Trump proves he is a weak leader

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Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

So where is he wrong? The Democrats are not "his own people."

Dems are the minority, retard.

And a simple majority in the Senate cannot pass a spending bill retard.

No shit. There was a bill approved by both houses that was ready to go. Trump refused to sign it.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

So where is he wrong? The Democrats are not "his own people."

Dems are the minority, retard.

And a simple majority in the Senate cannot pass a spending bill retard.

No shit. There was a bill approved by both houses that was ready to go. Trump refused to sign it.

After he said that he would sign it...
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
Our President is shutting down the Government because Fox News was making fun of him

This is so true, couldn't let that lil chucky Ann Coulter show him to be the puss-puss he is.
You mean Commie Care passed with 51 Senate votes?

There was not a shut down during the time of ObamaCare passing. Do try and keep up with the topic.

There wasn't? Now can you tell us why there was no government shutdown?

Because Trump was not the POTUS?

Yes, but it what it really was is because Hussein got 60 Senate votes.

Because they negotiated with republicans for those votes. It was a stand alone bill and not passed as a part of a funding bill, dope.

What is Trump offering the Dems to bail him out on his promise?

Really? So how many Republican votes in the Senate did Ears get for Commie Care?
There was not a shut down during the time of ObamaCare passing. Do try and keep up with the topic.

There wasn't? Now can you tell us why there was no government shutdown?

Because Trump was not the POTUS?

Yes, but it what it really was is because Hussein got 60 Senate votes.

Because they negotiated with republicans for those votes. It was a stand alone bill and not passed as a part of a funding bill, dope.

What is Trump offering the Dems to bail him out on his promise?

Really? So how many Republican votes in the Senate did Ears get for Commie Care?

you know, there was no spending bill due at the time that ObamaCare was voted on, so there was no opportunity for a shutdown.

you do know they can only happen when a spending bill runs out...right?

It is like you really do not even know what the topic of the thread is.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

So where is he wrong? The Democrats are not "his own people."

He is not wrong, he is 100% right...A shutdown means the president is weak..

I don't think so. Weak is giving Democrats what they want. It's what they are used to when the government shuts down.
I don't think so. Weak is giving Democrats what they want. It's what they are used to when the government shuts down.


Yet you expect the Dems to bail Trump out on his promise with nothing in return.


The Dems are not asking for anything Dope. They don't want a wall period.

Dems want invaders.

Dems love MS-13.
Dems love illegal immigrants.
Dems are against white people.
Dems are against ICE.
Dems are for illegals taking American jobs.
Dems are for lower wages.

How is there a half-way point when this is what they are for?
The Dems are not asking for anything Dope. They don't want a wall period.
Trump knows what they want. McConnell knows what they want.

Schumer had $ 25b on the table not too long ago.

Watch the Senate vote, dope. I guarantee at least a full third of Republicans will not vote for it.
I blame the RINOs for not getting their shit together. They could had funded this long ago, they didn’t and that is why they lost the House.

Republicans controlled Congress for two years and did nothing about the wall

Now, with two weeks left of Republican control, they need to hold Government hostage to get their wall

So why didn't DumBama pass single-payer when he had control? We keep hearing the minority Republicans stopped him.

Actually the Dems stopped him because he is as weak leader just like Trump
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

So where is he wrong? The Democrats are not "his own people."

Dems are the minority, retard.

And a simple majority in the Senate cannot pass a spending bill retard.

No shit. There was a bill approved by both houses that was ready to go. Trump refused to sign it.

And good for Trump, because there was no funding in that bill for the wall. That's the issue Trump is addressing.
A shutdown means the president is weak."
You're an idiot.

Democrats have been using the threat of shutting down the govt as some kind of extortion / blackmail while engaging in massive fear-mongering to scare Americans into thinking a shutdown is some kind of 'Armageddon'...and always blame the Republicans for it.

Barry was actually caught / exposed, sending out an e-mail to his administration to make the shutdown as painful for Americans as they possibly could so Americans would blame the Republicans for that pain. Obama actually tried to shut down an historical site NOT owned / run by the govt.

The Democrats are admittedly 100% committed to opposing and undermining the Trump administration and preventing anything good for the American people to be accomplished for the sake of the Butt-Hurt Democratic Party. They have spent the last 2 years trying to UNDO the 2016 election and to carry out a treasonous soft COUP.

They are currently refusing to come up with $5 billion to ensure our national sovereignty, to secure our borders, to prevent 1500 unidentified illegals from entering the US per day, and to protect the American people.

They have proven time and again they are FOR open borders, FOR illegal immigration, FOR allowing illegals to vote (as long as they vote for the a Democratic Party) - they are constantly caught registering illegals to vote and recently fought to have illegals' votes counted in the MIDterms in BROWARD County....and FOR Federal Law-violating Sanctuary cities that protect thieves, robbers, murderers, human traffickers, etc... who prey on American citizens.

The last President admitted he had no legal authority to pass law...and then attempted to do just that with an Executive Order to impose his own version of the Dream Act on Americans.

It is UN-F*ING DENIABLE that the Democratic Party has violated both Constitution and law - have betrayed the American people and have SOLD OUT the American people to make illegals more of a priority in the pursuit of power through illegal votes!

That is not STRENGTH. That is criminal, non mentality, treason......

We are being invaded thousands of unknown, unidentified illegals per day and have been for years. Over 20 million. Illegals now live in this country...and they keep coming....

President Trump has declared that for the sovereignty, security, and safety of this country he is willing to take a stand against not only the Democrats but all the weak asshole status quo Republicans like Mitch McConnell who have and continue to try to facilitate that illegal invasion of our country.


He is the 1st President in a long time, in my lifetime, who has gone to DC determined to keep his campaign promises...and has kept more than any politician in DC today.

What Democrats and dumbasses lime you don't seem to understand is that what is going on is NOT 'Democrats versus Trump' but Democrats versus Donald Trump and the American people who sent him to DC to secure our borders, to keep his promise.

Democrats are not just opposing Trump but are giving the middle finger to Americans who want the Democrat Party facilitated illegal invasion to end, who want our Existing (Immigration) Laws to be ENFORCED, our sovereignty ensured, our borders secured, and American people protected.

Standing up to do what was promised, to be willing to oppose any number of self-serving criminal assholes to do the right thing, being willing to sacrifice self to get it done, takes great STRENGTH!

Only a f*ing snowflake who supports politicians who have betrayed this nation for a larger plan of seizing and keeping power though illegal immigration and their votes would think being willing to shut down the govt for the safety and security of this countty is 'WEAK'..
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
he talks way too much and creates so much of his own problems.

Our President has once again painted himself into a corner

The Senate will not give him 60 votes and in two weeks he will lose the House

How does he expect to win?

What passed in the House is done and over with. It can't be rescinded. It's all up to the Senate now.

Sure it can. The House can pass anything they want.
I blame the RINOs for not getting their shit together. They could had funded this long ago, they didn’t and that is why they lost the House.

Republicans controlled Congress for two years and did nothing about the wall

Now, with two weeks left of Republican control, they need to hold Government hostage to get their wall

So why didn't DumBama pass single-payer when he had control? We keep hearing the minority Republicans stopped him.

Actually the Dems stopped him because he is as weak leader just like Trump

Ohhhhh, I see. So what you are saying is that a President doesn't always gets what he wants even if he has the simple majority?
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
he talks way too much and creates so much of his own problems.

Our President has once again painted himself into a corner

The Senate will not give him 60 votes and in two weeks he will lose the House

How does he expect to win?

What passed in the House is done and over with. It can't be rescinded. It's all up to the Senate now.

Sure it can. The House can pass anything they want.

The funding for the wall was already passed. It's in the hands of the Senate now. The Democrats can't take over and say "we want that bill back to vote on it again!"
Says a progressive snowflake

Funny coming from the guy that worships the government. feel the government solves our problems...then you say the other guy worships government? WTF?

I am the guy that has been telling you statist for 2 years that the government cannot solve your try and keep up

"Getting past that conditioning" (re: Ben Carson image) seems to suggest you speak with forked tongue.

I have been consistent in my message that the government is not the answer for my whole time on this forum.

While you sheep gave the government credit for the US being a net exporter of oil, I point out the government had nothing to do with it.

When you sheep say that Trump created millions of jobs as POTUS I point out that the government (i.e. POTUS) does not create jobs.

Yet you voted for Shillary and the Communists. You are a true conservative hero.
So where is he wrong? The Democrats are not "his own people."

He is not wrong, he is 100% right...A shutdown means the president is weak..

I don't think so. Weak is giving Democrats what they want. It's what they are used to when the government shuts down.
I don't think so. Weak is giving Democrats what they want. It's what they are used to when the government shuts down.


Yet you expect the Dems to bail Trump out on his promise with nothing in return.


The Dems are not asking for anything Dope. They don't want a wall period.

Dems want invaders.

Dems love MS-13.
Dems love illegal immigrants.
Dems are against white people.
Dems are against ICE.
Dems are for illegals taking American jobs.
Dems are for lower wages.

How is there a half-way point when this is what they are for?
The Dems are not asking for anything Dope. They don't want a wall period.
Trump knows what they want. McConnell knows what they want.

Schumer had $ 25b on the table not too long ago.

Watch the Senate vote, dope. I guarantee at least a full third of Republicans will not vote for it.

Perhaps two or three of the RINO's will not vote for it. All the other Republicans will.
A shutdown means the president is weak."
You're an idiot.

Democrats have been using the threat of shutting down the govt as some kind of extortion / blackmail while engaging in massive fear-mongering to scare Americans into thinking a shutdown is some kind of 'Armageddon'...and always blame the Republicans for it.

Barry was actually caught / exposed, sending out an e-mail to his administration to make the shutdown as painful for Americans as they possibly could so Americans would blame the Republicans for that pain. Obama actually tried to shut down an historical site NOT owned / run by the govt.

The Democrats are admittedly 100% committed to opposing and undermining the Trump administration and preventing anything good for the American people to be accomplished for the sake of the Butt-Hurt Democratic Party. They have spent the last 2 years trying to UNDO the 2016 election and to carry out a treasonous soft COUP.

They are currently refusing to come up with $5 billion to ensure our national sovereignty, to secure our borders, to prevent 1500 unidentified illegals from entering the US per day, and to protect the American people.

They have proven time and again they are FOR open borders, FOR illegal immigration, FOR allowing illegals to vote (as long as they vote for the a Democratic Party) - they are constantly caught registering illegals to vote and recently fought to have illegals' votes counted in the MIDterms in BROWARD County....and FOR Federal Law-violating Sanctuary cities that protect thieves, robbers, murderers, human traffickers, etc... who prey on American citizens.

The last President admitted he had no legal authority to pass law...and then attempted to do just that with an Executive Order to impose his own version of the Dream Act on Americans.

It is UN-F*ING DENIABLE that the Democratic Party has violated both Constitution and law - have betrayed the American people and have SOLD OUT the American people to make illegals more of a priority in the pursuit of power through illegal votes!

That is not STRENGTH. That is criminal, non mentality, treason......

We are being invaded thousands of unknown, unidentified illegals per day and have been for years. Over 20 million. Illegals now live in this country...and they keep coming....

President Trump has declared that for the sovereignty, security, and safety of this country he is willing to take a stand against not only the Democrats but all the weak asshole status quo Republicans like Mitch McConnell who have and continue to try to facilitate that illegal invasion of our country.


He is the 1st President in a long time, in my lifetime, who has gone to DC determined to keep his campaign promises...and has kept more than any politician in DC today.

What Democrats and dumbasses lime you don't seem to understand is that what is going on is NOT 'Democrats versus Trump' but Democrats versus Donald Trump and the American people who sent him to DC to secure our borders, to keep his promise.

Democrats are not just opposing Trump but are giving the middle finger to Americans who want the Democrat Party facilitated illegal invasion to end, who want our Existing (Immigration) Laws to be ENFORCED, our sovereignty ensured, our borders secured, and American people protected.

Standing up to do what was promised, to be willing to oppose any number of self-serving criminal assholes to do the right thing, being willing to sacrifice self to get it done, takes great STRENGTH!

Only a f*ing snowflake who supports politicians who have betrayed this nation for a larger plan of seizing and keeping power though illegal immigration and their votes would think being willing to shut down the govt for the safety and security of this countty is 'WEAK'..

So if he caves like all Republicans in the past, that makes him a strong leader? You guys are nuts.
There was not a shut down during the time of ObamaCare passing. Do try and keep up with the topic.

There wasn't? Now can you tell us why there was no government shutdown?

Because Trump was not the POTUS?

Yes, but it what it really was is because Hussein got 60 Senate votes.

Because they negotiated with republicans for those votes. It was a stand alone bill and not passed as a part of a funding bill, dope.

What is Trump offering the Dems to bail him out on his promise?

Really? So how many Republican votes in the Senate did Ears get for Commie Care?

Why are you asking me?
There wasn't? Now can you tell us why there was no government shutdown?

Because Trump was not the POTUS?

Yes, but it what it really was is because Hussein got 60 Senate votes.

Because they negotiated with republicans for those votes. It was a stand alone bill and not passed as a part of a funding bill, dope.

What is Trump offering the Dems to bail him out on his promise?

Really? So how many Republican votes in the Senate did Ears get for Commie Care?

you know, there was no spending bill due at the time that ObamaCare was voted on, so there was no opportunity for a shutdown.

you do know they can only happen when a spending bill runs out...right?

It is like you really do not even know what the topic of the thread is.

What a minute: you are telling me that Commie Care had no funding, not a near trillion in new debt????
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