Trump Proposed "Armed Security Guards" in Every School

Oh can this crap. Come on. Weakest low blow in the arsenal. I disagree with you and clearly know what I'm doing so come at me with "I must agree with grooming".

No, I don't. It's abhorrent. There, now slink away.
Good for you

Better half right than totally wrong
Sure, just collect your pay along with free housing as long as its safe

Then when the s@@t hits the fan turn in your badge and go hide somewhere

Btw: Cruz did not have “a fully automatic” long gun
So you would have run into the building and allowed yourself to be sacrificed and killed when Cruz finally did what he had been threatening all along? What he shot something like 17 or 18 people with his AR-15 "semi-automatic" long gun (I previously misspoke)

The job of a protection officer is not just to get into a firefight when the shooting starts, but to detect threats before they become deadly.

I actually own a company that does protection work and there is certain work I just won't accept because the likelihood of an incident is too high and no job is worth losing your life over if the parties involved are not willing to take the minimal efforts to mitigate the risk. It's not worth it from a liability standpoint for my company, for myself nor for my officers.

HOWEVER, if I were doing that kind of work, and I raised a safety or security issue that no one wanted to do anything about, then that's on the powers that be. They want a scapegoat because they didn't do THEIR job. The only thing I could do is keep raising the issues and become a pain in the ass until either they do something about it or get rid of me for nagging them about their failure to act.

Getting rid of the messenger instead of fixing the problem and doing something about Cruz, whose alleged nickname was "school shooter" resulted in exactly the issue that Petersen apparently feared.

And I have no idea where you got the idea that anyone gets free housing. And yeah, being safe and staying safe are all conditions to which we all should aspire. But some people per usual want others to do the dirty work for them and then are outraged because they didn't understand or have the foresight to understand all the many ways in which things can go wrong.

You are unable to do the things I do, that much is evident but that is no reason to start with the fake stereotypes about Black people with the free housing, drawing a pay check and shirking your actual duties. That sounds more like something that the lower echelon folks of the alleged superior race are known for. Always with the excuses for why you aren't doing better than the Black folks.

Tsk, tsk.
As long as some here are 'bang boarding'.....just throwing ideas against the hoop, well, let's take this one out for a spin vis-a-vis the 2nd Amendment:

In the "well regulated" requirement of the of the responsibilities of possessing a firearm could be the mandate to do guard duty at some local school for X amount of time each cycle (monthly? annually?)

If you choose to possess a firearm as your 2nd Amendment 'right'....well, then you also choose the responsibility to accept the 'well-regulated' guard duty.

Bada bing, several societal issues solved in a blink.

Food for thought, some may conjecture.
Armed guards won't prevent a nutjob from notjobbing. They should help end incidents faster. To prevent them there would have to be metal detectors at every entrance and every single person checked. I don't think we want to lockdown schools like prisons and courthouses.

Nothing is getting after the root cause, which is the nutjobs. I think if there was a real investigation, we would find that all of these shooters are on some sort of mind-altering drugs as a result of some diagnosis of anxiety and/or depression. Like this last shooter - Audrey Hale, 28, was under care for an "emotional disorder," March 28, 2023 - Nashville elementary school shooting

OK, what drugs was she on and how long had she been on them? Important questions never asked. Was she shot up with testosterone and some cocktail of psychotropic drugs? It's fucking ridiculous that this is not being investigated.
This sounds like a great idea but will be nearly impossible to implement and a waste of resources. What is an armed security guard going to do at a school that never sees a school shooting--which is the vast majority of schools, btw? Walk around armed and...what? It makes no sense.

"Every school", of course, includes huge high schools with 2,000 kids and this school in Wyoming, with 10 children. Yes. 10.

No offense intended, but I can't believe that a school that small is even allowed to exist.

God bless you always!!!

I suppose you could make the same accusations against some of the armed police officers guarding county judges and mayors, not to mention the secret service surrounding joe biden

Plus you didnt mention any of the sainted teachers groping and seducing students
I suppose you could make the same accusations against some of the armed police officers guarding county judges and mayors, not to mention the secret service surrounding joe biden

Plus you didnt mention any of the sainted teachers groping and seducing students

What am I supposed to comment? There are over 4 million teachers in the US. A very small number do wrong by the students every year.

What am I supposed to comment? This is sadly the same thing we find in every walk of life. Police officers, Pastors and Priests, etc.

Oddly we don't get the same kind of complaints there.
So you would have run into the building and allowed yourself to be sacrificed and killed
As a trained police ,as Officer Friendly was supposed to be , I would give myself at least equal odds against any wet-behind-the-ears punk armed with anything
You are unable to do the things I do, that much is evident but that is no reason to start with the fake stereotypes about Black people with the free housing,
You are totally out to lunch on this

Officer Friendly was white and he did live on a trailer on campus
Who are you speaking to, me? I'm not a "gun grabber", but thanks for revealing the real motive for these armed guards. It's not at all about what's best for kids. It is 100% about what will protect your gun rights.

BTW, I'm a gun owner.
/——-/ It’s all about protecting the children and teachers with an effective deterrent. And I doubt your sincerity about not being a gun grabber.
OK, what drugs was she on and how long had she been on them? Important questions never asked. Was she shot up with testosterone and some cocktail of psychotropic drugs? It's fucking ridiculous that this is not being investigated.
Prescribed by the folks who think men can have babies? ~S~
True. The armed guard at Stoneman Douglas wasn’t up to the job.

In the Louisville bank shooting I believe the armed guard was killed.

Armed guards will not stop very shooter but will be able to stop some perhaps most.
What was the armed guard at the bank's name. I don't think he's one of the listed dead.
As long as the person had a good background check and training I would have no problem with having them in a school my grandkids attended.

Most shooters will avoid schools with armed guards. Harder to rack up a high kill score before you go down. Zones where guns are not allowed are far more attractive as shooting galleries.
The NRA con-vention was an open carry zone, right?

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