Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

Well, if the majority doesn't think what he did was treasonous, and chooses to vote for him over your candidate - well, ain't that just "democracy"?

I don't think most voters want to vote for a scumbag like Trump. But they're sick to death of the Democrats nonsense, and they're brainwashed into thinking Trump is the only alternative. If Democrats would simply admit they've fucked up and change their tune (and nominate someone besides Captain Droolcup), they'd pull enough support away from Trump to win easily.
Because they're not as fucked up and as unrealistic as these new republicans are. No way near as delusional.
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dblack in #712 said: “The stunts trying to legally block Trump aren't really very democratic of the Democrats. dblvck.23.12.22 #712

What Trump did after he lost the 2020 election was not democratic at all. I look at it this way. Trump attempted to disenfranchise/cancel my vote and stay in power against the will of the majority who voted for him to get the fuck out of our lives.

He violated many laws for which he has been indicted by at least three grand juries. The evidence is in his own words for the most part.

Democrats and Republicans and unaffiliated don’t want to see the man who attempted to subvert a certified election in order to perpetuate his power beyond his constitutional legal date. We the same, damn near disenfranchised people are doing so in compliance with the Constitution and the court system, and it will go all the way to the Supreme Court in the land. We have reason enough to test the 14th amendment, and if it applies and the supreme court upholds it - there is nothing “political stunt” about it.

Trump is a Republican, his party stands by him, they didn’t impeach him after January 6. If you vote for any Republicans after that you are actually voting to take a horrendous chance on the survival of western liberal American democracy that has it stood for over two centuries.

He presented his case in a court trial in Colorado and he lost. That is how we settle things in America until this fat bastard came along.

I just don’t get how anybody could not see it
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You're insignificant.
Perhaps but I admire George Washington who was a great American

NotfooledbyW in #93 said: “Our General was a theistic/rationalist who was quite multiculturally open to absolute freedom of religion and freedom of conscience for Mahometans, Jews, Catholics, and Atheists.

George Washington expressed little preference as to the religion practiced by the Mount Vernon workforce. Writing in March of 1784, Washington noted: "If they are good workmen, they may be of Asia, Africa, or Europe. They may be Mahometans [Mohammedans/Muslims], Jews, or Christians of any Sect, or they may be Atheists."1. Islam at Mount Vernon • nf.20.02.22 #93

NotfooledbyW in #9 said: “........the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens.,,,,,”From George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, 18 August 1790 nf.23.02.16 #9

nf.23.12.22 #730
to bsfltr.23.12.22 #729
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Not for you to judge.
This is a board where you give your opinions. In my opinion you are not a good American because of what you've said. You would make a good Russian they seem to believe that everyone who disagrees with them or is different from them is tye enemy. They have lots of imagined enemies. Americans are usually forward-thinking and optimistic.
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Perhaps but I admire George Washington who was a great American

NotfooledbyW in #93 said: “Our General was a theistic/rationalist who was quite multiculturally open to absolute freedom of religion and freedom of conscience for Mahometans, Jews, Catholics, and Atheists.

George Washington expressed little preference as to the religion practiced by the Mount Vernon workforce. Writing in March of 1784, Washington noted: "If they are good workmen, they may be of Asia, Africa, or Europe. They may be Mahometans [Mohammedans/Muslims], Jews, or Christians of any Sect, or they may be Atheists."1. Islam at Mount Vernon • nf.20.02.22 #93

NotfooledbyW in #9 said: “........the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens.,,,,,”From George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, 18 August 1790 nf.23.02.16 #9

nf.23.12.22 #730
to bsfltr.23.12.22 #729
Fuck islam.
This is a board where you give your opinions. In my opinion you are not a good American because of what you've said. You would make a good Russian they seem to believe that everyone who disagrees with them or is different from them is tye enemy. They have lots of imagined enemies. Americans are usually forward-thinking and optimistic.
Agree. Patriotic Christians follow the rules, Muslims don't. Tell me which Muslim in Congress is a Patriot. Go ahead.
Fuck islam.
It is my sincere hope that the Christian extremists and the Islamic extremists will cancel each other out amd leave the rest of us in peace. You don't sound like a Christian at all but that's probably because you're an extremist
Hate is not a Christian or American value.
It is my sincere hope that the Christian extremists and the Islamic extremists will cancel each other out amd leave the rest of us in peace. You don't sound like a Christian at all but that's probably because you're an extremist
Hate is not a Christian or American value.
Hatred of evil IS a Christian value and Islam is evil. Tell me which Muslim in Congress is a Patriots.

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