Trump or Nikki Haley, which one do you want for your candidate GOP?

If Biden doesn't run the Dems will likely put up a woman, therefore I'd pick Nikki. Love to see that catfight. :omg:
Are there a bunch of other candidates that want to poll at 4%?

Candidates usually always start out low in the polls when they first announce, but then they gain traction as their campaign gathers steam and go up in the polls.

And, like I said, this is gonna be interesting to watch, as well as to see the meltdowns that Trump is gonna have when he sees his poll numbers go down and others go up.

I'm wondering....................if Trump doesn't get the nomination, do you think he's gonna scream that the primaries were fixed by the GOP, just like he screamed that the election was fixed when he lost to Biden?
Perhaps I burned a democrat vote. Your logic is flawed. At best (or worse) voting 3rd party is the same as not voting given that the 3rd party candidate has no chance of winning. Not voting for one party is not the same as voting for the other party that you didn't vote for either.
Touche'. Except when you vote 3rd party because you feel the GOP candidate is not conservative enough. So instead of helping the "lesser of the evils" you enable the communist to win. There is a difference based on where you are on the political scale. If you have no opinion, then true, not voting is the same as voting 3rd party.
Candidates usually always start out low in the polls when they first announce, but then they gain traction as their campaign gathers steam and go up in the polls.

And, like I said, this is gonna be interesting to watch, as well as to see the meltdowns that Trump is gonna have when he sees his poll numbers go down and others go up.

I'm wondering....................if Trump doesn't get the nomination, do you thhhink he's gonna scream that the primaries were fixed by the GOP, just like he screamed that the election was fixed when he lost to Biden?

He lost to unverifiable mail in ballots.
Be honest.
I'm voting for Buttejug. A butt plug in every butt.

You need to up your slogan game, because that one was weak.

"A butt plug in every butt" is too cumbersome as a slogan because of the repetition. "A plug in every butt' would have been a bit better, but how about this.........................

"Not a chicken in every pot, but a cork in every posterior"?
He lost to unverifiable mail in ballots.
Be honest.

You mean, Trump lost, then went looking for any lame assed conspiracy theory he thought he could sell to the public to excuse his incompetency.

You can almost bet that if Trump loses the nomination (and I think he definitely will), he's gonna scream that the primaries were fixed and there was cheating going on, because he's the best EVAH and the only way he can lose is if there is cheating.
Wonder if the rabid Trump supporters will see it that way?
I don't think they adore him any less (which, in itself, has been an absolutely freaking fascinating sociological study). They just know that he's damaged and has hurt his chances.

So they're hoping someone else can save us from the evil Hitler Satan commies. But if he gets the nomination, they'll sure as hell vote for him.

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