Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

It hasn't been "white supremacists" and "pedophiles" who have been banned. It has been people who may don't agree with the leftist status quo.
I like to discuss things as it helps me keep on top of the local happenings but I certainly wish there were more people who like to do that as opposed to those like yourself who only like to lash out.

I am here to discuss issues, with people I disagree with. But unfortunately, the majority of liberals, are unable to hold civil conversations.

If you got the impression that I am only here to "lash out", then you failed your attempt at reading comprehension.

I was asked a question. I answered the question honestly and while no one actually disagreed with what I said, those who replied (yourself) had to go off on some irrelevant vague rant where I had no idea what you were even ranting about.

What exactly did I say that you disagreed with?

Lots, but primarily the implication that the violence from the Left today is in the pursuit of some noble anti-tyranny goal, when it is actually is tyranny.

I never discussed that so try again.

That was the implication I got from your posts about the Founding Fathers using violence, or the blacks using violence to get equal rights, or blah, blah,blah.

If that was not your intent, you suck at communication.

And I have no idea what you were really going on about.

That was clearly a direct answer as to whether or not I support violence. I said at times I do and gave a couple examples.

You are just ate up with it and read what you wanted to read.
I'm all for promoting free speech but Trump's approach seems to me a bit of cut off one's nose to spite one's face. If any money is doled out it should go to where it will produce the most bang for the buck. A school that receives a lot of federal government dough is John Hopkins,

With $2.0 billion in federal R&D funding in 2015, Johns Hopkins University is the largest university research partner of the federal government. One of the major centers of innovation on campus is the Applied Physics Laboratory. Established in 1942, the APL has provided the Department of Defense with research in missile defense, space, and weapons systems. The DOD funds 40% of Johns Hopkins annual R&D spending, compared to the 14% average for all universities. NASA funds account for 11% of the school’s R&D expenditure, compared to the 4% average. Among the school's many research accomplishments, Johns Hopkins was responsible for the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid and helped develop the first effective treatment for sickle cell anemia.

The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government

Not sure what your point is, apropos of the topic.

Let me spell it out to you. Say a university is in the middle of military or health research in which it has invested heavily in research equipment and brought aboard the necessary people having the expertise to pursue the matter. Why risk cancelling the project where it has been conducted and starting from scratch somewhere else over a matter unrelated to that research?
I'm all for promoting free speech but Trump's approach seems to me a bit of cut off one's nose to spite one's face. If any money is doled out it should go to where it will produce the most bang for the buck. A school that receives a lot of federal government dough is John Hopkins,

With $2.0 billion in federal R&D funding in 2015, Johns Hopkins University is the largest university research partner of the federal government. One of the major centers of innovation on campus is the Applied Physics Laboratory. Established in 1942, the APL has provided the Department of Defense with research in missile defense, space, and weapons systems. The DOD funds 40% of Johns Hopkins annual R&D spending, compared to the 14% average for all universities. NASA funds account for 11% of the school’s R&D expenditure, compared to the 4% average. Among the school's many research accomplishments, Johns Hopkins was responsible for the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid and helped develop the first effective treatment for sickle cell anemia.

The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government

Not sure what your point is, apropos of the topic.

Let me spell it out to you. Say a university is in the middle of military or health research in which it has invested heavily in research equipment and brought aboard the necessary people having the expertise to pursue the matter. Why risk cancelling the project where it has been conducted and starting from scratch somewhere else over a matter unrelated to that research?

Are you sure you are posting on the right thread? What on earth does that have to do with banning certain people from speaking (by leftists alone) on certain university campuses?
I'm all for promoting free speech but Trump's approach seems to me a bit of cut off one's nose to spite one's face. If any money is doled out it should go to where it will produce the most bang for the buck. A school that receives a lot of federal government dough is John Hopkins,

With $2.0 billion in federal R&D funding in 2015, Johns Hopkins University is the largest university research partner of the federal government. One of the major centers of innovation on campus is the Applied Physics Laboratory. Established in 1942, the APL has provided the Department of Defense with research in missile defense, space, and weapons systems. The DOD funds 40% of Johns Hopkins annual R&D spending, compared to the 14% average for all universities. NASA funds account for 11% of the school’s R&D expenditure, compared to the 4% average. Among the school's many research accomplishments, Johns Hopkins was responsible for the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid and helped develop the first effective treatment for sickle cell anemia.

The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government

Not sure what your point is, apropos of the topic.

Let me spell it out to you. Say a university is in the middle of military or health research in which it has invested heavily in research equipment and brought aboard the necessary people having the expertise to pursue the matter. Why risk cancelling the project where it has been conducted and starting from scratch somewhere else over a matter unrelated to that research?

If they don't ban certain people with certain views from speaking, then they don't have to worry about losing their grants. If they continue to behave like NPCs, then they will lose their funding. As it should be.
"I don't disagree with you but let's argue"
Agreement on one point is not agreement on all points, obviously. Don't be a sissy. This is a discussion board

Why do I care? Uh...says the guy who started the thread...what a bizarre comment.

I think students at universities should have the right to reject speakers that deviate far from the norm on certain topics. Not every nutsack deserves forum he actually has no "right" to. That's why I care.

I also care because our poisonous president will likely bastardized and manipulate this bad EC for political ends.
To my knowledge none of the conservative speeches on campus involved mandatory attendance by the violent leftwing thugs

Students at the university wanted to hear the speaker and invited them

often at some expense

The civilized way to disagree is to debate the ideas you dont like

not break windows and set police cars on fire
That would be either Congress or the US Department of Education, depending on the law or regulation in question. There's more than one.

So the Trump administration, correct?

No, shitforbrains. There have been various laws for quite a while outlining what constitutes "federal funding" for the purposes of a university or college being subject to federal government regulation/interference. They predate the Trump administration by quite a bit, even if your pathetic memory doesn't.

Listen here asshole. Did you read what the thread is about? Obviously not you lazy fuck.

This entire thread is about an executive order, not legislation.

And what exactly is your problem with it again?
I have a problem with the double standard of conservatives decrying “censorship” except when it’s done by conservative Christian universities (which was claimed to not exist because conservative chrisitians are so comfortable and confident in their beliefs).

I don’t support censorship but I feel that universities should have some ability to say no to people whose only intention is to distrust and troll the school and provide zero academic benefit (like Milo). Since it’s a slippery slope, I don’t know if it’s feasible to do so and to some extent the problem seems to have solved itself.
In other words, you support censorship.
So the Trump administration, correct?

No, shitforbrains. There have been various laws for quite a while outlining what constitutes "federal funding" for the purposes of a university or college being subject to federal government regulation/interference. They predate the Trump administration by quite a bit, even if your pathetic memory doesn't.

Listen here asshole. Did you read what the thread is about? Obviously not you lazy fuck.

This entire thread is about an executive order, not legislation.

And what exactly is your problem with it again?
I have a problem with the double standard of conservatives decrying “censorship” except when it’s done by conservative Christian universities (which was claimed to not exist because conservative chrisitians are so comfortable and confident in their beliefs).

I don’t support censorship but I feel that universities should have some ability to say no to people whose only intention is to distrust and troll the school and provide zero academic benefit (like Milo). Since it’s a slippery slope, I don’t know if it’s feasible to do so and to some extent the problem seems to have solved itself.
In other words, you support censorship.
Of COURSE they do. They're a liberal lunatic.
Another band-aid to deal with a complicated issue. We just don't learn.

The Regressive Left intimidates, coerces and punishes people for daring to say something they don't like. They have taken probably our most valuable real estate for freedom of expression -- college campuses -- and turned them into ideological Safe Spaces in which fragile young minds aren't challenged to think outside their little fucking bubbles. Of all places to do this.

In response, like a caveman whacking at something with a stick, the Right tosses out some coercion and intimidation of its own with this threat. Tit for tat, back and forth.

We love our stupid little band aids, because we don't have the BALLS to actually ADDRESS the core problems we face.

I'm sick of these fucking quick fixes that solve nothing.

I'm sick of mealy mouthed simpletons like you who play with the doo-doo in your diapers while pretending to be above and beyond it all and stupidly go on about how the sane are of the same cut as that of the fascist thugs of leftist lunacy. You babble, "the Right tosses out some coercion and intimidation of its own with this threat."

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, shut up, you silly ass. The only thing leftists will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.
Oooooh, nasty and personal.

Good. Get it all out.

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I am here to discuss issues, with people I disagree with. But unfortunately, the majority of liberals, are unable to hold civil conversations.

If you got the impression that I am only here to "lash out", then you failed your attempt at reading comprehension.

I was asked a question. I answered the question honestly and while no one actually disagreed with what I said, those who replied (yourself) had to go off on some irrelevant vague rant where I had no idea what you were even ranting about.

What exactly did I say that you disagreed with?

Lots, but primarily the implication that the violence from the Left today is in the pursuit of some noble anti-tyranny goal, when it is actually is tyranny.

I never discussed that so try again.

That was the implication I got from your posts about the Founding Fathers using violence, or the blacks using violence to get equal rights, or blah, blah,blah.

If that was not your intent, you suck at communication.

And I have no idea what you were really going on about.

That was clearly a direct answer as to whether or not I support violence. I said at times I do and gave a couple examples.

You are just ate up with it and read what you wanted to read.

You know, ever so often, I ask a lefty to clarify what they said.

And they are like, "I was clear about what I said, why are you being a dick"?

It is because of lefties like you. Your claim that you did not mean what it looked like you meant, is A not credible, and B. if it were true, than your post was either meaningless garbage or completely misleading.

Either way, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Under Trumps mandate, will Christian Schools be required to accept Pro Choice speakers?

If they receive federal funding, yes.
yea, dunno how this is an issue. people are LOOKING for their little slice of bullshit to get mad about. free speech is free speech. rightwinger is a dumbass but he's free to be one if he so chooses, just as i am free to call him one and ignore him.

The Bonds are issued by the States, not the Feds.

Another study from the Brookings Institution showed that federal taxpayers have subsidized the construction of 36 stadiums at a cost of over $3.2 billion since 2000.​

subsidizing is not funding. Again, it's due to municipal bonds being tax free.

And $3.2 billion over 20 years sounds like a lot until you realize that the same amount of money is 1/3 of the total federal expenditure in a SINGLE DAY.

It is still Federal tax dollars. Your dissembling doesn't change that fact.

Given to the Students, not directly to the Institution. They also admit that fact plainly in their statement.

Another study from the Brookings Institution showed that federal taxpayers have subsidized the construction of 36 stadiums at a cost of over $3.2 billion since 2000.​

subsidizing is not funding. Again, it's due to municipal bonds being tax free.

And $3.2 billion over 20 years sounds like a lot until you realize that the same amount of money is 1/3 of the total federal expenditure in a SINGLE DAY.

It is still Federal tax dollars. Your dissembling doesn't change that fact.

Given to the Students, not directly to the Institution. They also admit that fact plainly in their statement.
You really cannot stand being wrong can you? You asked if the NFL got Federal money. The answer is YES.
The Bonds are issued by the States, not the Feds.

Another study from the Brookings Institution showed that federal taxpayers have subsidized the construction of 36 stadiums at a cost of over $3.2 billion since 2000.​

subsidizing is not funding. Again, it's due to municipal bonds being tax free.

And $3.2 billion over 20 years sounds like a lot until you realize that the same amount of money is 1/3 of the total federal expenditure in a SINGLE DAY.

It is still Federal tax dollars. Your dissembling doesn't change that fact.

Given to the Students, not directly to the Institution. They also admit that fact plainly in their statement.
You really cannot stand being wrong can you? You asked if the NFL got Federal money. The answer is YES.

They got paid by the feds for advertising, that is not federal funding.

"Getting Federal Money" is usually constructed as getting grants, especially in an academic scenario, Research money, etc.

Did Trump say he was going to cut student's pell grants and subsidized student loans?

You morons are trying to nitpick and obfuscate to get any gotcha moment you can.
It hasn't been "white supremacists" and "pedophiles" who have been banned. It has been people who may don't agree with the leftist status quo.
Why would you think white supremacist and pedophiles are leftist? That makes no sense.


it’s like Republicans saying they have no problem with race and then you look at the hundreds of Republicans in the House and Senate and wonder how can there only be one Republican African-American in the house and one African-American Republican in the Senate? How is that possible?
Another study from the Brookings Institution showed that federal taxpayers have subsidized the construction of 36 stadiums at a cost of over $3.2 billion since 2000.​

subsidizing is not funding. Again, it's due to municipal bonds being tax free.

And $3.2 billion over 20 years sounds like a lot until you realize that the same amount of money is 1/3 of the total federal expenditure in a SINGLE DAY.

It is still Federal tax dollars. Your dissembling doesn't change that fact.

Given to the Students, not directly to the Institution. They also admit that fact plainly in their statement.
You really cannot stand being wrong can you? You asked if the NFL got Federal money. The answer is YES.

They got paid by the feds for advertising, that is not federal funding.

"Getting Federal Money" is usually constructed as getting grants, especially in an academic scenario, Research money, etc.

Did Trump say he was going to cut student's pell grants and subsidized student loans?

You morons are trying to nitpick and obfuscate to get any gotcha moment you can.

No, that’s not all they get.

they take a comprehensive look at the federal side of stadium subsidies. They find that since 2000 alone, federal taxpayers have footed $3.2 billion toward private sports stadiums through subsidies in the form of tax-exempt municipal bonds. The amount of revenue the federal government loses gets even bigger—$3.7 billion—when the additional tax benefits that the high-income bond holders receive are taken into account.

Top 10 biggest federal subsidies for pro stadiums (Hint: the Yankees are #1)

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