Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

45 LIED!!!!

He knew how easily transmissible COVID-19 and he told people NOT TO WEAR MASKS!!!

45 LIED!!!!

He knew that social distancing would have prevented the spead of COVID-19 and he continued to hold rallies and encorage large outdoor gatherings.

45 LIED!!!!

He knew children were not "Almost Immune".

45 LIED!!!!

He knew back in February how dangerous COVID-19 was back in February and he did nothing.

45 LIED!!!!

He was NOT "Playing It Down" to "Control Panic", he was sitting on his fat pimpled useless fucking ass and he did noting.

45 LIED!!!!

He has no plan. He has done nothing at all except continue to lie. His lies have cost the lives of One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-One (195,761) Innocent Men, Women and Children.


45 knew how deadly, how dangerous COVID-19 is and he LIED!!!!

Come Cons, what you doing right this very now if a President HRC had done exactly what 45 has done and what would be your responce.

And before Cons demand my proof of 45 saying he admitted he played it down, here are my sources.

1. Trump admitted he deliberately played down coronavirus threat: Reports.

2. Trump, in Bob Woodward Interview, Said He Played Down Coronavirus’s Severity.

3. Trump deliberately downplayed virus, book says.

4. Trump privately called coronavirus 'deadly' while comparing it to flu publicly: Woodward book.

5. .

5-Seperate Sources confirm the story. 45 LIED.

45 LIED 194,00O People Died.

It is as simple and as sad as that.

So if Trump lost in 2016 we would have ZERO deaths?

Yes or no?

Yes. We wouldn't have thought trade wars good, and easy-to-win. It wouldn't have resulted in increased beef and protein prices in China - causing people to cast further about for sources of meat and introducing coronavirus to humans. Butterfly in Beijing and whatnot.

You're reaching, Miguel. But then again, you're a troll.

Azog the Oblivious.

I don't see anyone else providing the unknowable answer to your stupid question.

So you want a non stupid question to your stupid post that Trump is responsible for the deaths from a pandemic
Yes he played it down to avoid a panic let me remind those with selective memory when Trump issued his China travel ban it was the left who played down the seriousness of the virus including Joe Biden.
They seem to forget that little fact sense it exposes the corruption of their hero’s biden and the corrupt dem as I said before,our last great president jfk is rolling over in his grave how corrupt the dem party has become,
Dems corrupt? How many have left trump, been fired by trump for not willing to go along with the AH? Only those in jail ,indicted ,pardoned, support him besides his lying cowardly congress and a few idiots here.

Can you translate that from drooling drunken gibberish to English? Thanks!
YES I can KAZ . Trump is an asshole and everyone besides a few know it. They either walked out on him or were let go because they didn't kiss his ass do you understand?

Yes. Thanks for writing that again for me in coherent drooling drunken English rather than incoherent drooling drunken gibberish
You make a good point. If you want to avoid panic, we should stop telling Americans when a hurricane is coming their way.

All that causes is a run on flashlights, batteries and bottled water.
What a terrible analogy, Captain Hyperbole.

Trump didn't hide anything, he just didn't play it up.

Trump knew the coronavirus was 5 fives as bad as the worse flu.

Trump days later said the coronavirus was no worse than the seasonal flu.

Trump knew it was 5 times as bad, and then said that it wasn't. That's outright lying about what he knew to be true.
Biden will bring a great team into the WH. A team with no pos like Pence or Pompi A team he will listen to.
You make a good point. If you want to avoid panic, we should stop telling Americans when a hurricane is coming their way.

All that causes is a run on flashlights, batteries and bottled water.
What a terrible analogy, Captain Hyperbole.

Trump didn't hide anything, he just didn't play it up.

Trump knew the coronavirus was 5 fives as bad as the worse flu.

Trump days later said the coronavirus was no worse than the seasonal flu.

Trump knew it was 5 times as bad, and then said that it wasn't. That's outright lying about what he knew to be true.

And you lie and attack Trump for anything he says regardless of what he says even when it directly contradicts other times you criticized him for the opposite position.

So you just support your own liars. There is no actual point of integrity in anything you are saying
Yes he played it down to avoid a panic let me remind those with selective memory when Trump issued his China travel ban it was the left who played down the seriousness of the virus including Joe Biden.
They seem to forget that little fact sense it exposes the corruption of their hero’s biden and the corrupt dem as I said before,our last great president jfk is rolling over in his grave how corrupt the dem party has become,
Dems corrupt? How many have left trump, been fired by trump for not willing to go along with the AH? Only those in jail ,indicted ,pardoned, support him besides his lying cowardly congress and a few idiots here.

Can you translate that from drooling drunken gibberish to English? Thanks!
YES I can KAZ . Trump is an asshole and everyone besides a few know it. They either walked out on him or were let go because they didn't kiss his ass do you understand?
Washington DC needs an asshole like the is EXACTLY what that idiot factory needs.
Yes he played it down to avoid a panic let me remind those with selective memory when Trump issued his China travel ban it was the left who played down the seriousness of the virus including Joe Biden.
They seem to forget that little fact sense it exposes the corruption of their hero’s biden and the corrupt dem as I said before,our last great president jfk is rolling over in his grave how corrupt the dem party has become,
Dems corrupt? How many have left trump, been fired by trump for not willing to go along with the AH? Only those in jail ,indicted ,pardoned, support him besides his lying cowardly congress and a few idiots here.

Can you translate that from drooling drunken gibberish to English? Thanks!
YES I can KAZ . Trump is an asshole and everyone besides a few know it. They either walked out on him or were let go because they didn't kiss his ass do you understand?
Washington DC needs an asshole like the is EXACTLY what that idiot factory needs.

Yep. W for example was a hell of a nice guy and a God awful President
Yes he played it down to avoid a panic let me remind those with selective memory when Trump issued his China travel ban it was the left who played down the seriousness of the virus including Joe Biden.
They seem to forget that little fact sense it exposes the corruption of their hero’s biden and the corrupt dem as I said before,our last great president jfk is rolling over in his grave how corrupt the dem party has become,
Dems corrupt? How many have left trump, been fired by trump for not willing to go along with the AH? Only those in jail ,indicted ,pardoned, support him besides his lying cowardly congress and a few idiots here.

Can you translate that from drooling drunken gibberish to English? Thanks!
YES I can KAZ . Trump is an asshole and everyone besides a few know it. They either walked out on him or were let go because they didn't kiss his ass do you understand?

Yes. Thanks for writing that again for me in coherent drooling drunken English rather than incoherent drooling drunken gibberish
LOL you're skating on thin ice Kaz . You're one of my favorite Repubs here ,,but that could change.
Biden will bring a great team into the WH. A team with no pos like Pence or Pompi A team he will listen to.
Oh wait.....hahahahahahahahahahaha....more standup from the left....a great team of idiots......hahahahahahaha. Certainly a diverse team, couldn't function without diversity.
You make a good point. If you want to avoid panic, we should stop telling Americans when a hurricane is coming their way.

All that causes is a run on flashlights, batteries and bottled water.
What a terrible analogy, Captain Hyperbole.

Trump didn't hide anything, he just didn't play it up.

Trump knew the coronavirus was 5 fives as bad as the worse flu.

Trump days later said the coronavirus was no worse than the seasonal flu.

Trump knew it was 5 times as bad, and then said that it wasn't. That's outright lying about what he knew to be true.
But it ISN'T five times as bad so what are you whining about?
  • Thanks
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Yes he played it down to avoid a panic let me remind those with selective memory when Trump issued his China travel ban it was the left who played down the seriousness of the virus including Joe Biden.
They seem to forget that little fact sense it exposes the corruption of their hero’s biden and the corrupt dem as I said before,our last great president jfk is rolling over in his grave how corrupt the dem party has become,
Dems corrupt? How many have left trump, been fired by trump for not willing to go along with the AH? Only those in jail ,indicted ,pardoned, support him besides his lying cowardly congress and a few idiots here.

Can you translate that from drooling drunken gibberish to English? Thanks!
YES I can KAZ . Trump is an asshole and everyone besides a few know it. They either walked out on him or were let go because they didn't kiss his ass do you understand?

Yes. Thanks for writing that again for me in coherent drooling drunken English rather than incoherent drooling drunken gibberish
LOL you're skating on thin ice Kaz . You're one of my favorite Repubs here ,,but that could change.

What do I care when all you write is hate gibberish? If you want me to respect you, maybe you should write points, not just you hate Trump, you hate him, you hate hate hate him, you hate Trump. It's boring and you sound like a fool
Yep. Democrats attack Trump all the time for not shutting down the economy again and for that he shut down the economy before
If Trump had told the governors and mayors what he knew in January, they would have acted completely differently.
They would have ramped up PPE and medical supplies earlier. Put mask requirements in place earlier. Put limits on large gatherings earlier.

In short, they would have gotten ahead of the pandemic, and possibly even avoided the shutdowns. Having gotten it under control by the other methods a warning would have allowed them to put in place.
Yes he played it down to avoid a panic let me remind those with selective memory when Trump issued his China travel ban it was the left who played down the seriousness of the virus including Joe Biden.
They seem to forget that little fact sense it exposes the corruption of their hero’s biden and the corrupt dem as I said before,our last great president jfk is rolling over in his grave how corrupt the dem party has become,
Dems corrupt? How many have left trump, been fired by trump for not willing to go along with the AH? Only those in jail ,indicted ,pardoned, support him besides his lying cowardly congress and a few idiots here.

Can you translate that from drooling drunken gibberish to English? Thanks!
YES I can KAZ . Trump is an asshole and everyone besides a few know it. They either walked out on him or were let go because they didn't kiss his ass do you understand?
Washington DC needs an asshole like the is EXACTLY what that idiot factory needs.

Yep. W for example was a hell of a nice guy and a God awful President
so now you have the worst of both worlds. A moron president and a bullying pos.
You make a good point. If you want to avoid panic, we should stop telling Americans when a hurricane is coming their way.

All that causes is a run on flashlights, batteries and bottled water.
What a terrible analogy, Captain Hyperbole.

Trump didn't hide anything, he just didn't play it up.

Trump knew the coronavirus was 5 fives as bad as the worse flu.

Actually the death rate for the flu is about 0.1% and the death rate according to the CDC is 0.26%. That means the difference is half what you claimed
And you lie and attack Trump for anything he says regardless of what he says even when it directly contradicts other times you criticized him for the opposite position.

I've never attacked Trump for saying the coronavirus was deadlier, or more serious than it actually was. I've never accused Trump of trying to "panic" America over the coronavirus.

Get your claims straight.
Yep. Democrats attack Trump all the time for not shutting down the economy again and for that he shut down the economy before
If Trump had told the governors and mayors what he knew in January, they would have acted completely differently.
They would have ramped up PPE and medical supplies earlier. Put mask requirements in place earlier. Put limits on large gatherings earlier.

In short, they would have gotten ahead of the pandemic, and possibly even avoided the shutdowns. Having gotten it under control by the other methods a warning would have allowed them to put in place.
Baloney.....Killer Cuomo did what Killer Cuomo was gonna do no matter what. And you accused us of passing the buck? Give me a frickin break.
Yes he played it down to avoid a panic let me remind those with selective memory when Trump issued his China travel ban it was the left who played down the seriousness of the virus including Joe Biden.
They seem to forget that little fact sense it exposes the corruption of their hero’s biden and the corrupt dem as I said before,our last great president jfk is rolling over in his grave how corrupt the dem party has become,
Dems corrupt? How many have left trump, been fired by trump for not willing to go along with the AH? Only those in jail ,indicted ,pardoned, support him besides his lying cowardly congress and a few idiots here.

Can you translate that from drooling drunken gibberish to English? Thanks!
YES I can KAZ . Trump is an asshole and everyone besides a few know it. They either walked out on him or were let go because they didn't kiss his ass do you understand?
Washington DC needs an asshole like the is EXACTLY what that idiot factory needs.

Yep. W for example was a hell of a nice guy and a God awful President
so now you have the worst of both worlds. A moron president and a bullying pos.

Biden fully meets that description
Dr Fauci just said Trump acted very responsible and professional in the beginning days of the pandemic that we didn't know anything was the dems that were downplaying the virus calling Trump a Chinaman hater.....every dem governor said Trump has given them everything they wanted and much faster than they could have imagined.....
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There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.
I’m struggling to think of anything he hasn’t lied about. Really, his campaigns are pretty much sizing the crowd then literally telling them what they want to here.
That's because all you do is read your libber media trash.
That’s because the liberal media is exactly what media is suppose be. If the media isn’t liberal, they hide and distort shit.
Says who? Media should report facts and allow the reader/viewer to make their own judgement.
Morality never existed on the right in Trump world. .

There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.
I’m struggling to think of anything he hasn’t lied about. Really, his campaigns are pretty much sizing the crowd then literally telling them what they want to here.
Again that describes every president from Reagan to Obama of presidents who could never tell the truth about anything so whats new,Biden sure won’t be the
Nope. The number of feliny convictions mUHC of which is lying is overwhelming on the side of the dirt bag gop. 114 to 1 convictions By gop , much related to lying

There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
You mean saying it's as severe as Trump did to Woodward on Feb 7th?
Again, there were zero deaths in the US until February 29th. We thought it was contained in China. JEEZUZ!!! What would you have done? Shut the country down on the 7th?

There likely were deaths before then but we didn't classify them as Covid.

What would I not have done? Lied about it and then brag to a reporter you were going to lie about it.

Many deaths were also called covid just because of symptoms without any test and overstated the count.

But rah, rah, you want more deaths, you just have to find them!

I believe that likely did happen but it does not excuse a bragging lying president.

And what about excusing a lying opposition who hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he does?

Have I done that? Can you quote me? Did I argue against your point that the numbers may very well be inflated?

You said they may be inflated while you attacked him anyway

I condemned him for his lying to the public and then condemning those who wanted to be honest.

Right, and you're not honest at all. You hate Trump and just attack him no matter what he says or does. There's no honesty in that at all

Lol.....I supported Trump when he said he was going to bring the troops home......but it ended up being a lie also.
I’m struggling to think of anything he hasn’t lied about. Really, his campaigns are pretty much sizing the crowd then literally telling them what they want to here.

Another zombie leftist who hates Trump no matter what he does then suddenly cares about "truth" when you have none yourself. If you always tell people it's raining, you're lying whether it's raining or not
Kaz A fish,,and trump rot from the head down
Trump 2020

Trump 2024 too!
Hoax....trump‘s prescription of Lipitor runs out before then.

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