Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

The WHO and the CDC minimized the virus....Dr Fauci told Trump shutting down travel from China Faucis beloved China was not necessary...thank God Trump didn't listen to him on that point....
The NCMI told Drumpfs retarded ass that this was big. He chose to believe China instead. Shutting down travel partially from China is like closing your neighbors door so your house wont get robbed. Most infections came from europe you retard.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.
It is hyperbole. He didn't "know" how dangerous it is. Hell we still don't know. "Corvid"?
Its as dangerous as the cold or a flu.....unless you are older or have pre-existing problems or both.

He just said in his tape it was 5 times deadlier than the flu.
Based on what? Right now with simply case statistics to go by it would be more than 5 times "deadlier", but the CDC and Penn State in a study both estimate at least 10 million more people had and got over it already....that would make the mortality rate .01% and very similar to the flu, which is a total estimation.
In other words, you wackos want to keep everything shut down and hide out in your basements with your little masks on for fear of catching the flu.

No if he would of taken the reins when it happened at first none of this would of happened, we would of all wore masks and social distanced, that is all the public could do. Instead we went around thinking it was not a threat, till it was. The economy is his fault, and the deaths and dying as well.

There is nothing left to be said.

Fake Title

I didn't put that on top of this thread. Someone must of, one of the mods I assume, but its accurate.
Give me a break. Wearing a mask? Plenty of folks have this virus who wear masks. And its a virus. Many people will get it.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


No it wasn't , there are tapes with tramp speaking.
There are? Play em and let us hear it verbatim.

Fair? If there are tapes, there should be no issue. Correct?
Turn on the TV and you will hear them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath is you listen to Fox.
So you don't have the tapes, have not heard the tapes, don't know context. You're just regurgitating fake news. When the tapes come out we may converse.
The recordings are in the article linked in the OP.
Didn't hear that one. Link the actual recording please.
Again: It's in the freakin' article linked in the freakin' OP.
Again, I didn't hear that specific one. Please link it.
Is this a joke? Why can't you just click on the article?

Evidently you don't want to hear it. Okay.
I did. It has multiple audios but not that one. Why can you not point me directly to it? Is this a joke or did you not read it and now are back pedaling?
Listen to the link titled "Play it down". Listen to the link titled "This is deadly stuff." I don't know how to link the recording. You'll have to click on the link and make the effort to scroll down and click again. That's the best I can do for you.

I won't hold my breath. I think you're just playing games.
Neither talks about the military personnel. Sorry. Need that audio, please.
Again, this has nothing to do with military personnel. This is about how he admitted downplaying the virus to the American public.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.
DAMMIT!!! OK, but Fauci said it was no big deal too? So he is damned for listening to Fauci and damned for not listening to him. Like I said, I never would have locked down.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

Do you have a tape.

View attachment 386560View attachment 386560View attachment 386560
You gave three stars to an overt antisemite and Holocaust denier and I am not speaking in jest. Well done. LOL.

ever read peter & the wolf... pete?
I'll make you a deal. If she is a Holocaust denier as I claim, then you leave this board forever. If she isn't, I will.


have you ever read peter & the wolf? holy shit - you're still flunking critical thinking class 'eh? right now, it matters not if it's true - the FACT that you throw out that accusation like candy ; you've called ME & others on this board antisemites & holocaust deniers. so past behavior dictates expectations & i'm figuring you called her that too. whether she is or not, matters not in this case because of YOUR behavior & posting pattern...

' leave the board '.... lol..... LOL!!!!
So you don't care that it is actually true for her? Outstanding. Your back pedaling is amusing. I throw it out there because you throw out baseless accusations all the time and I want you to see what that feels like. I don't really believe that about you but it is 100% true about Penelope and you gave her three stars. So you admit you're a coward. I will gladly leave the board if I am wrong. You won't. That means you don't stand behind your words. Coward.
It makes me sick to think about all the people Drumpf has literally killed hiding and refusing to act on this.

So, this propaganda outrages you, but Cuomo declaring the elderly are the most likely to die from the virus then killing 11,000 by packing nursing homes with virus-infected patients elicits nothing but silence from you?

Its as dangerous as the cold or a flu.....unless you are older or have pre-existing problems or both.
There has been plenty of news about younger people having strokes, and long-term damage to the heart, brain, lungs and kidneys.

This information is not difficult to find. But I do realize you folks confine your "news" and "information" consumption to your sub-reality only. Everything else is avoided, as "fake news".

the coroner in AZ said that autopsies revealed blood clots thruout bodies & not one major organ was spared. this thing is just as much a vascular disease as it is respiratory.
On patients with.........what other diseases?

the avg age of people has been declining - which means younger 'healthier' people being affected & the long terms effects are yet to be known.
Boo hoo....I donate convalescent plasma to help others. What do you do sans bitch on here?

what? you want a cookie? how'z about yer own gold star?

<pfffft> that's the least you could do. if i were to get infected & make it out the other side - i would do that a well.

tooting your own horn for doing the right thing is sad.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.
It is hyperbole. He didn't "know" how dangerous it is. Hell we still don't know. "Corvid"?
Its as dangerous as the cold or a flu.....unless you are older or have pre-existing problems or both.

He just said in his tape it was 5 times deadlier than the flu.
Based on what? Right now with simply case statistics to go by it would be more than 5 times "deadlier", but the CDC and Penn State in a study both estimate at least 10 million more people had and got over it already....that would make the mortality rate .01% and very similar to the flu, which is a total estimation.
In other words, you wackos want to keep everything shut down and hide out in your basements with your little masks on for fear of catching the flu.

No if he would of taken the reins when it happened at first none of this would of happened, we would of all wore

There is nothing left to be said.

Fake Title

I know I didn't put that on top of this thread. Someone must of, one of the mods I assume.
"Taken the reigns"????

LMAO....what would you have done in his shoes?

Don't waste your time. She has no idea what she would have done. She's just another TDS idiot.

One of the biggest threat to the American people of his Potus, and he screwed it up, he didn't want to be truthful. When he gave the interview at the super bowl to Hannity and even while his state of the union he lied. All the public could of done is wear a mask and social distance. Instead there is blood on his hands.

Its a democratic hoax.
You libbers have no ability to think for yourselves.....all you can do is parrot your ignorant propaganda.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.
It is hyperbole. He didn't "know" how dangerous it is. Hell we still don't know. "Corvid"?
Its as dangerous as the cold or a flu.....unless you are older or have pre-existing problems or both.

He just said in his tape it was 5 times deadlier than the flu.
Based on what? Right now with simply case statistics to go by it would be more than 5 times "deadlier", but the CDC and Penn State in a study both estimate at least 10 million more people had and got over it already....that would make the mortality rate .01% and very similar to the flu, which is a total estimation.
In other words, you wackos want to keep everything shut down and hide out in your basements with your little masks on for fear of catching the flu.

No if he would of taken the reins when it happened at first none of this would of happened, we would of all wore masks and social distanced, that is all the public could do. Instead we went around thinking it was not a threat, till it was. The economy is his fault, and the deaths and dying as well.

There is nothing left to be said.

Fake Title

I didn't put that on top of this thread. Someone must of, one of the mods I assume, but its accurate.
Give me a break. Wearing a mask? Plenty of folks have this virus who wear masks. And its a virus. Many people will get it.
Norway and Sweden = back to normal. No masks.

NH - - 35 miles north of me, no masks. Maine, no masks.
Its as dangerous as the cold or a flu.....unless you are older or have pre-existing problems or both.
There has been plenty of news about younger people having strokes, and long-term damage to the heart, brain, lungs and kidneys.

This information is not difficult to find. But I do realize you folks confine your "news" and "information" consumption to your sub-reality only. Everything else is avoided, as "fake news".

the coroner in AZ said that autopsies revealed blood clots thruout bodies & not one major organ was spared. this thing is just as much a vascular disease as it is respiratory.
On patients with.........what other diseases?

the avg age of people has been declining - which means younger 'healthier' people being affected & the long terms effects are yet to be known.
Boo hoo....I donate convalescent plasma to help others. What do you do sans bitch on here?

what? you want a cookie? how'z about yer own gold star?

<pfffft> that's the least you could do. if i were to get infected & make it out the other side - i would do that a well.

tooting your own horn for doing the right thing is sad.
You're a liar. You only give gold stars to antisemites and holocaust deniers it seems. Funny how you keep dodging that. You and Penelope BFFs?

If I gave someone a gold star and they told me they were racist and could prove it, I would say "my error" and take it back. You just deflect. Makes you an awful person. Karma...
Give me a break. Wearing a mask? Plenty of folks have this virus who wear masks. And its a virus. Many people will get it.
Dude, these people don't know the mask does absolutely nothing. it's a power play only. ask one of these masks enthusiast why glasses fog up while wearing one? hahahahhahahahahaha can't make it up. what a bunch of boxcar hoppers.
You kids are hilarious!

Trump stopped travel from China when the virus first hit, and Biden called him xenophobic and a racist for it. Think of how many more people would have died had Biden been in office.

Then to further attack Trump's travel ban on China, a whole host of other prominent democrats down played the threat of Covid

Then Fauci gets up there in March and tells people not to wear masks.

Later Fauci admits he lied in order to try and save masks for health care workers.

Again, people like Trump are dependent on your little Progressive experts to tell them the truth. How on earth can he do his job when constantly lied to along with the American public? Moreover, how is God's name is Fauci not in jail for it and how many lives were lost because of his lies?

Then Trump mentions the drug hydroxychloriquine. Again, a whole host of voices then descended in attack mode to belittle the President and proclaim to the world he is clueless as the drug in ineffective. However, other countries are using the drug with great success as their experts, who don't seem to lie for political purposes, think it is a good drug to use.

In fact, other countries that use hydroxychloroquine have an 80% lower death rate.

So again, how many lives have been lost because of hate filled Trump bashing Progressives like yourself that have prevented people from being treated like they should be?

Either you are totally clueless, or an Orange man hating sociopath.
The WHO and the CDC minimized the virus....Dr Fauci told Trump shutting down travel from China Faucis beloved China was not necessary...thank God Trump didn't listen to him on that point....
The NCMI told Drumpfs retarded ass that this was big. He chose to believe China instead. Shutting down travel partially from China is like closing your neighbors door so your house wont get robbed. Most infections came from europe you retard.
You are so wrong its not even worth trying to straighten you are a lost cause.....most infections came from China then to Europe you freak of nature.....
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.
It is hyperbole. He didn't "know" how dangerous it is. Hell we still don't know. "Corvid"?
Its as dangerous as the cold or a flu.....unless you are older or have pre-existing problems or both.

He just said in his tape it was 5 times deadlier than the flu.
Based on what? Right now with simply case statistics to go by it would be more than 5 times "deadlier", but the CDC and Penn State in a study both estimate at least 10 million more people had and got over it already....that would make the mortality rate .01% and very similar to the flu, which is a total estimation.
In other words, you wackos want to keep everything shut down and hide out in your basements with your little masks on for fear of catching the flu.

No if he would of taken the reins when it happened at first none of this would of happened, we would of all wore

There is nothing left to be said.

Fake Title

I know I didn't put that on top of this thread. Someone must of, one of the mods I assume.
"Taken the reigns"????

LMAO....what would you have done in his shoes?

Don't waste your time. She has no idea what she would have done. She's just another TDS idiot.

One of the biggest threat to the American people of his Potus, and he screwed it up, he didn't want to be truthful. When he gave the interview at the super bowl to Hannity and even while his state of the union he lied. All the public could of done is wear a mask and social distance. Instead there is blood on his hands.

Its a democratic hoax.

He didn't screw up. Hell the Dems called him a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US. I'd say they were the ones who screwed up. They also told everyone not to worry that the virus was nothing.


You think everything he says is a lie so you are far from credible. Your another who makes up your own facts. That story was debunked yet here you are telling one and all what Trump didn't say.

You're dismissed.
It makes me sick to think about all the people Drumpf has literally killed hiding and refusing to act on this.
Don't you mean old folks home killer Cuomo?????
President Trump can't win with these asshats regardless of what he does. China was blocked and they bitched about that. President said it was a hoax and they bitched about that. President goes along with so called "the experts" and they bitch about that. And my newly learned word from a recent video here on USMB covers it perfectly, "fuckery" at its best from the hate anything that is not from the control freak so called 'progressives' who are actually bassackwards demoncrats or rhinos.

There is nothing left to be said.
Woodward's hours of interviews with Trump were TAPED, by the way... And how did that partial air travel restriction with China save America, a county with 4.2% of the world's population and 23.4% of the world's covid cases...?
The US today (will likely be higher...or lower...tomorrow) also has 21.4% of the worlds acknowledged deaths from covid... This looks like Trump had a "handle" on the epidemic...???

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


No it wasn't , there are tapes with tramp speaking.
There are? Play em and let us hear it verbatim.

Fair? If there are tapes, there should be no issue. Correct?
Turn on the TV and you will hear them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath is you listen to Fox.
So you don't have the tapes, have not heard the tapes, don't know context. You're just regurgitating fake news. When the tapes come out we may converse.
The recordings are in the article linked in the OP.
Didn't hear that one. Link the actual recording please.
Again: It's in the freakin' article linked in the freakin' OP.
Again, I didn't hear that specific one. Please link it.
Is this a joke? Why can't you just click on the article?

Evidently you don't want to hear it. Okay.
I did. It has multiple audios but not that one. Why can you not point me directly to it? Is this a joke or did you not read it and now are back pedaling?
Listen to the link titled "Play it down". Listen to the link titled "This is deadly stuff." I don't know how to link the recording. You'll have to click on the link and make the effort to scroll down and click again. That's the best I can do for you.

I won't hold my breath. I think you're just playing games.
Neither talks about the military personnel. Sorry. Need that audio, please.
Again, this has nothing to do with military personnel. This is about how he admitted downplaying the virus to the American public.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.
DAMMIT!!! OK, but Fauci said it was no big deal too? So he is damned for listening to Fauci and damned for not listening to him. Like I said, I never would have locked down.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

Do you have a tape.

View attachment 386560View attachment 386560View attachment 386560
You gave three stars to an overt antisemite and Holocaust denier and I am not speaking in jest. Well done. LOL.

ever read peter & the wolf... pete?
I'll make you a deal. If she is a Holocaust denier as I claim, then you leave this board forever. If she isn't, I will.


have you ever read peter & the wolf? holy shit - you're still flunking critical thinking class 'eh? right now, it matters not if it's true - the FACT that you throw out that accusation like candy ; you've called ME & others on this board antisemites & holocaust deniers. so past behavior dictates expectations & i'm figuring you called her that too. whether she is or not, matters not in this case because of YOUR behavior & posting pattern...

' leave the board '.... lol..... LOL!!!!
So you don't care that it is actually true for her? Outstanding. Your back pedaling is amusing. I throw it out there because you throw out baseless accusations all the time and I want you to see what that feels like. I don't really believe that about you but it is 100% true about Penelope and you gave her three stars. So you admit you're a coward. I will gladly leave the board if I am wrong. You won't. That means you don't stand behind your words. Coward.


the fact that you called me that & have doubled & tripled down on it after seeing me get pissed & bewildered that you would throw that out - sell your people out to score troll points has tanked your credibility no matter if it's true or not.

see? you not getting that means your critical thinking skills have tanked too if you ever had them to begin with.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.
It is hyperbole. He didn't "know" how dangerous it is. Hell we still don't know. "Corvid"?
Its as dangerous as the cold or a flu.....unless you are older or have pre-existing problems or both.

He just said in his tape it was 5 times deadlier than the flu.
Based on what? Right now with simply case statistics to go by it would be more than 5 times "deadlier", but the CDC and Penn State in a study both estimate at least 10 million more people had and got over it already....that would make the mortality rate .01% and very similar to the flu, which is a total estimation.
In other words, you wackos want to keep everything shut down and hide out in your basements with your little masks on for fear of catching the flu.

No if he would of taken the reins when it happened at first none of this would of happened, we would of all wore masks and social distanced, that is all the public could do. Instead we went around thinking it was not a threat, till it was. The economy is his fault, and the deaths and dying as well.

There is nothing left to be said.

Fake Title

I didn't put that on top of this thread. Someone must of, one of the mods I assume, but its accurate.
Give me a break. Wearing a mask? Plenty of folks have this virus who wear masks. And its a virus. Many people will get it.
Norway and Sweden = back to normal. No masks.

NH - - 35 miles north of me, no masks. Maine, no masks.
Do their masks have snorkels too? You never know when a melty glacier might sneak up on you while hiding in your basement from the zombievirus.....

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