Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

What you consider far from the norm may not be what someone else considers far from the norm.
Which, in objective topics, is not a matter of opinion. Politics are different than academics c, rigorous topics.

Second, even with politics: if MLK speaks, then the grand wizard of the KKK must also be paid to speak? Fuck that.

Not a straw man at all. White supremacists groups exist on campuses and do make this type of demand.

Join us in reality, Chris.

So? Nobody is forced to attend. Nobody is forced to agree. Nobody is harmed by listening to other points of view.

Leftists are so invested in the belief that all people are racist that they think if college students hear a white supremacist, they'll all run out and enthusiastically join up.

Conservatives, on the other hand, have faith in people and believe that the vast majority will recognize it as utter crap when they hear it.
Yes they do. They do not have to attend.
But they have to pay for it. You would be cool with your money going to a pedophile who wants equal time to speak about why pedophilia should be legal and even recognized as marriage?

No. You need to think this through, more.

Why not, we have transgenders speaking to small children at libraries!
Now you're just lying. No, you would not be okay with it. Neither would I. And it was the CONTENT of their presentation to which I was speaking. Try to focus, these bait and switch attempts by you are distracting.

Learn the difference between "find it disgusting" and "demand that it be censored".
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

That's why government issues these grants in the first place - so that it can twist arms when it wants to.
What you consider far from the norm may not be what someone else considers far from the norm.
Which, in objective topics, is not a matter of opinion. Politics are different than academics c, rigorous topics.

Second, even with politics: if MLK speaks, then the grand wizard of the KKK must also be paid to speak? Fuck that.

Not a straw man at all. White supremacists groups exist on campuses and do make this type of demand.

Join us in reality, Chris.

So? Nobody is forced to attend. Nobody is forced to agree. Nobody is harmed by listening to other points of view.

"Nobody is harmed by listening to other points of view."

tell THAT to the Jews.....

if your point of view is "liberals are the ENEMY! they hate GOD and YOU and America! they are TRAITORS and should be dealt with as TRAITORS"

somebody could certainly get hurt.
I gotta hand it to the rewrite committee over at the Fauxrage machine. Keepin um frothy.

Weren't those Antifa-v-Proud Boys riots in 2017?

The Campus and the Student groups worked out a solution.

Maher had Milo and that other asshole that the assholes at antifa rioted over, on for a decent conversation too. Of course he has Ann on all the time I think......
I'm all for promoting free speech but Trump's approach seems to me a bit of cut off one's nose to spite one's face. If any money is doled out it should go to where it will produce the most bang for the buck. A school that receives a lot of federal government dough is John Hopkins,

With $2.0 billion in federal R&D funding in 2015, Johns Hopkins University is the largest university research partner of the federal government. One of the major centers of innovation on campus is the Applied Physics Laboratory. Established in 1942, the APL has provided the Department of Defense with research in missile defense, space, and weapons systems. The DOD funds 40% of Johns Hopkins annual R&D spending, compared to the 14% average for all universities. NASA funds account for 11% of the school’s R&D expenditure, compared to the 4% average. Among the school's many research accomplishments, Johns Hopkins was responsible for the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid and helped develop the first effective treatment for sickle cell anemia.

The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government

Not sure what your point is, apropos of the topic.

Let me spell it out to you. Say a university is in the middle of military or health research in which it has invested heavily in research equipment and brought aboard the necessary people having the expertise to pursue the matter. Why risk cancelling the project where it has been conducted and starting from scratch somewhere else over a matter unrelated to that research?

Maybe because any university that considers it worth losing the research grant to be able to continue censoring free speech is perhaps not the best choice to start with?

Only a leftist would think it likely that universities would say, "Fuck those millions of dollars. We'd rather ban Ben Shapiro!"
I'm all for promoting free speech but Trump's approach seems to me a bit of cut off one's nose to spite one's face. If any money is doled out it should go to where it will produce the most bang for the buck. A school that receives a lot of federal government dough is John Hopkins,

With $2.0 billion in federal R&D funding in 2015, Johns Hopkins University is the largest university research partner of the federal government. One of the major centers of innovation on campus is the Applied Physics Laboratory. Established in 1942, the APL has provided the Department of Defense with research in missile defense, space, and weapons systems. The DOD funds 40% of Johns Hopkins annual R&D spending, compared to the 14% average for all universities. NASA funds account for 11% of the school’s R&D expenditure, compared to the 4% average. Among the school's many research accomplishments, Johns Hopkins was responsible for the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid and helped develop the first effective treatment for sickle cell anemia.

The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government

Not sure what your point is, apropos of the topic.

Let me spell it out to you. Say a university is in the middle of military or health research in which it has invested heavily in research equipment and brought aboard the necessary people having the expertise to pursue the matter. Why risk cancelling the project where it has been conducted and starting from scratch somewhere else over a matter unrelated to that research?

Are you sure you are posting on the right thread? What on earth does that have to do with banning certain people from speaking (by leftists alone) on certain university campuses?

He's convinced that someone somewhere is going to insist on censoring free speech and throw all that research money away. University administrations are stupid, but not THAT stupid.
I gotta hand it to the rewrite committee over at the Fauxrage machine. Keepin um frothy.

Weren't those Antifa-v-Proud Boys riots in 2017?

The Campus and the Student groups worked out a solution.

Maher had Milo and that other asshole that the assholes at antifa rioted over, on for a decent conversation too. Of course he has Ann on all the time I think......

If by "vs" you mean the Proud Boys marched, the Antifa attacked and the Proud BOys defended themselves, yes.

And I don't know what you mean by "worked out a solution".
I'm all for promoting free speech but Trump's approach seems to me a bit of cut off one's nose to spite one's face. If any money is doled out it should go to where it will produce the most bang for the buck. A school that receives a lot of federal government dough is John Hopkins,

With $2.0 billion in federal R&D funding in 2015, Johns Hopkins University is the largest university research partner of the federal government. One of the major centers of innovation on campus is the Applied Physics Laboratory. Established in 1942, the APL has provided the Department of Defense with research in missile defense, space, and weapons systems. The DOD funds 40% of Johns Hopkins annual R&D spending, compared to the 14% average for all universities. NASA funds account for 11% of the school’s R&D expenditure, compared to the 4% average. Among the school's many research accomplishments, Johns Hopkins was responsible for the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid and helped develop the first effective treatment for sickle cell anemia.

The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government

Not sure what your point is, apropos of the topic.

Let me spell it out to you. Say a university is in the middle of military or health research in which it has invested heavily in research equipment and brought aboard the necessary people having the expertise to pursue the matter. Why risk cancelling the project where it has been conducted and starting from scratch somewhere else over a matter unrelated to that research?

Are you sure you are posting on the right thread? What on earth does that have to do with banning certain people from speaking (by leftists alone) on certain university campuses?

I take it you didn't even look at the very first line of the article whose link is the very first line of this thread.
I was asked a question. I answered the question honestly and while no one actually disagreed with what I said, those who replied (yourself) had to go off on some irrelevant vague rant where I had no idea what you were even ranting about.

What exactly did I say that you disagreed with?

Lots, but primarily the implication that the violence from the Left today is in the pursuit of some noble anti-tyranny goal, when it is actually is tyranny.

I never discussed that so try again.

That was the implication I got from your posts about the Founding Fathers using violence, or the blacks using violence to get equal rights, or blah, blah,blah.

If that was not your intent, you suck at communication.

And I have no idea what you were really going on about.

That was clearly a direct answer as to whether or not I support violence. I said at times I do and gave a couple examples.

You are just ate up with it and read what you wanted to read.

You know, ever so often, I ask a lefty to clarify what they said.

And they are like, "I was clear about what I said, why are you being a dick"?

It is because of lefties like you. Your claim that you did not mean what it looked like you meant, is A not credible, and B. if it were true, than your post was either meaningless garbage or completely misleading.

Either way, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

No, what I said was absolutely what I meant.
Lots, but primarily the implication that the violence from the Left today is in the pursuit of some noble anti-tyranny goal, when it is actually is tyranny.

I never discussed that so try again.

That was the implication I got from your posts about the Founding Fathers using violence, or the blacks using violence to get equal rights, or blah, blah,blah.

If that was not your intent, you suck at communication.

And I have no idea what you were really going on about.

That was clearly a direct answer as to whether or not I support violence. I said at times I do and gave a couple examples.

You are just ate up with it and read what you wanted to read.

You know, ever so often, I ask a lefty to clarify what they said.

And they are like, "I was clear about what I said, why are you being a dick"?

It is because of lefties like you. Your claim that you did not mean what it looked like you meant, is A not credible, and B. if it were true, than your post was either meaningless garbage or completely misleading.

Either way, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

No, what I said was absolutely what I meant.

And then you argued it, for several pages, until suddenly realizing that we were discussing it wrong, and you decided to walk it back.

EIther way, your behavior was dick like.
And we suddenly all figured out where to pee, too.

Why y’all so obsessed with that?
"we" weren't the ones who made it an issue.

Bullshit! Conservatives are the ones passing laws about it.

Yeah, yeah. The fight wasn't started when you upended society, it started when conservatives were "horrible" enough to fight back. How dare they!

No one was upending society. Just people making decisions for themselves which conservatives (small government supposedly) decided was unacceptable and therefore requires government authority to tell people what to do.

Oh, yeah, no upending of society involved in reversing millennia of recognizing that men and women are different from each other and that women need protection from predatory men to decide that suddenly there's no such thing as different, separate sexes, a man can be a woman just because he "feelz" like one, and it's perfectly okay to let him wander in and out of women's restrooms at will and to tell the women to shut up and accept it.

Are you actually trying to tell me that you believe there were no laws involving men invading women's restrooms and locker rooms and that it was commonplace until conservatives inexplicably decided to suddenly object? Is THAT the insane fucking fantasy you've been constructing for yourself?
I gotta hand it to the rewrite committee over at the Fauxrage machine. Keepin um frothy.

Weren't those Antifa-v-Proud Boys riots in 2017?

The Campus and the Student groups worked out a solution.

Maher had Milo and that other asshole that the assholes at antifa rioted over, on for a decent conversation too. Of course he has Ann on all the time I think......

If by "vs" you mean the Proud Boys marched, the Antifa attacked and the Proud BOys defended themselves, yes.

And I don't know what you mean by "worked out a solution".

When was the last riot?
What you consider far from the norm may not be what someone else considers far from the norm.
Which, in objective topics, is not a matter of opinion. Politics are different than academics c, rigorous topics.

Second, even with politics: if MLK speaks, then the grand wizard of the KKK must also be paid to speak? Fuck that.

Not a straw man at all. White supremacists groups exist on campuses and do make this type of demand.

Join us in reality, Chris.

So? Nobody is forced to attend. Nobody is forced to agree. Nobody is harmed by listening to other points of view.

"Nobody is harmed by listening to other points of view."

tell THAT to the Jews.....

if your point of view is "liberals are the ENEMY! they hate GOD and YOU and America! they are TRAITORS and should be dealt with as TRAITORS"

somebody could certainly get hurt.

There is literally no scrap of reality that even remotely touches your peabrain, is there?
I gotta hand it to the rewrite committee over at the Fauxrage machine. Keepin um frothy.

Weren't those Antifa-v-Proud Boys riots in 2017?

The Campus and the Student groups worked out a solution.

Maher had Milo and that other asshole that the assholes at antifa rioted over, on for a decent conversation too. Of course he has Ann on all the time I think......

If by "vs" you mean the Proud Boys marched, the Antifa attacked and the Proud BOys defended themselves, yes.

And I don't know what you mean by "worked out a solution".

When was the last riot?

I don't know, why do you ask?
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.
Colleges aren’t going to back science deniers or white supremacists.

you and Donald need to stfu
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.
Colleges aren’t going to back science deniers or white supremacists.

you and Donald need to stfu

This policy is aimed at preventing violent thugs from using violence and the threat of violence, to stop Free Speech.

And you are coming out against that.

I never discussed that so try again.

That was the implication I got from your posts about the Founding Fathers using violence, or the blacks using violence to get equal rights, or blah, blah,blah.

If that was not your intent, you suck at communication.

And I have no idea what you were really going on about.

That was clearly a direct answer as to whether or not I support violence. I said at times I do and gave a couple examples.

You are just ate up with it and read what you wanted to read.

You know, ever so often, I ask a lefty to clarify what they said.

And they are like, "I was clear about what I said, why are you being a dick"?

It is because of lefties like you. Your claim that you did not mean what it looked like you meant, is A not credible, and B. if it were true, than your post was either meaningless garbage or completely misleading.

Either way, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

No, what I said was absolutely what I meant.

And then you argued it, for several pages, until suddenly realizing that we were discussing it wrong, and you decided to walk it back.

EIther way, your behavior was dick like.

Argue what? What exactly did I argue? Please provide quotes to what you are accusing me of doing.
That was the implication I got from your posts about the Founding Fathers using violence, or the blacks using violence to get equal rights, or blah, blah,blah.

If that was not your intent, you suck at communication.

And I have no idea what you were really going on about.

That was clearly a direct answer as to whether or not I support violence. I said at times I do and gave a couple examples.

You are just ate up with it and read what you wanted to read.

You know, ever so often, I ask a lefty to clarify what they said.

And they are like, "I was clear about what I said, why are you being a dick"?

It is because of lefties like you. Your claim that you did not mean what it looked like you meant, is A not credible, and B. if it were true, than your post was either meaningless garbage or completely misleading.

Either way, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

No, what I said was absolutely what I meant.

And then you argued it, for several pages, until suddenly realizing that we were discussing it wrong, and you decided to walk it back.

EIther way, your behavior was dick like.

Argue what? What exactly did I argue? Please provide quotes to what you are accusing me of doing.

Sorry, I don't know what you mean by those words. DId I say something to make you think I was talking about you? No, I was saying vague, and undefined other shit. YOu got it wrong.

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