Trump/Pence 2024

Even if he loses, Trump is still eligible to run again. Like Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over til it's over."

"President Donald Trump has said he is prepared to take his fight to retain the White House to the Supreme Court but should he lose this election, he has another path to the country's top job—running again in 2024."

If President Trump Loses and Runs Again in 2024, He Would Be First in 132 Years
Just like they have an age minimum to run for office the need and age maximum...

Why? Donald Trump is better shape mentally and physically than I am at the ripe old age of 60. He was a teenager when I was born.
Even if he loses, Trump is still eligible to run again. Like Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over til it's over."

"President Donald Trump has said he is prepared to take his fight to retain the White House to the Supreme Court but should he lose this election, he has another path to the country's top job—running again in 2024."

If President Trump Loses and Runs Again in 2024, He Would Be First in 132 Years
Won't happen.
Best start looking for a warmonger who lets the Dims run the domestic agenda, like Eisenhower did. You can pretend you won something while changing nothing.
Trump is the first president since Reagan who did not start a new war while in office.

Based on that, the odds say Biden will probably plunge The US and world in to WWIII
Reagan had the invasion of Grenada...
that wasnt much of a war.....
Yet, it was an invasion of a foriegn territory. Reagan also ramped up the Drug War.....

You don't know shit about Grenada, do you?
Too old for Donald, but he deserves credit for his honorable service to the country, showing us that populism can work, and "those jobs can come back".

Honorable? Thats just nuts, of many adjectives Trump can be described as honorable is not one. He has no concept of honor, only means to his ends. Thats why he constantly lies, was impeached for abusing his office and has no capacity to conceed electoral loss and spare this country incendiary rhetoric.

And what jobs is it that you think "came back"?
How Donald Trump is *already* laying the groundwork for 2024
Chris Cillizza
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Updated 9:55 AM ET, Fri November 6, 2020

How Donald Trump is *already* laying the groundwork for 2024
Chris Cillizza
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Updated 9:55 AM ET, Fri November 6, 2020

He would be a huge favorite to win the Republican nomination
How Donald Trump is *already* laying the groundwork for 2024
Chris Cillizza
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Updated 9:55 AM ET, Fri November 6, 2020

He would be a huge favorite to win the Republican nomination

He would the only one for the Republican nomination. Donald Trump gave the GOP a taste of what it really means to be a true Republican. The GWs, Romneys, and McCains are throwbacks to the old days of the Republican Party, when they gave the Democrats free reign to run rampant all over their party, the US constitution, and the country.

For the GOP to weaken in the face of the increasingly radical left Democrat Party, would regress the party to a time where they willingly gave those Democrats the elections. This is not a time to be weak and feckless. The GOP must strengthen itself and fully embrace the principles and doctrines that President Trump layed out for us as an example.
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How Donald Trump is *already* laying the groundwork for 2024
Chris Cillizza
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Updated 9:55 AM ET, Fri November 6, 2020

Here's another possibility for Trump's Next Act:
How Donald Trump is *already* laying the groundwork for 2024
Chris Cillizza
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Updated 9:55 AM ET, Fri November 6, 2020

Here's another possibility for Trump's Next Act:

Do you really expect anyone to take those sock puppets at MSNBC seriously? The same talking heads who were predicting a massive "blue wave", where the Democrats were going to sweep the Senate, House, and presidency with numbers unseen until now?

Do you really expect anyone to take those sock puppets at MSNBC seriously? The same talking heads who were predicting a massive "blue wave", where the Democrats were going to sweep the Senate, House, and presidency with numbers unseen until now?
I'm at least as skeptical of MSDNC as I am of Fox News.
How about you?

I was one who expected Sleepy Joe to bury Don the Con deeper than Barry in 1964; obviously this country is far more divided than I thought, and I don't think many Americans would realize that if Trump had not been POTUS over the past four years.
Do you really expect anyone to take those sock puppets at MSNBC seriously? The same talking heads who were predicting a massive "blue wave", where the Democrats were going to sweep the Senate, House, and presidency with numbers unseen until now?
I'm at least as skeptical of MSDNC as I am of Fox News.
How about you?

I was one who expected Sleepy Joe to bury Don the Con deeper than Barry in 1964; obviously this country is far more divided than I thought, and I don't think many Americans would realize that if Trump had not been POTUS over the past four years.

Of course I'm skeptical of FOX News. A statement like that pretty much tells me that you rarely even watch that network. If you did, you'd realize that FOX has given far more audience to token liberals than any other network.: Juan Williams, Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, Martha MacCallum, former DNC chair Donna Brazile, Brett Beyer, hell they even allowed Bob Beckel on there for awhile. The majority of those are even Democrats. FOX allows them to speak their minds freely, while other networks don't seem to offer the same occasion. In fact, they seem to be downright hostile to conservative guests.

I don't however, see FOX News as having been as supportive of President Trump as they could have.
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Of course I'm skeptical of FOX News. A statement like that pretty much tells me that you rarely even watch that network. If you did, you'd realize that FOX has given far more audience to token liberals than any other network
You're right.
Any news outlet that doesn't criticize a pathological liar and life-long con man like Trump isn't worth paying attention to. Now that Don the Con will no longer control the Justice Department, this country will learn just how corrupt Trump and his crime family have been, Not that his snowflakes will notice.

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