Trump Pardons Convicted War Criminals

Finally, our troops get to be as bad as the people we fight. You hear that boys? Republicans want you to be monsters.
I do. I think our fighters should be worse than the people they are fighting. They should be so bad ass that the very mention of Americans should make them surrender. Mothers in enemy territory should tell children that Americans will feed them to their dogs.

I don't. We should have soldiers that follow the rules. We are not Nazis but apparently you want to turn us into one. Remember the Nuremberg Trials. We held Germans accountable for their actions. We should hold our soldiers accountable.
Finally, our troops get to be as bad as the people we fight. You hear that boys? Republicans want you to be monsters.
I do. I think our fighters should be worse than the people they are fighting. They should be so bad ass that the very mention of Americans should make them surrender. Mothers in enemy territory should tell children that Americans will feed them to their dogs.

I don't. We should have soldiers that follow the rules. We are not Nazis but apparently you want to turn us into one. Remember the Nuremberg Trials. We held Germans accountable for their actions. We should hold our soldiers accountable.
Comparative not and utter bullshit yes
They work under extremely difficult conditions so that you snowflake cellar dwellers can remain free to express your snowflakeisms

You are a fascist pig. Only 3 soldiers have been tried or accused of war crimes. Clearly the rules are not too difficult to follow.
I don't agree with the pardon for Lorance. He was clearly guilty of war crimes. Trump's two other pardons are defensible and probably justified.

None of them were justified. Gallagher already got a break from the Pentagon. The case originally went to a female Admiral who indicated she was about to bust him more than 1 rank. As a result, the Pentagon took it from her and gave it to another Admiral who reduced him only 1 rank. Gallagher beat the rap because of a witness who committed perjury and a crooked President called bonespurs Trump. The third should have gone to trial.
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

I am just going to extract this piece so that you can savor the sheer stupidity of it.

Mmmmm...what a nice piece of stupid...sooo juicy...would you look at the marbling? much dumb packed in there...let's have a taste....mmmmmmmm...mmmmm!

This would go great with a side of paint chips and crayon.

Dave . . . . that colossally terminally braindead stupid that would be the first on the field with his arms up, the first to give up in defeat, and the very first to hamstring his own boys to the benefit of our enemy who LAUGH at and thank Allah for idiots like him.
Toob, the guy who thinks our soldiers should just kill everyone in sight. Lets throw in torture & kill children. Because Toob wants us be like ISIS.

UnReal Dave, you lives in a black and white world. Where if you are not a total fuckhead pansy out to hamstring your own people and treat them like they were the enemy for every little thing that happens in war means that you must be out to just shoot any damned thing that moves with sadism and torture. Unreal, you obviously have no real idea what ISIS is really like, much less war. Fuck you. I support my troops to the very end. Our boys die so you can sit there being a pathetic waste of flesh.

Real soldiers from Lorance's platoon testified against him.

"All these petitioners need to be shown what kind of man [Lorance] really is," said a soldier who served as a team leader in Lorance's platoon, who asked to speak on background because he is still on active duty. "This isn't a soldier that went to war and gone done wrong. This is a soldier that had a taste for blood and wanted to have that fulfilled. And he did, but in the wrong way."

Todd Fitzgerald, a former specialist and infantryman in Lorance's platoon, said he felt betrayed by the lieutenant.

"I don't believe that he really understood what he was getting into," he said.

Fitzgerald testified during Lorance's court-martial."

"Us testifying against him, it wasn't a matter of not liking him, it wasn't a matter of any type of grudge or coercion," he said. "It was simply we knew that his actions, based on our experience, having operated in that area for months, were going to breed further insurgency. If you kill local citizens, they're no longer willing to help you."

Hero or murderer? Soldiers divided in 1LT Lorance case
Finally, our troops get to be as bad as the people we fight. You hear that boys? Republicans want you to be monsters.
I do. I think our fighters should be worse than the people they are fighting. They should be so bad ass that the very mention of Americans should make them surrender. Mothers in enemy territory should tell children that Americans will feed them to their dogs.

I don't. We should have soldiers that follow the rules. We are not Nazis but apparently you want to turn us into one. Remember the Nuremberg Trials. We held Germans accountable for their actions. We should hold our soldiers accountable.
We do. They kill the enemy. That's the whole point of war. The nazis killed innocent civilians.
Finally, our troops get to be as bad as the people we fight. You hear that boys? Republicans want you to be monsters.
I do. I think our fighters should be worse than the people they are fighting. They should be so bad ass that the very mention of Americans should make them surrender. Mothers in enemy territory should tell children that Americans will feed them to their dogs.

I don't. We should have soldiers that follow the rules. We are not Nazis but apparently you want to turn us into one. Remember the Nuremberg Trials. We held Germans accountable for their actions. We should hold our soldiers accountable.
Comparative not and utter bullshit yes

We hold enemy soldiers to a standard so we should hold our soldiers to the same standard. You and the rest of the Trump supporters are the bullshit artists.
Finally, our troops get to be as bad as the people we fight. You hear that boys? Republicans want you to be monsters.
I do. I think our fighters should be worse than the people they are fighting. They should be so bad ass that the very mention of Americans should make them surrender. Mothers in enemy territory should tell children that Americans will feed them to their dogs.

I don't. We should have soldiers that follow the rules. We are not Nazis but apparently you want to turn us into one. Remember the Nuremberg Trials. We held Germans accountable for their actions. We should hold our soldiers accountable.
We do. They kill the enemy. That's the whole point of war. The nazis killed innocent civilians.

We do not. Trump has proven that. Gallagher killed someone who was no threat to anyone. Lorance killed 3 unarmed people who may have been civilians.
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

We going to let police do it too? They are doing a tough job.

We can give some leeway as to the fog of war but to pardon? To go against the military suggestions?

We had a case where a local soldier was at a checkpoint in Iraq with two others. They raped and murdered a girl, killed her parents and set them all on fire? But hey, no problem?

Do we want our troops killing people at will? I am sure mistakes are made but they is why these things are investigated.
Soldiers in combat are supposed to kill the enemy

Obama sissified the Pentagon by promoting people who share his apologetic view of America

Which put the soldiers in the field in an impossible situation

They are not. They are taught to kill only when necessary. They are not taught to kill unarmed people. The fact is that 9 members of Lorance's platoon testified against him. Obama had nothing to do with this. These are soldiers who were in combat. The fact is that only 3 people have been either convicted or accused of war crimes. The situation clearly is not impossible since nearly every soldier has followed the rules.
War is brutal not clean and neat as a modern prize fight

American soldiers executed unarmed germans and japanese during WWII

Again all soldiers except 3 followed the rules. If they are so hard then why have only 3 been charged?

So you say. My hope is they didn't. If they did then the people in charge should have been court martialed.
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

I am just going to extract this piece so that you can savor the sheer stupidity of it.

Mmmmm...what a nice piece of stupid...sooo juicy...would you look at the marbling? much dumb packed in there...let's have a taste....mmmmmmmm...mmmmm!

This would go great with a side of paint chips and crayon.

Dave . . . . that colossally terminally braindead stupid that would be the first on the field with his arms up, the first to give up in defeat, and the very first to hamstring his own boys to the benefit of our enemy who LAUGH at and thank Allah for idiots like him.
Toob, the guy who thinks our soldiers should just kill everyone in sight. Lets throw in torture & kill children. Because Toob wants us be like ISIS.

Is this really what you want to defend?

Obama’s Rules of Engagement Have US Soldiers Fighting a Two-Fronted War in Afghanistan - Freedom Outpost

I didn’t join to be sacrificed. I joined to fight.” This decision came shortly after he lost a close friend to the Rules of Engagement. He went on to explain: the Taliban had attempted an ambush on his friend’s squad, but quickly realized they were in a battle they couldn’t win and began retreating. While chasing them, the US soldiers were ordered not to engage due to the slight chance the Taliban had laid down their arms as they ran through some type of shack. While arguing with leadership at the JOC (Joint Operations Center) his friend was shot and killed.
Finally, our troops get to be as bad as the people we fight. You hear that boys? Republicans want you to be monsters.
I do. I think our fighters should be worse than the people they are fighting. They should be so bad ass that the very mention of Americans should make them surrender. Mothers in enemy territory should tell children that Americans will feed them to their dogs.

I don't. We should have soldiers that follow the rules. We are not Nazis but apparently you want to turn us into one. Remember the Nuremberg Trials. We held Germans accountable for their actions. We should hold our soldiers accountable.
We do. They kill the enemy. That's the whole point of war. The nazis killed innocent civilians.

We do not. Trump has proven that. Gallagher killed someone who was no threat to anyone. Lorance killed 3 unarmed people who may have been civilians.

You're just a lying America hating douchebag:

“Chief Gallagher stands accused of murder in the killing of a verified ISIS combatant in a warzone based on inconsistent testimony and without any physical evidence,” Hunter said in a January statement.

“It is important to remember that this ISIS combatant was engaged in an extensive firefight with Chief Gallagher’s team and was already significantly injured when captured. No credible evidence has been provided that this ISIS fighter was murdered as opposed to dying from his terrorist actions.”
Hard to be kind and caring in a killing situation

The question arises as to whether it is a killing situation
When you're on the battlefield you don't have the leeway of making such fine distinctions with people who are shooting at you.
In the midst of a firefight.....the fog of war applies
However, once the fighting stops and you are dealing with civilians or prisoners, the rules apply
Hard to be kind and caring in a killing situation

The question arises as to whether it is a killing situation
When you're on the battlefield you don't have the leeway of making such fine distinctions with people who are shooting at you.
In the midst of a firefight.....the fog of war applies
However, once the fighting stops and you are dealing with civilians or prisoners, the rules apply
There's no credible evidence that Gallagher killed the guy. Unless you have an ironclad case, the best course is to drop the charges.

Urinating on enemy corpses may deserve a verbal dressing down, but not criminal charges.
Just look all the butt hurt from the stupid TDS afflicted Moon Bats because Trump undid some of the damage that Obama did.

Trump fixed the disastrous ROE that Obama established that allowed his Muslim buddies to kill Americans without retribution and Trump rescinded that. Good for Trump!

Trump also pardoned some of the troops that the asshole Obama through in jail for harming his Muslim buddies. Good for Trump!

Piss on Obama, a disgrace to this country.
Hard to be kind and caring in a killing situation

The question arises as to whether it is a killing situation
When you're on the battlefield you don't have the leeway of making such fine distinctions with people who are shooting at you.
In the midst of a firefight.....the fog of war applies
However, once the fighting stops and you are dealing with civilians or prisoners, the rules apply
There's no credible evidence that Gallagher killed the guy. Unless you have an ironclad case, the best course is to drop the charges.

Urinating on enemy corpses may deserve a verbal dressing down, but not criminal charges.
Gallagher claimed to have killed him with his knife and posed with the corpse
Hard to be kind and caring in a killing situation

The question arises as to whether it is a killing situation
When you're on the battlefield you don't have the leeway of making such fine distinctions with people who are shooting at you.
In the midst of a firefight.....the fog of war applies
However, once the fighting stops and you are dealing with civilians or prisoners, the rules apply
There's no credible evidence that Gallagher killed the guy. Unless you have an ironclad case, the best course is to drop the charges.

Urinating on enemy corpses may deserve a verbal dressing down, but not criminal charges.
Gallagher claimed to have killed him with his knife and posed with the corpse
Post the evidence.
Hard to be kind and caring in a killing situation

The question arises as to whether it is a killing situation
When you're on the battlefield you don't have the leeway of making such fine distinctions with people who are shooting at you.
In the midst of a firefight.....the fog of war applies
However, once the fighting stops and you are dealing with civilians or prisoners, the rules apply
There's no credible evidence that Gallagher killed the guy. Unless you have an ironclad case, the best course is to drop the charges.

Urinating on enemy corpses may deserve a verbal dressing down, but not criminal charges.
Gallagher claimed to have killed him with his knife and posed with the corpse
Well then that’s a good thing.
Next time hesitate and get killed himself which I am sure would please you.
...We haven’t had a president that’s been right about those things for decades. Enjoy it.
Trouble is, the Orange Baboon is sssooooo frigging problematic in other areas, that he ends-up just not being worth the price.

And, in those areas where he IS actually right, he's so frigging clue-less about how to properly execute those policies that he's ineffective.

Bottom line: he looked halfway-good on paper but has proven to be a mortifying embarrassment and crushing political liability.

Time to cut the dead weight in the White House: through Impeachment or the Ballot Box... soon... before he can do more damage.
clue-less about how to properly execute those policies
ISIS is dead, the leaders of ISIS is dead. The economy is roaring, most ever employed by blacks, latinos and women. The wall being built in the southern border, yep The Brown Turn Obama could only dream of a magic wand that President Trump is using. Takes a man to be president not a queer and his tranny buddy.

ISIS still lives. The economy is running up high deficits, the Fed just had to bail us out, Manufacturing is slipping, The wall is actually not being built,

Donald Trump is a con man, liar, business cheat and woman abuser. Only to a simple shit is that being a man.

Barack Obama was a real man. One that did not have to put down others to try to gain in himself.

And I see that you are afraid of intelligent woman. Most stupid men are.

You are right about Trump. Obama was naïve. His idea of a reset with Russia was fool's gold. Putin took Obama to the cleaners and had his suit starched and pressed with him still in it.

Our distinguished politicians have adopted an end all solution “The rules of engagement” that in itself results in a delayed response that aides the aggressor and places troops assuming a defensive posture. War is not a video game, requires one to remain alert and trust their instincts, judgement, and training, when one of the two breaks down the result is deadly. Combatants are fueled with adrenaline to the point lines become blurred. I don’t recommend the experience to anyone.

The fact is that human beings have rules even in war. Animals just kill and kill everyone in a war. The Nazis especially the SS and Gestapo killed both the enemy and innocent civilians. Apparently that is what you want our soldiers to become. Real soldiers do not kill people who are fleeing or people who are too wounded to be a threat. It was real soldiers who reported and testified against Lorance. The next President should kick his ass out.

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