Trump picks Pence!!

It's not official yet so I'll withhold my thoughts. Hopefully he does NOT pick Pence, this would be a huge let down and a big mistake. Fingers crossed its Newt or Christie
I'm still hoping for Palin.

Got a crush on her huh.....
Yeah...sure...that's it.....
Don't lie. You would fake dick fuck her all day!
What is this with guys and thinking that the "dick" is the end all and be all?

You being a fuzz bumper and all I can see where the confusion comes from.
Mr. Pence has endorsed free trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an Asian trade deal that Mr. Trump has described as a “rape” of the American economy. He voted for the Iraq war, which Trump has condemned, and last winter he denounced Mr. Trump’s call to ban all Muslim immigration into the United States.

And that right there is part of the reason I will NOT vote for a Trump/Pence ticket. If this is indeed the vp then trump is a disloyal piece is shit who took the people for a fucking ride
If you are requiring a nominee pick a vp who didn't support free trade, you won't be voting gop in this, or any near term, election.

And yes Hillary is lying about trade too.

And yes, Trump has run a con that you fell for.
It's not official yet so I'll withhold my thoughts. Hopefully he does NOT pick Pence, this would be a huge let down and a big mistake. Fingers crossed its Newt or Christie
I'm still hoping for Palin.

Got a crush on her huh.....
Yeah...sure...that's it.....

To bad for you...she doesnt swing that way.
Gays everywhere are grateful.
Not too familiar with the guy. Going to have to do some reading.
He signed the anti-Gay rights bill in Indiana. they walked it back to save face, and money.

Pence is another real Right Wing prick without regard to civil rights. Trumpeteers are gonna love him!

Or another way of looking at it, Pence is another embodiment of why the Trumpsters hate the spineless republicans who cower before the Church of LGBT cult, selling their value system while tucking their tails.

They haven't heard the news apparently about Trump's fawning over gay marriage. But I think they will by next Monday... The next republican POTUS is going to be a person with balls who stood firmly and strongly against the cult of LGBT's blackmail campaigns. Any ideas? Gonna be tough after they watched (without retaliation) the LGBT goddess Rachael Maddow execute a half dozen governors' careers just immediately after each of them made an heretical comment about one of the cult's agendas.

That's why people like Trump. They see him as uncompromising. But they haven't seen the youtubes on his compromise on gay marriage and men using women's bathrooms. Again, stay tuned for Monday... Even still they'd probably vote for him just because they'd believe he is the only one who would stand up to LGBT blackmailers like Maddow and throw it back 10 times harder than she can dish it out. The GOP has failed to notice why people support Trump. They have about three calendar days to finally notice why..
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It's not official yet so I'll withhold my thoughts. Hopefully he does NOT pick Pence, this would be a huge let down and a big mistake. Fingers crossed its Newt or Christie
I'm still hoping for Palin.

Got a crush on her huh.....
Yeah...sure...that's it.....

To bad for you...she doesnt swing that way.
Gays everywhere are grateful.

After getting an eyeful of some of you I would bet they'd be overjoyed at getting a shot at Sarah.
Not too familiar with the guy. Going to have to do some reading.
He signed the anti-Gay rights bill in Indiana. they walked it back to save face, and money.

Pence is another real Right Wing prick without regard to civil rights. Trumpeteers are gonna love him!

As long as you hildabeast fuzz bumpers hate em I know he's a good choice.
Personally, I the Cincinnati Bengals. Does that qualify them for any political office?
Not too familiar with the guy. Going to have to do some reading.
He signed the anti-Gay rights bill in Indiana. they walked it back to save face, and money.

Pence is another real Right Wing prick without regard to civil rights. Trumpeteers are gonna love him!

As long as you hildabeast fuzz bumpers hate em I know he's a good choice.
I hate him as well and I would rather cut my dick off before I voted for Hillary
Then go dickless. Trump is a tragedy in the making.
He signed the anti-Gay rights bill in Indiana. they walked it back to save face, and money.

Pence is another real Right Wing prick without regard to civil rights. Trumpeteers are gonna love him!

So he attacks the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments the way those scumbag piles of shit Clinton and Obmaa do, in their war to end civil rights? :eek:
He hates Americans he finds 'icky'. Where's the justice in that?
Not too familiar with the guy. Going to have to do some reading.
He signed the anti-Gay rights bill in Indiana. they walked it back to save face, and money.

Pence is another real Right Wing prick without regard to civil rights. Trumpeteers are gonna love him!

As long as you hildabeast fuzz bumpers hate em I know he's a good choice.
Personally, I the Cincinnati Bengals. Does that qualify them for any political office?

You what the Bengals?
Not too familiar with the guy. Going to have to do some reading.
He signed the anti-Gay rights bill in Indiana. they walked it back to save face, and money.

Pence is another real Right Wing prick without regard to civil rights. Trumpeteers are gonna love him!

As long as you hildabeast fuzz bumpers hate em I know he's a good choice.
Personally, I the Cincinnati Bengals. Does that qualify them for any political office?

You what the Bengals?
I hat them. But I fear what a President Trump would do.
Not too familiar with the guy. Going to have to do some reading.
He signed the anti-Gay rights bill in Indiana. they walked it back to save face, and money.

Pence is another real Right Wing prick without regard to civil rights. Trumpeteers are gonna love him!

As long as you hildabeast fuzz bumpers hate em I know he's a good choice.
Personally, I the Cincinnati Bengals. Does that qualify them for any political office?

You what the Bengals?
I hat them. But I fear what a President Trump would do.

I love the Bengals!!!
They're the Texans favorite whipping boy.
Cool, the devil in blue jeans.
I'm almost afraid of the bullshit that might spew forth in your response but I have to ask.....why is he the devil?

Cherry picked quotes for you:

Sadly, embryonic stem cell research is completely legal in this country and has been going on at universities and research facilities for years.

While that amendment failed, human cloning continues to advance and the breakthrough in this unethical and morally questionable science is around the corner.

Uh, do I believe in evolution? I embrace the view that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that's in them. The means that he used to do that, I can't say, but I do believe in that fundamental truth.

It's time to stop the raid on the Social Security trust fund and start allowing Americans to invest their Social Security taxes in personal savings accounts.

More than anything else, let me be clear - we need to be willing to fight for freedom, and free markets, and traditional moral values. That's what the American people want to see this movement and this party return to.

Power is an instrument of fatal consequence. It is confined no more readily than quicksilver, and escapes good intentions as easily as air flows through mesh.

Read more at: Mike Pence Quotes at BrainyQuote

I'm sure the demagoguery in his words appeals to many who will read these ^^^ words, But, not me. I don't trust those who use religion to win the minds of social cons, economic policy to benefit Wall Street and pans good intentions. Were better than that.
He signed the anti-Gay rights bill in Indiana. they walked it back to save face, and money.

Pence is another real Right Wing prick without regard to civil rights. Trumpeteers are gonna love him!

As long as you hildabeast fuzz bumpers hate em I know he's a good choice.
Personally, I the Cincinnati Bengals. Does that qualify them for any political office?

You what the Bengals?
I hat them. But I fear what a President Trump would do.

I love the Bengals!!!
They're the Texans favorite whipping boy.
The Bengals represent the criminal element in the NFL.

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