Trump: "Our military is a disaster"

I'm well known for something! Sweet fancy Moses!

Was that suppose to have a point of some kind?

Yes, the unbridled mockery nearby. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Did you forget to take your Thorazine today?

Always with the negative waves Moriarity, always with the negative waves!

You can't open your mouth without looking like a fool, can you?

I can but then time would go by and I'd die without ever looking like a fool. Who the F#$k wants to do that.
Our forces are smaller across the board.....where is the money going?
At the moment - equipment.
Worthless crappy equipment...that will get you dead real quick...F-35...LCS.....Ford might be a bust tooo
I certainly would not call it worthless and crappy. The F-35 is an amazing feat of engineering that can do things in the air that are astounding. It is not crappy - it is expensive. The maintenance on new aircraft like the F-35, F-22 and B-2 is extremely high. The idea of trading manpower for things like aircraft is old and very idiotic. I am seeing the effects on the force now (and will be getting out as well due in large part of that insanity).
Donald Trump is elected president of the United States I will move to Canada and initiate a movement to assassinate his stupid ass. I'm 82 years old.....what have I got to lose?

Are you wanting a visit from the secret service?

Like I my age what difference does it make?
Trump will probably destroy the Republican party, and that alone is worth watching. The conservatives destroyed their party in 1800, and the period was called "The era of good feeling." Maybe that's what Trump means with his slogan today, make America great again.
This must be another example of that happy-go-lucky "distortion" you are so well known for.

I'm well known for something! Sweet fancy Moses!

Was that suppose to have a point of some kind?

Yes, the unbridled mockery nearby. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Did you forget to take your Thorazine today?

Always with the negative waves Moriarity, always with the negative waves!

Our forces are smaller across the board.....where is the money going?
At the moment - equipment.
Worthless crappy equipment...that will get you dead real quick...F-35...LCS.....Ford might be a bust tooo
I certainly would not call it worthless and crappy. The F-35 is an amazing feat of engineering that can do things in the air that are astounding. It is not crappy - it is expensive. The maintenance on new aircraft like the F-35, F-22 and B-2 is extremely high. The idea of trading manpower for things like aircraft is old and very idiotic. I am seeing the effects on the force now (and will be getting out as well due in large part of that insanity).
Its Its crappy...they cant even get it in service......
Our forces are smaller across the board.....where is the money going?
At the moment - equipment.


I'm well known for something! Sweet fancy Moses!

Was that suppose to have a point of some kind?

Yes, the unbridled mockery nearby. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Did you forget to take your Thorazine today?

Always with the negative waves Moriarity, always with the negative waves!

Kelly's Heroes, in my top 10 favorite movies. The whole thing is great.

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