Trump proves he is a weak leader

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Senate - Republican

Senate: not 60 votes.
You can't find 5 democrats to vote with you Mr tRump?

Agreed, he can't. So it's the Democrats in the Senate actually shutting down he government--not Trump.
But this is dOnald tRump, the gReat nEgotiator, author of the aRt of the dEal! Surely he can convince 5 democrats to vote with him, after all his cause is righteous and for the greater good right?

You can't negotiate anything with people that refuse to negotiate. The wall is a Democrats worst nightmare because a wall will greatly reduce foreign invasions. Democrats don't want that stopped. They want as many illegals in this country as they can stuff in.
Trump knows what they want. McConnell knows what they want.

Schumer had $ 25b on the table not too long ago.

Watch the Senate vote, dope. I guarantee at least a full third of Republicans will not vote for it.

Perhaps two or three of the RINO's will not vote for it. All the other Republicans will.


What is McConnell and Trump doing to secure those votes?

What can he do? And I don't know if they will vote against Trump. I think for a Republican, it would be political suicide.

Offer funding for a Dem program.

Like what? It's not about getting anything in exchange for the Democrats. It's no wall period no matter what is offered.

Obviously you don't know that as there has been no offer by Trump and no refusal by Schumer.
Republicans controlled Congress for two years and did nothing about the wall

Now, with two weeks left of Republican control, they need to hold Government hostage to get their wall

So why didn't DumBama pass single-payer when he had control? We keep hearing the minority Republicans stopped him.

Actually the Dems stopped him because he is as weak leader just like Trump

Ohhhhh, I see. So what you are saying is that a President doesn't always gets what he wants even if he has the simple majority?

Yep, that is what I am saying.

And Trump said that shutting down the government because you did not get what you want makes you a weak leader...and he is 100% correct

Why is he a weak leader? You can't compromise with people that refuse to give into anything. Trump wanted 32 billion for a wall and the Democrats stopped him. He scaled that down to 5.8 billion and the Democrats are stopping him again. They made no counter offer for the wall.

In other words, no wall for any reason or exchange.

“In a short time, the Senate will take part in a pointless exercise to demonstrate to our House colleagues and the president what everyone here already knows. There are not the votes for an expensive, taxpayer funded border wall. So, President Trump, you will not get your wall,” Schumer said. “Abandon your shutdown strategy. You’re not getting your wall today, next week, or on January 3 when Democrats take control of the House.”
Chuck Schumer: Trump's Not Getting His Wall | National Review
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
The shutdown is for one reason and one reason only.....the wall.
The democrats passed a Bill years ago to fund a wall. Now that
Trump is president, they are against it.
Trump isn't a weak leader, the politicians are playing a political game.
Which is further dividing this country, I'm really not certain that
our government will recover from this type governance going forward.

The Dems passed a bill that had wall funding in exchange for passage of their immigration programs as well. It's called compromise. Deal making.

You all expect the opposition party to bail out the president on his promise for nothing.

That is not a deal. It's hostage negotiations.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
he talks way too much and creates so much of his own problems.

Our President has once again painted himself into a corner

The Senate will not give him 60 votes and in two weeks he will lose the House

How does he expect to win?

What passed in the House is done and over with. It can't be rescinded. It's all up to the Senate now.
Until the bill becomes law it can be changed in both Houses
Trump has painted himself into a corner

Nobody is going to save him
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
The shutdown is for one reason and one reason only.....the wall.
The democrats passed a Bill years ago to fund a wall. Now that
Trump is president, they are against it.
Trump isn't a weak leader, the politicians are playing a political game.
Which is further dividing this country, I'm really not certain that
our government will recover from this type governance going forward.

The Dems passed a bill that had wall funding in exchange for passage of their immigration programs as well. It's called compromise. Deal making.

You all expect the opposition party to bail out the president on his promise for nothing.

That is not a deal. It's hostage negotiations.
They scaled down the funding for the wall considerably, Hutch. If I remember correctly it was like from 25 billion to 5-6 billion.
He was willing to give amnesty to something like 20 million and the dems didn't like that.
It was a Bill that everybody knew wouldn't be passed, Hutch
it was all for optics

Now he wants 1.6 billion and they say nadda.
Senate: not 60 votes.

Obama did not have 60 votes when your savior was bashing his lack of leadership. Either Trump was lying then or he is a weak leader now...which is it?

You mean Commie Care passed with 51 Senate votes?

Where is Trump going to get the votes?

He probably won't. 6 billion is a pittance compared to our budget, so Democrats are not against it for that reason.

This will likely be the longest government shutdown in American history.......over 6 billion dollars.

Amazing that Trump shut down the government over 6 billion dollars. He is willing to fuck over the employees that work for him for that.

Especially after adding 1.27 trillion to the national debt in the past FY.
The Ted Cruz shutdown cost $23 billion
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
The shutdown is for one reason and one reason only.....the wall.
The democrats passed a Bill years ago to fund a wall. Now that
Trump is president, they are against it.
Trump isn't a weak leader, the politicians are playing a political game.
Which is further dividing this country, I'm really not certain that
our government will recover from this type governance going forward.

The Dems passed a bill that had wall funding in exchange for passage of their immigration programs as well. It's called compromise. Deal making.

You all expect the opposition party to bail out the president on his promise for nothing.

That is not a deal. It's hostage negotiations.
They scaled down the funding for the wall considerably, Hutch. If I remember correctly it was like from 25 billion to 5-6 billion.
He was willing to give amnesty to something like 20 million and the dems didn't like that.

Now he wants 1.6 billion and they say nadda.
It was a Bill that everybody knew wouldn't be passed, Hutch
Our President overplayed his hand on the wall

It has become all or nothing for each side. The chance to build the Great Wall of Trump has passed
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
The shutdown is for one reason and one reason only.....the wall.
The democrats passed a Bill years ago to fund a wall. Now that
Trump is president, they are against it.
Trump isn't a weak leader, the politicians are playing a political game.
Which is further dividing this country, I'm really not certain that
our government will recover from this type governance going forward.

The Dems passed a bill that had wall funding in exchange for passage of their immigration programs as well. It's called compromise. Deal making.

You all expect the opposition party to bail out the president on his promise for nothing.

That is not a deal. It's hostage negotiations.
They scaled down the funding for the wall considerably, Hutch. If I remember correctly it was like from 25 billion to 5-6 billion.
He was willing to give amnesty to something like 20 million and the dems didn't like that.

Now he wants 1.6 billion and they say nadda.
It was a Bill that everybody knew wouldn't be passed, Hutch
Our President overplayed his hand on the wall

It has become all or nothing for each side. The chance to build the Great Wall of Trump has passed
It just shows you the state of our government these days. Nothing to be proud of.
Republicans controlled Congress for two years and did nothing about the wall

Now, with two weeks left of Republican control, they need to hold Government hostage to get their wall

So why didn't DumBama pass single-payer when he had control? We keep hearing the minority Republicans stopped him.

Actually the Dems stopped him because he is as weak leader just like Trump

Ohhhhh, I see. So what you are saying is that a President doesn't always gets what he wants even if he has the simple majority?

Yep, that is what I am saying.

And Trump said that shutting down the government because you did not get what you want makes you a weak leader...and he is 100% correct

Why is he a weak leader? You can't compromise with people that refuse to give into anything. Trump wanted 32 billion for a wall and the Democrats stopped him. He scaled that down to 5.8 billion and the Democrats are stopping him again. They made no counter offer for the wall.

In other words, no wall for any reason or exchange.

They are his words, he said it. take it up with Trump.
Our President is not a leader

He is a bully. He is now in a fight with Congress and he will be slapped down. He never had the votes for his wall and he was offered a graceful out

The Rightwing media would not let him take it and now we are where+we are today
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

So where is he wrong? The Democrats are not "his own people."

He is not wrong, he is 100% right...A shutdown means the president is weak..
Is that what you were saying when Obama was president? Of course not. You're a two-faced douchebag.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

So where is he wrong? The Democrats are not "his own people."

He is not wrong, he is 100% right...A shutdown means the president is weak..
Is that what you were saying when Obama was president? Of course not. You're a two-faced douchebag.

Yes it was. Obama was every bit as weak a leader as Trump is. Shutdowns are stupid, they waste money and punish innocent people.

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Our President is not a leader

He is a bully. He is now in a fight with Congress and he will be slapped down. He never had the votes for his wall and he was offered a graceful out

The Rightwing media would not let him take it and now we are where+we are today

And by a "graceful out" you mean just surrender to the Democrats.

Sorry, we on the right are sick of that. It's happened so many times with other Republican leaders which is why we voted for Trump.

Let the shutdown continue for years. We Republicans (who don't depend on the federal government) will be just fine with that. Show the country how much of the federal government is not needed.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
The shutdown is for one reason and one reason only.....the wall.
The democrats passed a Bill years ago to fund a wall. Now that
Trump is president, they are against it.
Trump isn't a weak leader, the politicians are playing a political game.
Which is further dividing this country, I'm really not certain that
our government will recover from this type governance going forward.

The Dems passed a bill that had wall funding in exchange for passage of their immigration programs as well. It's called compromise. Deal making.

You all expect the opposition party to bail out the president on his promise for nothing.

That is not a deal. It's hostage negotiations.
They scaled down the funding for the wall considerably, Hutch. If I remember correctly it was like from 25 billion to 5-6 billion.
He was willing to give amnesty to something like 20 million and the dems didn't like that.

Now he wants 1.6 billion and they say nadda.
It was a Bill that everybody knew wouldn't be passed, Hutch
Our President overplayed his hand on the wall

It has become all or nothing for each side. The chance to build the Great Wall of Trump has passed

Not really. It may be delayed for a while, but it will come up again in 2020 if nothing is done until then.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
The shutdown is for one reason and one reason only.....the wall.
The democrats passed a Bill years ago to fund a wall. Now that
Trump is president, they are against it.
Trump isn't a weak leader, the politicians are playing a political game.
Which is further dividing this country, I'm really not certain that
our government will recover from this type governance going forward.

The Dems passed a bill that had wall funding in exchange for passage of their immigration programs as well. It's called compromise. Deal making.

You all expect the opposition party to bail out the president on his promise for nothing.

That is not a deal. It's hostage negotiations.
They scaled down the funding for the wall considerably, Hutch. If I remember correctly it was like from 25 billion to 5-6 billion.
He was willing to give amnesty to something like 20 million and the dems didn't like that.
It was a Bill that everybody knew wouldn't be passed, Hutch
it was all for optics

Now he wants 1.6 billion and they say nadda.

The Democrats won't compromise on anything that includes a wall. A wall would work as it has in so many places around the globe. Democrats don't want something that will work. They want something they can remove once they gain total power in the future.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
he talks way too much and creates so much of his own problems.

Our President has once again painted himself into a corner

The Senate will not give him 60 votes and in two weeks he will lose the House

How does he expect to win?

What passed in the House is done and over with. It can't be rescinded. It's all up to the Senate now.
Until the bill becomes law it can be changed in both Houses
Trump has painted himself into a corner

Nobody is going to save him

Save him from what? I think it's the Democrats who have painted themselves in a corner, because Trump is a stubborn man, or haven't you been following his trade deals with China?
So why didn't DumBama pass single-payer when he had control? We keep hearing the minority Republicans stopped him.

Actually the Dems stopped him because he is as weak leader just like Trump

Ohhhhh, I see. So what you are saying is that a President doesn't always gets what he wants even if he has the simple majority?

Yep, that is what I am saying.

And Trump said that shutting down the government because you did not get what you want makes you a weak leader...and he is 100% correct

Why is he a weak leader? You can't compromise with people that refuse to give into anything. Trump wanted 32 billion for a wall and the Democrats stopped him. He scaled that down to 5.8 billion and the Democrats are stopping him again. They made no counter offer for the wall.

In other words, no wall for any reason or exchange.

“In a short time, the Senate will take part in a pointless exercise to demonstrate to our House colleagues and the president what everyone here already knows. There are not the votes for an expensive, taxpayer funded border wall. So, President Trump, you will not get your wall,” Schumer said. “Abandon your shutdown strategy. You’re not getting your wall today, next week, or on January 3 when Democrats take control of the House.”
Chuck Schumer: Trump's Not Getting His Wall | National Review

This is true. Like I said, no compromise.

We spend 70 billion a year on food stamps.......every year. What Trump is asking for is less than one-tenth of that one time. The wall isn't expensive, our social programs are.
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