Trump or Nikki Haley, which one do you want for your candidate GOP?

One thing we can be certain - the left is going to go full court press to demonize her with everything they got. They want the first woman President. And will spend the next few months trashing her relentlessly because of it.
Trashing her how? You mean personally?
Trump cannot and will not win and anyone who hasn't been brainwashed by The Cult can see that, so yes, if you are for Trump you are for Republicans losing and for supporting the Democrats agenda.
Certainly not. I'm for Trump winning and supporting the GOP agenda. It is always so odd to see these strained arguments about how somebody voting one way is reallyreallyreally voting the other way -----:dunno:
Certainly not. I'm for Trump winning and supporting the GOP agenda. It is always so odd to see these strained arguments about how somebody voting one way is reallyreallyreally voting the other way -----
You're for supporting meaningless culture wars. Eventually it will backfire on people like DeSantis in a big way. First the Disney embarrassment now this book thing in Florida. Mainstream America does not want a book burning.
This seems deranged to this a joke?

Proof of vaccination is required to go to a Nikki Hayley event!!! :cuckoo:

You're for supporting meaningless culture wars. Eventually it will backfire on people like DeSantis in a big way. First the Disney embarrassment now this book thing in Florida. Mainstream America does not want a book burning.
Just throwing CRT texts in a dumpster would work for me; let's avoid fire hazards.
We're allowed to, however.

I don't vote if no one measures up for me: that happened twice in my life, both Obama elections. That awful Sarah Palin put me off the first time and the second, I'm not voting for any Mormon, be sure.

It always puzzles me when people call not voting somehow a vote for the Democrats????

It's just a smaller electorate, by one vote.
1. Sarah Palin reminds me of a "frontier woman" who could help get the covered wagon across the US. If you prefer dainty women, then I get why Sarah isn't your type.

2. Romney is the prototypical "greed is good" Banes Capital'ist. A Gordon Gekko slicing up companies, moving them to China, and firing everyone to make a few million. He seemed smart enough, he had his dad's business (CEO of GM) and political pedigree. The Leftist MSM went for Obama.

3. If you're a Republican, not voting is a vote for the democrats. Trump lost by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA. If you like Joe Biden and Kamala, mission accomplished. There are always a lot of "just one vote" voters.
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Nikki is a RINO and a Ukraine Firster
Trump puts America first, the choice is clear
He puts America first by suggesting because he lost an election, the Constitution should be suspended. Yeah, what a real American he is.
Every angle, just like they did to Sarah Palin. They attacked her family even.
They will attack her personally, her family anything they can find.
guarantee you the DNC has already hired investigators to start looking at her personal life.
Guarantee it.
Provide a quote regarding Palin in which her family was attacked.
Any election campaign is not doing their job if they dont investigate their opponents personal life. I mean, who would want someone that was, say, mentally ill, a racist, or a rapist in the White House?
Provide a quote regarding Palin in which her family was attacked.
Any election campaign is not doing their job if they dont investigate their opponents personal life. I mean, who would want someone that was, say, mentally ill, a racist, or a rapist in the White House?
Yeah no.
If you honestly don't know how the liberal media/Democrats attacked Sarah's family - then you have no business even commenting about it.
1. Sarah Palin reminds me of a "frontier woman" who could hep get the covered wagon across the US. If you prefer dainty women, then I get why Sarah isn't your type.

2. Romney is the prototypical "greed is good" Banes Capital'ist. A Gordon Gekko slicing up companies, moving them to China, and firing everyone to make a few million. He seemed smart enough, he had his dad's business (CEO of GM) and political pedigree. The Leftist MSM went for Obama.

3. If you're a Republican, not voting is a vote for the democrats. Trump lost by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA. If you like Joe Biden and Kamala, mission accomplished. There are always a lot of "just one vote" voters.
Sarah Palin would have been one of those types that would have frozen to death on a covered wagon ride across America.
3. If you're a Republican, not voting is a vote for the democrats. Trump lost by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA. If you like Joe Biden and Kamala, mission accomplished. There are always a lot of "just one vote" voters.
You are welcome to stay in your reality, but my reality, where I'm sitting pretty, has not voting meaning simply -- not voting. I hope and assume I'll be able to vote for a Republican this election but I know that not voting is never a vote for Democrats or communists or Peronists or Teddy Roosevelt or Nadler or anyone else that the person not voting has not voted for.

This strange belief system is so illogical that it amazes me anyone could think it. Not voting is not voting, period. I suppose you think that if a person is a Democrat, not voting is a vote for the Republicans! But it isn't: it's just a smaller electorate.

It's a free vote or it's nothing: I suspect the people who say not voting is somehow a vote for X, Y, or Z really want a forced-vote system as in Australia. I would NEVER vote in Australia -- I'd find a way out of all that coercion.
That won't happen, so you're for Democrats winning.
I'm not for Democrats winning, I'm for Republicans winning. The strained logic of the people who say over and over that if I vote for B, or if I DON'T vote, that somehow means I'm really voting for X or Y or Z --- this amazes me. That logic isn't strained, it's twisted into a toroid, all for the hope of someone to get people to vote the way they want us to.

Look: who I'm for, I'm for. Anyone I vote for, I voted for. Anyone I DIDN'T vote for, I didn't vote for. It's simple and there is really no way to twist that around that makes any sense at all.

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