Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

BlueGin, post: 21422140
Liberals had no problem tying our soldiers hands in Iraq and Afghanistan while reducing their numbers and basically making them targets when Obama was in office.

What in the hell are you talking about?

Obama had a bigger surge in Afghanistan than Bush did in Iraq.

It was Bush that agreed in writng (SOFA) on his way out the door in 2008. We were told by Bush that his surged worked and the Iraqis were ready to defend their country so the deadline for all troops to leave was set in stone. Yes Bush did that,
Oddball, post: 21421839
The same US intelligence that told us that WMDs were in Iraq?

You are still fooled by Dubya.

As of October 2002 US Intelligence suspected there were WMD in Iraq because Iraq had not seen UN inspectors for four years.

But the inspectors returned in December 2002

Then in March 2003, Bush decided to invade addressing the world with a huge lie. Bush claimed he had intelligence that Iraq was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from the inspectors.

That is a lie because it is impossible that Bush had any credible intelligence telling him such a thing.

Prior to that Bush lie announcing the start of an invasion we were told that US intelligence had been completely shared with the inspectors which was required by U.N. Resolution 1441.

If Bush had new intelligence it would not have required an invasion because Saddam Hussein had offered the White House the opportunity to have the CIA and US military enter Iraq to search for WMD they suspected was there and the White House refused.

US intelligence cannot be blamed for the White House refusal to send the CIA to gather the only worthwhile intelligence they could get which would have been a direct search for the ‘most lethal weapons ever devised’ as Bush declared.

Intelligence would have had to have known where those WMD were being hidden, or had sources that knew, in order to provide such an assessment to a president contemplating staring a war.

There was no intelligence. Bush lied.

"Intelligence" is as invested in international warmongering as anyone else in the swamp.....You are a blind partisan buffoon.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

Trump has been saying all along that he doesn't want US troops fighting in the Middle East unless it's absolutely necessary. Only the Guardian would be SHOCKED that he's beginning to plan for the withdrawal of our troops from Syria!

I'm amused at liberals NOW being concerned about ISIS...when you didn't give two shits about them when Barry called them the "JV" and pulled our combat troops out of Iraq but all of a sudden you think it's awful that Trump feels they've degraded ISIS to the point where we don't have to have as many combat troops there?
Oddball, post: 21422237
"Intelligence" is as invested in international warmongering

Your opinion is based on what? Unintelligence is not worth much.

If Bush had accepted Saddam Hussein’s offer to let the CIA go into Iraq to find the WMD that Bush said was there, there would have been no invasion. No warmongering by the CIA. They can’t warmonger. They present facts and analysis. My point is Bush refused to give his intelligence community the opportunity to enter Aires fir first hand intelligence. It was not the that refused to go in.

If you think the CIA employees are all warmongering nutjobs do you want to close them down Intelligence gathering entirely?
Oddball, post: 21422237
"Intelligence" is as invested in international warmongering

Your opinion is based on what? Unintelligence is not worth much.

If Bush had accepted Saddam Hussein’s offer to let the CIA go into Iraq to find the WMD that Bush said was there, there would have been no invasion. No warmongering by the CIA. They can’t warmonger. They present facts and analysis. My point is Bush refused to give his intelligence community the opportunity to enter Aires fir first hand intelligence. It was not the that refused to go in.

If you think the CIA are warmongering nutjobs do you want to closed down Intelligence gathering entirely?
Bush said they were there...CIA said there were there....MI6 said they were there...Mossad said they were there...UN said they were there.

You really such a rube to believe all those agencies were there just to carry Chipola's water?....Really?
Oldstyle, post: 21422276
I'm amused at liberals NOW being concerned about ISIS...when you didn't give two shits about them when Barry called them the "JV" and pulled our combat troops out of Iraq but all of a sudden

You are a liar. Obama did not pull troops out of Iraq all of a sudden. He used the entire three years that Bush negotiated with a sovereign Iraq that demanded that every last US soldier vacate their sovereign nation. Besides Bush and his duped fools still insist that the surge worked which means there was no need for troops if that were true.

Obama call ISIS JV when they were JV to al Qaeda. So what is your point?
After conferring with NO one in OUR Govt...
Making Putin and Erdogan happy men, and signing the death warrant for tens of thousands of Kurds.

Trump must be removed.
Pence 2019.
Ah, so this is what it's all about, paying off so Turkey eases up on MbS, the Trumps' banker.

An abrupt US withdrawal would mean abandoning Washington’s closest ally inside Syria, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, which has done most of the fighting in clearing Isis fighters out of its strongholds. They are being threatened with a cross-border offensive from Turkey, which sees them as indistinguishable from Kurdish Workers’ party (PKK) militants inside Turkey.

Trump talked to the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, by phone on Friday, and Erdogan later said he had received some “positive answers” from his US counterpart on the tense situation in the northeastern Syria.

The state department later said it had approved the sale of Patriot ground-to-air missiles to Turkey, while Sanders said Trump would “take a look” at Ankara’s demand for the extradition of Fethullah Gülen, a dissident Turkish cleric living in the US.
Obama presents plan to pull 10 times as many troops out, Johnlaw is not butthurt.
What a friggin stupid comment. That is the best you can do is "butthurt:. What an idiot.

Go ahead link us to the threads you created when Obama presented plans to pull way more troops out than Trump. You know those non-existent threads. Just assume I spent the next few minutes mocking you. :itsok:
More friggin idiocy, bringing up Obama. Who gives a shit about Obama. Trump goes rogue and singlehandedly upends US policy and makes us look the fool around the world as well as making our enemies stronger and you bring up Obama. Geesus, you can't make this stupidity up.

Lib please, Obama pulls out troops and you cheer. Trump pulls out troops and you are all faux rage.

If you think it sucked when Obama did it (after talking to the Pentagon and Congressional leaders and his aides and advisors) how is it you have no problem with Trump pulling them out without talking to anyone at all?
BlueGin, post: 21422140
Liberals had no problem tying our soldiers hands in Iraq and Afghanistan while reducing their numbers and basically making them targets when Obama was in office.

What in the hell are you talking about?

Obama had a bigger surge in Afghanistan than Bush did in Iraq.

It was Bush that agreed in writng (SOFA) on his way out the door in 2008. We were told by Bush that his surged worked and the Iraqis were ready to defend their country so the deadline for all troops to leave was set in stone. Yes Bush did that,
Our soldiers and pilots were micro managed by idiot politicians.

US military pilots complain hands tied in ‘frustrating’ fight against ISIS
Oddball, post: 21422342
CIA said there were there...

It is impossible that the CIA said they were there in March 2003.

Karen Deyoung and Walter Pincus, the Washington PostTHE ORLANDO SENTINEL

WASHINGTON -- The United States within the past several days has begun providing United Nations inspectors with "significant" intelligence on Iraqi weapons programs that has enabled inspectors to become "more aggressive and to be more comprehensive in the work they're doing," Secretary of State Colin Powell said Wednesday.


By March 2003 the the CIA had sent everything and none of it yielded any evidence that there were stockpiles of the most lethal weapons ever devised being hidden from inspectors.

If the CIA had certainty of the whereabouts of such a stockpile and kept it from inspectors after everything they gave to UNMOVIC was useless, Then Bush still gets the blame for not sending the CIA in as SADDAM offered to find it themselves.

The CIA didn’t lie - Bush lied. There is your warmonger.
I just heard a report on Fox news radio that neo cons on both sides of the aisle are in a full metal jacket meltdown over this pull out. They don't seem to understand that Syria is not American property.

There is no right to stay. One crazy lady was boo hooing that Trump didn't consult with Israel or Jordan over the pull out.

What part of Syria belongs to Syrians don't these people get ?
Oddball, post: 21422342
CIA said there were there...

It is impossible that the CIA said they were there in March 2003.

Karen Deyoung and Walter Pincus, the Washington PostTHE ORLANDO SENTINEL

WASHINGTON -- The United States within the past several days has begun providing United Nations inspectors with "significant" intelligence on Iraqi weapons programs that has enabled inspectors to become "more aggressive and to be more comprehensive in the work they're doing," Secretary of State Colin Powell said Wednesday.


By March 2003 the the CIA had sent everything and none of it yielded any evidence that there were stockpiles of the most lethal weapons ever devised being hidden from inspectors.

If the CIA had certainty of the whereabouts of such a stockpile and kept it from inspectors after everything they gave to UNMOVIC was useless, Then Bush still gets the blame for not sending the CIA in as SADDAM offered to find it themselves.

The CIA didn’t lie - Bush lied. There is your warmonger.
So fucking what?....MI6 and Mossad also came to the same conclusions.

Not that Chimpola and the blood lusting Bush family are clean in all this, but that there are a lot of other players in the game who also benefit from international warmongering.
After conferring with NO one in OUR Govt...
Making Putin and Erdogan happy men, and signing the death warrant for tens of thousands of Kurds.

Trump must be removed.
Pence 2019.
Russia is against ISIS, just like the Kurds are.
Russia is ANTI-Democratic Syria and Pro-Assad.
Due to us leaving, Russia will get many bases in Syria,a few on the Mediterranean.
They are only against ISIS in/as part of this pursuit/continuing Assad support.
Somewhat like Turkey's main interest.. anti- Kurd.
Russia is ANTI_Democratic Syria and Pro-Assad.
Due to us leaving, Russia will get many bases in Syria,a few on the Mediterranean.
They are only against ISIS in this pursuit.
Somewhat like Turkey's main interest.. anti- Kurd.
Who gives a fuck?....Assad is an Alawite Muslim; a sect that is not at all comparable with the goat rapers of ISIS.....The Kurds are no threat or problem for the Russians.
Obama presents plan to pull 10 times as many troops out, Johnlaw is not butthurt.
What a friggin stupid comment. That is the best you can do is "butthurt:. What an idiot.

Go ahead link us to the threads you created when Obama presented plans to pull way more troops out than Trump. You know those non-existent threads. Just assume I spent the next few minutes mocking you. :itsok:
More friggin idiocy, bringing up Obama. Who gives a shit about Obama. Trump goes rogue and singlehandedly upends US policy and makes us look the fool around the world as well as making our enemies stronger and you bring up Obama. Geesus, you can't make this stupidity up.

Lib please, Obama pulls out troops and you cheer. Trump pulls out troops and you are all faux rage.

If you think it sucked when Obama did it (after talking to the Pentagon and Congressional leaders and his aides and advisors) how is it you have no problem with Trump pulling them out without talking to anyone at all?

Learn what hypocrisy means.
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