Trump: People are Pitching Tents in Airports

I have a few questions here. One, how are people getting tents through TSA and more so, why would they have tents with them? Is this a common carry-on item? Second, aside from wintertime where I have heard of people getting stranded in the airport for a day or two due to bad weather, what other incidents is he talking about? Where is this happening "all the time?" Third, who are these people he's referencing who called him up and told him they're still at the airport after two days?

Not to say that air travel can't be improved. It definitely can, but this just sounds like more of Trump's on the fly babbling and I doubt this man has taken many commercial flights in his lifetime, if any.

New York Times article...


I have a few questions here. One, how are people getting tents through TSA and more so, why would they have tents with them? Is this a common carry-on item? Second, aside from wintertime where I have heard of people getting stranded in the airport for a day or two due to bad weather, what other incidents is he talking about? Where is this happening "all the time?" Third, who are these people he's referencing who called him up and told him they're still at the airport after two days?

Not to say that air travel can't be improved. It definitely can, but this just sounds like more of Trump's on the fly babbling and I doubt this man has taken many commercial flights in his lifetime, if any.

He is more used to pitching tents in girls' dressing rooms.

I have a few questions here. One, how are people getting tents through TSA and more so, why would they have tents with them? Is this a common carry-on item? Second, aside from wintertime where I have heard of people getting stranded in the airport for a day or two due to bad weather, what other incidents is he talking about? Where is this happening "all the time?" Third, who are these people he's referencing who called him up and told him they're still at the airport after two days?

Not to say that air travel can't be improved. It definitely can, but this just sounds like more of Trump's on the fly babbling and I doubt this man has taken many commercial flights in his lifetime, if any.

Pitching a tent is a figure of speech, it doesn't always mean actually pitching a tent. Just like when someone goes somewhere and they have to wait they will say they are camping out. Doesn't mean they are actually camping with a tent, fire and s'mores. It means they go somewhere and intend to have to wait a while.

Sometimes I can't tell if you're just taking things to the extreme literal sense because you just want to create arguments with others, or if you're just not very smart and are unable to understand things. Because you do that constantly. I don't know if you don't know what colorful language is, or you just want to be a shit poker.

Pitching a tent, camping out, hang out for a while, and so on are all just phrases for when you're going to not be going anywhere for a while. It goes a long with his sentiments about flights taking a long time due to delays and poor planning.

I know you irrationally hate trump but trying to turn a simple and common phrase into something it's not just so you can sit and wait to snipe someone with "so what trump said is false and people really aren't setting up actual tents in airports right?!!!!!" Your gotcha moments are pathetically weak, obvious and the lowest of low hanging fruit.
Pitching a tent is a figure of speech, it doesn't always mean actually pitching a tent. Just like when someone goes somewhere and they have to wait they will say they are camping out. Doesn't mean they are actually camping with a tent, fire and s'mores. It means they go somewhere and intend to have to wait a while.
Well said
Holy crap, did no one actually read/listen to the comments from the OP? Trump said people were being delayed so long in airports that they had to pitch tents. Delayed. You know, you go to catch a flight and the plane doesn't leave when it was scheduled to? That's a very different thing from homeless or migrants or illegals using airports as a shelter. 🤦‍♂️
He said there were four day delays. Lol
Pitching a tent is a figure of speech, it doesn't always mean actually pitching a tent. Just like when someone goes somewhere and they have to wait they will say they are camping out. Doesn't mean they are actually camping with a tent, fire and s'mores. It means they go somewhere and intend to have to wait a while.

Sometimes I can't tell if you're just taking things to the extreme literal sense because you just want to create arguments with others, or if you're just not very smart and are unable to understand things. Because you do that constantly. I don't know if you don't know what colorful language is, or you just want to be a shit poker.

Pitching a tent, camping out, hang out for a while, and so on are all just phrases for when you're going to not be going anywhere for a while. It goes a long with his sentiments about flights taking a long time due to delays and poor planning.

I know you irrationally hate trump but trying to turn a simple and common phrase into something it's not just so you can sit and wait to snipe someone with "so what trump said is false and people really aren't setting up actual tents in airports right?!!!!!" Your gotcha moments are pathetically weak, obvious and the lowest of low hanging fruit.
Was the “four days” a figure of speech too?
Notice how they all repeat the same republican talking points they've been taught to repeat over and over again. Classic group think.
Ghettos are still ghettos unless gentrified. So, the residents in ghettos have mastered just enough blackmailing taxpayers to keep their way of living going on. They get streets redone. New lighting. All signs and street signals replaced. Schools and playgrounds renovated. Theatres and other public spaces redone and more. the homes may even have some free renovation money. It ends there though as more and more condemnation of houses occurs for fires and for not being taking care of. Every type of building in other parts of the city has to have extortion from perma parasites and that is the truth.
The topic doesn't appear to be anything remotely close to that. Did you even read the OP and listen to what he said?

I swear to God, you people have ADD. You cannot focus on the actual topic.
I could see where I could make the same assumption - walking through an airport and seeing dozens of tents lining the halls, and figuring that people have been stranded waiting for flights.

Of course, what he is seeing is the result of Biden’s efforts to import as many third-world, uneducated foreigners into this country illegally and continue to “transform” America into a poorer and weaker nation.

So my question is….which is worse?

1) Encouraging millions of illegal immigrants who are semi-literate, many with criminal backgrounds, and no job skills to compete with lower-income Americans for jobs, drive rents up due to the law of supply and demand, and take needed and finite resources from honest Americans, who are now camped out at airports, or….

2) Mistaking these dregs for stranded passengers?
As usual, the TDS crew is stuck on semantics and GASLIGHT THEATRE.


That's exactly what this thread is all about.

It's quite easy to go look up stats on delayed flights in the US, about 1/5 or 20% of flights are delayed, it's not a good number. But he was bait switching, he doesn't really care about what he insists the topic is about. It's just another Trump bashing thread, about the millionth one on here.

Just recently my flight was delayed hours, and then got canceled while we were on our way to take off, had to return to the gate and get off of the plane, and then they rescheduled for the next day, so had to find a hotel. Airline customer service has gone way down hill.

And to the point that Trump never flies commercial, so what? None of your elite pols fly commercial. So his point is that because Trump doesn't personally do it then he shouldn't be concerned about it when it effects thousands of travelers every day? So he cares about something that is affecting people's lives, and he's bashed for it. If he was an elitist and didn't care about it all, he'd be bashed for that. These TDS idiots have completely lost their minds.
The fact that Trump is an appealing choice to so many says a great deal about the Establishment politicians and the current state of policies.

On top of the full court press Trump experienced, there has been gift after gift granted to him while America is losing ground globally and World War III is far closer than most realize.
thank you again for staying on topic. lol

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