Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

There's no hope for the neo cons to remove Assad which was an insane idea to begin with. Obviously they hadn't learned their lessons from Egypt and Libya. Cripes the ME was a dog's breakfast before all this shit but its now on the edge of being completely FUBARD.

And I still can't understand why all out governments wanted to turn over a secular country in the ME over to the fucking Muslim Brotherhood.
Russia is ANTI_Democratic Syria and Pro-Assad.
Due to us leaving, Russia will get many bases in Syria,a few on the Mediterranean.
They are only against ISIS in this pursuit.
Somewhat like Turkey's main interest.. anti- Kurd.
Who gives a fuck?....Assad is an Alawite Muslim; a sect that is not at all comparable with the goat rapers of ISIS.....The Kurds are no threat or problem for the Russians.

I see that poster doesn't know that Syria and Russia have been allies since the 1940's. AND we don't get to pick and choose Syria's allies.
BlueGin, post: 21422401
Our soldiers and pilots were micro managed by idiot politicians.

US military pilots complain hands tied in ‘frustrating’ fight against ISIS

That’s it? That is what set you off?

So you are a liar. Here is what I replied to:

BlueGin, post: 2142214
Liberals had no problem tying our soldiers hands in Iraq and Afghanistan while reducing their numbers and basically making them targets when Obama was in office.

Let me explain your lie to you:

(a) You said liberals were “tying our soldiers hands” . Here is why that is a lie. Soldiers are not pilots in an air campaign against ISIS fighters on the ground mixed in with civilians at times.

(b) You said Obama/liberals were “reducing their [soldiers] numbers”. Here is why that is a lie. If you were referring to pilots - that was a stupid lie because if pilots were there it’s because their numbers were increased to fight Isis.

If you actually meant ‘soldiers’ that is equally stupid. Because Obama sent some advisers in thereby increasing their numbers.

(c) This is your most egregious lie that pisses me off when you haters tell it. “and basically making them (soldiers) targets when Obama was in office”. You linked the basis of your bs lie to ‘fighter pilots’ complaining about getting approval to hit targets. I am not aware of any ‘fighter pilots being targeted and hit over Iraq or Syria.

You fool. Obama’s Military campaign against ISIS had the safety of our troops as his highest priority. Obama sent no soldiers as targets on the ground, to the front line, with hands tied, to fight on the ground against ISIS. You are a liar.

There’s more but I hope you get the picture. You are in it and it’s ugly.
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Russia is ANTI_Democratic Syria and Pro-Assad.
Due to us leaving, Russia will get many bases in Syria,a few on the Mediterranean.
They are only against ISIS in this pursuit.
Somewhat like Turkey's main interest.. anti- Kurd.
Who gives a fuck?....Assad is an Alawite Muslim; a sect that is not at all comparable with the goat rapers of ISIS.....The Kurds are no threat or problem for the Russians.

Assad to his credit has kept the country as secular as possible. The legal system is based on French law and sharia is optional but not mandatory. Women have massive freedoms, participate heavily in government, and are well educated, dress the way they want to and can party their faces off in all the bars in Damascus.


BUT we wanted them to look like this. Go figure. That whole "brutal dictator" was total bullshit propaganda.
Oldstyle, post: 21422276
I'm amused at liberals NOW being concerned about ISIS...when you didn't give two shits about them when Barry called them the "JV" and pulled our combat troops out of Iraq but all of a sudden

You are a liar. Obama did not pull troops out of Iraq all of a sudden. He used the entire three years that Bush negotiated with a sovereign Iraq that demanded that every last US soldier vacate their sovereign nation. Besides Bush and his duped fools still insist that the surge worked which means there was no need for troops if that were true.

Obama call ISIS JV when they were JV to al Qaeda. So what is your point?

My "point", Oh Clueless that Barry totally misjudged ISIS...withdrew US ground troops from Iraq against the advice of his military Chiefs of Staff...and then sat there with his thumb up his ass while ISIS rampaged across the Middle East...raping and killing thousands and causing a mass migration of refugees who had to flee for their lives! Quite frankly, Barack Obama SUCKED at foreign affairs! Everything his administration touched in the Middle East turned to shit!
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Oldstyle, post: 21422276
I'm amused at liberals NOW being concerned about ISIS...when you didn't give two shits about them when Barry called them the "JV" and pulled our combat troops out of Iraq but all of a sudden

You are a liar. Obama did not pull troops out of Iraq all of a sudden. He used the entire three years that Bush negotiated with a sovereign Iraq that demanded that every last US soldier vacate their sovereign nation. Besides Bush and his duped fools still insist that the surge worked which means there was no need for troops if that were true.

Obama call ISIS JV when they were JV to al Qaeda. So what is your point?

And do me a favor...when you quote me...use the entire sentence! I didn't say that Obama pulled troops out of Iraq all of a sudden! What I SAID was that you liberals cared about it all of a sudden when it was Trump doing it! You take something that someone said and you EDIT it to try and make it mean something else. It's a sleaze move by a sleazy poster!
Oldstyle, post: 21422591
What I SAID was that you liberals cared about it all of a sudden when it was Trump doing it!

Sorry I missed your conjunction, but your point is still wrong. Trump isn’t doing ‘it’ meaning the same thing that Obama did with regard to the withdrawal from Iraq. Obama had no choice but to follow the democratically elected government of Iraq’s agreement signed by Bush and demand that all American troops leave by a dare certain.

Bush set the deadline prior to leaving office and Iraq’s Parliament approved the 2008 agreement.

Syria is not a democratically elected government and there is no sovereignty issues forcing Trumpo’s hand.

Myself, I don’t care if Trumpo pulls 2000 troops out if Syria but I do care to find out if there is a connection to doing sobrthing sweet for Putin just before Christmas.

And then there is the ending sanctions on the Russian oligarchs too, on the same day. Questionable signals your Trumpo is sending.

That is what I care about fool.
Oldstyle, post: 21422583
My "point", Oh Clueless that Barry totally misjudged ISIS...withdrew US ground troops from Iraq against the advice of his military Chiefs of Staff...

You are a liar. Not one single member of Obama’s Joint Chief’s of Staff advised Obama to keep troops in Iraq without a Status of Forces Agrerment that provided immunity from Iraqi courts and laws. The US does not do that unless it is a war zone. Iraq was not a war zone and there was no ISIS be misjudged on the date that GWB and agreed in writing for all troops to be gone.

Syria is still a war zone and there are questions as to whether the mission is really over.

In Iraq it was Bush that set the exact month year and date the the US mission after the most foolish and unnecessary quagmire thatcwas the US invasion of Iraq was finished.

Bush set the date and you know it, but you continue to lie that ir was Obama’s decision.
Oldstyle, post: 21422591
What I SAID was that you liberals cared about it all of a sudden when it was Trump doing it!

Sorry I missed your conjunction, but your point is still wrong. Trump isn’t doing ‘it’ meaning the same thing that Obama did with regard to the withdrawal from Iraq. Obama had no choice but to follow the democratically elected government of Iraq’s agreement signed by Bush and demand that all American troops leave by a dare certain.

Bush set the deadline prior to leaving office and Iraq’s Parliament approved the 2008 agreement.

Syria is not a democratically elected government and there is no sovereignty issues forcing Trumpo’s hand.

Myself, I don’t care if Trumpo pulls 2000 troops out if Syria but I do care to find out if there is a connection to doing sobrthing sweet for Putin just before Christmas.

And then there is the ending sanctions on the Russian oligarchs too, on the same day. Questionable signals your Trumpo is sending.

That is what I care about fool.

What the fuck do you mean Obama had no choice?

We were an invading army and didn't care about any ones laws .

Who was going to hurt Obama ?
So in your world Obama defeated Iraq right before an election and pulled out?

No, in the real world of reality and hard facts, Bush declared victory (the second big lie) and set the exact date that all trooos had to be pulled out.

Obama carried out the agreement Bush negotiated with the SOVEREIGN nation of Iraq. That SOVEREIGNTY is what Bush declared to be the victory since the WMD THING was all a lie according to Trumpo.

And you continue to bitch and moan because Obama recognized and honored Iraq’s SOVEREIGNTY before the time that anyone recognized ISIS to be any kind of threat.
So in your world Obama defeated Iraq right before an election and pulled out?

No, in the real world of reality and hard facts, Bush declared victory (the second big lie) and set the exact date that all trooos had to be pulled out.

Obama carried out the agreement Bush negotiated with the SOVEREIGN nation of Iraq. That SOVEREIGNTY is what Bush declared to be the victory since the WMD THING was all a lie according to Trumpo.

And you continue to bitch and moan because Obama recognized and honored Iraq’s SOVEREIGNTY before the time that anyone recognized ISIS to be any kind of threat.

Oh please how many treatys did the US government keep with the American Indians ?

It's the same thing .

Of course he had to withdraw. Bush made an agreement on behalf of the U.S. to do so. Our word as a country is shit if we don’t honor our agreements. Not that honor means anything to you mentally lazy cult members. On top of which, Iraq refused to give our troops immunity. Had even one member of our military been arrested there, you same yahoos calling for Obama to violate the peace agreement would have been calling for his impeachment.

Of course, I’m explaining this to the forum dolt who struggles to spell the word, “you’re,” so I know understanding any of this is well beyond your G-d given limitations.
So in your world Obama defeated Iraq right before an election and pulled out?

No, in the real world of reality and hard facts, Bush declared victory (the second big lie) and set the exact date that all trooos had to be pulled out.

Obama carried out the agreement Bush negotiated with the SOVEREIGN nation of Iraq. That SOVEREIGNTY is what Bush declared to be the victory since the WMD THING was all a lie according to Trumpo.

And you continue to bitch and moan because Obama recognized and honored Iraq’s SOVEREIGNTY before the time that anyone recognized ISIS to be any kind of threat.

Obama pulled out of Iraq because he wanted to win an election, then benghzi happened, then Susan rice lied, then ISIS exploded on the world scene .

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