Trump or Nikki Haley, which one do you want for your candidate GOP?

Then you would dump Trump.
Not me, but I'll probably vote for whomever gets to the top, unless it ends up really stinky, as with the whole Romney/Obama thing, which I sat out. They want me to play Democracy, let them put up candidates worth voting on. By my standards, that is. Trump isn't the only one with their hat in the ring for the GOP nomination to run for president. Nikki Haley has thrown her hat in as well and declared her candidacy.

So......................who do you want for your candidate for president in 2024 GOP? Trump or Haley?

There was a time I would have unequivocally said Haley, hands down. Now, I will NEVER say Trump over anyone, but Haley's decision to abandon South Carolina to the buffoon Henry McMaster in favor of a post serving Trump at the U.N. has left me jaded. Add to that her flip-flop-flip about Trump (defend, attack, if he runs I won't) makes me think she's a bit wishy-washy.

If it's her or Trump and I have to pick, it'll be her. But I don't think S.C. has open primaries so I would have to register as a Republican rather than Independent/no affiliation.

I'm not sold on DeSantis or Scott, either. Trey Gowdy would be a hoot...

Given the choices thus far, both Democrat and Republican, it looks like I'll be looking hard at the Libertarian candidate... again.
You are welcome to stay in your reality, but my reality, where I'm sitting pretty, has not voting meaning simply -- not voting. I hope and assume I'll be able to vote for a Republican this election but I know that not voting is never a vote for Democrats or communists or Peronists or Teddy Roosevelt or Nadler or anyone else that the person not voting has not voted for.

This strange belief system is so illogical that it amazes me anyone could think it. Not voting is not voting, period. I suppose you think that if a person is a Democrat, not voting is a vote for the Republicans! But it isn't: it's just a smaller electorate.

It's a free vote or it's nothing: I suspect the people who say not voting is somehow a vote for X, Y, or Z really want a forced-vote system as in Australia. I would NEVER vote in Australia -- I'd find a way out of all that coercion.
There's one line from "Platoon" that strikes me as applicable every so often. They were emptying the latrine barrels and discussing life and the college boy "idealist" said he volunteered for VN for fairness to all the poor boys that had to go. One of the black guys said "whooie, you gots to be rich to think like that".

In my reality every vote counts. There are millions of voters who say "there is no one to vote FOR". That's why we end up with the DC morons we have.

True, not voting is your right. But if you don't vote, you really shouldn't comment on politics because you aren't participating. Trump isn't the only one with their hat in the ring for the GOP nomination to run for president. Nikki Haley has thrown her hat in as well and declared her candidacy.

So......................who do you want for your candidate for president in 2024 GOP? Trump or Haley?

I'm already looking ahead to the 2028 election dildo!

Don't bother me.
There's one line from "Platoon" that strikes me as applicable every so often. They were emptying the latrine barrels and discussing life and the college boy "idealist" said he volunteered for VN for fairness to all the poor boys that had to go. One of the black guys said "whooie, you gots to be rich to think like that".

In my reality every vote counts. There are millions of voters who say "there is no one to vote FOR". That's why we end up with the DC morons we have.

True, not voting is your right. But if you don't vote, you really shouldn't comment on politics because you aren't participating.
I can comment on politics whether or not I vote. And do, too. And will definitely continue to do so. Kyzr, you have so many strange rules!!!! And some are rules about an implausible reality: doing X means I'm "really" doing Y, and so on.

Also: I don't see the relevance to the discussion of that Vietnam story at all. Though it is a good story.
I'm not sold on DeSantis or Scott, either. Trey Gowdy would be a hoot...

Given the choices thus far, both Democrat and Republican, it looks like I'll be looking hard at the Libertarian candidate... again.
Oh, God!! Yes!! Let it be Trey!!! I just love him, he and Lindsey Graham are SO South Carolina! Either one, I'd vote for in a minute. Just on the way they talk. :adoreheart:
anything > Trump


As a side note, it would be astonishing to watch the collective heads of the left explode if the first woman president was a republican. I don't think there is enough popcorn in existance to supply that show.

Not gonna happen though. Haley is not taking the nomination. No idea who will but it will not be Trump or Haley.

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