Trump picks Pence!!

As long as you hildabeast fuzz bumpers hate em I know he's a good choice.
Personally, I the Cincinnati Bengals. Does that qualify them for any political office?

You what the Bengals?
I hat them. But I fear what a President Trump would do.

I love the Bengals!!!
They're the Texans favorite whipping boy.
The Bengals represent the criminal element in the NFL.

Hmmmm...the Texans do treat em like a four time felon with a court appointed attorney.
Not too familiar with the guy. Going to have to do some reading.
He signed the anti-Gay rights bill in Indiana. they walked it back to save face, and money.

Pence is another real Right Wing prick without regard to civil rights. Trumpeteers are gonna love him!

As long as you hildabeast fuzz bumpers hate em I know he's a good choice.
I hate him as well and I would rather cut my dick off before I voted for Hillary

Do tell...
What exactly makes you hate Pence and who would you rather see?
I posted why from the article in the op and I would rather see another America First type like Senator Sessions or Patrick Buchanan.
Mr. Pence has endorsed free trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an Asian trade deal that Mr. Trump has described as a “rape” of the American economy. He voted for the Iraq war, which Trump has condemned, and last winter he denounced Mr. Trump’s call to ban all Muslim immigration into the United States.

And that right there is part of the reason I will NOT vote for a Trump/Pence ticket. If this is indeed the vp then trump is a disloyal piece is shit who took the people for a fucking ride
If you are requiring a nominee pick a vp who didn't support free trade, you won't be voting gop in this, or any near term, election.

And yes Hillary is lying about trade too.

And yes, Trump has run a con that you fell for.
Could pick Senator Sessions or Patrick Buchanan
Not too familiar with the guy. Going to have to do some reading.
He signed the anti-Gay rights bill in Indiana. they walked it back to save face, and money.

Pence is another real Right Wing prick without regard to civil rights. Trumpeteers are gonna love him!

As long as you hildabeast fuzz bumpers hate em I know he's a good choice.
I hate him as well and I would rather cut my dick off before I voted for Hillary

Do tell...
What exactly makes you hate Pence and who would you rather see?
I posted why from the article in the op and I would rather see another America First type like Senator Sessions or Patrick Buchanan.
Mr. Pence has endorsed free trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an Asian trade deal that Mr. Trump has described as a “rape” of the American economy. He voted for the Iraq war, which Trump has condemned, and last winter he denounced Mr. Trump’s call to ban all Muslim immigration into the United States.

And that right there is part of the reason I will NOT vote for a Trump/Pence ticket. If this is indeed the vp then trump is a disloyal piece is shit who took the people for a fucking ride
If you are requiring a nominee pick a vp who didn't support free trade, you won't be voting gop in this, or any near term, election.

And yes Hillary is lying about trade too.

And yes, Trump has run a con that you fell for.
Could pick Senator Sessions or Patrick Buchanan

Sessions I could see but Pat Buchanan would be a disaster PR wise.
He hates Americans

Yes he does, but we're not talking about Obama.

But you claimed that Pence is like Obama and Clinton, and wants to end civil rights. Can you point to him attacking 1st, 2nd, 4th, etc. rights the was those piles of shit Clinton and Obama do?

he finds 'icky'. Where's the justice in that?

Justice would be Obama being horse whipped, but that is justice we will never see.
Mr. Pence has endorsed free trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an Asian trade deal that Mr. Trump has described as a “rape” of the American economy. He voted for the Iraq war, which Trump has condemned, and last winter he denounced Mr. Trump’s call to ban all Muslim immigration into the United States.

And that right there is part of the reason I will NOT vote for a Trump/Pence ticket. If this is indeed the vp then trump is a disloyal piece is shit who took the people for a fucking ride

Suck it up.
Nothing to suck up dipstick I'm not the one being taken for a ride anymore I am free to see Trump was all talk and we ate it up

Trump as a candidate was always relative. Anyone thinking he wasn't a flawed candidate was kidding themselves. At the end of the day, he's exposed the Republican establishment and is a much better alternative than Hillary. You think the other side is crying in their milk about their felon? No. So, suck it up.
Mr. Pence has endorsed free trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an Asian trade deal that Mr. Trump has described as a “rape” of the American economy. He voted for the Iraq war, which Trump has condemned, and last winter he denounced Mr. Trump’s call to ban all Muslim immigration into the United States.

And that right there is part of the reason I will NOT vote for a Trump/Pence ticket. If this is indeed the vp then trump is a disloyal piece is shit who took the people for a fucking ride

Suck it up.
Nothing to suck up dipstick I'm not the one being taken for a ride anymore I am free to see Trump was all talk and we ate it up

Trump as a candidate was always relative. Anyone thinking he wasn't a flawed candidate was kidding themselves. At the end of the day, he's exposed the Republican establishment and is a much better alternative than Hillary. You think the other side is crying in their milk about their felon? No. So, suck it up.
Flawed naw. Fraud yes. No need to suck up anything I am just not going to support him
Mr. Pence has endorsed free trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an Asian trade deal that Mr. Trump has described as a “rape” of the American economy. He voted for the Iraq war, which Trump has condemned, and last winter he denounced Mr. Trump’s call to ban all Muslim immigration into the United States.

And that right there is part of the reason I will NOT vote for a Trump/Pence ticket. If this is indeed the vp then trump is a disloyal piece is shit who took the people for a fucking ride

Suck it up.
Nothing to suck up dipstick I'm not the one being taken for a ride anymore I am free to see Trump was all talk and we ate it up

Trump as a candidate was always relative. Anyone thinking he wasn't a flawed candidate was kidding themselves. At the end of the day, he's exposed the Republican establishment and is a much better alternative than Hillary. You think the other side is crying in their milk about their felon? No. So, suck it up.
Flawed naw. Fraud yes. No need to suck up anything I am just not going to support him

Then, don't support him. But don't cry when Hillary fucks you up the ass.
Mr. Pence has endorsed free trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an Asian trade deal that Mr. Trump has described as a “rape” of the American economy. He voted for the Iraq war, which Trump has condemned, and last winter he denounced Mr. Trump’s call to ban all Muslim immigration into the United States.

And that right there is part of the reason I will NOT vote for a Trump/Pence ticket. If this is indeed the vp then trump is a disloyal piece is shit who took the people for a fucking ride

Suck it up.
Nothing to suck up dipstick I'm not the one being taken for a ride anymore I am free to see Trump was all talk and we ate it up

Trump as a candidate was always relative. Anyone thinking he wasn't a flawed candidate was kidding themselves. At the end of the day, he's exposed the Republican establishment and is a much better alternative than Hillary. You think the other side is crying in their milk about their felon? No. So, suck it up.
Flawed naw. Fraud yes. No need to suck up anything I am just not going to support him

Then, don't support him. But don't cry when Hillary fucks you up the ass.
Dealt with 8 years of Obama bc the gop nominated that clown Willard I'll survive Hillary if it happens and I'd trump gets elected fine whatever but won't be because I was one of the gullible fucks he screwed over with his America first agenda then picked a fucking globalist as his vp
Suck it up.
Nothing to suck up dipstick I'm not the one being taken for a ride anymore I am free to see Trump was all talk and we ate it up

Trump as a candidate was always relative. Anyone thinking he wasn't a flawed candidate was kidding themselves. At the end of the day, he's exposed the Republican establishment and is a much better alternative than Hillary. You think the other side is crying in their milk about their felon? No. So, suck it up.
Flawed naw. Fraud yes. No need to suck up anything I am just not going to support him

Then, don't support him. But don't cry when Hillary fucks you up the ass.
Dealt with 8 years of Obama bc the gop nominated that clown Willard I'll survive Hillary if it happens and I'd trump gets elected fine whatever but won't be because I was one of the gullible fucks he screwed over with his America first agenda then picked a fucking globalist as his vp

Romney wasn't a terrible pick relative to the field. I mean look who finished second; Santorum; what a fuckhead. He was worse than Edwards on the left. And McCain before that? Dude's a fucking Democrat as was Bush. Point is the GOP has been sh** for decades now. But I will note that I just recent relearned Pence's harsh rhetoric against the Islam ban, so I know where you're coming from on that. I don't trust Trump; but I think Hillary is outright evil.
Pence is a good pick

Good credentials and not batshit crazy like the leader of the ticket


He is plenty bat shit...

In 2000, Pence stated "Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexual's as a 'discreet and insular minority' entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities." He called for "an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organisations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus" and instead advocated that resources be directed towards conversion therapy programs

conversion therapy - Pray away the gay!!!!

Here is another doozer:
After the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the Affordable Care Act on June 28, 2012, Pence, in a closed door meeting, said that the ruling upholding the health care law was similar to theSeptember 11 terrorist attacks

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