Trump Pardons Convicted War Criminals

Except there is a reason they are called war crimes. Should we not have tried Nazis at Nuremburg? Remember the Japanese we charged with war crimes for waterboarding?

And these guys weren't even charged by another country, but their own.

I don't think anything these guys did should be considered war crimes. In a moment of stress, they maybe made bad decisions. I made all sorts of bad decisions when I was a young Sergeant, but none of them got people killed.

We put young men in these impossible situations, some of them are going to make bad decisions.

I should also point out, the vast majority of people who commited war crimes for the Axis never saw a jail cell or any justice.

Some of them even worked their way back into polite society in Germany and Japan.
Torturing and murdering a captured prisoner isn't something that just happened in the heat of battle.

And the vast majority of war crimes still aren't prosecuted...doesn't mean we stop trying.
Have you been in the military? Do you know Terrorists arent covered in the Geneva Convention and if one Terrorist got his hands on you, you would be so tortured that you would pray for death? I know how much you lefties hate the US and our military, why dont you move to Egypt or Libya and spend some time with your Mooooslim Buddies?

20 years and retired. You're welcome.

It doesn't matter if "terrorists" are covered or not. We signed. When we start acting like them, they really do win.
They didnt, they arent covered and need to be treated like the Trogs you so love.
They weren't top terrorists. Until proven otherwise, the soldier was captured. Are we supposed to abandon our soldiers based on rumors?

Evidently war is a valid excuse to drive a soldier to murder but war is not an excuse to become mentally ill.

And, yes, terrorists ARE protected under the Geneva convention.

What undercuts the accuracy of Cheney’s claim, however, is a different part of what he said. It’s misleading for him to say that such combatants are "not covered by the Geneva Convention." While detainees who do not have POW status don’t get the top level of protection, they do get more basic protections from the Geneva Conventions.

And glossing over those less-stringent protections hides an important point: Even the lower level of protection would have shielded detainees, at least on paper, against some of the harsh treatments now alleged in the Senate report.

Experts pointed us to identical passages in each of the four conventions, known as "Common Article 3."

Among other things"prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever" by Common Article 3 are "violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture" as well as "outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment."

In other words, despite the implications from what Cheney said, even unlawful combatants "have minimum protections under the Geneva Conventions," Richard D. Rosen, director of the Center for Military Law & Policy at Texas Tech University Law School.
In wake of Senate report, Dick Cheney says terrorists 'not covered by the Geneva Convention'

I'm still waiting for Cheney to get waterboarded....~S~
It's my impression we only hear small pieces , which someone has to come forward with.

That said, i'd wager a lot of that which could be meritorious goes unsaid as well

What better way to end a conflict show no mercy and the enemy will stop fighting. If we can't get to you we'll get your family and anyone connected to them lol
A tactic Sherman used

yet today there are still some inbreds who are flying Confederate flags.... so maybe what Sherman did wasn't such a good idea.
Says an inbread

What kind of bread?
Now, just to show I am fair, I really don't have a problem with this....

Handing out murder convictions in a war zone is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.

Trump Pardons 2 Service Members Accused Of War Crimes And Restores Another's Rank

President Trump has issued pardons for two Army officers accused of war crimes in Afghanistan and restored the rank of a Navy SEAL who was acquitted of murder in Iraq.

"For more than two hundred years, presidents have used their authority to offer second chances to deserving individuals, including those in uniform who have served our country," said White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham in a statement released late Friday. "These actions are in keeping with this long history."

The officers include 1st Lt. Clint Lorance who has served six years of a 19-year sentence on two charges of second-degree murder and obstruction of justice after ordering his soldiers to open fire on three unarmed men in Afghanistan, killing two of them. He had been convicted in 2013.

The other pardoned officer is Maj. Matthew Golsteyn, a West Point graduate, who was awaiting trial for allegedly murdering a suspected Afghan bombmaker in 2010. The trial was scheduled for next year
Obama trades 5 top terrorists for 1 deserter

They weren't top terrorists. Until proven otherwise, the soldier was captured. Are we supposed to abandon our soldiers based on rumors?

Evidently war is a valid excuse to drive a soldier to murder but war is not an excuse to become mentally ill.
That's ridiculous
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

I am just going to extract this piece so that you can savor the sheer stupidity of it.

Mmmmm...what a nice piece of stupid...sooo juicy...would you look at the marbling? much dumb packed in there...let's have a taste....mmmmmmmm...mmmmm!

This would go great with a side of paint chips and crayon.

Dave . . . . that colossally terminally braindead stupid that would be the first on the field with his arms up, the first to give up in defeat, and the very first to hamstring his own boys to the benefit of our enemy who LAUGH at and thank Allah for idiots like him.
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

I am just going to extract this piece so that you can savor the sheer stupidity of it.

Mmmmm...what a nice piece of stupid...sooo juicy...would you look at the marbling? much dumb packed in there...let's have a taste....mmmmmmmm...mmmmm!

This would go great with a side of paint chips and crayon.

Dave . . . . that colossally terminally braindead stupid that would be the first on the field with his arms up, the first to give up in defeat, and the very first to hamstring his own boys to the benefit of our enemy who LAUGH at and thank Allah for idiots like him.
Toob, the guy who thinks our soldiers should just kill everyone in sight. Lets throw in torture & kill children. Because Toob wants us be like ISIS.
Last edited:
Now, just to show I am fair, I really don't have a problem with this....

Handing out murder convictions in a war zone is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.

Trump Pardons 2 Service Members Accused Of War Crimes And Restores Another's Rank

President Trump has issued pardons for two Army officers accused of war crimes in Afghanistan and restored the rank of a Navy SEAL who was acquitted of murder in Iraq.

"For more than two hundred years, presidents have used their authority to offer second chances to deserving individuals, including those in uniform who have served our country," said White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham in a statement released late Friday. "These actions are in keeping with this long history."

The officers include 1st Lt. Clint Lorance who has served six years of a 19-year sentence on two charges of second-degree murder and obstruction of justice after ordering his soldiers to open fire on three unarmed men in Afghanistan, killing two of them. He had been convicted in 2013.

The other pardoned officer is Maj. Matthew Golsteyn, a West Point graduate, who was awaiting trial for allegedly murdering a suspected Afghan bombmaker in 2010. The trial was scheduled for next year
Obama trades 5 top terrorists for 1 deserter

They weren't top terrorists. Until proven otherwise, the soldier was captured. Are we supposed to abandon our soldiers based on rumors?

Evidently war is a valid excuse to drive a soldier to murder but war is not an excuse to become mentally ill.
That's ridiculous

A person joins the military & in war finds he can not mentally handle it & loses it & walks away is far worse than the one who loses it & kills innocent people?
President Trump bravely did the right thing as he basically does 99.9% of the time!
Hopefully he will pardoning Roger Stone after the latest hoax passes.

  • It is someone who deliberately harms or causes material harm to his own side and their allies with the intent to benefit our enemies. You know, like the guy whom Barry Obama pardoned and rewarded.
  • Accidentally shooting civilians is called a MISTAKE. Now get back to work and try to not do it again.
  • Taking pictures with a dead enemy is called a VICTORY CELEBRATION. Now go out and kill us some damn more.
The soldier is out there risking everything to win you a war. There is nothing he can do to deserve humiliation, demotion or arrest short of the war crimes listed above. Other than that, if the mistake or judgement is bad enough, you remove him from combat, you send him home, but you do not arrest, humiliate or degrade him. We are there to defeat enemies, not to conduct police actions. Our generals better get that straight.
...We haven’t had a president that’s been right about those things for decades. Enjoy it.
Trouble is, the Orange Baboon is sssooooo frigging problematic in other areas, that he ends-up just not being worth the price.

And, in those areas where he IS actually right, he's so frigging clue-less about how to properly execute those policies that he's ineffective.

Bottom line: he looked halfway-good on paper but has proven to be a mortifying embarrassment and crushing political liability.

Time to cut the dead weight in the White House: through Impeachment or the Ballot Box... soon... before he can do more damage.
clue-less about how to properly execute those policies
ISIS is dead, the leaders of ISIS is dead. The economy is roaring, most ever employed by blacks, latinos and women. The wall being built in the southern border, yep The Brown Turn Obama could only dream of a magic wand that President Trump is using. Takes a man to be president not a queer and his tranny buddy.

ISIS still lives. The economy is running up high deficits, the Fed just had to bail us out, Manufacturing is slipping, The wall is actually not being built,

Donald Trump is a con man, liar, business cheat and woman abuser. Only to a simple shit is that being a man.

Barack Obama was a real man. One that did not have to put down others to try to gain in himself.

And I see that you are afraid of intelligent woman. Most stupid men are.
Our distinguished politicians have adopted an end all solution “The rules of engagement” that in itself results in a delayed response that aides the aggressor and places troops assuming a defensive posture. War is not a video game, requires one to remain alert and trust their instincts, judgement, and training, when one of the two breaks down the result is deadly. Combatants are fueled with adrenaline to the point lines become blurred. I don’t recommend the experience to anyone.
Our distinguished politicians have adopted an end all solution “The rules of engagement” that in itself results in a delayed response that aides the aggressor and places troops assuming a defensive posture. War is not a video game, requires one to remain alert and trust their instincts, judgement, and training, when one of the two breaks down the result is deadly. Combatants are fueled with adrenaline to the point lines become blurred. I don’t recommend the experience to anyone.
When war engulfs civilians then rules are needed.
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

We going to let police do it too? They are doing a tough job.

We can give some leeway as to the fog of war but to pardon? To go against the military suggestions?

We had a case where a local soldier was at a checkpoint in Iraq with two others. They raped and murdered a girl, killed her parents and set them all on fire? But hey, no problem?

Do we want our troops killing people at will? I am sure mistakes are made but they is why these things are investigated.

Soldiers murder people dumbass, that's what they do, that's what we train them to do, that's what we pay them to do.

No they do not dumbass anymore than a cop shooting someone in the line of duty is murder.
Amazing the low view you people have of our military

I am a veteran you nit wit. Amazing how truly illiterate you people are.
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

We going to let police do it too? They are doing a tough job.

We can give some leeway as to the fog of war but to pardon? To go against the military suggestions?

We had a case where a local soldier was at a checkpoint in Iraq with two others. They raped and murdered a girl, killed her parents and set them all on fire? But hey, no problem?

Do we want our troops killing people at will? I am sure mistakes are made but they is why these things are investigated.

Soldiers murder people dumbass, that's what they do, that's what we train them to do, that's what we pay them to do.

No they do not dumbass anymore than a cop shooting someone in the line of duty is murder.
Amazing the low view you people have of our military

It's justifiable homicide. A cop can kill you and get away with it if you pose a threat. Quit being stupid then.

the nuances of conversation higher than junior high are too difficult for him.
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

I am just going to extract this piece so that you can savor the sheer stupidity of it.

Mmmmm...what a nice piece of stupid...sooo juicy...would you look at the marbling? much dumb packed in there...let's have a taste....mmmmmmmm...mmmmm!

This would go great with a side of paint chips and crayon.

Dave . . . . that colossally terminally braindead stupid that would be the first on the field with his arms up, the first to give up in defeat, and the very first to hamstring his own boys to the benefit of our enemy who LAUGH at and thank Allah for idiots like him.
Toob, the guy who thinks our soldiers should just kill everyone in sight. Lets throw in torture & kill children. Because Toob wants us be like ISIS.

UnReal Dave, you lives in a black and white world. Where if you are not a total fuckhead pansy out to hamstring your own people and treat them like they were the enemy for every little thing that happens in war means that you must be out to just shoot any damned thing that moves with sadism and torture. Unreal, you obviously have no real idea what ISIS is really like, much less war. Fuck you. I support my troops to the very end. Our boys die so you can sit there being a pathetic waste of flesh.

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