Trump proves he is a weak leader

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ā€œI donā€™t think the important thing is his quitting as a follower, itā€™s his quitting as a leader.ā€ - Coulter
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the Presidentā€™s lack of leadership. He canā€™t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

So where is he wrong? The Democrats are not "his own people."

He is not wrong, he is 100% right...A shutdown means the president is weak..
Trump is weak, incompetent, capricious, and wrong ā€“ absolutely unfit to be president.

And the true idiocy of this is that the Trump/GOP shutdown is the consequence of something as ridiculous and inane as Trumpā€™s ā€˜wallā€™ of fear, bigotry, and hate.
ā€œIn a short time, the Senate will take part in a pointless exercise to demonstrate to our House colleagues and the president what everyone here already knows. There are not the votes for an expensive, taxpayer funded border wall. So, President Trump, you will not get your wall,ā€ Schumer said. ā€œAbandon your shutdown strategy. Youā€™re not getting your wall today, next week, or on January 3 when Democrats take control of the House.ā€
Chuck Schumer: Trump's Not Getting His Wall | National Review
But he'll get it when Mexico pays for it.
Democrats don't want that stopped. They want as many illegals in this country as they can stuff in.
Making strawmen hardly adds to constructive debate.

What straw man?

Are Democrats willing to shutdown the government over a measly 6 billion dollar wall?

Did Democrats create sanctuary states after Trump was elected?

Did Democrats provide illegals with drivers licenses in their states?

Did Democrats not say they want to abolish ICE?

Did Hussein not sue Arizona for creating their own immigration laws to identify illegals?

The goal of the anti-white party is to create a single-party nation. They will be able to do this by the elimination of white people. They strive endlessly to make whites a minority in this country (for the first time in history) as soon as possible.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the Presidentā€™s lack of leadership. He canā€™t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

So where is he wrong? The Democrats are not "his own people."

He is not wrong, he is 100% right...A shutdown means the president is weak..
Trump is weak, incompetent, capricious, and wrong ā€“ absolutely unfit to be president.

And the true idiocy of this is that the Trump/GOP shutdown is the consequence of something as ridiculous and inane as Trumpā€™s ā€˜wallā€™ of fear, bigotry, and hate.

The wall keeps us safe from rapist killer Mexicans..

Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the Presidentā€™s lack of leadership. He canā€™t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

Hahaha...Ole Gator proves once again that heā€™s definitely NOT leftarded.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the Presidentā€™s lack of leadership. He canā€™t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

Hahaha...Ole Gator proves once again that heā€™s definitely NOT leftarded.
He claims his TDS problem isn't leftist.............yet he constantly shows his liberal skirt...........LOL
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the Presidentā€™s lack of leadership. He canā€™t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

Hahaha...Ole Gator proves once again that heā€™s definitely NOT leftarded.
He claims his TDS problem isn't leftist.............yet he constantly shows his liberal skirt...........LOL

I donā€™t know that Iā€™ve ever witnessed a case of denial comparable to his.
I checked out your first link, it did not support your assertion, I'm not bothering with the others.

Like so much else about the healthcare debate, it comes down to math. "I would say that in the Senate, there are at most 10 votes for a single-payer plan," Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., a self-described democratic socialist, who isn't shy about his own preference for that kind of solution, told Salon this week. "In the House, I have no idea but it's a small minority ... It's absurd to say, 'Mr. President, go forward and make your bill single-payer,' when you've got 10 percent of the Congress supporting you."

Nor will I bother again to trawl through a link you supply to try to make your argument for you. Excerpt the relevant bit.
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Trump proves he is a weak leader

Trump proves he's a piece of shit.

the best deal maker
the best contractor/builder
knows more about ISIS than the generals
knows more about taxes than anyone
he has the best words
reads the bible more than anyone
bla bla bla

Yes, but it what it really was is because Hussein got 60 Senate votes.

Because they negotiated with republicans for those votes. It was a stand alone bill and not passed as a part of a funding bill, dope.

What is Trump offering the Dems to bail him out on his promise?

Really? So how many Republican votes in the Senate did Ears get for Commie Care?

you know, there was no spending bill due at the time that ObamaCare was voted on, so there was no opportunity for a shutdown.

you do know they can only happen when a spending bill runs out...right?

It is like you really do not even know what the topic of the thread is.

What a minute: you are telling me that Commie Care had no funding, not a near trillion in new debt????

So, you really do not know what we are talking about.

It does not matter if it had funding or not, a government shutdown can only occur when the spending bill expires, not when a bill with funding is being debated.

are you really this stupid or are you just pretending?

It is not pretend!
Our President is not a leader

He is a bully. He is now in a fight with Congress and he will be slapped down. He never had the votes for his wall and he was offered a graceful out

The Rightwing media would not let him take it and now we are where+we are today

And by a "graceful out" you mean just surrender to the Democrats.

Sorry, we on the right are sick of that. It's happened so many times with other Republican leaders which is why we voted for Trump.

Let the shutdown continue for years. We Republicans (who don't depend on the federal government) will be just fine with that. Show the country how much of the federal government is not needed.
Surrender to reality
He does not have the votes

It is Trumps Federal Government. They do the work for him
Let him run the executive branch without employees
Actually the Dems stopped him because he is as weak leader just like Trump

Ohhhhh, I see. So what you are saying is that a President doesn't always gets what he wants even if he has the simple majority?

Yep, that is what I am saying.

And Trump said that shutting down the government because you did not get what you want makes you a weak leader...and he is 100% correct

Why is he a weak leader? You can't compromise with people that refuse to give into anything. Trump wanted 32 billion for a wall and the Democrats stopped him. He scaled that down to 5.8 billion and the Democrats are stopping him again. They made no counter offer for the wall.

In other words, no wall for any reason or exchange.

ā€œIn a short time, the Senate will take part in a pointless exercise to demonstrate to our House colleagues and the president what everyone here already knows. There are not the votes for an expensive, taxpayer funded border wall. So, President Trump, you will not get your wall,ā€ Schumer said. ā€œAbandon your shutdown strategy. Youā€™re not getting your wall today, next week, or on January 3 when Democrats take control of the House.ā€
Chuck Schumer: Trump's Not Getting His Wall | National Review

This is true. Like I said, no compromise.

We spend 70 billion a year on food stamps.......every year. What Trump is asking for is less than one-tenth of that one time. The wall isn't expensive, our social programs are.
Feeding people is important

A worthless wall is not
Senate - Republican

Senate: not 60 votes.
You can't find 5 democrats to vote with you Mr tRump?

Agreed, he can't. So it's the Democrats in the Senate actually shutting down he government--not Trump.
But this is dOnald tRump, the gReat nEgotiator, author of the aRt of the dEal! Surely he can convince 5 democrats to vote with him, after all his cause is righteous and for the greater good right?
Even Trump can't FORCE Un-American party-1st Dems to vote America-1st.
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