Trump Pardons Convicted War Criminals

So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

We going to let police do it too? They are doing a tough job.

We can give some leeway as to the fog of war but to pardon? To go against the military suggestions?

We had a case where a local soldier was at a checkpoint in Iraq with two others. They raped and murdered a girl, killed her parents and set them all on fire? But hey, no problem?

Do we want our troops killing people at will? I am sure mistakes are made but they is why these things are investigated.
Soldiers in combat are supposed to kill the enemy

Obama sissified the Pentagon by promoting people who share his apologetic view of America

Which put the soldiers in the field in an impossible situation

They are not. They are taught to kill only when necessary. They are not taught to kill unarmed people. The fact is that 9 members of Lorance's platoon testified against him. Obama had nothing to do with this. These are soldiers who were in combat. The fact is that only 3 people have been either convicted or accused of war crimes. The situation clearly is not impossible since nearly every soldier has followed the rules.
War is brutal not clean and neat as a modern prize fight

American soldiers executed unarmed germans and japanese during WWII
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

We going to let police do it too? They are doing a tough job.

We can give some leeway as to the fog of war but to pardon? To go against the military suggestions?

We had a case where a local soldier was at a checkpoint in Iraq with two others. They raped and murdered a girl, killed her parents and set them all on fire? But hey, no problem?

Do we want our troops killing people at will? I am sure mistakes are made but they is why these things are investigated.
Soldiers in combat are supposed to kill the enemy

Obama sissified the Pentagon by promoting people who share his apologetic view of America

Which put the soldiers in the field in an impossible situation
A trumpette calling our soldiers sissies> Yep you & Donnie are a pair.
I wish it werent true

Did you see the video of American sailors crying in front of their iranian captors?
Trump just insured a couple million vet votes in 2020.

depends how vets view this....


Keep in mind it was Vets that found them guilty.
Officers found them guilty.

well, they are Veterans also.

Do you have a link to whom was on the jury?

Courts-martial of the United States - Wikipedia

A general court-martial is the highest court level. It consists of a military judge, trial counsel (prosecutor), defense counsel, and a minimum of five officers sitting as a panel of court-martial members
Now, just to show I am fair, I really don't have a problem with this....

Handing out murder convictions in a war zone is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.

Trump Pardons 2 Service Members Accused Of War Crimes And Restores Another's Rank

President Trump has issued pardons for two Army officers accused of war crimes in Afghanistan and restored the rank of a Navy SEAL who was acquitted of murder in Iraq.

"For more than two hundred years, presidents have used their authority to offer second chances to deserving individuals, including those in uniform who have served our country," said White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham in a statement released late Friday. "These actions are in keeping with this long history."

The officers include 1st Lt. Clint Lorance who has served six years of a 19-year sentence on two charges of second-degree murder and obstruction of justice after ordering his soldiers to open fire on three unarmed men in Afghanistan, killing two of them. He had been convicted in 2013.

The other pardoned officer is Maj. Matthew Golsteyn, a West Point graduate, who was awaiting trial for allegedly murdering a suspected Afghan bombmaker in 2010. The trial was scheduled for next year

President Donald Trump continues to set right the wrongs done by the failed former President.

The military has a code of conduct and rules they learn from day one of basic training. In the Marine Corps we learn them before we even fire a weapon for the first time.

These people were found guilty by their peers, in other words their own fellow service members said that what they did was fucked up.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama had draconian Rules of Engagement in place that cost the lives of many of our soldiers.

Obama’s Rules of Engagement Have US Soldiers Fighting a Two-Fronted War in Afghanistan


Our government’s incessant tightening of already restrictive Rules of Engagement, compounded by the failed COIN (Counterinsurgency) strategy—also known as “winning hearts and minds,” has made an otherwise primitive enemy formidable.

Our best and brightest come home in body bags as politicians and lawyers dine over white linen tablecloths; writing, modifying, and re-modifying these lethal rules…rules that favor the enemy rather than the American soldier. Rules so absurd they’re difficult to believe until you hear the same stories over and again from those returning from battle.

Obama’s Rules of Engagement Have US Soldiers Fighting a Two-Fronted War in Afghanistan - Freedom Outpost
But there is a Golden Rule, treat others like you want to be treated

Other countries think they are right too. If we look the other way when our soldiers cross the line, we have no right to expect others to not do the same in protecting American captives

The Rules of Engagement forced on our fighting men forced them into untenable situations. Those rules have been changed by President Donald Trump and he has pardoned men convicted of things that are no longer against the rules.

As for the Golden Rule in the field of battle, I'm with you 100%!




Except there is a reason they are called war crimes. Should we not have tried Nazis at Nuremburg? Remember the Japanese we charged with war crimes for waterboarding?

And these guys weren't even charged by another country, but their own.

As you know, waterboarding was an incidental element of the charges against the Japanese. They were guilty of far more barbaric treatment of our prisoners.
We do not want people who are out of control with a weapon. If they do not have the discipline to do this then they should be sacked. They were rightfully convicted and Gallagher and the person who lied on the witness stand for him are thugs not soldiers.

If any vets support this they were not real soldiers. They were thugs.

Your ignorance of the facts surrounding each case is not, at all, surprising. Educate yourself!
They are not. They are taught to kill only when necessary. They are not taught to kill unarmed people. The fact is that 9 members of Lorance's platoon testified against him. Obama had nothing to do with this. These are soldiers who were in combat. The fact is that only 3 people have been either convicted or accused of war crimes. The situation clearly is not impossible since nearly every soldier has followed the rules.

Your ignorance of the battlefield is stunning and, not the least bit, surprising. You really should remain quiet about those things about which you know NOTHING.
Now, just to show I am fair, I really don't have a problem with this....

Handing out murder convictions in a war zone is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.

Trump Pardons 2 Service Members Accused Of War Crimes And Restores Another's Rank

President Trump has issued pardons for two Army officers accused of war crimes in Afghanistan and restored the rank of a Navy SEAL who was acquitted of murder in Iraq.

"For more than two hundred years, presidents have used their authority to offer second chances to deserving individuals, including those in uniform who have served our country," said White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham in a statement released late Friday. "These actions are in keeping with this long history."

The officers include 1st Lt. Clint Lorance who has served six years of a 19-year sentence on two charges of second-degree murder and obstruction of justice after ordering his soldiers to open fire on three unarmed men in Afghanistan, killing two of them. He had been convicted in 2013.

The other pardoned officer is Maj. Matthew Golsteyn, a West Point graduate, who was awaiting trial for allegedly murdering a suspected Afghan bombmaker in 2010. The trial was scheduled for next year
Obama trades 5 top terrorists for 1 deserter
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

We going to let police do it too? They are doing a tough job.

We can give some leeway as to the fog of war but to pardon? To go against the military suggestions?

We had a case where a local soldier was at a checkpoint in Iraq with two others. They raped and murdered a girl, killed her parents and set them all on fire? But hey, no problem?

Do we want our troops killing people at will? I am sure mistakes are made but they is why these things are investigated.
What better way to end a conflict show no mercy and the enemy will stop fighting. If we can't get to you we'll get your family and anyone connected to them lol
A tactic Sherman used
No it was not. They were unarmed and to shoot them is a war crime. Gallagher killed a soldier who was fighting for his life. He was no threat to anyone.

Gallagher was acquitted of that after the Navy's star witness said he killed the wounded Iraqi. The only thing he was convicted of was having his picture taken with the corpse. (None of the other guys in the same picture were charged).

Again, I'm critical of 99% of what Trump does, including his continued waste of oxygen.... But he made the right call on this one. Prosecuting soldiers for mistakes made in the heat of battle from a nice safe office in Washington is one of the goofier things Obama did.
They are not. They are taught to kill only when necessary. They are not taught to kill unarmed people. The fact is that 9 members of Lorance's platoon testified against him. Obama had nothing to do with this. These are soldiers who were in combat. The fact is that only 3 people have been either convicted or accused of war crimes. The situation clearly is not impossible since nearly every soldier has followed the rules.

Testified against him because they were outraged by what he did, or testified because the Army threatened to prosecute them, too? Six of them received immunity.

The Army was going to make an example of someone, and this guy was just unlucky enough to be the guy they picked.
Back in the day People like Bradley Manning would of been shot as a spy for revealing classified information, but in Obama's presidency even the sick bitch was passing classified info around and she is still walking.. She should be shot also. [The sick bitch is the wife of Bill "the Rapist" Clinton]

What day was that?

Manning revealled information the Army was hiding from the American People, not the enemy.
In Obama's military when a Radical Muslim kills injured soldiers in the hospital and is called work place violence, yeah, it is pretty easy to kill the enemy and get a pardon from a real president, not a pansy ass liberal who had no back bone towards Mooossslims.

The Army was the ones who commissioned Hasan, and kept promoting him even though he was a shit soldier.

They kept giving him glowing OER's instead of getting him discharged.
What better way to end a conflict show no mercy and the enemy will stop fighting. If we can't get to you we'll get your family and anyone connected to them lol
A tactic Sherman used

yet today there are still some inbreds who are flying Confederate flags.... so maybe what Sherman did wasn't such a good idea.
Says an inbread

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