Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
45 LIED!!!!

He knew how easily transmissible COVID-19 and he told people NOT TO WEAR MASKS!!!

45 LIED!!!!

He knew that social distancing would have prevented the spead of COVID-19 and he continued to hold rallies and encorage large outdoor gatherings.

45 LIED!!!!

He knew children were not "Almost Immune".

45 LIED!!!!

He knew back in February how dangerous COVID-19 was back in February and he did nothing.

45 LIED!!!!

He was NOT "Playing It Down" to "Control Panic", he was sitting on his fat pimpled useless fucking ass and he did noting.

45 LIED!!!!

He has no plan. He has done nothing at all except continue to lie. His lies have cost the lives of One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-One (195,761) Innocent Men, Women and Children.


45 knew how deadly, how dangerous COVID-19 is and he LIED!!!!

Come Cons, what you doing right this very now if a President HRC had done exactly what 45 has done and what would be your responce.

And before Cons demand my proof of 45 saying he admitted he played it down, here are my sources.

1. Trump admitted he deliberately played down coronavirus threat: Reports.

2. Trump, in Bob Woodward Interview, Said He Played Down Coronavirus’s Severity.

3. Trump deliberately downplayed virus, book says.

4. Trump privately called coronavirus 'deadly' while comparing it to flu publicly: Woodward book.

5. .

5-Seperate Sources confirm the story. 45 LIED.

45 LIED 194,00O People Died.

It is as simple and as sad as that.

So if Trump lost in 2016 we would have ZERO deaths?

Yes or no?
Covid 19 never was as serious as the liberal media hysteria created around it would suggest

You must not of listened to the tapes.
Yeah kinda like how you always cover your ears and close your eyes when the facts are out in front of you what mass murderers the clintons and obama

2- People died of EBOLA in the United States

194,761 People have died of COVID-19 in the United States (to date, more to come).

How did he play it down with the actions he took? Just what should he have done that he didn't do....before there
was one death in America?
You mean besides acting on the intel in Nov? How about not pretending it wasnt anything serious or calling it hoax?
What did China and the CDC say about the virus right up to Jan. 30, 2020?
Who called it a hoax? Certainly not Trump.
What does that have to do with the point that american intel said it was going to be out of control and why did Drumpf trust China instead of his own intel?

Drumpf called it a hoax. Specifically a dem hoax.
Just ignore the CDC
The truth hurts the biden worshippers,they believe everything our corrupt government and the lamestream media tells

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


There is audio of it in the op link. He says "I still like to downplay it"

Now the US has more covid deaths than any country on earth. We have a higher per-capita death toll than Italy!

Anyone who still believes it is a hoax lacks all autonomy. There is no reason not to club these deniers down when they try to come into grocery stores without masks. They lack autonomy. They are not human. They are readily identifiable. There is no moral hazard. Removing them from circulation will save lives in the long run.
2.8% mortality rate lower than global and most countries.....
Hvve some autonomy. Inform yourself.
I did already goofy.....what's 195,761 deaths into 6,559,509 total cases? Why, that gives you a 2.9% mortality rate.....
45 LIED!!!!

He knew how easily transmissible COVID-19 and he told people NOT TO WEAR MASKS!!!

45 LIED!!!!

He knew that social distancing would have prevented the spead of COVID-19 and he continued to hold rallies and encorage large outdoor gatherings.

45 LIED!!!!

He knew children were not "Almost Immune".

45 LIED!!!!

He knew back in February how dangerous COVID-19 was back in February and he did nothing.

45 LIED!!!!

He was NOT "Playing It Down" to "Control Panic", he was sitting on his fat pimpled useless fucking ass and he did noting.

45 LIED!!!!

He has no plan. He has done nothing at all except continue to lie. His lies have cost the lives of One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-One (195,761) Innocent Men, Women and Children.


45 knew how deadly, how dangerous COVID-19 is and he LIED!!!!

Come Cons, what you doing right this very now if a President HRC had done exactly what 45 has done and what would be your responce.

And before Cons demand my proof of 45 saying he admitted he played it down, here are my sources.

1. Trump admitted he deliberately played down coronavirus threat: Reports.

2. Trump, in Bob Woodward Interview, Said He Played Down Coronavirus’s Severity.

3. Trump deliberately downplayed virus, book says.

4. Trump privately called coronavirus 'deadly' while comparing it to flu publicly: Woodward book.

5. .

5-Seperate Sources confirm the story. 45 LIED.

45 LIED 194,00O People Died.

It is as simple and as sad as that.

Chill wacko....
How did he play it down with the actions he took? Just what should he have done that he didn't do....before there
was one death in America?
You mean besides acting on the intel in Nov? How about not pretending it wasnt anything serious or calling it hoax?
What did China and the CDC say about the virus right up to Jan. 30, 2020?
Who called it a hoax? Certainly not Trump.
What does that have to do with the point that american intel said it was going to be out of control and why did Drumpf trust China instead of his own intel?

Drumpf called it a hoax. Specifically a dem hoax.
Just ignore the CDC
The truth hurts the biden worshippers,they believe everything our corrupt government and the lamestream media tells

Covid 19 never was as serious as the liberal media hysteria created around it would suggest

You must not of listened to the tapes.
Yeah kinda like how you always cover your ears and close your eyes when the facts are out in front of you what mass murderers the clintons and obama

2- People died of EBOLA in the United States

194,761 People have died of COVID-19 in the United States (to date, more to come).

Your faith in the evil organization the CDC and what the corporate controlled lamestream media tells you is touching to put it politely without getting into insults that I could easily and rightfully have given you the fact you deserve them for being that hee hee.
Covid 19 never was as serious as the liberal media hysteria created around it would suggest

You must not of listened to the tapes.
Yeah kinda like how you always cover your ears and close your eyes when the facts are out in front of you what mass murderers the clintons and obama

2- People died of EBOLA in the United States

194,761 People have died of COVID-19 in the United States (to date, more to come).

Oh I agree those Dem governors led by Killer Cuomo who killed 90,000 in 6 states should be in jail.
So if Trump lost in 2016 we would have ZERO deaths?

Yes or no?
There still woud have been deaths, but in this case similar to those under Obama, where h1n1 killed less than 13,000 Americans. Which was far less than the 30,000 to 70,000 who died from the seasonal flu.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


There is audio of it in the op link. He says "I still like to downplay it"

Now the US has more covid deaths than any country on earth. We have a higher per-capita death toll than Italy!

Anyone who still believes it is a hoax lacks all autonomy. There is no reason not to club these deniers down when they try to come into grocery stores without masks. They lack autonomy. They are not human. They are readily identifiable. There is no moral hazard. Removing them from circulation will save lives in the long run.
2.8% mortality rate lower than global and most countries.....
Hvve some autonomy. Inform yourself.
I did already goofy.....what's 195,761 deaths into 6,559,509 total cases? Why, that gives you a 2.9% mortality rate.....

We already know that some have a very slim grasp of reality. My source is valid. t It is not the percentage of people who have died due to the deliberate inaction and indifferent of 45, it that they died.

What happened to that so-called "Right To Life" you people worship. PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE 45 LIED!!!!

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


There is audio of it in the op link. He says "I still like to downplay it"

Now the US has more covid deaths than any country on earth. We have a higher per-capita death toll than Italy!

Anyone who still believes it is a hoax lacks all autonomy. There is no reason not to club these deniers down when they try to come into grocery stores without masks. They lack autonomy. They are not human. They are readily identifiable. There is no moral hazard. Removing them from circulation will save lives in the long run.
2.8% mortality rate lower than global and most countries.....
Hvve some autonomy. Inform yourself.
I did already goofy.....what's 195,761 deaths into 6,559,509 total cases? Why, that gives you a 2.9% mortality rate.....

We already know that some have a very slim grasp of reality. My source is valid. t It is not the percentage of people who have died due to the deliberate inaction and indifferent of 45, it that they died.

What happened to that so-called "Right To Life" you people worship. PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE 45 LIED!!!!
Thanks Cresten. You're dismissed. They died because they were unhealthy to begin with.
45 LIED!!!!

He knew how easily transmissible COVID-19 and he told people NOT TO WEAR MASKS!!!

45 LIED!!!!

He knew that social distancing would have prevented the spead of COVID-19 and he continued to hold rallies and encorage large outdoor gatherings.

45 LIED!!!!

He knew children were not "Almost Immune".

45 LIED!!!!

He knew back in February how dangerous COVID-19 was back in February and he did nothing.

45 LIED!!!!

He was NOT "Playing It Down" to "Control Panic", he was sitting on his fat pimpled useless fucking ass and he did noting.

45 LIED!!!!

He has no plan. He has done nothing at all except continue to lie. His lies have cost the lives of One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-One (195,761) Innocent Men, Women and Children.


45 knew how deadly, how dangerous COVID-19 is and he LIED!!!!

Come Cons, what you doing right this very now if a President HRC had done exactly what 45 has done and what would be your responce.

And before Cons demand my proof of 45 saying he admitted he played it down, here are my sources.

1. Trump admitted he deliberately played down coronavirus threat: Reports.

2. Trump, in Bob Woodward Interview, Said He Played Down Coronavirus’s Severity.

3. Trump deliberately downplayed virus, book says.

4. Trump privately called coronavirus 'deadly' while comparing it to flu publicly: Woodward book.

5. .

5-Seperate Sources confirm the story. 45 LIED.

45 LIED 194,00O People Died.

It is as simple and as sad as that.

So if Trump lost in 2016 we would have ZERO deaths?

Yes or no?

Yes. We wouldn't have thought trade wars good, and easy-to-win. It wouldn't have resulted in increased beef and protein prices in China - causing people to cast further about for sources of meat and introducing coronavirus to humans. Butterfly in Beijing and whatnot.
How did he play it down with the actions he took? Just what should he have done that he didn't do....before there
was one death in America?

Trump banned travel from China and Europe while Dems called him a racist for doing so and claimed the virus wasn't a threat. Facts vs this OP spin.

that was the only good thing he did & when was that? back in march? - weeks after it took hold?

he hasn't done a fucking thing since AND won't mask up AND is still having super spreading rallies ... AND is ignoring everything science is finding out about this virus.
What science is finding out now is that we were idiots to shut everything down.
It’s so much fun watching you take them to
How did he play it down with the actions he took? Just what should he have done that he didn't do....before there
was one death in America?
You mean besides acting on the intel in Nov? How about not pretending it wasnt anything serious or calling it hoax?
What did China and the CDC say about the virus right up to Jan. 30, 2020?
Who called it a hoax? Certainly not Trump.
What does that have to do with the point that american intel said it was going to be out of control and why did Drumpf trust China instead of his own intel?

Drumpf called it a hoax. Specifically a dem hoax.
Just ignore the CDC
The truth hurts the biden worshippers,they believe everything our corrupt government and the lamestream media tells


Yes, Trump actually created the Biden virus in his home laboratory and took it to China to release it. The bastard.

You're a nut job
These people have proven that it doesn't matter to them. He can lie to our faces as people are dying, he can mock people for trying to protect themselves while people are dying, he can refuse to show some leadership and wear a mask while people are dying, and he can hold indoor events, knowing how vicious the virus is, while people are dying.

They don't care.

Do you think there is anything that you can say to them?
The democrats would rather just say EVERYONE PANIC this is so bad PANIC you think toilet paper and meat were just hard to find NOTHING would be left like a hurricane hit .. wake up
45 LIED!!!!

He knew how easily transmissible COVID-19 and he told people NOT TO WEAR MASKS!!!

45 LIED!!!!

He knew that social distancing would have prevented the spead of COVID-19 and he continued to hold rallies and encorage large outdoor gatherings.

45 LIED!!!!

He knew children were not "Almost Immune".

45 LIED!!!!

He knew back in February how dangerous COVID-19 was back in February and he did nothing.

45 LIED!!!!

He was NOT "Playing It Down" to "Control Panic", he was sitting on his fat pimpled useless fucking ass and he did noting.

45 LIED!!!!

He has no plan. He has done nothing at all except continue to lie. His lies have cost the lives of One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-One (195,761) Innocent Men, Women and Children.


45 knew how deadly, how dangerous COVID-19 is and he LIED!!!!

Come Cons, what you doing right this very now if a President HRC had done exactly what 45 has done and what would be your responce.

And before Cons demand my proof of 45 saying he admitted he played it down, here are my sources.

1. Trump admitted he deliberately played down coronavirus threat: Reports.

2. Trump, in Bob Woodward Interview, Said He Played Down Coronavirus’s Severity.

3. Trump deliberately downplayed virus, book says.

4. Trump privately called coronavirus 'deadly' while comparing it to flu publicly: Woodward book.

5. .

5-Seperate Sources confirm the story. 45 LIED.

45 LIED 194,00O People Died.

It is as simple and as sad as that.

So if Trump lost in 2016 we would have ZERO deaths?

Yes or no?

Yes. We wouldn't have thought trade wars good, and easy-to-win. It wouldn't have resulted in increased beef and protein prices in China - causing people to cast further about for sources of meat and introducing coronavirus to humans. Butterfly in Beijing and whatnot.

You're reaching, Miguel. But then again, you're a troll.

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