Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

from the mouth of Nancy Pelosi

Trump said to carry on as normal. That there were very few cases, and it was going away.

When Pelosi believes Trump and says to carry on as normal, you blame her for believing Trumps bullshit.
and Nancy ridiculed the president for his bans and told people they had it under control.

And you the POS trump....a Liar1
What was the lie be specific liar

He was telling the American people that COVID was going away....."miraculously going away." He knew all along that it was a deadly disease. He cares more about his re-election than he does about the lives of the people in this country. trump is a Giant Orange POS!
Yawn snowflake it's been explained 7 days to Sunday
Yes but it triggers you so I'll keep doing it.

G'head, Charlie, do it again...

But I like the results. Forces you to scour the Internet with your fat fingers and try to find clever pics to post.
you would think the corona deal would have humbled a president. you would think he would have turned to God for guidance

he did no such thing my friends

he would be praised if he turned to religion in any way, GUARANTEED!
Said the atheist......
Trump is disrespecting God. God put Trump in that office, and Trump let down the lord
That must be the God of Immorality. Trump is without a doubt the most immoral, self-serving creature to occupy the Oval office.
You didn't say draw parallels. You said prove it. I did draw parallels, the planks of the communist manifesto. So that was your problem, you didn't know how to Google the planks?

The planks of the Communist Manifesto are the backbone of how government totally controls a country.

And you were in the quote for when another poster who unlike you gave a serious response and I listed many of the key ones to your silence.

But the key is that the State owns property and we are temporary renters. Things like the progressive income tax that reach confiscatory rates. Limiting the ability to leave your own wealth to your heirs with tax rates that again reach confiscatory levels. You can't leave and take your property with you. Government controls land ownership and the airwaves. We are indoctrinated in government education.

That's EXACTLY what Democrats advocate. Then as they have a choke hold on the country like a boa constrictor on its prey then they have us by the short hairs.

Also, like communist governments, Democrats indemnify their own leaders who live in fabulous luxury and wealth because they are more equal than we are.

Democrats are also moving towards endless control and nationalization of our key industries. Medical, financial, energy. And they push their economic policy through endless taxes and regulations of businesses.

There are a whole hell of a lot of "parallels" to anyone with a critical mind

1) Totally agree about hte death taxes. IMO, that money has already been taxed once so the govt have no right to tax it again. And if some of it has to be 'distributed' again then why should the govt get it. Why can't the person who has the money decide where it goes - a charity or some such.
2) I don't see the Dems wanting to own all the property. As for energy, financial institutions, I see them wanting oversight, not wanting to run it. Private companies have not exactly been paragons of virtue, or being trustworthy when it comes to vital cogs in society such as finance and energy. As for medical, I have no problem with a mixture of both, although I find with my private medical insurance, the premiums just went up a month ago and they also lessened what I was eligible for.
3) Both parties live in luxury and indemnify their leaders. What I find interesting about you, you claim to be libertarian, which means you are no fan of either party yet you have yet to once criticise Trump. Excuse me if I find you being biased.
And yet your standard clearly became Democrats invading other countries is fine with you. What you oppose is Republicans being behind the steering wheel and your supposed anti-meddling policy was just yet another partisan weapon to you.

Note Trump is NOT invading anyone while Biden has a 47 year history of supporting invasions and you still say Biden is "better."

If what you cared about is the US minding our own business. Trump is the best you've gotten from us since the 70s and Carter. Obviously when you said that was your standard, you LIED, Darlene. You're another no nuts Democrat

Why are trying to draw a correlation between my extreme dislike of Trump and US invasions. When I think of my dislike of Trump it has nothing to do with invasions. That is the least of my problems with him. As you said, he hasn't invaded anywhere that I know of.

Where have I said I want the US (under any political party) invading? Where have I said Vietnam was okay? Grenada? Gulf War 1? Iraq? Afghanistan?

Minding your own business? You mean slapping tariffs on countries? That's minding your own business? Calling Kim a fuckwit then his mate is not having a affect on the international stage? The funny thing is, the reason he is quiet on the international front is because he is barely holding it together on the domestic front. He hasn't got a clue as to what is going on around him.

Trump put tariffs on countries in order to get them to lower their tariffs. Funny how Democrats love to bring up tariffs but you never mention the part that he then negotiates lower tariffs. I suppose it's because you're so partisan and liars.

While I'm a free trader, WTF? Tariffs on imports to your country is interfering in other countries? I mean seriously, WTF? Well you are a globalist, obviously. But wow

Of course I'm a globalist. And you are an isolationist. And?
I'd have said Somalia except that HW got us into Somalia.

But now you're just showing you don't have any manhood at all. Dr. Grumpette. Invading and holding Northern Iraq is not invading a country.

Your standard is just like every other Democrat. You are fine with US invasions. What you oppose is Democrats not being behind the steering wheel.

It's hilarious you're lecturing me about this when I'm against both of them. But I am not a partisan Democrat like you. I want to leave the middle east entirely. You want a one party system with Democrats the one party
Love it. For a long time on this very board back when I first joined all you neocon whackos rambled on about how Clinton was responsible for Somalia. Now it's Bush. Ha! I couldn't make this shit up.

The no fly zone was well established before Clinton came to power.

I'm not fine with any US invasions. Do you sit down and figure out how to lie, or do you just make shit up on the fly? Dayton was a peace accord, not an invasion. Somalia was a humanitarian intervention.

Vietnam started under Eisenhower, but escalated under Kennedy and then really ramped up under Johnson. The two being Dems if I recall. And I think the US never should have been there. So there goes that pathetic attempt as oneupmanship from you.

I want you to leave the ME entirely too.

I always put Somalia under Bush, no idea what you're talking about. But don't worry, I always gave Clinton credit for expanding it.

I also noted your brain fart you didn't realize I said I was against it. And seriously, you're whining that I blamed the Republicans for Somalia?

On Vietnam, while Eisenhower and Kennedy certainly contributed and sent in US troops, we weren't really involved in the fighting until LBJ who sent in troops to fight rather than train South Vietnamese.

Also, again your failure to know history, Clinton greatly expanded the no fly zones. This is your attempt to deflect from that Clinton invaded Northern Iraq and endlessly bombed military and communication facilities, which you're fine with because Democrat.

It's still laughable how you're claiming your biggest issue with the US is interference and you're attacking Trump who interfered less than any President including Democrats since Carter and me who is more anti-US foreign involvement than you are. You support it when Democrat.

I want to leave the middle east entirely and start a process of closing every US base in foreign territory. I want to slash the US military by 1/3 to 1/2 and make it defensive focused. I want to slash our overseas diplomatic corps and stay out of everyone else's shit and just negotiate where it involves the United States.

Face it, compared to Trump and me, you're the war hawk, John Bolton

But Clinton didn't invade. It was police action.

Um, yeah, you just repeated what I said about Vietnam.

No, my biggest issue with the US is its interference with the rest of the world. That is 70 per cent of the reason I am on this board. You somehow equate that is the reason I attack Trump. We happen to be talking about him in this thread, sure, but his isolationist mentality has nothing to do with why I can't stand him. I have not supported any invasion including Vietnam which was more a Dem issue.

huh? Please show where I have once agreed with any invasion and that I am a war hawk.
I agree with your last main paragraph. Wish all countries were like that. Unfortunately it is going to get worse. Especially as far as the likes of China is concerned. This is their century, and they are in expansionist mode.

There is nothing left to be said.

You democrats crooks and morons are about to be totally stopped

At this poll


What is more significant– President Trump has 52% approval from White voters, 33% approval from black voters and a 60% approval from non-White or Black voters.


This means all groups men are much more for trump and the black lives matter has upset all the other groups furious against democrats

There will be no acceptance of a rigged election by the deep state the real power will stop all of this crookedness
He was telling the American people that COVID was going away....."miraculously going away." He knew all along that it was a deadly disease. He cares more about his re-election than he does about the lives of the people in this country. trump is a Giant Orange POS!
Some months ago, Democrats were saying the same thing about Covid that Trump was saying. They were downplaying it. See the video of Pelosi walking through San Francisco Chinatown telling people how "safe it is to be in Chinatown"

Pelosi says ‘no’ regrets after initial downplaying of coronavirus earlier this year

And now in September, Covid IS GOING AWAY in the US. Both hospitalizations and deaths are waaaay down from what they were a few months ago.

Not really...the flu season is around the corner and when it gets here....things are going to get very bad. I have been plotting states that trump has visited. They ALL have seeing spikes. We will have 200,000 dead in a few days. The Liar in Chief denied and people died.
Not really...the flu season is around the corner and when it gets here....things are going to get very bad. I have been plotting states that trump has visited. They ALL have seeing spikes. We will have 200,000 dead in a few days. The Liar in Chief denied and people died.
Pelosi, Schumer and other Democrats also denied.

the 200,000 number is a scam. Most of these died of other causes, and with a very slight virus infection, were written up as Covid deaths. Even car accident deaths were being called Covid.

Looking at the numbers that do exist though, you don't go from 17,052/wk in April to just 2,095/wk in September, because of "spikes". Trump's efforts have been a HUGE SUCCESS.
But Clinton didn't invade. It was police action.

Um, yeah, you just repeated what I said about Vietnam.

No, my biggest issue with the US is its interference with the rest of the world. That is 70 per cent of the reason I am on this board. You somehow equate that is the reason I attack Trump. We happen to be talking about him in this thread, sure, but his isolationist mentality has nothing to do with why I can't stand him. I have not supported any invasion including Vietnam which was more a Dem issue.

huh? Please show where I have once agreed with any invasion and that I am a war hawk.
I agree with your last main paragraph. Wish all countries were like that. Unfortunately it is going to get worse. Especially as far as the likes of China is concerned. This is their century, and they are in expansionist mode.
USA is the # 1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today.



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And you said those are his "latest" numbers. That's a lie. That chart ends in 2019. Earth to gramps -- this is 2020.
Fool, what year the chart ends, was created BY ME. I could have let the chart go to 2020, but there was no reason to, because we were talking about Trump's top GDPs which were some years earlier. GET IT ?

Since you're so boneheaded about this, and you don't know how charts work I will now post the same chart, wherein this time I will design it to go to 2020 (which is irrelevant to what we were talking about), while still having the same earlier years numbers.

You just want to have 2020 showing, so you can bash Trump for the low numbers, but if you do it will be a victory for Trump supporters, with everyone knowing what you are obviously trying to do. > Try to show off a shutdown econimy as being Trump's economy, which everyone knows it isn't.

Here's the chart going from 2016 to 2020 - still shows 3.9 and 3.8, proving your 3.5 maximum to be wrong.


Here it is going from 2015 to 2019 >>


Here it is going from 2017 to 2020 >>

Understand now ? I can create the chart any way I want (chronologically), depending on what I input for months and years, but the 2017-2018 numbers don't change.
You don't know how to work these charts. Back to the 8th grade for you.
Great, which Democrats can you quote saying, "Workers of the world, unite!" ...
They don't HAVE TO say it - they DO IT. By all their catering to the WORLD - outsourcing, open borders ; illegal immigration, Obama calling himself "a citizen of the world". etc, etc.
That must be the God of Immorality. Trump is without a doubt the most immoral, self-serving creature to occupy the Oval office.
That's a tough claim to make, when his accomplishments have been serving the American people more so than any other president (

Example: Unemployment lowest in US history for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, disabled people, and people without a high school diploma)

Example 2: median wage highest in US history.
Other than admitting the downplay, it comes as no big revelation. At the time I called the administration's actions as playing both ends against the middle. While Trump took the head buried in the sand approach, the executive branch medical science team went completely towards the other end of the spectrum. What we needed was a sensible middle ground.
Unfortunately no one is paying attention to the middle ground.

A pretty good example of how this childish tribalism is killing us. Literally, now.
200,000 deaths, totally exaggerated but...

200,000 deaths across country, 50 states, over the past 7 months

That averages 4,000 deaths in every state over a 7 month period
That averages 571 deaths every month, for 7 months, in every state
That averages 118 deaths every week for 7 months, in every state
That averages 17 deaths every day for 7 months, in every state

The total number of deaths from ALL causes this year stands at 1,903,360
minus 200,000 leaves 1,703,360 people who have died from something other then
the deadly Chinese Viral Double pneumonia
Why did Cuomo send the infected to the rest homes?
The CMS told him to:
Yep,she excels at thst.

There is nothing left to be said.

You democrats crooks and morons are about to be totally stopped

At this poll


What is more significant– President Trump has 52% approval from White voters, 33% approval from black voters and a 60% approval from non-White or Black voters.


This means all groups men are much more for trump and the black lives matter has upset all the other groups furious against democrats

There will be no acceptance of a rigged election by the deep state the real power will stop all of this crookedness
It’s going to be so fun to watch the butthurt troll bitch and cry for another four years,hee hee.
it is a shame the DemoRats failed with russiagate then ukraine impeachment, cause now all the got is one sentence, maybe the fools in america can turn this into a impeachable crime
It’s a shame TrumpHoles cant recognize another failed republican govt. Another recession, the biggest trade deficit with China ever and closing on 200k dead. MAGA is really MRGA, make Russia great again.
your post demonstrates what little if any value you add here.
That’s pretty much the norm of him.
it is a shame the DemoRats failed with russiagate then ukraine impeachment, cause now all the got is one sentence, maybe the fools in america can turn this into a impeachable crime
It’s a shame TrumpHoles cant recognize another failed republican govt. Another recession, the biggest trade deficit with China ever and closing on 200k dead. MAGA is really MRGA, make Russia great again.
No, the shame is you wackos attacking a president who stands for American values and law enforcement so you can insert your socialist pimp.
How can you stand for America when you stand with Putin over our own military.
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

And you keep lying and hyping the Biden virus. How is hyping it less dishonest than downplaying it?
Yeah Kaz My lying ears deceive me . Trump lied 1000's died ,and you, like Cruz and graham 2 cowards, can't get yourself to call Trump for what he is? A lying POS?? Shame on you

Literally every list of Trump lies I read failed at the first supposed lie. The leftist list makers lied, not Trump.

The latest was that Trump lied that Biden supported defunding the police. Biden said he PROPOSED moving money OUT of the police budget. That IS defunding the police. The leftists lied, not Trump.

Over and over
Why are you scratching Trumps ass?? The man is a pos from the Mueller report when he couldn't testify , to his pal Putin who helps him win an election and is trying again , all the way to lying to America causing many 1000's of deaths
Killer Cuomo and his Band of Democrat Hitmen.......90k murders...

No according to this guidance:
Baloney. You wackos NEVER accept responsibility for anything and actually, instead, praise Cuomo and the idiot governor of NJ for killing 50,000 citizens. 50,000 in two frickin states!!!! 25% of the total US deaths in 2 frickin states!!! So calling Trump inept kind of pales in comparison to these serial killer governors wacko.
Tramp is street smart, look at how he instills in you trampers undying love and worship.
Well God gave us our brains to use common sense, and we do.....too bad he skipped your house altogether.
Yep, tramp sure know how to get you to worship him.

Yes, Biden is your messiah and there can be only one God
biden sure is her
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You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands
Makes no difference since you crapped out Biden as your candidate. He is a total blathering idiot.
Biden graduated from Syracuse University College of Law, with a law degree in 1968.
What degree does Trump have?

Are you serious? A Wharton MBA is WAY more impressive than Syracuse law school. And undergrad, Biden went to nobody Delaware, LOL.

As Michael Jordon said when he swatted a shot, get that shit out of here ...
One prof called him the dumbest pos he ever taught His daddy got him in and out with a degree Money talks
Professor? You mean someone who cant do so he teaches???
Teaching dumbass republicans is quite a job. Don't knock them.
You can't do or teach.
You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands
Makes no difference since you crapped out Biden as your candidate. He is a total blathering idiot.
Biden graduated from Syracuse University College of Law, with a law degree in 1968.
What degree does Trump have?

Are you serious? A Wharton MBA is WAY more impressive than Syracuse law school. And undergrad, Biden went to nobody Delaware, LOL.

As Michael Jordon said when he swatted a shot, get that shit out of here ...
One prof called him the dumbest pos he ever taught His daddy got him in and out with a degree Money talks
Professor? You mean someone who cant do so he teaches???
Teaching dumbass republicans is quite a job. Don't knock them.
You can't do or teach.
Taught 2 wonderful children ,both earning 6 figures, and I'm doing good too,better than most if I do say so myself
so they are dumbass republicans, that says it all.
The good news is my kids hate republicans worse than I do
Yeah thanks to you they have been brainwashed to think biden is the answer and will ignorantly believe the dem party serves the people.
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Tramp is street smart, look at how he instills in you trampers undying love and worship.
Well God gave us our brains to use common sense, and we do.....too bad he skipped your house altogether.
Yep, tramp sure know how to get you to worship him.

Yes, Biden is your messiah and there can be only one God
No Biden is Biden , I had no pick, but I wanted a Democrat and now I will vote for him.
Yeah we know how much you love the corrupt democrat party.thsts old news.

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