Trump paid only $750.00 in Federal Income taxes in 2016

If they can impeach him over a phone call...thunk what lies they could make up with a tax return!

Are these his supposed business or personal tax returns?

Inquiring minds want to know!
Geez, must be nice, wonderful news for Donald. Bad news for his re election attempt,

It explains why he won't release his tax returns.
Who cares, some years he paid millions.......
Amazon paid $0, I don't hear lefties bitch about it
Trump pays for his lavish lifestyle with the borrowed bank deposits of ordinary people, not to mention their hard-earned tax dollars
"i take things as they come. i deal with the cards that they deal me. and i do it well. i'm very much a fatalist. i always have been but more so now" - Trump

"There's a part of Donald in the rare moments when he's not moving at 140 miles an hour, he assumes this is a big bubble, and it's going to burst at some point. he is very fatalistic. he will far as you skyrocket up is how fast you can plummet. he looks at folks who are at the center of attention one day when their deals are working, and then everything goes away. one of those is Jimmy Carter. here's a guy who was a popular president and the day Reagan came on the scene he consigned him to a level of anonymity to that of a traveling salesman" - Arthur Schwartz
Trump can hand every american a million dollars and he still be one of the worst presidents of our time. He made it ok to lie, bully, deflect, hire criminals, insult people, fool people, hire crooks and family., be a jerk, narcissist. Money is not everything if you are bankrupt morally.
You guys attack liberals for lack of morals and you voted in the scumest human being and his porn star gold digger wife. Is that how you want the next generations to be ?
Melania is a porn star? God, you're an idiot!
She's the one on the right.
he doesnt give his check to charities,,,he gives it back to the government,,,they arent a charity,,
Fact check: President Donald Trump donates his salary, but he still makes money
Trump, as promised during his campaign, does write checks to various agencies equivalent to a quarter of his annual salary every quarter.
He donates the entire amount of his income as POTUS every quarter. The entities are government run, but they are all excellent programs.
Of course, he still has accumulated wealth and appreciating investments, just like millions of other responsible adults.
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from the reporting:

even as Trump blew his own horn so hard until he was winded, when pressed about how he accomplished so much so quickly, he conceded: "i don't know. it just sort of happened."
as a businessman, Trump loved to tell the tale of a friend with an IQ of 190 whose nerves were shot worrying about a puny home mortgage. "yet here i am, buying the shuttle, the Plaza, and I don't lose an ounce of sleep over any of it. that's lucky genes"
Reading excuses for Trump tax cheating or losing millions in business is hilarious whichever one is true or both are true.

Losing money is not against the law. If he cheated on his taxes, where is the IRS on this? If he broke the law, what law was it? Otherwise, the NYT just put another mark in itself as an activist media outlet looking to influence the elections. The content is vague yet the timing is suspect.
Let me take a guess here as to what is happening. My guess is that this whole income tax story is just a bullshit story being pedaled by the NYT. Their "informant" was a Roger Stone plant, who passed this "incriminating" info to the Times, and the 2nd shoe will fall pretty quickly.

The NYT didn't vet the story, they just published it, and they will look like fools just like CBS did after Stone passed the phony Killian letters to Rather and Mapes in 2004.

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