Trump Prosecutor PLEADS FIFTH when asked if he BROKE THE LAW investigating Trump!

This gives enough reasonable doubt against whatever charges this guy filed against Trump.

Nope. Sounds like he just does not want to give an answer either way, so answering in his own interests on all issues. Looks like the House will have to come up with their own evidence or forget it. Since that was back in may of 2023, in the US House, how did that work out for you>
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This gives enough reasonable doubt against whatever charges this guy filed against Trump.

Trump Prosecutor PLEADS FIFTH when asked if he BROKE THE LAW investigating Trump!​


Gaetz posts video of former prosecutor who investigated Trump pleading the fifth under questioning​

Published: May 2, 2024 1:25pm
Updated: May 2, 2024 3:05pm

". . Mark Pomerantz, former special assistant to the New York County District Attorney, can be seen in the video declining to answer several questions, such as, "Did you knowingly break any laws when investigating President Trump?" and "Did you misuse any federal funds when investigating President Trump?"

His counsel appeared to be saying, "objection" after each question.

Pomerantz resigned on February 23, 2022. In his resignation letter, Pomerantz argued that there was "evidence sufficient to establish Mr. Trump's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt" and that "the public interest warrants the criminal prosecution of Mr. Trump."


". . . Just the News asked Gaetz if he has seen evidence that Pomerantz pressured Bragg to charge Trump.

“The evidence is in Pomerantz’s book wherein he says he resigned in anger over the lack of charges against President Trump. We can presume from that he argued for them forcefully," Gaetz said in response."

District Attorney Bragg Announces 34-Count Felony Indictment of Former President Donald J. Trump​

American people can see through Manhattan political trial against Trump​



". . . Pomerantz’s book, described by one reviewer as 300 pages of “score-settling and scorn,” lays bare the political animus motivating the prosecution of Trump. Pomerantz wrote about the thrill he got from investigating Trump and noted he would have gladly paid for the opportunity to prosecute the former president. The book described how Pomerantz pushed Bragg to resurrect the so-called “zombie” case using a convoluted and unprecedented legal theory.

To get around the statute of limitations on what are ordinarily misdemeanor charges, prosecutors could bootstrap the misdemeanor allegations into felonies by alleging that the records were falsified to conceal a second (and still undefined) crime. . . ."
Nope. Sounds like he just does not want to give an answer either way, so answering in his own interests on all issues. Looks like the House will have to come up with their own evidence or forget it. Since that was back in may of 2023, in the US House, how did that work out for you>
You can't use the Fifth just because you don't want to answer either way, Dumbass.

Get educated
Hmmm, is the "Get Trump" socialistic movement having second thoughts about trying to hang somebody they hate for doing good things for the American people that never occurred to them that revenge for nothing could be a bad idea?
This gives enough reasonable doubt against whatever charges this guy filed against Trump.

You can't use the Fifth just because you don't want to answer either way, Dumbass.

Get educated
Did he get charged and referred for obstruction? NO. And you call people dumbass?:auiqs.jpg:
It has been almost a year since the video testimony. Doesn't look like your argument holds water.
NEXT. :auiqs.jpg:
Another right wing fever dream down the hopper.

Mr. Pomerantz cited the confidentiality of the pending case and invoked a range of privileges, including the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, to avoid answering the committee’s questions, according to an opening statement obtained by The New York Times. He said he had agreed to appear because he respected the rule of law.

“What I do not respect is the use of the committee’s subpoena power to compel me to participate in an act of political theater,” Mr. Pomerantz added. “We are gathered here because Donald Trump’s supporters would like to use these proceedings to attempt to obstruct and undermine the criminal case pending against him, and to harass, intimidate and discredit anyone who investigates or charges him.”

Mr. Pomerantz repeatedly cited New York law protecting the privacy of active investigations and said he had been threatened with possible prosecution for violating the secrecy of the grand jury process if he answered certain questions.

“While I am certain I broke no laws, I am not required to answer questions if my answers might be used against me in a criminal prosecution,” he said, adding: “It gives me no joy to invoke my legal rights, but I am glad that the law allows me not to cooperate with this performance of political theater.”

Got anything else, cucks?

Did he get charged and referred for obstruction? NO. And you call people dumbass?:auiqs.jpg:
It has been almost a year since the video testimony. Doesn't look like your argument holds water.
NEXT. :auiqs.jpg:
By Merritless Gestapoland?

YOUR OP IS A LIE. That's not "pleading the 5th". He didn't assert any rights under the 5th amendment at all.

He just said that on the advice of counsel, he's not answering dignifying that bullshit with an answer.

You obviously didn't hear the exchange, Simp.

You obviously didn't hear the exchange, Simp.

No but I read his statement, and the OP is not only a lie, it's a misleading lie. The claim that Pomerantz refused to answer the question is also a lie. He answered the question in his opening statement. "I did nothing illegal in investigating Donald Trump".

Fortunately, I do not have to cooperate with the cynical histrionics that this deposition represents. Although the rule oflaw compels me to be here, it does not require that 1 play a substantive role in your theatrical production. Under the law, I can decline to answer your questions for several reasons.


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