's as if you people live in a cave. The numbers are a complete joke. A big fat LIE. The way they've done that has been explained over and over and over.

At this point, I'm thinking that the people who believe this BS are borderline senile senior citizens who don't get out much and get all their info ONLY from the controlled mainstream media.
I don't deal in right-wing, white trash, Deplorable conspiracy theories. I deal in facts. Refute them if you can.

Oh yeah, you're really getting the truth and "facts" from corrupt governments, globalist oligarchs and the controlled corporate media. :lmao: :itsok:
Just cut that slanderous bullshit out. The liberals have never yet proven that COVID-19 is an actual virus or a real illness, ....
It must have cost a fortune to hire 200,000 actors to pretend to be sick from the coronavirus. And some of them took the role so seriously, they even got cremated or buried to keep the "hoax" alive.
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
He said what he said, he did what he did.

He lied about the severity of the virus, as a global pandemic was bearing down on America, and then he purposely mocked those Americans who tried to protect themselves and their families.

This isn't about Cuomo or Biden or Hillary or Obama. I'm sure this is all "fake news" to someone like you, but most people don't like being lied to. Especially when it's literally a life and death situation.

Oh my Lord.....:icon_rolleyes: So, you would have rather had him panic the citizenry, dictate a slew of restrictions from DC, and talk about nothing but doom and gloom eh? Great plan...:no_text11:

You can look at it like that, but clearly, other than snarky attacks on Trump, Democrats didn't have a better plan that what he did....

  • Took early action to cut off travel from China
  • Built the world’s leading testing system from nothing
  • Enacted mitigation measures to slow the spread
  • Mobilized public and private sectors to secure needed supplies
  • Took action to protect vulnerable Americans
  • Launched effort to deliver a vaccine and therapeutics in record time
  • Provided support to workers and businesses
  • Paved way for reopening to get America working again
  • Surged resources to hot spots as they arose
  • Confronted China as origin of the virus while Democrats and media cowered
At the outset, President Trump took action to stop travel from China to stem the spread to the United States as long as possible.
  • While Democrats were focused on their impeachment sham, President Trump took swift and decisive action to stop travel from China in January and enhanced airport screenings to help stop cases from coming into the United States as long as possible.
  • In his February 4th State of the Union address, President Trump pledged to “take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from the virus,” while the Democrats’ response made not a single mention of the virus or even the threat of China.
President Trump built the world’s leading testing system from nothing, based on a virus we have never faced before.
  • In order to accurately trace and combat this virus, President Trump set out to build the world’s best testing system, and that’s exactly what he did.
  • We have already conducted more than 65 million tests, far outpacing any other country.
As soon as cases began to rise, President Trump released guidance to slow the spread.
  • President Trump released guidance recommending mitigation measures critical to slowing the spread of the virus, and the American people stepped up to do their part.
  • Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx have attested to the fact that President Trump took action as soon as the data was presented to him.
In order to secure the supplies needed to confront the surge in coronavirus we faced, President Trump led the largest mobilization of public and private sector resources since WWII.
  • The President directed his Administration to secure and distribute needed medical supplies to states in need – resulting in billions of PPE delivered so far.
  • At the President’s urging, private companies shifted production to supplying masks, ventilators, hand sanitizer, testing supplies, and more.
  • President Trump has acted under the Defense Production Act more than 30 times to ensure we have the supplies we need.
  • When we faced a potentially catastrophic shortage of ventilators, President Trump took action to produce 100,000 ventilators and ensure no patient who needs one goes without a ventilator.
President Trump moved swiftly to protect vulnerable communities.
  • The Administration quickly established guidelines for nursing homes and expanded telehealth opportunities to protect our vulnerable seniors.
  • The President took action to ensure that uninsured Americans are able to get the COVID-19 care and testing they need.
  • President Trump directed Secretary Carson to focus the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council on underserved communities impacted by COVID-19.
  • The Administration is investing approximately $2 billion in community health centers, helping their 28 million patients in medically underserved areas receive the care and testing they need.

You weren't lied to, just incredibly stupid...You listened to CNN, and MSNBC and believed them....What a dolt...:auiqs.jpg:
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
He said what he said, he did what he did.

He lied about the severity of the virus, as a global pandemic was bearing down on America, and then he purposely mocked those Americans who tried to protect themselves and their families.

This isn't about Cuomo or Biden or Hillary or Obama. I'm sure this is all "fake news" to someone like you, but most people don't like being lied to. Especially when it's literally a life and death situation.
The President presidential projected strength And calm to the nation instead of engaging in fear-mongering by spreading false information from a projection model all notable scientists say was the worst one that could have been used, one that was wildly off in its predictions / projections.

The Democrats, who failed to do their jobs because they were distracted by attempting to affect another coup, never saw the pandemic coming. They spoke without any clue of what was going on.

They told people to ignore the President's warnings, told them to go on with their lives because there was nothing to fear from the virus. They opposed the life-saving travel ban, attempted to BLOCK IT. They gave Americans advice that would SPREAD the virus, not keep people safe.

The factual timeline shows the President acted while the WHO was still lying to the world, saying there was nothing to fear and that China had everything under control. It shows the very next day after the WHO finally declared the virus to be a pandemic Trump ramped up steps to protect this country.

At this point the Democrats were still attempting their failed coup, were calling the travel ban Xenophobic, and were still telling people to ride packed subways & 'Come see China Town'.

Snowflakes say this is not about Cuomo and other Democrats while accusing the President of being directly responsible for the virus deaths of Americans.

The problem with that is even if you buy the argument that the President did not do enough and that resulted in the deaths of Americans, that still leaves Cuomo - the largest mass murderer in US history - as one of 4 Democrats who actually took steps to actively murder US citizens.

Cuomo publicly declared HE KNEW the elderly were the most at risk to die from the virus...before signing a mandate to FORCE virus-infected patients into nursing homes. It's not like he had no idea what he was doing - he already admitted he knew. By doing do anyway Cuomo by himself (not counting the other 3 Democrat governors) murdered over 10,000 elderly US citizens, Americans who died needlessly due to Cuomo's 'death sentence'!

So don't accuse the President of killing Americans while trying to say Cuomo murdering over 10,000 Americans is 'off limits!

Democrats are attempting to rewrite history to gloss over their treason, their failure to do their jobs, to erase their past heinous mistakes and failures made on the bases of 'We hate Trump' politics, and erase their crimes - like Cuomo needlessly murdering over 10,000 Americans.

Cuomo forced virus-infected patients in with the elderly in nursing homes when he had a hospital built by the Army Corp of Engineers barely used and a USN hospital ship in NY's harbor to take patients that was minimally used.

The Democrats made mistake after mistake, error after error, and bad political decisions after bad political decisions in a MEDICAL pandemic, and it put Americans at risk and cause the needless THOUSANDS of American deaths.
Okay, got it.

:laughing0301: That's it? :laughing0301: You tried to attack my post to you chastising me for bringing up Cuomo, and easy laid you out....and all you can say is "Okay, got it"???? What have you got? huh? What have you learned? My guess is nothing...This response is you accepting your ass whoppin?

What easy highlighted so perfectly is just how nakedly partisan, and stupid this line of attack against Trump is today...Once again libs trying to have it both ways, as if what they did and said mere weeks ago doesn't matter now....:no_text11: you don't get to do that.
He lied to America. He mocked Americans trying to protect themselves. Those are facts.

He's a sociopath, and so are you.

Ok, you've been asked countless times with no response from you...What was the lie?
He admitted he downplayed the severity of the virus. He admitted he was lying.

He admitted he still does. So he is STILL lying.

He admitted the virus is five times more deadly than the flu. Then he pretended it was not.

Then, for good measure, he MOCKED AMERICANS for trying to PROTECT themselves and their families.

All while people were dying.

I know: To you, those are not lies, because you are a sociopath, like Trump. So deny his lies all you want.

I answered your question clearly and specifically. Now, please go display your sociopathy for someone else.
Show me in the definition of "downplay" the word 'lie".
Someone like you may not understand this, but in Normal World, context matters. And purposely setting a level of alert for a killer virus at ONE place, while ALREADY KNOWING that the level CLEARLY should be HIGHER, PARTICULARLY in a LIFE AND DEATH SITUATION, is intentionally relating a falsehood, also known as "lying".

And then, of course, amplifying the lie by MOCKING AMERICANS who are just trying to protect themselves and their families is the behavior of a damaged individual, a sociopathic psychosis that is just fine with his sociopathic Trumpsters.

Again, though, I know that this will not make sense to someone like you, so neither your agreement nor your admission are required.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.

All that suckers and losers to dead soldiers certainly is! But we know it is just oh so MAGA to you fools.

Feel free to bring those quotes from his rallies.

Watch this dodge......................

Does it matter when he said them? Watch this dodge does calling America's war dead suckers and losers " Make America Great Again?
thats been proven a lie,,,
Ha! Who proved this and how?
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.

All that suckers and losers to dead soldiers certainly is! But we know it is just oh so MAGA to you fools.

Feel free to bring those quotes from his rallies.

Watch this dodge......................

Does it matter when he said them? Watch this dodge does calling America's war dead suckers and losers " Make America Great Again?
thats been proven a lie,,,
Ha! Who proved this and how?
who has proved it happened???

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