Trump outlines 9 steps to drain the swamp.

Easier said than done, but I agree with it.

With their complete control over our educational system and media, it won't be an easy task. At least giving states more control over education would happen in some states, though.
Trump's Nine Step Plan To Drain The Swamp

1. "We will completely overhaul Kamala's corrupt Department of Injustice and turn the DOJ back into the best law enforcement agency on the planet." He added that under his presidency, the Department of Justice will focus on "taking down bloodthirsty cartels, transnational gangs, and radical Islamic terrorists" rather than focusing on persecuting Republicans such as himself.

2. Second, Trump said that he will bring back free speech in America."Fake news is a threat to this country," Trump said. "Some are good, but most of them are absolutely terrible human beings. They are the police force for bad. They are very dishonest. When you're a politician and happen to be a Republican, they write just the opposite of what the facts are." He added that as president, he will "sign an executive order banning any federal employee from colluding to limit speech — and we will fire every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship under the Harris regime."

3. The third step will to "expel the warmongers" and to "carry out a much-needed cleanup of the military-industrial complex," said Trump. "We have these people who want to go to war all the time," said Trump. "You know why? Missiles are $2 million apiece ... I had no wars. Remember crooked Hillary [Clinton] used to say, 'Look at him; he's going to cause wars.' No, my personality stopped wars."

4. The fourth step, he said, will be to curtail the power of federal bureaucrats. He added that at the suggestion of tech billionaire Elon Musk, he will create a Government Efficiency Commission to conduct a financial and performance audit of the full federal government.

5. fifth step, his administration will "drain the government education swamp and stop the abuse of your taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America's youth." This includes eliminating the federal Department of Education and sending control of schools back to the states.

6. For the sixth step, Trump said his administration will not tolerate equity policies "that punish Americans based on race or gender." "America will return to the merit principle, which has just been approved by the Supreme Court. And hard work will get you there."

7. As the seventh step, Trump said his administration will work with former independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to take on corruption at the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, "and other institutions that are dominated by corporate power and China." "We will establish a panel of top experts to investigate what is causing the decadeslong increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including auto-immune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and more," he added.

8. The eighth step will be to ask Congress to pass sweeping reforms preventing foreign influence-peddling "like we have seen with the Biden crime family."

9. And as the ninth and final step, Trump said he will support modifying the 25th Amendment "to make clear that if a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the president of the United States, it is grounds for impeachment and removal from office," said Trump. He said that would be because of what happened this past summer with Biden dropping out of the race after questions arose about his capabilities following the first presidential debate of the season.
He had the opportunity to do so and did nothing. Actually added to the problem.

Move on.
Great ideas . I understand keeping education in local hands but we are sliding down hill compared to other nations. Maybe the federal government could set goals and if those goals are met then the schools involved would get some sort of reward and reward students as well. There is no reason we can't be number one in education and other fields.
Other than that I support Trumps nine step policy stands.

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