Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Listen Boy, the issue is not the withdrawal of troops but how Trump is going about it. You do not undercut your allies, you do not strengthen your enemies, you do destroy your credibility, you do not make fools of your military and intelligence officials, and you don't blindside your own political allies. Trump has done all that today. In one day. Think before you call anyone a moron because you look like a fool
Undermined allies? who?....we are done in Syria....why should we continue to die and expend our wealth for that stink hole?....the pro war Dems and GOP swampers will cry foul but we really are done with them don't you agree?....and isn't it about time to end it?....I bet if Obama were still the commander and chief you would be in support of this.....
Wrong, on other boards I criticized Obama for being weak in areas of foreign policy, especially his Russian policy. If Obama made the same decisions as Trump today I would be criticizing him as well. It is not the withdrawal , it is the Vietnam-type retreat that I have a problem with. The kurds and other allies that fought with us feel abandoned today. There is a reason so many are angry by Trump's statements today.
Little Miss Muffet Sat on Her Tuffet

ISIS made the Kurds run like rabbits. Only American air power sent at the last minute allowed that perpetually unreliable ally to boast about victories. Never forget how they folded against Spider Hussein after Daddy Bush crippled him.
BluesLegend, post: 21420283
Obama presents plan to pull 10 times as many troops out, Johnlaw is not butthurt.

When did Obama ‘present’ a plan to pull 10 times as many troops out of Syria in a fight against ISIS.
There is no reason for us to be over there
We're always on the wrong side over there anyway.
True, Because there is no such thing as a reasonable Muslim
BluesLegend, post: 21420283
Obama presents plan to pull 10 times as many troops out, Johnlaw is not butthurt.

When did Obama ‘present’ a plan to pull 10 times as many troops out of Syria in a fight against ISIS.
There is no reason for us to be over there
We're always on the wrong side over there anyway.
True, Because there is no such thing as a reasonable Muslim
The op wants a benghazi moment so bad he can taste it
That is not what US Intelligence is saying. Nothing wrong with pulling troops out of harms way, but there is a reason our allies, the intelligence communities and Republicans in general are all upset over this move.
The same US intelligence that told us that WMDs were in Iraq?

The same US intelligence that missed all the warning signs before 9/11?

The same US intelligence that was totally surprised when India tested a nuke?

That intelligence community?

You talk like a Bushbot neocon.
BluesLegend, post: 21420283
Obama presents plan to pull 10 times as many troops out, Johnlaw is not butthurt.

When did Obama ‘present’ a plan to pull 10 times as many troops out of Syria in a fight against ISIS.
There is no reason for us to be over there
We're always on the wrong side over there anyway.
True, Because there is no such thing as a reasonable Muslim
Yes there is...Assad is one of them.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria
I heard ISIS lost its last territory to kurds the other day.
Idc what his fuckin reasons are, im glad he did it dude.
We have no business there.
Never did.
ISIS and Putin must be deliriously happy.

All kinds of $$$Russians$$$$ got Christmas presents from TweetyTrumpkin today.

Treasury plans to lift sanctions on Russian aluminum giant Rusal
By Donna Borak, CNN Business
Updated 2:09 PM EST, Wed December 19, 2018
Trump is just wagging the dog to change the news cycle. Sadly, he is also betraying the Kurds who have fought and died along with U.S. troops while fighting ISIS - which is no way near defeated in Syria. Trump is lying for self-preservation - as usual.
Normally I might agree. There is a right way and wrong way. Taking you allies and your own military and intelligence units by surprise is not generally a good thing. When your enemies are elated, one may wish to ponder why.

And your vast experience as a military planner and strategist leads you to that conclusion? If you had even a tiny little clue what you're talking about, you wouldn't have said a damn thing, nitwit.
Donald Dumbass pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Didn't Trump criticize President Obama when he publicly announced his withdrawal from Iraq?
We hadn't won in Iraq when Obama pulled us out so he could win re election....ISIS has been devastated in Syria and I expect we will still be supporting the it a good move?...we will see but I for one am tired of an endless war that congress doesn't have the guts to win....if they are going to get us into war...damn it win it as quickly as you can and get the hell out....

But get ready for the onslaught of pro endless war swampers....
I agree. Either be serious about winning or get out. Liberals had no problem tying our soldiers hands in Iraq and Afghanistan while reducing their numbers and basically making them targets when Obama was in office.
Oddball, post: 21421839
The same US intelligence that told us that WMDs were in Iraq?

You are still fooled by Dubya.

As of October 2002 US Intelligence suspected there were WMD in Iraq because Iraq had not seen UN inspectors for four years.

But the inspectors returned in December 2002

Then in March 2003, Bush decided to invade addressing the world with a huge lie. Bush claimed he had intelligence that Iraq was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from the inspectors.

That is a lie because it is impossible that Bush had any credible intelligence telling him such a thing.

Prior to that Bush lie announcing the start of an invasion we were told that US intelligence had been completely shared with the inspectors which was required by U.N. Resolution 1441.

If Bush had new intelligence it would not have required an invasion because Saddam Hussein had offered the White House the opportunity to have the CIA and US military enter Iraq to search for WMD they suspected was there and the White House refused.

US intelligence cannot be blamed for the White House refusal to send the CIA to gather the only worthwhile intelligence they could get which would have been a direct search for the ‘most lethal weapons ever devised’ as Bush declared.

Intelligence would have had to have known where those WMD were being hidden, or had sources that knew, in order to provide such an assessment to a president contemplating staring a war.

There was no intelligence. Bush lied.

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