Trump: People are Pitching Tents in Airports

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Holy crap, did no one actually read/listen to the comments from the OP? Trump said people were being delayed so long in airports that they had to pitch tents. Delayed. You know, you go to catch a flight and the plane doesn't leave when it was scheduled to? That's a very different thing from homeless or migrants or illegals using airports as a shelter. 🤦‍♂️

Go through any thread that talks about something this guy said and this is exactly the kind of reaction you get. It’s like his entire base of supporters have ADD. They literally cannot focus on the actual topic. They jump all over the board doing acrobatics trying to somehow make sense of and justify his words instead of just admitting he makes this shit up as he goes along. I’ve lost track at this point of how many conversations just like this I’ve had. They don’t actually address the topic and then pretend like you’re the one who doesn’t understand. He really does cater to the dumbest of the population.

What does any of this have to do with what he was talking about?
What... that people are living in airports?.... sounds just like the thread topic to me... you don't see a tent and you are going to make some kind of point out of that?.... the fact that people are living in airports is the point....

What does any of this have to do with what he was talking about?

It doesn't but the title and the body are very misleading pertinent to what's going on now. IOW when people read "tents" in "airports" they automatically think you're talking about migrants. Only clarified in the video
Where are the tents coming from? Are they buying them at the little Hudson stores?
Probably safe to assume that he or someone in his orbit "saw it on the internet" on a MAGA-approved site. Since nothing in MAGA world is ever questioned, it was immediately fact. Airports are Biden tent cities! Poof! Fact!

Soon we're going to need an interpreter just to communicate with them.
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The savages that have been brought into the US to replace decent Americans... by this scum Obiden Regimen....have to be put somewhere...

Donald Trump & Joesephine BiDOOMED starring in action thriller; "THE TORTURED ONE!"

YIKES Like Can U Say Run Away Horse???
As usual, the TDS crew is stuck on semantics and GASLIGHT THEATRE.


Here we have a formerly rational moderator complaining about tents in airports. No clarification, so everyone thinks it's automatically about migrants, because we know they're living in airports. Then you have to watch the video to discover it's about a problem that no one is really thinking about in election 2024: airplane delays.

It's like starting a thread titled "Sept 11, 2001" and everyone weighs in on that day but then you have to click the video to discover it's about your baby cousin who was born that day or something.
Dont Taz Me Bro

I dont see any tents,

but plenty of migrants flown in by biden

It looks pretty bad to me
Here we have a formerly rational moderator complaining about tents in airports. No clarification, so everyone thinks it's automatically about migrants, because we know they're living in airports. Then you have to watch the video to discover it's about a problem that no one is really thinking about in election 2024: airplane delays.

It's like starting a thread titled "Sept 11, 2001" and everyone weighs in on that day but then you have to click the video to discover it's about your baby cousin who was born that day or something.
Except none of that is true. I didn’t automatically assume this was about migrants. Taz mentioned delays in the OP comments. And there’s transcript text showing with the video that also mentions it.
Oh, and it’s a very short video, too.

I’m sorry, if you had to watch a 10 minute video to understand the point of the OP I’d be agreeing with you completely, but you seem to be just excusing people being too lazy to do more than read the thread title.
I have a few questions here. One, how are people getting tents through TSA and more so, why would they have tents with them? Is this a common carry-on item? Second, aside from wintertime where I have heard of people getting stranded in the airport for a day or two due to bad weather, what other incidents is he talking about? Where is this happening "all the time?" Third, who are these people he's referencing who called him up and told him they're still at the airport after two days?

Not to say that air travel can't be improved. It definitely can, but this just sounds like more of Trump's on the fly babbling and I doubt this man has taken many commercial flights in his lifetime, if any.

You know, as a lib trump hater you have shot yourself in the foot with this thread

I had not heard trump’s comments about airports till you complained about it here

The blowback you have gotten from informed MAGAs has been free advertising for trump

Now I am aware of homeless migrants camping out in at least 3 major airports when I wasnt before

And I bet others here have learned something also
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The blowback you have gotten from informed MAGAs has been free advertising for trump

Literally, not a single one of you has been informed because you were all too lazy to actually read the opening post to see what his comments were regarding.

Thank you, again, for proving my earlier comment.

Literally, not a single one of you has been informed because you were all too lazy to actually read the opening post to see what his comments were regarding.

Thank you, again, for proving my earlier comment.

There are no tents that I am aware of

Otherwise trump nailed it

You have given us another reason to remove Biden and his stupid immigration policy
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There are no tents that I am aware of

Ah, well, now we're getting somewhere, aren't we. So maybe you can explain why Trump said people are setting up tents in the airports due to their flights being delayed four days, you know the ACTUAL thread topic. Where has this happened and to whom?
Ah, well, now we're getting somewhere, aren't we. So maybe you can explain why Trump said people are setting up tents in the airports due to their flights being delayed four days, you know the ACTUAL thread topic. Where has this happened and to whom?
Its campaign bombast

Just like when biden told black voters that repubs wanted to put them all back in chains
I have a few questions here. One, how are people getting tents through TSA and more so, why would they have tents with them? Is this a common carry-on item? Second, aside from wintertime where I have heard of people getting stranded in the airport for a day or two due to bad weather, what other incidents is he talking about? Where is this happening "all the time?" Third, who are these people he's referencing who called him up and told him they're still at the airport after two days?

Not to say that air travel can't be improved. It definitely can, but this just sounds like more of Trump's on the fly babbling and I doubt this man has taken many commercial flights in his lifetime, if any.

Try to keep it intellectually honest and not embroidery the facts please.

There is at least one--I suspect more--'tent city' set up at an airport by migrants. Maybe his remarks were noting these? This one isn't American though.

But there are photos like this one circulating on social media:

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