Trump Presidency - Failure

It was already going up because we were in a recession. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself.

No response except a emoji? Come on Einstein tell us what was the point of Obama's stimulus if the unemployment went up?

I double dog dare ya, to post the truth.

The prupose of the ARRA was to reduce the max unemployment rate by 1/2 to 1 2/2 percent & shorten the timeline of the recession. The CBO said it did this.
Quit being an asshole.

Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.

The prupose of the ARRA was to reduce the max unemployment rate by 1/2 to 1 2/2 percent & shorten the timeline of the recession. The CBO said it did this.
Quit being an asshole.

Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.


View attachment 264826

That doesn't mean people found jobs it means they quit looking.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

Andy Puzder: President Trump deserves all the credit for our soaring labor market

Under Trump we have more job openings than people to fill them. He accomplished that in 18 months.

I'll ask again, want to compare Obama's first 2 years in office to Trumps first two?

Sorry you can't claim it dropped under Pres Obama for years because people stopped looking and then claim that started back when Trump came into office.

Trump's first 2 yrs are better, because he was handed off a good economy and unemployment in a steady decline. Pres Obama had to bring us out of a recession.

Trump was handed a tepid economy. Tweaked it and here we are

He wasn't handed a recession, come to think of it can you tell me EXACTLY what he did to tweak it.
No response except a emoji? Come on Einstein tell us what was the point of Obama's stimulus if the unemployment went up?

I double dog dare ya, to post the truth.

The prupose of the ARRA was to reduce the max unemployment rate by 1/2 to 1 2/2 percent & shorten the timeline of the recession. The CBO said it did this.
Quit being an asshole.

Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.

Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.


View attachment 264826

That doesn't mean people found jobs it means they quit looking.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

Andy Puzder: President Trump deserves all the credit for our soaring labor market

Under Trump we have more job openings than people to fill them. He accomplished that in 18 months.

I'll ask again, want to compare Obama's first 2 years in office to Trumps first two?

Sorry you can't claim it dropped under Pres Obama for years because people stopped looking and then claim that started back when Trump came into office.

Trump's first 2 yrs are better, because he was handed off a good economy and unemployment in a steady decline. Pres Obama had to bring us out of a recession.

Trump was handed a tepid economy. Tweaked it and here we are

He wasn't handed a recession, come to think of it can you tell me EXACTLY what he did to tweak it.

You're to indoctrinated and stupid to grasp it...but you could start with deregulation, consumer confidence, small business expansion, etc know all that economic stuff you're utterly clueless about
No response except a emoji? Come on Einstein tell us what was the point of Obama's stimulus if the unemployment went up?

I double dog dare ya, to post the truth.

The prupose of the ARRA was to reduce the max unemployment rate by 1/2 to 1 2/2 percent & shorten the timeline of the recession. The CBO said it did this.
Quit being an asshole.

Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.

Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.


View attachment 264826

That doesn't mean people found jobs it means they quit looking.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

Andy Puzder: President Trump deserves all the credit for our soaring labor market

Under Trump we have more job openings than people to fill them. He accomplished that in 18 months.

I'll ask again, want to compare Obama's first 2 years in office to Trumps first two?

Sorry you can't claim it dropped under Pres Obama for years because people stopped looking and then claim that started back when Trump came into office.

Trump's first 2 yrs are better, because he was handed off a good economy and unemployment in a steady decline. Pres Obama had to bring us out of a recession.

Trump was handed a tepid economy. Tweaked it and here we are

He wasn't handed a recession, come to think of it can you tell me EXACTLY what he did to tweak it.

Duh pro bussiness president, got rid of most of Obama's assnine EPA rules and regulations.

The prupose of the ARRA was to reduce the max unemployment rate by 1/2 to 1 2/2 percent & shorten the timeline of the recession. The CBO said it did this.
Quit being an asshole.

Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.


That doesn't mean people found jobs it means they quit looking.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

Andy Puzder: President Trump deserves all the credit for our soaring labor market

Under Trump we have more job openings than people to fill them. He accomplished that in 18 months.

I'll ask again, want to compare Obama's first 2 years in office to Trumps first two?

Sorry you can't claim it dropped under Pres Obama for years because people stopped looking and then claim that started back when Trump came into office.

Trump's first 2 yrs are better, because he was handed off a good economy and unemployment in a steady decline. Pres Obama had to bring us out of a recession.

Trump was handed a tepid economy. Tweaked it and here we are

He wasn't handed a recession, come to think of it can you tell me EXACTLY what he did to tweak it.

You're to indoctrinated and stupid to grasp it...but you could start with deregulation, consumer confidence, small business expansion, etc know all that economic stuff you're utterly clueless about

Ok I get the right wing talking points , now give me the specific deregulations, how did he change consumer confidence and what small business expansion? Explain all the economic stuff that you are utterly smart about.
The prupose of the ARRA was to reduce the max unemployment rate by 1/2 to 1 2/2 percent & shorten the timeline of the recession. The CBO said it did this.
Quit being an asshole.

Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.


That doesn't mean people found jobs it means they quit looking.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

Andy Puzder: President Trump deserves all the credit for our soaring labor market

Under Trump we have more job openings than people to fill them. He accomplished that in 18 months.

I'll ask again, want to compare Obama's first 2 years in office to Trumps first two?

Sorry you can't claim it dropped under Pres Obama for years because people stopped looking and then claim that started back when Trump came into office.

Trump's first 2 yrs are better, because he was handed off a good economy and unemployment in a steady decline. Pres Obama had to bring us out of a recession.

Trump was handed a tepid economy. Tweaked it and here we are

He wasn't handed a recession, come to think of it can you tell me EXACTLY what he did to tweak it.

Duh pro bussiness president, got rid of most of Obama's assnine EPA rules and regulations.


Let's see how long before he gets rid of OSHA and brings back asbestos and good old lead.
Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.

That doesn't mean people found jobs it means they quit looking.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

Andy Puzder: President Trump deserves all the credit for our soaring labor market

Under Trump we have more job openings than people to fill them. He accomplished that in 18 months.

I'll ask again, want to compare Obama's first 2 years in office to Trumps first two?

Sorry you can't claim it dropped under Pres Obama for years because people stopped looking and then claim that started back when Trump came into office.

Trump's first 2 yrs are better, because he was handed off a good economy and unemployment in a steady decline. Pres Obama had to bring us out of a recession.

Trump was handed a tepid economy. Tweaked it and here we are

He wasn't handed a recession, come to think of it can you tell me EXACTLY what he did to tweak it.

Duh pro bussiness president, got rid of most of Obama's assnine EPA rules and regulations.


Let's see how long before he gets rid of OSHA and brings back asbestos and good old lead.
What? You eat paint chips?
Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.

That doesn't mean people found jobs it means they quit looking.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

Andy Puzder: President Trump deserves all the credit for our soaring labor market

Under Trump we have more job openings than people to fill them. He accomplished that in 18 months.

I'll ask again, want to compare Obama's first 2 years in office to Trumps first two?

Sorry you can't claim it dropped under Pres Obama for years because people stopped looking and then claim that started back when Trump came into office.

Trump's first 2 yrs are better, because he was handed off a good economy and unemployment in a steady decline. Pres Obama had to bring us out of a recession.

Trump was handed a tepid economy. Tweaked it and here we are

He wasn't handed a recession, come to think of it can you tell me EXACTLY what he did to tweak it.

You're to indoctrinated and stupid to grasp it...but you could start with deregulation, consumer confidence, small business expansion, etc know all that economic stuff you're utterly clueless about

Ok I get the right wing talking points , now give me the specific deregulations, how did he change consumer confidence and what small business expansion? Explain all the economic stuff that you are utterly smart about.

Its no talking points I don't even watch T.V. anymore and I am getting so into classical music :)

It's the damn truth

Stimulus: Obama copied off Bush Jr.

Tax cuts: Obama copied off Bush Jr

Auto bailout: Obama copied off Bush Jr.

Tarp: Bush Jr

Wall Street : Janet

Obama was anti fracking, anti drilling, anti pipeline, anti manufacturing jobs (see Boeing in South Carolina) he signed Obama care which slowed down investments for 2 years (till the Supremes rulled on it) no one wanted to bring the money back from overseas, everyone was sitting on cash with his stupid EPA rules and regulations.

Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
Again I welcome you and remind you that you have the right to make a raging fool of yourself here but you will find absolutely no one who doesn't understand why you feel compelled to do it: haters gotta hate.

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Cracks me up how you boast about the unemployment rate without giving Obama any credit.



The bush boy left Obama 10% unemployment.

Obama left trump 4.7% unemployment.

When trump lowers unemployment by 5.3% I'll be impressed.

The bush boy left Obama the stock market in free fall and at 7949.

Obama left trump a recovered and robust stock market at 19732.

When trump stops a stock market free fall and increases the stock market by 11,783 I'll be impressed.

Obama prevented another republican Great Depression and took us out of the Great Recession the bush boy forced on us.

When trump saves us from another republican Great Depression and pulls us out of another Great Recession, I'll be impressed.

You spew pablum.....
It's relative drop you are after.
10% to 5% is 50% drop over 8 years.
5% to 3.5% would be 33% drop in 2.5 years.

On Election night DOW gains after that point due to Obie.

You are headed fir the list....I watch you people
Without rounding, the unemployment rate under trump went from 4.7 to 3.6, a 23% decline, not 33%.

As far as the stock market, you don't get to decide which dates to pick. It goes from inauguration to inauguration, just as it has for every president. And the Dow trump inherited was 19800.

I pick dates I want. Nov 08 DOW close ~18332 after two years sideways trending down ahead of slam dunk Beast win. Trump popped the markets. Obammy had nothing to do with quick 33% uptick. Lol, his policies blew chunks comparatively.

BO was busy sending $150B to his muslim butt-buddies and changing the intelligence rules (on the way out) to facilitate un-masking. Why do you think the UN submitted the mad rush of filings? Is she in intelligence? Or Rice rushed to write a "cover butt" memo to herself? WTH? Think that passes smell test? Buckle up.

Got no time for this. Tread lightly.....I have an opening on the list.
Last edited:
Sorry you can't claim it dropped under Pres Obama for years because people stopped looking and then claim that started back when Trump came into office.

Trump's first 2 yrs are better, because he was handed off a good economy and unemployment in a steady decline. Pres Obama had to bring us out of a recession.

Trump was handed a tepid economy. Tweaked it and here we are

He wasn't handed a recession, come to think of it can you tell me EXACTLY what he did to tweak it.

You're to indoctrinated and stupid to grasp it...but you could start with deregulation, consumer confidence, small business expansion, etc know all that economic stuff you're utterly clueless about

Ok I get the right wing talking points , now give me the specific deregulations, how did he change consumer confidence and what small business expansion? Explain all the economic stuff that you are utterly smart about.

Its no talking points I don't even watch T.V. anymore and I am getting so into classical music :)

It's the damn truth

Stimulus: Obama copied off Bush Jr.

Tax cuts: Obama copied off Bush Jr

Auto bailout: Obama copied off Bush Jr.

Tarp: Bush Jr

Wall Street : Janet

Obama was anti fracking, anti drilling, anti pipeline, anti manufacturing jobs (see Boeing in South Carolina) he signed Obama care which slowed down investments for 2 years (till the Supremes rulled on it) no one wanted to bring the money back from overseas, everyone was sitting on cash with his stupid EPA rules and regulations.

I got as far as....

"Stimulus: Obama copied off Bush Jr."

Um, no Spunky, ARRA was nothing like TARP. Not even close.
airplanemechanic, post: 22511263
If you want to compare Obamas first 2 years to Trumps I'll tear you a new asshole but I'm up for it.

Half of 2009 was bogged down in Bush’s recession mess. Any new President won’t get or take credit or blame for economic performance the first six months after Inauguration Day.

But we know you have to cheat to make the white president look better than the black one.

Jobs created:

How bad it was : March of 2009, nearly 800,000 non-farm payroll jobs were lost.

The turn-around

How good it got in May 2010 when 516,000 jobs were added.

2011: 2.091 million

2012: 2.142 million

2013: 2.302 million

2014: 2.998 millon

2015: 2.713 million

2016: 2.240 million

2017 2.188 million

2018: 2.640 million

At current rates TrumpO is heading for under 2 million

If you were apt to look to a fair comparison I’m sure you could figure the truth out that TrumpO is not setting the world on fire with hot and spectacular job growth compared to Obama.

TrumpO’s best year thus far falls short of Obama's best years - twice.

And now this:

A Weak Jobs Report Poses a New Challenge to Trump: A Slowing Economy

4 hours ago · June 7, 2019. 465 ... “The May jobs report
Media lies posted by a traitor.

Jobs "Created or Saved" lol!
Again I welcome you and remind you that you have the right to make a raging fool of yourself here but you will find absolutely no one who doesn't understand why you feel compelled to do it: haters gotta hate.

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Cracks me up how you boast about the unemployment rate without giving Obama any credit.



The bush boy left Obama 10% unemployment.

Obama left trump 4.7% unemployment.

When trump lowers unemployment by 5.3% I'll be impressed.

The bush boy left Obama the stock market in free fall and at 7949.

Obama left trump a recovered and robust stock market at 19732.

When trump stops a stock market free fall and increases the stock market by 11,783 I'll be impressed.

Obama prevented another republican Great Depression and took us out of the Great Recession the bush boy forced on us.

When trump saves us from another republican Great Depression and pulls us out of another Great Recession, I'll be impressed.

You spew pablum.....
It's relative drop you are after.
10% to 5% is 50% drop over 8 years.
5% to 3.5% would be 33% drop in 2.5 years.

On Election night DOW gains after that point due to Obie.

You are headed fir the list....I watch you people
Without rounding, the unemployment rate under trump went from 4.7 to 3.6, a 23% decline, not 33%.

As far as the stock market, you don't get to decide which dates to pick. It goes from inauguration to inauguration, just as it has for every president. And the Dow trump inherited was 19800.

I pick dates I want. Nov 08 DOW close ~18332 after two years sideways trening down ahead of slam dunk Beast win. Trump popped the markets. Obammy had nothing to do with quick 33% uptick. Lol, his policies blew chunks comparatively.

BO was busy sending $150B to his muslim butt-buddies and changing the intelligence rules (on the way out) to facilitate un-masking. Why do you think the UN submitted the mad rush of filings? Is she in intelligence? Or Rice rushed to write a "cover butt" memo to herself? WTH? Think that passes smell test? Buckle up.

Got no time for this. Tread lightly.....I have an opening on the list.
No, you lie
Obama was president in November, 2016. Plus, the Dow was up about 1000 points from 2 years before that. You know, what you idiotically called, "trending down." :eusa_naughty:
It's typically leftarded to deny Trump's part in our economic success and prosperity the last 2 years.
The only economic success, was from the Obama stimulus package that keeps unemployment down. And neither Obama nor Trump increased wages, which was what Republicans complained about while Obama was in office. Trump has managed to totally screw the tax payer on Tariffs. We pay the farmers to survive now through Trump's Socialism program. We pay for the rich to be richer while increasing the debt. That's not economic success in any country. Prices for goods and services have gone up. Trump is gutting HC, which people are struggling with and costing more. Republicans blamed Obama when gas prices went up, but they don't do it with Trump. You people are fos. You live in fantasy land.

Liar after Obama signed the stimulus unemployment went up.

It was already going up because we were in a recession. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself.

So what was the point of Obama's stimulus then if the unemployment went up, Einstein?

To end Bush's job hemorrhaging, dumbass.


2006 Chancy won Congress on false Iraq MSM hype. The rest is history up to $22T debt now and they keep piling it on with RINO help.

Cracks me up how you boast about the unemployment rate without giving Obama any credit.



The bush boy left Obama 10% unemployment.

Obama left trump 4.7% unemployment.

When trump lowers unemployment by 5.3% I'll be impressed.

The bush boy left Obama the stock market in free fall and at 7949.

Obama left trump a recovered and robust stock market at 19732.

When trump stops a stock market free fall and increases the stock market by 11,783 I'll be impressed.

Obama prevented another republican Great Depression and took us out of the Great Recession the bush boy forced on us.

When trump saves us from another republican Great Depression and pulls us out of another Great Recession, I'll be impressed.

You spew pablum.....
It's relative drop you are after.
10% to 5% is 50% drop over 8 years.
5% to 3.5% would be 33% drop in 2.5 years.

On Election night DOW gains after that point due to Obie.

You are headed fir the list....I watch you people
Without rounding, the unemployment rate under trump went from 4.7 to 3.6, a 23% decline, not 33%.

As far as the stock market, you don't get to decide which dates to pick. It goes from inauguration to inauguration, just as it has for every president. And the Dow trump inherited was 19800.

I pick dates I want. Nov 08 DOW close ~18332 after two years sideways trening down ahead of slam dunk Beast win. Trump popped the markets. Obammy had nothing to do with quick 33% uptick. Lol, his policies blew chunks comparatively.

BO was busy sending $150B to his muslim butt-buddies and changing the intelligence rules (on the way out) to facilitate un-masking. Why do you think the UN submitted the mad rush of filings? Is she in intelligence? Or Rice rushed to write a "cover butt" memo to herself? WTH? Think that passes smell test? Buckle up.

Got no time for this. Tread lightly.....I have an opening on the list.
No, you lie
Obama was president in November, 2016. Plus, the Dow was up about 1000 points from 2 years before that. You know, what you idiotically called, "trending down." :eusa_naughty:

Basically flat for two years anticipating the worst to come. Took off again when DJT came in with business friendly climate. Facts.
SassyIrishLass, post: 22539497,
you could start with deregulation, consumer confidence, small business expansion, etc etc....

Why this:


Did TrumpO start regulating and small business quit expanding?

All that deregulation, business expansion and tax cuts has not lifted the US GDP any higher than the GDP when it was Obama’s economy.

So why is TrumpO declaring his economy the best economy ever?
It was already going up because we were in a recession. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself.

No response except a emoji? Come on Einstein tell us what was the point of Obama's stimulus if the unemployment went up?

I double dog dare ya, to post the truth.

The prupose of the ARRA was to reduce the max unemployment rate by 1/2 to 1 2/2 percent & shorten the timeline of the recession. The CBO said it did this.
Quit being an asshole.

Fake news...

Stats show unemployment went up.


View attachment 264826

That doesn't mean people found jobs it means they quit looking.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

Andy Puzder: President Trump deserves all the credit for our soaring labor market

Under Trump we have more job openings than people to fill them. He accomplished that in 18 months.

I'll ask again, want to compare Obama's first 2 years in office to Trumps first two?

Agree. The UE is still figured by a phone survey? Huh? Hard to believe that. I look at LFPR and GDP(w/o GOVT debt added in would be great.
The only economic success, was from the Obama stimulus package that keeps unemployment down. And neither Obama nor Trump increased wages, which was what Republicans complained about while Obama was in office. Trump has managed to totally screw the tax payer on Tariffs. We pay the farmers to survive now through Trump's Socialism program. We pay for the rich to be richer while increasing the debt. That's not economic success in any country. Prices for goods and services have gone up. Trump is gutting HC, which people are struggling with and costing more. Republicans blamed Obama when gas prices went up, but they don't do it with Trump. You people are fos. You live in fantasy land.

Liar after Obama signed the stimulus unemployment went up.

It was already going up because we were in a recession. Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself.

So what was the point of Obama's stimulus then if the unemployment went up, Einstein?

To end Bush's job hemorrhaging, dumbass.


2006 Chancy won Congress on false Iraq MSM hype. The rest is history up to $22T debt now and they keep piling it on with RINO help.
Numbnuts, Republicans have controlled the House, where all revenue raising bills originate, for 20 of the last 24½. Your selective outrage is misplaced.

Cracks me up how you boast about the unemployment rate without giving Obama any credit.



The bush boy left Obama 10% unemployment.

Obama left trump 4.7% unemployment.

When trump lowers unemployment by 5.3% I'll be impressed.

The bush boy left Obama the stock market in free fall and at 7949.

Obama left trump a recovered and robust stock market at 19732.

When trump stops a stock market free fall and increases the stock market by 11,783 I'll be impressed.

Obama prevented another republican Great Depression and took us out of the Great Recession the bush boy forced on us.

When trump saves us from another republican Great Depression and pulls us out of another Great Recession, I'll be impressed.

You spew pablum.....
It's relative drop you are after.
10% to 5% is 50% drop over 8 years.
5% to 3.5% would be 33% drop in 2.5 years.

On Election night DOW gains after that point due to Obie.

You are headed fir the list....I watch you people
Without rounding, the unemployment rate under trump went from 4.7 to 3.6, a 23% decline, not 33%.

As far as the stock market, you don't get to decide which dates to pick. It goes from inauguration to inauguration, just as it has for every president. And the Dow trump inherited was 19800.

I pick dates I want. Nov 08 DOW close ~18332 after two years sideways trening down ahead of slam dunk Beast win. Trump popped the markets. Obammy had nothing to do with quick 33% uptick. Lol, his policies blew chunks comparatively.

BO was busy sending $150B to his muslim butt-buddies and changing the intelligence rules (on the way out) to facilitate un-masking. Why do you think the UN submitted the mad rush of filings? Is she in intelligence? Or Rice rushed to write a "cover butt" memo to herself? WTH? Think that passes smell test? Buckle up.

Got no time for this. Tread lightly.....I have an opening on the list.
No, you lie
Obama was president in November, 2016. Plus, the Dow was up about 1000 points from 2 years before that. You know, what you idiotically called, "trending down." :eusa_naughty:

images (11).jpeg

The bush boy left Obama 10% unemployment.

Obama left trump 4.7% unemployment.

When trump lowers unemployment by 5.3% I'll be impressed.

The bush boy left Obama the stock market in free fall and at 7949.

Obama left trump a recovered and robust stock market at 19732.

When trump stops a stock market free fall and increases the stock market by 11,783 I'll be impressed.

Obama prevented another republican Great Depression and took us out of the Great Recession the bush boy forced on us.

When trump saves us from another republican Great Depression and pulls us out of another Great Recession, I'll be impressed.

You spew pablum.....
It's relative drop you are after.
10% to 5% is 50% drop over 8 years.
5% to 3.5% would be 33% drop in 2.5 years.

On Election night DOW gains after that point due to Obie.

You are headed fir the list....I watch you people
Without rounding, the unemployment rate under trump went from 4.7 to 3.6, a 23% decline, not 33%.

As far as the stock market, you don't get to decide which dates to pick. It goes from inauguration to inauguration, just as it has for every president. And the Dow trump inherited was 19800.

I pick dates I want. Nov 08 DOW close ~18332 after two years sideways trening down ahead of slam dunk Beast win. Trump popped the markets. Obammy had nothing to do with quick 33% uptick. Lol, his policies blew chunks comparatively.

BO was busy sending $150B to his muslim butt-buddies and changing the intelligence rules (on the way out) to facilitate un-masking. Why do you think the UN submitted the mad rush of filings? Is she in intelligence? Or Rice rushed to write a "cover butt" memo to herself? WTH? Think that passes smell test? Buckle up.

Got no time for this. Tread lightly.....I have an opening on the list.
No, you lie
Obama was president in November, 2016. Plus, the Dow was up about 1000 points from 2 years before that. You know, what you idiotically called, "trending down." :eusa_naughty:

Basically flat for two years anticipating the worst to come. Took off again when DJT came in with business friendly climate. Facts.
You got caught lying, which is why you're altering your lie now.

The market was up during the period you claimed was "down." If you want to see what a "down" Dow really looks like, compare it now with mid-January, 2018

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