Trump paid only $750.00 in Federal Income taxes in 2016

Lol..You Trumpers have been taken over and over again by this con man. He lies about his wealth just like he lies about voter fraud. You believe him I guess because you are lost and desperately searching for a leader. You all have been conned.
Dude ...

You are parroting Fake News from Fake News NY Times ....

No normal thinking person is taking you seriously at the moment.

Er, no. Nobody is taking Deplorables seriously. Nobody ever has.
What part of the NY Times piece is fake? Have you even read it? I doubt it, there is a paywall there, and I bet 1) either you couldn't afford to pay for it; or 2) if you could, you wouldn't anyway because your nimrod brain and Dear Leader are telling you it is fake news. Now, that being said, only a Deplorable would denounce something without even reading it first.
He doesn't win again and you'll find out how badly he's cheated NY AG will sic the low life

Dems are toast now, it's on. The lawless lying scum are in for a beating. Why idiot Dems wanted to piss off the entire Republican party and light a fire under voter turn out is a mystery. Do they want to lose the elections??
Why are you so angry? You should be angry at Trump for lying to you. A billionaire who pays $750.00 dollars a year in taxes??? . You have misdirected anger, dearie. Of course, cultist will fiercely defend the cult leader to the end.

Why? I hate Democrats guts, a pox be upon them. May they rot in hell. Clear? LMAO you fools and your lawless scheming just woke up the entire Republican party, not a smart move. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh..grow the hell up. You support the biggest fraud to ever inhabit the Oval Office and you are all in denial of it or can‘t accept that fact, and so you lash out at anyone that reminds you of your inability to face the truth.

It's official, I hate Democrats to infinity. All Dems do is promise to increase taxes and kill jobs and businesses. Protect illegals who RAPE and KILL Americans. Their leaders belong in prison.

Talk about spewing that right wing or should I say Trump propaganda.

How many Americans to illegals have to RAPE and KILL before you traitors stop protecting them? 6 year old girl, raped in her own bed by an illegal who broke into their house. Democrats fault.
They just set fire to a home with a baby and a little child in it simply because of a Trump 2020 sign, and they are kvetching over a judge who prefers not to kill babies, so what do they care? They are so sure of their candidate, their polls, their policies that they need to do these terrorist acts because they enjoy knocking down kids sand castles.
That might be only what they declare as their net worth after all off shore holdings might not show in the countries they did favours for non taxable too...
They just set fire to a home with a baby and a little child in it simply because of a Trump 2020 sign, and they are kvetching over a judge who prefers not to kill babies, so what do they care? They are so sure of their candidate, their polls, their policies that they need to do these terrorist acts because they enjoy knocking down kids sand castles.

I'm ready to divide the country in half and these Dem assholes can live on their side of the border.
Because Trumps taxes were published? What the fuck is wrong with you?

They're neocon, whackadoodle Deplorable nutjobs. That's what's wrong with them.
He doesn't win again and you'll find out how badly he's cheated NY AG will sic the low life

Dems are toast now, it's on. The lawless lying scum are in for a beating. Why idiot Dems wanted to piss off the entire Republican party and light a fire under voter turn out is a mystery. Do they want to lose the elections??
Why are you so angry? You should be angry at Trump for lying to you. A billionaire who pays $750.00 dollars a year in taxes??? . You have misdirected anger, dearie. Of course, cultist will fiercely defend the cult leader to the end.

Why? I hate Democrats guts, a pox be upon them. May they rot in hell. Clear? LMAO you fools and your lawless scheming just woke up the entire Republican party, not a smart move. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh..grow the hell up. You support the biggest fraud to ever inhabit the Oval Office and you are all in denial of it or can‘t accept that fact, and so you lash out at anyone that reminds you of your inability to face the truth.

It's official, I hate Democrats to infinity. All Dems do is promise to increase taxes and kill jobs and businesses. Protect illegals who RAPE and KILL Americans. Their leaders belong in prison.

Talk about spewing that right wing or should I say Trump propaganda.

How many Americans to illegals have to RAPE and KILL before you traitors stop protecting them? 6 year old girl, raped in her own bed by an illegal who broke into their house. Democrats fault.
They just set fire to a home with a baby and a little child in it simply because of a Trump 2020 sign, and they are kvetching over a judge who prefers not to kill babies, so what do they care? They are so sure of their candidate, their polls, their policies that they need to do these terrorist acts because they enjoy knocking down kids sand castles.
That might be only what they declare as their net worth after all off shore holdings might not show in the countries they did favours for non taxable too...
I was looking at the Clintons and Obama’s not the Pelosi although that would be interesting
They just set fire to a home with a baby and a little child in it simply because of a Trump 2020 sign, and they are kvetching over a judge who prefers not to kill babies, so what do they care? They are so sure of their candidate, their polls, their policies that they need to do these terrorist acts because they enjoy knocking down kids sand castles.

I'm ready to divide the country in half and these Dem assholes can live on their side of the border.
Because Trumps taxes were published? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I and many others are fed up with lying traitor Democrats this is just the final straw. You people gleefully celebrate when a US citizen's tax records are illegally obtained and leaked. You deserve to be hated. You need us we don't need you. :eusa_hand: Lets just divide the country and you scum can do whatever the hell you want on your side of the border deal?
How many men have to rape and kill before we lock them all up? Says women everywhere. You’re a dumbfuck.
We lock up people who commit crimes, not people who share the same gender, doofus. An illegal immigrant has committed a crime. That's why they're described as "illegal".
Think better.
I and many others are fed up with lying traitor Democrats this is just the final straw. You people gleefully celebrate when a US citizen's tax records are illegally obtained and leaked. You deserve to be hated. You need us we don't need you. :eusa_hand: Lets just divide the country and you scum can do whatever the hell you want on your side of the border deal?

I reckon that is your best bet. However, no Monday morning quarterbacking. Once you are out. You are out. Don't come begging back.
I and many others are fed up with lying traitor Democrats this is just the final straw. You people gleefully celebrate when a US citizen's tax records are illegally obtained and leaked. You deserve to be hated. You need us we don't need you. :eusa_hand: Lets just divide the country and you scum can do whatever the hell you want on your side of the border deal?

I reckon that is your best bet. However, no Monday morning quarterbacking. Once you are out. You are out. Don't come begging back.

You people will be begging us on your knees for food within 6 months. And we'll cut off California's water supply :muahaha:
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.
Trump divested himself of all of his assets after he won the White he didn't have any income anymore.
The corporation was what he paid his taxes through.

BTW, when is Al Sharpton going to start paying his taxes....and the same goes for dozens of other Democrats that are doing the globalists dirty work?
I’ve said this a hundred times already. EVERY leading candidate, government elected or appointed official should BY LAW have to reveal tax returns yearly. Trump has ALWAYS been a conman and cheat. Always. That he is celebrated for it by his supporters is disgusting. Biden is hardly any better .... showing individual tax returns is hardly enough! It is only a tiny baby step toward “draining the swamp.” Our society is crazed. Transparency laws need to be dramatically strengthened, corporate political contributions limited severely or banned, and international treaties signed to tax trillions that illegally escape into offshore hidden accounts.
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Since Trump donates all his salary to charity, he shouldn't really be paying any income tax.
From your link:
After The Times declined to provide the records, in order to protect its sources, Mr. Garten took direct issue only with the amount of taxes Mr. Trump had paid.
Anonymous sources = election year bullshit.
he doesnt give his check to charities,,,he gives it back to the government,,,they arent a charity,,
They just set fire to a home with a baby and a little child in it simply because of a Trump 2020 sign, and they are kvetching over a judge who prefers not to kill babies, so what do they care? They are so sure of their candidate, their polls, their policies that they need to do these terrorist acts because they enjoy knocking down kids sand castles.

I'm ready to divide the country in half and these Dem assholes can live on their side of the border.
Cali is being divided for us, they can stay left of the smoke and fires their voters set arson to.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.
Good for him! The income tax is unconstitutional, was never ratified by enough states to make it an amendment and the fiat currency (not backed by anything of an intrinsic value) is confiscated to pay interest on "money" created out of thin air. The IRS is then collection arm of the IMF that took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. Income taxes doesn't fund this "for profit corporate entity" that provides the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution with profit in mind.
Just because you are too stupid to comprehend the fact that part of your labor is stolen every pay day doesn't obligate someone else to be a voluntarily slave. This fact alone tells me that Trump is smarter than any leftard.
There's quite a bit of hysteria about this fake news already. Are your reading skills similar to Biden's?
Geez, must be nice, wonderful news for Donald. Bad news for his re election attempt,

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