Trump paid only $750.00 in Federal Income taxes in 2016

Trumps lawyers tried to explain that Trump paid millions in taxes, and offered to look at the supposed evidence the NY Times has, they refused and ran their hate trump spin hatchet job.
The NYTimes agrees the IMPOTUS paid millions in taxes. It also reports the IMPOTUS asked for and was given a lot of it back, as well as paying zero in taxes. What's your problem?

Welcome to the ignore ban lounge. There now it's like you don't even exist.
like father like son, as Wayne Barrett reports:

"quietly and methodically, Fred Trump was assembling every major tract of land in the Bensonhurst club's home base. this time Fred planned to buy large-scale apartment buildings.
he bought 3 vast plots of land, putting together a 40-acre site. he got 1 parcel directly from the city. the other 2 were in tax arrears, and he snatched them before the city could take them, getting them cheaply and assuming the tax bill. His political connections helped keep him 1 step ahead of the tax man. Trump attorney Bill Hyman bought land for Trump out of tax-lien sales, and assembled the land for what turned out to be Trump's first 2 great apartment complexes just that way"

Seven hundred fifty dollars.


That’s why he hid his tax returns.

Because the whole time, he wasn’t paying taxes. But you were.

Plumbers and teachers and fast food workers and accountants were (and still are) paying for his lifestyle.

You realize Trump cut his taxes by being a really BAD businessman. Loosing hundreds of millions of dollars.

Okay this one may be dumber than AOC. Do you know what a capital improvement is dummy? Do you know what depreciation is? Hell do you even know what a commercial property is? Somewhere in your liberal pea brain a light just went off.
he's not running to be re-elected, he's running to stay out of prison

Let this sink in. He paid more in hush money to a stripper than he did in taxes. A policeman, a firefighter, a grocery clerk, a waiter, most UNDOCUMENTED Workers, me, and probably everybody reading this post, pays more in taxes. This is why he desperately needs to stay President, to avoid prosecution for tax fraud. Vote him out!
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Well, he gives away his POTUS salary, and he isn't involved in his businesses right now. So what the fuck do you expect?
Well, he gives away his POTUS salary, and he isn't involved in his businesses right now. So what the fuck do you expect?

Facts don't matter, they will run their dishonest narrative just like they did to Romney. This is who Dems are! On the bright side I managed to put 18 liberals on ignore during this thread.
Trump can hand every american a million dollars and he still be one of the worst presidents of our time. He made it ok to lie, bully, deflect, hire criminals, insult people, fool people, hire crooks and family., be a jerk, narcissist. Money is not everything if you are bankrupt morally.
You guys attack liberals for lack of morals and you voted in the scumest human being and his porn star gold digger wife. Is that how you want the next generations to be ?
Melania is a porn star? God, you're an idiot!
She's the one on the right.
Damn, so the conservatives, evangelicals the god's people that fight for morals and famly values elected a pussy grabber who sleeps with hookers and their first lady is a nude star? :p....fake news.
The media's last minute dirty tricks will not work anymore....
You refuse to wake up...or you are paid. Politics aside the guy is a fraud.
Trump has turned my future around...under Obama I wondered what kind of retirement I would experience or even if I could retire....and I'm not Trump perfect no...but none of us are but I believe he has us in mind at all times...all of us...he wants what's best for America and its kind of refreshing.....after decades of political hacks giving away our nation to the highest bidder.....
Trump can hand every american a million dollars and he still be one of the worst presidents of our time. He made it ok to lie, bully, deflect, hire criminals, insult people, fool people, hire crooks and family., be a jerk, narcissist. Money is not everything if you are bankrupt morally.
You guys attack liberals for lack of morals and you voted in the scumest human being and his porn star gold digger wife. Is that how you want the next generations to be ?
Melania is a porn star? God, you're an idiot!
I don't know if porn star is accurate, but I will say she look great, naked. Can't say that about any other president's wife. It is probably because no other president ever married a girl posed nude in multiple countries, multiple photographers. I wouldn't want my kids posing nude. Kind of like marrying a stripper or a hooker.
She was a freaking fashion model, White! You know any strippers or hookers that make millions of dollars posing for pictures? I'm always amused when the left treats conservative women like whores and then lecture others about how sexist THEY are!
She has nothing conservative about her, she sold her body for money and sold her life to a man her dad's age while the old creep goes out and sleep with hookers.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Of course, his army of sycophants here will cover their ears, close their eyes and holler "Fake News"!
I'm too busy laughing at how you idiots on the left lap this crap up! Remember when Rachel Maddow told everyone that MSNBC had Trump's taxes? Remember what a farce that was? This is even more pathetic.

Run on the issues...not this bull shit! Oh can't DO that! Joe Biden is your candidate and he was one of the dumber guys in Washington BEFORE he got senile! Now he's having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself!

And Im laughing at how far your nose is up #45's ass.

Just because there is evidence that #45 is possibly a tax evading cheat does not mean I'm a fan of Biden either. Neither of them are fit for office IMO.

I voted for Trump last time because the Democrats ran an awful candidate. I'll vote for him again because the Democrats have managed to run an even worse candidate this time! Joe Biden has literally been running for President for fifty years and he's never gotten the Democratic nomination because he's invariably said something so stupid he gets laughed out of the race. Not this time though! It doesn't matter how idiotic a statement Biden makes if the main stream media refuses to cover it!

OK. So you don't like Biden. I said that I think he is just as unfit as the current person in office.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Of course, his army of sycophants here will cover their ears, close their eyes and holler "Fake News"!
I'm too busy laughing at how you idiots on the left lap this crap up! Remember when Rachel Maddow told everyone that MSNBC had Trump's taxes? Remember what a farce that was? This is even more pathetic.

Run on the issues...not this bull shit! Oh can't DO that! Joe Biden is your candidate and he was one of the dumber guys in Washington BEFORE he got senile! Now he's having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself!

And Im laughing at how far your nose is up #45's ass.

Just because there is evidence that #45 is possibly a tax evading cheat does not mean I'm a fan of Biden either. Neither of them are fit for office IMO.

I voted for Trump last time because the Democrats ran an awful candidate. I'll vote for him again because the Democrats have managed to run an even worse candidate this time! Joe Biden has literally been running for President for fifty years and he's never gotten the Democratic nomination because he's invariably said something so stupid he gets laughed out of the race. Not this time though! It doesn't matter how idiotic a statement Biden makes if the main stream media refuses to cover it!

OK. So you don't like Biden. I said that I think he is just as unfit as the current person in office.
just because you don't like the president style doesn't mean he's unfit.
Joe Biden has shown he's unfit
that's the difference
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.
A fraud, a failure, and completely dishonest.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.
A fraud, a failure, and completely dishonest.
$70,000 for hairstyling in one year. Who can justify a tax write off for $70,000 for a man having a hairstyler? So broke he can't pay taxes, but the narcissist vain man child loser can spend our money on his creepy loser hairdo.
$70,000 for hairstyling in one year. Who can justify a tax write off for $70,000 for a man having a hairstyler? So broke he can't pay taxes, but the narcissist vain man child loser can spend our money on his creepy loser hairdo.
You sound jealous
$70,000 for hairstyling in one year. Who can justify a tax write off for $70,000 for a man having a hairstyler? So broke he can't pay taxes, but the narcissist vain man child loser can spend our money on his creepy loser hairdo.
You sound jealous
I would be too embarrassed to have or wear a hairdo like broke loser thief Trump.
$70,000 for hairstyling in one year. Who can justify a tax write off for $70,000 for a man having a hairstyler? So broke he can't pay taxes, but the narcissist vain man child loser can spend our money on his creepy loser hairdo.
You sound jealous
I would be too embarrassed to have or wear a hairdo like broke loser thief Trump.
Does your wife look like his?

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