Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

"I don't disagree with you but let's argue"
Agreement on one point is not agreement on all points, obviously. Don't be a sissy. This is a discussion board

Why do I care? Uh...says the guy who started the thread...what a bizarre comment.

I think students at universities should have the right to reject speakers that deviate far from the norm on certain topics. Not every nutsack deserves forum he actually has no "right" to. That's why I care.

I also care because our poisonous president will likely bastardized and manipulate this bad EC for political ends.
"I don't disagree with you but let's argue"
Agreement on one point is not agreement on all points, obviously. Don't be a sissy. This is a discussion board

Why do I care? Uh...says the guy who started the thread...what a bizarre comment.

I think students at universities should have the right to reject speakers that deviate far from the norm on certain topics. Not every nutsack deserves forum he actually has no "right" to. That's why I care.

I also care because our poisonous president will likely bastardized and manipulate this bad EC for political ends.
Don't be a horse fluffer.
"I don't disagree with you but let's argue"
Agreement on one point is not agreement on all points, obviously. Don't be a sissy. This is a discussion board

Why do I care? Uh...says the guy who started the thread...what a bizarre comment.

I think students at universities should have the right to reject speakers that deviate far from the norm on certain topics. Not every nutsack deserves forum he actually has no "right" to. That's why I care.

I also care because our poisonous president will likely bastardized and manipulate this bad EC for political ends.
Don't be a horse fluffer.
Don't troll your own thread.

The reason you dodged my points is that you don't have a good response. This is because none exists. That is nothing to be ashamed of, like I said.
No, some anti-fluoridation nutball does not deserve an equal forum on a university campus as does a top scientist with all the evidence at his back.

And yes, that's exactly the type of "request" you are going to get on campuses.
"I don't disagree with you but let's argue"
Agreement on one point is not agreement on all points, obviously. Don't be a sissy. This is a discussion board

Why do I care? Uh...says the guy who started the thread...what a bizarre comment.

I think students at universities should have the right to reject speakers that deviate far from the norm on certain topics. Not every nutsack deserves forum he actually has no "right" to. That's why I care.

I also care because our poisonous president will likely bastardized and manipulate this bad EC for political ends.

And they can, by not watching it or participating in it. What you consider far from the norm may not be what someone else considers far from the norm.
What you consider far from the norm may not be what someone else considers far from the norm.
Which, in objective topics, is not a matter of opinion. Politics are different than academics c, rigorous topics.

Second, even with politics: if MLK speaks, then the grand wizard of the KKK must also be paid to speak? Fuck that.
"I don't disagree with you but let's argue"
Agreement on one point is not agreement on all points, obviously. Don't be a sissy. This is a discussion board

Why do I care? Uh...says the guy who started the thread...what a bizarre comment.

I think students at universities should have the right to reject speakers that deviate far from the norm on certain topics. Not every nutsack deserves forum he actually has no "right" to. That's why I care.

I also care because our poisonous president will likely bastardized and manipulate this bad EC for political ends.
Don't be a horse fluffer.
Don't troll your own thread.

The reason you dodged my points is that you don't have a good response. This is because none exists. That is nothing to be ashamed of, like I said.
No because you are trolling for an argument and I don't feel like playing.

Go freshen up trigger.
And they can, by not watching it or participating in it.
They don't have a choice in participation, when their money is paying for it. So not a good argument, sorry.

Yes they do. They do not have to attend. I'm sure there are plenty on the right who do not agree with the leftists speakers, professors, etc. I know there are people who oppose their tax dollars going to certain things, but the answer they get is "too bad." There might be some who oppose it and others who agree with it, and from what I see, it is people on the right who are mostly "banned" from speaking at colleges. That is not cool, and that is no way to conduct a place that is supposed to be about "learning."
Yes they do. They do not have to attend.
But they have to pay for it. You would be cool with your money going to a pedophile who wants equal time to speak about why pedophilia should be legal and even recognized as marriage?

No. You need to think this through, more.
What you consider far from the norm may not be what someone else considers far from the norm.
Which, in objective topics, is not a matter of opinion. Politics are different than academics c, rigorous topics.

Second, even with politics: if MLK speaks, then the grand wizard of the KKK must also be paid to speak? Fuck that.

No because you are trolling for an argument and I don't feel like playing
I see. So you started a thread in hopes that only people who will agree with you would comment. Good for you.

Most sane people agree that a college is no place to ban viewpoints that you don't agree with. Most speakers are INVITED to speak, so there are some who want to hear what they have to say.

It doesn't harm anybody to listen to viewpoints that differ from their own, and it is a learning experience to hear those viewpoints and even disagree with them and talk about them.
What you consider far from the norm may not be what someone else considers far from the norm.
Which, in objective topics, is not a matter of opinion. Politics are different than academics c, rigorous topics.

Second, even with politics: if MLK speaks, then the grand wizard of the KKK must also be paid to speak? Fuck that.

Not a straw man at all. White supremacists groups exist on campuses and do make this type of demand.

Join us in reality, Chris.
Yes they do. They do not have to attend.
But they have to pay for it. You would be cool with your money going to a pedophile who wants equal time to speak about why pedophilia should be legal and even recognized as marriage?

No. You need to think this through, more.

Why not, we have transgenders speaking to small children at libraries!
What you consider far from the norm may not be what someone else considers far from the norm.
Which, in objective topics, is not a matter of opinion. Politics are different than academics c, rigorous topics.

Second, even with politics: if MLK speaks, then the grand wizard of the KKK must also be paid to speak? Fuck that.

Not a straw man at all. White supremacists groups exist on campuses and do make this type of demand.

Join us in reality, Chris.

So? Nobody is forced to attend. Nobody is forced to agree. Nobody is harmed by listening to other points of view.
Yes they do. They do not have to attend.
But they have to pay for it. You would be cool with your money going to a pedophile who wants equal time to speak about why pedophilia should be legal and even recognized as marriage?

No. You need to think this through, more.

Why not, we have transgenders speaking to small children at libraries!
Now you're just lying. No, you would not be okay with it. Neither would I. And it was the CONTENT of their presentation to which I was speaking. Try to focus, these bait and switch attempts by you are distracting.
So? Nobody is forced to attend.
But are forced to pay for it, without any say.

But hey, I will remember that you are fine with this idea. I will not forget.

I have no problem with listening to other points of view. You coming up with this hyperbolic most EXTREME examples does not change that. Nobody is forced to attend. Nobody is forced to agree, and people can create their own forum for rebuttal.

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