Trump Pardons Convicted War Criminals

Finally, our troops get to be as bad as the people we fight. You hear that boys? Republicans want you to be monsters.
I do. I think our fighters should be worse than the people they are fighting. They should be so bad ass that the very mention of Americans should make them surrender. Mothers in enemy territory should tell children that Americans will feed them to their dogs.

I don't. We should have soldiers that follow the rules. We are not Nazis but apparently you want to turn us into one. Remember the Nuremberg Trials. We held Germans accountable for their actions. We should hold our soldiers accountable.
We do. They kill the enemy. That's the whole point of war. The nazis killed innocent civilians.

We do not. Trump has proven that. Gallagher killed someone who was no threat to anyone. Lorance killed 3 unarmed people who may have been civilians.

You're just a lying America hating douchebag:

“Chief Gallagher stands accused of murder in the killing of a verified ISIS combatant in a warzone based on inconsistent testimony and without any physical evidence,” Hunter said in a January statement.

“It is important to remember that this ISIS combatant was engaged in an extensive firefight with Chief Gallagher’s team and was already significantly injured when captured. No credible evidence has been provided that this ISIS fighter was murdered as opposed to dying from his terrorist actions.”

You are the lying douchebag who hates America. Duncan Hunter is a animal who hopefully will be in prison soon. I wouldn't believe him if he said the sun will come up next morning. Gallagher stabbed a prisoner who was no threat to anyone. Except for a liar who committed perjury, he would be where a animal like him belongs.
Hard to be kind and caring in a killing situation

The question arises as to whether it is a killing situation
When you're on the battlefield you don't have the leeway of making such fine distinctions with people who are shooting at you.
In the midst of a firefight.....the fog of war applies
However, once the fighting stops and you are dealing with civilians or prisoners, the rules apply
There's no credible evidence that Gallagher killed the guy. Unless you have an ironclad case, the best course is to drop the charges.

Urinating on enemy corpses may deserve a verbal dressing down, but not criminal charges.

There was credible evidence as a so-called soldier committed perjury. Posing with a dead corpse is ghoulish. It deserves criminal charges.
For some reason the fat asses in the Pentagon seem to think that Afghanistan and the Middle East brushfires should be treated as if we were fighting a conventional war where the enemy wore uniforms like they did in Wilson's war, FDR's war, Truman's war and even LBJ's war. If we court martialed every American Soldier who posed over a dead enemy body in the 20th century the freaking jails would have been overflowing. The hypocrite madness is that we created a mockup of a German village during WW2 so that we could research ways to achieve the maximum civilian casualties. (It's still standing out in the desert somewhere). How many Americans died so far because they were reluctant to pull the trigger without calling Washington for permission?
I do. I think our fighters should be worse than the people they are fighting. They should be so bad ass that the very mention of Americans should make them surrender. Mothers in enemy territory should tell children that Americans will feed them to their dogs.

I don't. We should have soldiers that follow the rules. We are not Nazis but apparently you want to turn us into one. Remember the Nuremberg Trials. We held Germans accountable for their actions. We should hold our soldiers accountable.
We do. They kill the enemy. That's the whole point of war. The nazis killed innocent civilians.

We do not. Trump has proven that. Gallagher killed someone who was no threat to anyone. Lorance killed 3 unarmed people who may have been civilians.

You're just a lying America hating douchebag:

“Chief Gallagher stands accused of murder in the killing of a verified ISIS combatant in a warzone based on inconsistent testimony and without any physical evidence,” Hunter said in a January statement.

“It is important to remember that this ISIS combatant was engaged in an extensive firefight with Chief Gallagher’s team and was already significantly injured when captured. No credible evidence has been provided that this ISIS fighter was murdered as opposed to dying from his terrorist actions.”

You are the lying douchebag who hates America. Duncan Hunter is a animal who hopefully will be in prison soon. I wouldn't believe him if he said the sun will come up next morning. Gallagher stabbed a prisoner who was no threat to anyone. Except for a liar who committed perjury, he would be where a animal like him belongs.
Where's the evidence that he stabbed a prisoner? Everything I've seen says that the evidence is thin.

Nobody cares if you like Duncan Hunter. Your hatred problem stems from the fact that he tells the truth.
Hard to be kind and caring in a killing situation

The question arises as to whether it is a killing situation
When you're on the battlefield you don't have the leeway of making such fine distinctions with people who are shooting at you.
In the midst of a firefight.....the fog of war applies
However, once the fighting stops and you are dealing with civilians or prisoners, the rules apply
There's no credible evidence that Gallagher killed the guy. Unless you have an ironclad case, the best course is to drop the charges.

Urinating on enemy corpses may deserve a verbal dressing down, but not criminal charges.

There was credible evidence as a so-called soldier committed perjury.

Uh? Can you translate that into English?

Posing with a dead corpse is ghoulish. It deserves criminal charges.

It's not even a crime if you aren't in the service. I'm not sure it's a crime even if you are in the service.
mutual agreements?

How many war crimes have the ISIS mutually agreed they have committed? And the number and degree of their punishments? Any demotions? What about prison terms they have put their guys in for killing innocent people.



There are NO innocent people in the eyes of Radical Muslims.
There is no such thing as a civilized war. War is simply the break down of humanity to the lowest common denominator of the combatants, kill or be killed. Yes there will be absolute disregard for humanity, moral judgement, innocents, and wounded will be killed during the conflict, it’s what we regard as war. There is no sanctimonious high ground.
mutual agreements?

How many war crimes have the ISIS mutually agreed they have committed? And the number and degree of their punishments? Any demotions? What about prison terms they have put their guys in for killing innocent people.



There are NO innocent people in the eyes of Radical Muslims.

So are you insinuating we lower ourselves to their level?

Now, just to show I am fair, I really don't have a problem with this....

Handing out murder convictions in a war zone is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.

Trump Pardons 2 Service Members Accused Of War Crimes And Restores Another's Rank

President Trump has issued pardons for two Army officers accused of war crimes in Afghanistan and restored the rank of a Navy SEAL who was acquitted of murder in Iraq.

"For more than two hundred years, presidents have used their authority to offer second chances to deserving individuals, including those in uniform who have served our country," said White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham in a statement released late Friday. "These actions are in keeping with this long history."

The officers include 1st Lt. Clint Lorance who has served six years of a 19-year sentence on two charges of second-degree murder and obstruction of justice after ordering his soldiers to open fire on three unarmed men in Afghanistan, killing two of them. He had been convicted in 2013.

The other pardoned officer is Maj. Matthew Golsteyn, a West Point graduate, who was awaiting trial for allegedly murdering a suspected Afghan bombmaker in 2010. The trial was scheduled for next year
Obama trades 5 top terrorists for 1 deserter

They weren't top terrorists. Until proven otherwise, the soldier was captured. Are we supposed to abandon our soldiers based on rumors?

Evidently war is a valid excuse to drive a soldier to murder but war is not an excuse to become mentally ill.
That's ridiculous

A person joins the military & in war finds he can not mentally handle it & loses it & walks away is far worse than the one who loses it & kills innocent people?
That's ridiculous
mutual agreements?

How many war crimes have the ISIS mutually agreed they have committed? And the number and degree of their punishments? Any demotions? What about prison terms they have put their guys in for killing innocent people.



There are NO innocent people in the eyes of Radical Muslims.

So are you insinuating we lower ourselves to their level?

You liberals certainly have lowered yourself to a savage. Why cant our soldiers also? Oh yeah, your hate our military and want them to end up like the gay guy here who was brutally beaten. Tick Tock, liberals time is coming close.

mutual agreements?

How many war crimes have the ISIS mutually agreed they have committed? And the number and degree of their punishments? Any demotions? What about prison terms they have put their guys in for killing innocent people.



There are NO innocent people in the eyes of Radical Muslims.

So are you insinuating we lower ourselves to their level?

Answer the question, Bunky. How many war crimes have the ISIS mutually agreed they have committed? And the number and degree of their punishments? Any demotions? What about prison terms they have put any of their guys in for killing innocent people?

I'm not insinuating anything except that we WIN WARS and stop putting ourselves at every disadvantage while giving the enemy every advantage. Doing that doesn't come within a LIGHT YEAR of lowering ourselves to "their level." We don't have to destroy our own best people for every little thing that goes wrong or for every mistake made on the battlefield just to prove to ourselves we are on the moral high ground! Cause guess what, Bunky, THEY DON'T FUCKING CARE. They will just keep coming killing our people.
I agree with Trump. These guys volunteered, went thru the tough training programs, went to war, maybe had a lapse in judgment, went to prison, and should not have to be punished for the rest of their lives for temporarily crossing the line in a war zone. We don't want our soldiers to have to lawyer-up before going into combat. The fucking terrorists started the shit, so what happens happens. The troops now know that Trump has their back.
Good to know that you are ok with civilians been killed in cold blood.
Torturing and murdering a captured prisoner isn't something that just happened in the heat of battle.

And the vast majority of war crimes still aren't prosecuted...doesn't mean we stop trying.

None of these three cases involved torturing a captured prisoner.

Gallagher was only convicted of posing for a picture with a corpse. No one else in that picture except him was prosecuted for that, but all the other charges were dismissed.

Lorance was convicted of ordering his troops to fire on what he thought might be suicide bombers.

Golsteyn was accused of shooting a bomb-maker after he had been released.

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