Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

No, shitforbrains. There have been various laws for quite a while outlining what constitutes "federal funding" for the purposes of a university or college being subject to federal government regulation/interference. They predate the Trump administration by quite a bit, even if your pathetic memory doesn't.

Listen here asshole. Did you read what the thread is about? Obviously not you lazy fuck.

This entire thread is about an executive order, not legislation.

And what exactly is your problem with it again?
I have a problem with the double standard of conservatives decrying “censorship” except when it’s done by conservative Christian universities (which was claimed to not exist because conservative chrisitians are so comfortable and confident in their beliefs).

I don’t support censorship but I feel that universities should have some ability to say no to people whose only intention is to distrust and troll the school and provide zero academic benefit (like Milo). Since it’s a slippery slope, I don’t know if it’s feasible to do so and to some extent the problem seems to have solved itself.
And we suddenly all figured out where to pee, too.

Why y’all so obsessed with that?
"we" weren't the ones who made it an issue.
Another band-aid to deal with a complicated issue. We just don't learn.

The Regressive Left intimidates, coerces and punishes people for daring to say something they don't like. They have taken probably our most valuable real estate for freedom of expression -- college campuses -- and turned them into ideological Safe Spaces in which fragile young minds aren't challenged to think outside their little fucking bubbles. Of all places to do this.

In response, like a caveman whacking at something with a stick, the Right tosses out some coercion and intimidation of its own with this threat. Tit for tat, back and forth.

We love our stupid little band aids, because we don't have the BALLS to actually ADDRESS the core problems we face.

I'm sick of these fucking quick fixes that solve nothing.
Sometimes it takes riots. It took riots to get blacks equal rights. It took riots to get us out of Vietnam. The founders understood that.

So, you support the use of street violence, against your political enemies.

Sometimes. Is that not what we did in Boston on December 16, 1773?

THank you for your honesty. So many of your lib buddies here, lie about that.

So, are you going to be honest enough to admit that with people like you, and mobs like Antifa, that Trump's move is completely called for?

Or is that too much even for an honest left like you?

My lib buddies? Who is it that often times notes

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

That's kind of acrobatic, since our Founders were the quintessential Liberals. Oops.

An amusing claim. That does not even address, let alone challenge my point.

Which thus stands.

Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

Nuttin' like being schooled on your shit, and then running the same shit out there again expecting different results.

Hard to believe.
Listen here asshole. Did you read what the thread is about? Obviously not you lazy fuck.

This entire thread is about an executive order, not legislation.

And what exactly is your problem with it again?
I have a problem with the double standard of conservatives decrying “censorship” except when it’s done by conservative Christian universities (which was claimed to not exist because conservative chrisitians are so comfortable and confident in their beliefs).

I don’t support censorship but I feel that universities should have some ability to say no to people whose only intention is to distrust and troll the school and provide zero academic benefit (like Milo). Since it’s a slippery slope, I don’t know if it’s feasible to do so and to some extent the problem seems to have solved itself.
And we suddenly all figured out where to pee, too.

Why y’all so obsessed with that?
"we" weren't the ones who made it an issue.

Bullshit! Conservatives are the ones passing laws about it.
Another band-aid to deal with a complicated issue. We just don't learn.

The Regressive Left intimidates, coerces and punishes people for daring to say something they don't like. They have taken probably our most valuable real estate for freedom of expression -- college campuses -- and turned them into ideological Safe Spaces in which fragile young minds aren't challenged to think outside their little fucking bubbles.

In response, like a caveman whacking at something with a stick, the Right tosses out some coercion and intimidation of its own with this threat.

We love our stupid little band aids, because we don't have the BALLS to actually ADDRESS the core problems we face.

I'm sick of these fucking quick fixes that solve nothing.
People tend to over react.

Not just react.
It's good. No more shutting conservative views out of college campuses which receive federal funds. This is a victory for free speech.
Is a flat earther asking? Have a set of rules and stay with them.

Why is that so hard
You ignored my question. But yes, flat earthers are asking.

So, your answer? We are supposed to give equal time to both sides of...what? Every issue? Like... Say...the fact that the planets revolve about the Sun? The fact that vaccines are effective?

Some things still need explained, here.
It's good. No more shutting conservative views out of college campuses which receive federal funds. This is a victory for free speech.
And there you have it, really. Accidental honestly, laid bare. This is about protecting ideas people see as "conservative", and that is all. Oh, and religion. So, for every atheist that speaks, a member of every religion ever invented no also gets equal time..

Hehehe, I doubt it.
Is a flat earther asking? Have a set of rules and stay with them.

Why is that so hard
You ignored my question. But yes, flat earthers are asking.

So, your answer? We are supposed to give equal time to both sides of...what? Every issue? Like... Say...the fact that the planets revolve about the Sun? The fact that vaccines are effective?

Some things still need explained, here.
If they are following the guideline all must follow, what's the problem?
Is a flat earther asking? Have a set of rules and stay with them.

Why is that so hard
You ignored my question. But yes, flat earthers are asking.

So, your answer? We are supposed to give equal time to both sides of...what? Every issue? Like... Say...the fact that the planets revolve about the Sun? The fact that vaccines are effective?

Some things still need explained, here.
If they are following the guideline all must follow, what's the problem?
You are dodging my question. I will try again.

On which issues to both sides get equal time? Every and any issue?

That's the problem with this law. You aren't answering, because you don't have a good answer. Nothing to be ashamed of. Just admit it.
Is a flat earther asking? Have a set of rules and stay with them.

Why is that so hard
You ignored my question. But yes, flat earthers are asking.

So, your answer? We are supposed to give equal time to both sides of...what? Every issue? Like... Say...the fact that the planets revolve about the Sun? The fact that vaccines are effective?

Some things still need explained, here.
If they are following the guideline all must follow, what's the problem?
You are dodging my question. I will try again.

On which issues to both sides get equal time? Every and any issue?

That's the problem with this law. You aren't answering, because you don't have a good answer. Nothing to be ashamed of. Just admit it.
Every issue where requested.

If the democratic student body has a speaker then the Republicans want one too, have at it. All who want to speak should be allowed.

Stop being a dick.
So, you support the use of street violence, against your political enemies.

Sometimes. Is that not what we did in Boston on December 16, 1773?

THank you for your honesty. So many of your lib buddies here, lie about that.

So, are you going to be honest enough to admit that with people like you, and mobs like Antifa, that Trump's move is completely called for?

Or is that too much even for an honest left like you?

My lib buddies? Who is it that often times notes

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

That's kind of acrobatic, since our Founders were the quintessential Liberals. Oops.

An amusing claim. That does not even address, let alone challenge my point.

Which thus stands.

Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

Nuttin' like being schooled on your shit, and then running the same shit out there again expecting different results.

Hard to believe.

You didn't school anything. YOu just spouted some irrelevant shit, so my point remained the same.

Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.
Every issue where requested.
Haha, so equal time should given , at a university, to a flat earther as to a top geologist, if a flat earther requests it.

And you think that's good? Come on.

Just admit, you are only talking about political views. Honesty is a virtue. Unfortunately, this silly, nebulous law doesn't lend as much clarity as your posts accidentally do.

And to be clear, I don't strictly disagree (but for different reasons, I'm sure).
Last edited:
Sometimes. Is that not what we did in Boston on December 16, 1773?
My lib buddies? Who is it that often times notes
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.
You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.
That's kind of acrobatic, since our Founders were the quintessential Liberals. Oops.
An amusing claim. That does not even address, let alone challenge my point.
Which thus stands.
Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

Nuttin' like being schooled on your shit, and then running the same shit out there again expecting different results.

Hard to believe.
You didn't school anything. YOu just spouted some irrelevant shit, so my point remained the same.
Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.
You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.
"War is Peace"; "Freedom is Slavery" and we saved the best for last: "Ignorance is Strength".

Sometimes. Is that not what we did in Boston on December 16, 1773?

My lib buddies? Who is it that often times notes

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

Which is why so often the riots happen to STOP conservative speech. Because you lefties fear the Truth getting out.

Which is why this rule will not NEED to be used against conservative schools.

We are not the bad guys, you are.

I like to discuss things as it helps me keep on top of the local happenings but I certainly wish there were more people who like to do that as opposed to those like yourself who only like to lash out.

I am here to discuss issues, with people I disagree with. But unfortunately, the majority of liberals, are unable to hold civil conversations.

If you got the impression that I am only here to "lash out", then you failed your attempt at reading comprehension.

I was asked a question. I answered the question honestly and while no one actually disagreed with what I said, those who replied (yourself) had to go off on some irrelevant vague rant where I had no idea what you were even ranting about.

What exactly did I say that you disagreed with?

Lots, but primarily the implication that the violence from the Left today is in the pursuit of some noble anti-tyranny goal, when it is actually is tyranny.

I never discussed that so try again.
Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.
You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.
That's kind of acrobatic, since our Founders were the quintessential Liberals. Oops.
An amusing claim. That does not even address, let alone challenge my point.
Which thus stands.
Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

Nuttin' like being schooled on your shit, and then running the same shit out there again expecting different results.

Hard to believe.
You didn't school anything. YOu just spouted some irrelevant shit, so my point remained the same.
Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.
You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.
"War is Peace"; "Freedom is Slavery" and we saved the best for last: "Ignorance is Strength".


The violence we see at universities, is violence to take away the rights of people.

That is you lefties, being the tyrants.

What part of this, is confusing to you?
Another band-aid to deal with a complicated issue. We just don't learn.

The Regressive Left intimidates, coerces and punishes people for daring to say something they don't like. They have taken probably our most valuable real estate for freedom of expression -- college campuses -- and turned them into ideological Safe Spaces in which fragile young minds aren't challenged to think outside their little fucking bubbles. Of all places to do this.

In response, like a caveman whacking at something with a stick, the Right tosses out some coercion and intimidation of its own with this threat. Tit for tat, back and forth.

We love our stupid little band aids, because we don't have the BALLS to actually ADDRESS the core problems we face.

I'm sick of these fucking quick fixes that solve nothing.

I'm sick of mealy mouthed simpletons like you who play with the doo-doo in your diapers while pretending to be above and beyond it all and stupidly go on about how the sane are of the same cut as that of the fascist thugs of leftist lunacy. You babble, "the Right tosses out some coercion and intimidation of its own with this threat."

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, shut up, you silly ass. The only thing leftists will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.
Every issue where requested.
Haha, so equal time should given , at a university, to a flat earther as to a top geologist, if a flat earther requests it.

And you think that's good? Come on.

Just admit, you are only talking about political views. Honesty is a virtue. Unfortunately, this silly, nebulous law doesn't lend as much clarity as your posts accidentally do.

And to be clear, I don't strictly disagree (but for different reasons, I'm sure).
Why do you care what they talk about?

"I don't disagree with you but let's argue"

Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

Which is why so often the riots happen to STOP conservative speech. Because you lefties fear the Truth getting out.

Which is why this rule will not NEED to be used against conservative schools.

We are not the bad guys, you are.

I like to discuss things as it helps me keep on top of the local happenings but I certainly wish there were more people who like to do that as opposed to those like yourself who only like to lash out.

I am here to discuss issues, with people I disagree with. But unfortunately, the majority of liberals, are unable to hold civil conversations.

If you got the impression that I am only here to "lash out", then you failed your attempt at reading comprehension.

I was asked a question. I answered the question honestly and while no one actually disagreed with what I said, those who replied (yourself) had to go off on some irrelevant vague rant where I had no idea what you were even ranting about.

What exactly did I say that you disagreed with?

Lots, but primarily the implication that the violence from the Left today is in the pursuit of some noble anti-tyranny goal, when it is actually is tyranny.

I never discussed that so try again.

That was the implication I got from your posts about the Founding Fathers using violence, or the blacks using violence to get equal rights, or blah, blah,blah.

If that was not your intent, you suck at communication.

And I have no idea what you were really going on about.

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