trump pressured Arizona governor to find votes after 2020 loss

trump was pulling out all stops to try and stay in power. Now that this has come to light, maybe Smith will look into Arizona election meddling.

Translation: look at mail-in signatures. When you find 12,000 phony, missing, scribbled (or unfolded ballots GA) then you can stop. Declare fraud. New election.
That's just your opinion.
My opinion is that Trump wanted the voting irregularities investigated thoroughly to reveal any fraud that may have occurred.
He also wanted to make sure all the votes had been delivered and counted, as recent elections have shown massive amounts of votes being "found" for democrats after the polls closed.
We could go back and forth with opinions all day and get nowhere, though, so I've said my part.
Have a fine day riding slow horses, my friend.
We will let Jack Smith determine that while we go back and forth all day.
That's just your opinion.
My opinion is that Trump wanted the voting irregularities investigated thoroughly to reveal any fraud that may have occurred.
He also wanted to make sure all the votes had been delivered and counted, as recent elections have shown massive amounts of votes being "found" for democrats after the polls closed.
We could go back and forth with opinions all day and get nowhere, though, so I've said my part.
Have a fine day riding slow horses, my friend.
We can't have a president failing in his faculties.
Translation: look at mail-in signatures. When you find 12,000 phony, missing, scribbled (or unfolded ballots GA) then you can stop. Declare fraud. New election.
This is a country of courts and laws, not a country that goes on the word of a fat, orange, man. He was asking the Governor to find votes that were not there. Our electoral system has been using mail in voting for years and the amount of mistakes or fraud are miniscule. Trump is a slug.
This is a country of courts and laws, not a country that goes on the word of a fat, orange, man. He was asking the Governor to find votes that were not there. Our electoral system has been using mail in voting for years and the amount of mistakes or fraud are miniscule. Trump is a slug.

Yet he built a $10B empire and sustained it. Elected to US President, twice. And you're here postin Anti-American BS that only the few lowIQ site rejects agree with. On a Federal Holiday weekend no less.

You should be hauling porta-potties to the state fair you ignorant OX.
Yet he built a $10B empire and sustained it. Elected to US President, twice. And you're here postin Anti-American BS that only the few lowIQ site rejects agree with. On a Federal Holiday weekend no less.

You should be hauling porta-potties to the state fair you ignorant OX.
You just set a record for the most lies in one post! CONGRATULATIONS!


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