Trump "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history.

Half, hardly. Maybe 1/10th. Evidently the Palestinians have grossly exaggerated their own importance. They best go along to get along or they'll find themselves out in the cold.
The Palestinian freedom fighters remind me of the Minute Men during the American Revolution.
Willing to sacrifice their lives in order to free their people. ... :cool:
Half, hardly. Maybe 1/10th. Evidently the Palestinians have grossly exaggerated their own importance. They best go along to get along or they'll find themselves out in the cold.
The Palestinian freedom fighters remind me of the Minute Men during the American Revolution.
Willing to sacrifice their lives in order to free their people. ... :cool:
I find it amazing how someone such as yourself knows what you're talking about until it comes to the history of your people.
On the other hand, if I were a Muslim I would also deny the facts.
Trump allowed the US to dig for oil and allowed fracking and basically destroyed the one dimensional economy of every Muslim nation.
That was just business.
That it harmed ME countries is irrelevant. ... :cool:
It was not at all irrelevant.
We can never predict how a Muslim country will behave under any administration that gets money deposited into their foreign bank accounts.
Economics 101 ... :cool:
Comparative Advantage: When countries trade in the goods they have as an advantage over countries
Currently the US. has an advantage in oil and natural gas.
Half, hardly. Maybe 1/10th. Evidently the Palestinians have grossly exaggerated their own importance. They best go along to get along or they'll find themselves out in the cold.
The Palestinian freedom fighters remind me of the Minute Men during the American Revolution.
Willing to sacrifice their lives in order to free their people. ... :cool:

Really, they remind me of the people of Jonestown. You are aware of how that ended, right?

How do you poor TDS Sufferers like the Title of this Post? I expect it eats into your vitals, as we sometimes say out here in the Heartland---where Sanity still predominates. Unlike the rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

It comes from this article by a smart man named Charles Hurt.

"President Trump's critics are always going into hysterics about how he does things differently. They don't like who he talks to. They don't like how he talks, but this right here, this is the fruit of somebody doing something differently..."

"Hurt said the deal could lead to a number of peace deals and normalization agreements in the Middle East that, if written about truthfully by the media, would cast Trump as "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history."

Trump is getting them united because everybody realizes that something has to be done about Obama's favorite country---IRAN. Can you believe it. Obama was set to let Mullahs and Ayatollahs!!!!! have a nuclear weapon in about 4 more years. Mullahs and Ayatollahs with a Nuclear weapon! Those truly insane religious fanatics who wake up every morning hoping this is the "End of Days".

Thank you Don Trump---Peacemaker!

The Nuke agreement Obama and seven other nations negotiated with Iran PREVENTED Iran from nuke development. Trump is trying to kill that agreement so if anyone is helping Iran develop nukes it's Don the Con.
How do you poor TDS Sufferers like the Title of this Post? I expect it eats into your vitals, as we sometimes say out here in the Heartland---where Sanity still predominates. Unlike the rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

It comes from this article by a smart man named Charles Hurt.

"President Trump's critics are always going into hysterics about how he does things differently. They don't like who he talks to. They don't like how he talks, but this right here, this is the fruit of somebody doing something differently..."

"Hurt said the deal could lead to a number of peace deals and normalization agreements in the Middle East that, if written about truthfully by the media, would cast Trump as "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history."

Trump is getting them united because everybody realizes that something has to be done about Obama's favorite country---IRAN. Can you believe it. Obama was set to let Mullahs and Ayatollahs!!!!! have a nuclear weapon in about 4 more years. Mullahs and Ayatollahs with a Nuclear weapon! Those truly insane religious fanatics who wake up every morning hoping this is the "End of Days".

Thank you Don Trump---Peacemaker!

The Nuke agreement Obama and seven other nations negotiated with Iran PREVENTED Iran from nuke development. Trump is trying to kill that agreement so if anyone is helping Iran develop nukes it's Don the Con.


Obama's deal was for ten years. Get Fucked.

How do you poor TDS Sufferers like the Title of this Post? I expect it eats into your vitals, as we sometimes say out here in the Heartland---where Sanity still predominates. Unlike the rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

It comes from this article by a smart man named Charles Hurt.

"President Trump's critics are always going into hysterics about how he does things differently. They don't like who he talks to. They don't like how he talks, but this right here, this is the fruit of somebody doing something differently..."

"Hurt said the deal could lead to a number of peace deals and normalization agreements in the Middle East that, if written about truthfully by the media, would cast Trump as "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history."

Trump is getting them united because everybody realizes that something has to be done about Obama's favorite country---IRAN. Can you believe it. Obama was set to let Mullahs and Ayatollahs!!!!! have a nuclear weapon in about 4 more years. Mullahs and Ayatollahs with a Nuclear weapon! Those truly insane religious fanatics who wake up every morning hoping this is the "End of Days".

Thank you Don Trump---Peacemaker!


Yes, Masterminds. Like many other Disasterous Leaders in History. Maybe we can treat him like the last time Bonaparte was treated and find a nice island we can strand him on.
Trump believes the invasion of Iraq is one of the worst decisions in our history. Most Democrats here agree, but they're not going to admit it.
How do you poor TDS Sufferers like the Title of this Post? I expect it eats into your vitals, as we sometimes say out here in the Heartland---where Sanity still predominates. Unlike the rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

It comes from this article by a smart man named Charles Hurt.

"President Trump's critics are always going into hysterics about how he does things differently. They don't like who he talks to. They don't like how he talks, but this right here, this is the fruit of somebody doing something differently..."

"Hurt said the deal could lead to a number of peace deals and normalization agreements in the Middle East that, if written about truthfully by the media, would cast Trump as "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history."

Trump is getting them united because everybody realizes that something has to be done about Obama's favorite country---IRAN. Can you believe it. Obama was set to let Mullahs and Ayatollahs!!!!! have a nuclear weapon in about 4 more years. Mullahs and Ayatollahs with a Nuclear weapon! Those truly insane religious fanatics who wake up every morning hoping this is the "End of Days".

Thank you Don Trump---Peacemaker!


An honest opinion from someone from the region which is me.
Trump is hurting Israel more than he thinks and this is why.
For anyone knows the Arab world, knows that most Arab leaders are dictators backed by the US and the west. Those dictators were in bed with Israel for a long time now...the Arabs and Muslims know this. The first wave of the Arab spring didn't do a good cleanse, more waves to come.....and when those Arab leaders puppets are removed, then you will know what the people really think when Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and also know where they stand in the Israel Arab conflict.

For those that didn't read history, Muslims can sleep but they always bounce back....and the holy land that was snatched by Zionists (not the Jews that live there for generations) is in the minds and hearts of almost 2 billion Muslims.....the US will not be Israel's bitch forever, heck I don't think the US will be strong to fend off the resistance and clean up after the Zionists.

Don't believe the hype, they can sign all the treaties in the world, you guys have no clue what Jerusalem means to the Muslims and what the Palestinian cause means to most of them.

I don't know one Arab or Muslim that was cheering for these treaties, that's like having a couple of black guys in a trump rally. The reality is the Zionists took a land and the land owners want it back and they will be backed by 2 billion people. Good luck !!!
The Israeli zionist's and the U.S. neocon's brag about a groundbreaking peace deal without including one-half of the equation, the Palestinians.
Bizarro world. ... :cuckoo:
Not even Arabs or Muslims are included. Those dictators taht signed those treaties have 0 backing from their own more Arab spring and they will all be gone and the treaties voided.
The Israeli zionist's and the U.S. neocon's brag about a groundbreaking peace deal without including one-half of the equation, the Palestinians.
Bizarro world. ... :cuckoo:
Not even Arabs or Muslims are included. Those dictators taht signed those treaties have 0 backing from their own more Arab spring and they will all be gone and the treaties voided.
Funny how some believe their uprising against those that govern them will bring big change when in reality all you will do is replace one dictator with another one and keep the vicious cycle churning as it has been doing since the days of Abraham...

Look at Libya and Egypt and notice how your Arab Spring did not usher in a new era in those regions...

Notice how Russia is trying to keep Assad in power and how the money backing your Arab Spring is coming from Iran with China and Russia blessing...

My point?

All of you in the Middle East are pawns in a game of slaughter chess between the World Super Powers, so remove the U.S. dictators and what you will get is dictators backed by China, Russia and Iran...
The Israeli zionist's and the U.S. neocon's brag about a groundbreaking peace deal without including one-half of the equation, the Palestinians.
Bizarro world. ... :cuckoo:
Not even Arabs or Muslims are included. Those dictators taht signed those treaties have 0 backing from their own more Arab spring and they will all be gone and the treaties voided.
Funny how some believe their uprising against those that govern them will bring big change when in reality all you will do is replace one dictator with another one and keep the vicious cycle churning as it has been doing since the days of Abraham...

Look at Libya and Egypt and notice how your Arab Spring did not usher in a new era in those regions...

Notice how Russia is trying to keep Assad in power and how the money backing your Arab Spring is coming from Iran with China and Russia blessing...

My point?

All of you in the Middle East are pawns in a game of slaughter chess between the World Super Powers, so remove the U.S. dictators and what you will get is dictators backed by China, Russia and Iran...
The US has it's own soft dictstor so does russia and China.
The arab world going
through a snooze and it wont last trust me. The Arab spring was hijacked and the next one surely wont.
To put things in perspective, the Arabs ruled south of Europe for 8 centuries, the US has been on top for how long?
Obama made peace with Cuba

I think you're mistaking capitulation for peace. maobama was really good at that.

Cuba is 90 miles from our shore and the rest of the world has made peace with them an openly trades and allows tourism.

Only Republicans still hold old grudges

LMAO, who give a shit what other countries do. Cuba is still a dictatorship, they sill engage in human rights abuses, they still shield US criminals and you seriously think that should be rewarded? Those are current FACTS, not old grudges.


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