Trump Proposed "Armed Security Guards" in Every School

Dress them up in civilian clothes and concealed carry practices will make them stand out less. The employees are the only ones who need to know who the guards are, same with school staffs. They can also do other jobs for cover, they don't have to just stand around wearing a figurative bull's eye and be spotted from a mile off. They can look like grounds keepers or bus drivers, or even teachers.
I like that idea. If the armed guard is in uniform he may well be the first target.
Perhaps he could have got the armed cop job himself.

Exactly my point. Honestly if you have a clean record and want to do something this sickeningly heinous, would this not give you the very easiest access?
But not very likely.

You know what's even less likely? An armed shooter, a school shooter, coming into any one school in the USA.

Generally, people seem to want armed guards in schools as an alternative to infringing on gun rights. I agree that gun rights shouldn't be infringed. But the good alternative is not armed guards in schools.
Exactly my point. Honestly if you have a clean record and want to do something this sickeningly heinous, would this not give you the very easiest access?

Everything has holes in it; the fact is that isn't likely, and we have to deal with statistical probabilities on a national scale. Demanding something has to be 150% effective is not an argument for not trying it.
You know what's even less likely? An armed shooter, a school shooter, coming into any one school in the USA.

Generally, people seem to want armed guards in schools as an alternative to infringing on gun rights. I agree that gun rights shouldn't be infringed. But the good alternative is not armed guards in schools.

They do other stuff besides just looking for shooters. Lots of schools already have armed guards.
They do other stuff besides just looking for shooters. Lots of schools already have armed guards.

Sure, this makes sense at large high schools, especially in areas with a lot of gun crime.

Not in most elementary schools though. Geez.
Everything has holes in it; the fact is that isn't likely, and we have to deal with statistical probabilities on a national scale. Demanding something has to be 150% effective is not an argument for not trying it.

I would say the odds of an armed guard facing down a shooter and the odds of a demonic person becoming an armed guard to commit a shooting are about even.

Bad idea.
This sounds like a great idea but will be nearly impossible to implement and a waste of resources. What is an armed security guard going to do at a school that never sees a school shooting--which is the vast majority of schools, btw? Walk around armed and...what? It makes no sense.

"Every school", of course, includes huge high schools with 2,000 kids and this school in Wyoming, with 10 children. Yes. 10.

/——-/ A waste of time and resources? You gun grabbers are screeching to ban guns to protect children. You worried about losing your favorite campaign plank to repeal the 2nd amendment because the problem has been solved?
Welcome to the teacher shortage, where we have a lot more say than we used to.

I know that grinds you, sorry
Giving teachers more say makes the problem even worse

You are ruining the children with all your woke and diversity bs
So prove that. Has any school with armed guards produced a mass shooter among its guards?

We haven't advertised these tony positions for school shooters before though. You realize that most districts now have police officers assigned to only the biggest schools. You're proposing just hiring people off the streets to come in with a gun. To every school. In the USA

Geeez people

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