Trump pushing Iran towards a nuke

Who did he appease?

Trump appeases dictators around the world and you love it
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Who did he appease?

Trump appeases dictators around the world and you love it
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Sure they were...........they'd be nice...........Not continue to build them...........

Check your DNA and family tree........Chamberland has to be there somewhere...........

Those other countries were only interested on opening markets for MONEY...........So I really don't give a rats behind about them.

Why the left loves Iran more than there own country is beyond me.
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
Push them a little harder so they will be in the blast radius when it goes off.
Who did he appease?

Trump appeases dictators around the world and you love it
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Sure they were...........they'd be nice...........Not continue to build them...........

Check your DNA and family tree........Chamberland has to be there somewhere...........

Those other countries were only interested on opening markets for MONEY...........So I really don't give a rats behind about them.

Why the left loves Iran more than there own country is beyond me.
They were, You are as stupid as your orange buddy. Stupid or lying.

The "lefty" put Iran under our thumb for nuclear weapons. Trump released them.

Iran is changing. Moving away from the hard liners.

Too bad Trump does not know it.
Who did he appease?

Trump appeases dictators around the world and you love it
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Sure they were...........they'd be nice...........Not continue to build them...........

Check your DNA and family tree........Chamberland has to be there somewhere...........

Those other countries were only interested on opening markets for MONEY...........So I really don't give a rats behind about them.

Why the left loves Iran more than there own country is beyond me.
They were, You are as stupid as your orange buddy. Stupid or lying.

The "lefty" put Iran under our thumb for nuclear weapons. Trump released them.

Iran is changing. Moving away from the hard liners.

Too bad Trump does not know it.
The Hard Liners are in power there..................the people are starting to revolt against it..........Not the same thing........

The Hard liners will destroy those against them...........their own people and it is nothing new............Obama didn't do all that.........the people there are doing that................The money on the tarmac was given to the hardliners..........

Appeasement doesn't work...........and the FICTION that the deal was worth the paper it was written on is all you have.

Your side appeased people who were helping kill Americans..............plain and simple.
Who did he appease?

Trump appeases dictators around the world and you love it
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
The US pulled out of The Bad Agreement, but these other countries did not, and IRAN still violated it.

So The US was right in determining that IRAN lies and was NEVER going to keep their promises.

All these other countries were still signed on the The Agreement and Iran did not keep it.

John Kerry even worked to undermine The US in this regard...but what he did was bitch slap our allies too with his criminal activity working on behalf of The Moolahs.

Never trust a Moolah.
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Who did he appease?

Trump appeases dictators around the world and you love it
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN

Actually, the reverse is true.

He defied his national security advisors that wanted a strike on Iran when they shot down a drone. He even said that if they shoot down another drone, he still would not start a war. . .

. . . and then went on to praise Iran for not shooting down a plane that had people on it?!

Taking a Minute to Walk in Iran’s Shoes

If one can learn anything from the modern history of Iran, it’s that great powers will sell — and have sold — them out at a moment’s notice.

Opinion: Taking a Minute to Walk in Iran’s Shoes

". . . The wisdom of this decision is that Iran delivered the intended message without causing any escalation — which doubtless would have been the outcome if it had downed a manned military plane that was also in its sites in the vicinity of the drone. It was a message that Trump had clearly received, and for which he expressed appreciation to Iranian authorities (although why he would bother to thank Iran if it was attacking a plane flying over “international waters” as he said is truly baffling).. . . . "

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

Q Would your decision have been different if it was 10 to 15 casualties, instead of 100 to 150 casualties?

THE PRESIDENT: It’s — anything is a lot when they shoot down an unmanned, okay? So anything is a lot. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it.

Q If they shoot down another drone, will you not have to reply to that either?


Q If they shoot down another unmanned drone, will you also not —

THE PRESIDENT: We’ll see. But I don’t think that will happen. I don’t think that’ll happen. And if you notice, there was a plane with 38 people yesterday — did you see that? I think that’s a big story.

Q Is that accurate?

THE PRESIDENT: They had it in their sights, and they didn’t shoot it down.

Q That was accurate?

THE PRESIDENT: I think they were very wise not to do that, and we appreciate that they didn’t do that. But they had a plane in their sights — 38 people on the plane — and they didn’t shoot it down. And I think that was a very wise decision. And — and I think that’s something that we very much appreciate.

Q Is it accurate to say that your national security team brought you a plan for a planned strike and it didn’t have a fully formed estimate on casualties?

THE PRESIDENT: No. No. They brought me a great plan. But I wanted to know, at the end — I wanted an accurate count. They gave me very odd numbers. I wanted an accurate count as to how many people would be killed, how many Iranians would be killed.

And, as I said: Coming from New York, I know a lot of Iranians. They’re great people.

Trump is as much a pawn in this game as Iran is. . . .
People need to appreciate how good of a President Trump has been.

Clinton wanted to go to war with Syria, Iran and Russia.

She stated clearly at a meeting on Wall Street with many of her Wealthy Leftist Elitist Tycoons during her campaign.

"Think of War with , Syria, Russia and Iran as an Investment"

Obama and Clinton created a lot of messes. These two buffoons were arguably the two most incompetent people we have ever had in their respective positions.

They started COUPS in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Turkey.
They financially backed and supplied weapons to Al Queda, Al Nusra, The PLO, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, and even ISIS.
They made numerous boneheaded, Naive and Ill-advised Ideological decisions in Iraq, with The PLO, Palestine, Syria and in Afghanistan.

They endangered Embassy Personnel all across the globe and single handedly created The Benghazi mess, then tried to cover it up.

Because of their poor leadership, we had to then extend our stays in Iraq and Afghanistan for another 10 years, and they completely destabilized The Middle East almost from the moment they took control.

President Trump has corrected much of their idiotic decisions, and has actually had a calming influence in the region.

Things with Clinton had she been elected would have spiraled out of control.
Clinton, Obama, Bush. . . . all psychopathic "yes men" to the global elites.

To them, the little folks of the world are just "collateral damage."

I really do think Trump cares about folks, all folks.

Even those people in "shit holes." He doesn't want folks to die unnecessarily, and I don't think he wants them trafficked illegally as labor and sex slaves either. The previous occupants? They thought the small folks were nothing but pawns for partisan and corporate power.
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN

Actually, the reverse is true.

He defied his national security advisors that wanted a strike on Iran when they shot down a drone. He even said that if they shoot down another drone, he still would not start a war. . .

. . . and then went on to praise Iran for not shooting down a plane that had people on it?!

Taking a Minute to Walk in Iran’s Shoes

If one can learn anything from the modern history of Iran, it’s that great powers will sell — and have sold — them out at a moment’s notice.

Opinion: Taking a Minute to Walk in Iran’s Shoes

". . . The wisdom of this decision is that Iran delivered the intended message without causing any escalation — which doubtless would have been the outcome if it had downed a manned military plane that was also in its sites in the vicinity of the drone. It was a message that Trump had clearly received, and for which he expressed appreciation to Iranian authorities (although why he would bother to thank Iran if it was attacking a plane flying over “international waters” as he said is truly baffling).. . . . "

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | The White House

Q Would your decision have been different if it was 10 to 15 casualties, instead of 100 to 150 casualties?

THE PRESIDENT: It’s — anything is a lot when they shoot down an unmanned, okay? So anything is a lot. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it.

Q If they shoot down another drone, will you not have to reply to that either?


Q If they shoot down another unmanned drone, will you also not —

THE PRESIDENT: We’ll see. But I don’t think that will happen. I don’t think that’ll happen. And if you notice, there was a plane with 38 people yesterday — did you see that? I think that’s a big story.

Q Is that accurate?

THE PRESIDENT: They had it in their sights, and they didn’t shoot it down.

Q That was accurate?

THE PRESIDENT: I think they were very wise not to do that, and we appreciate that they didn’t do that. But they had a plane in their sights — 38 people on the plane — and they didn’t shoot it down. And I think that was a very wise decision. And — and I think that’s something that we very much appreciate.

Q Is it accurate to say that your national security team brought you a plan for a planned strike and it didn’t have a fully formed estimate on casualties?

THE PRESIDENT: No. No. They brought me a great plan. But I wanted to know, at the end — I wanted an accurate count. They gave me very odd numbers. I wanted an accurate count as to how many people would be killed, how many Iranians would be killed.

And, as I said: Coming from New York, I know a lot of Iranians. They’re great people.

Trump is as much a pawn in this game as Iran is. . . .
People need to appreciate how good of a President Trump has been.

Clinton wanted to go to war with Syria, Iran and Russia.

She stated clearly at a meeting on Wall Street with many of her Wealthy Leftist Elitist Tycoons during her campaign.

"Think of War with , Syria, Russia and Iran as an Investment"

Obama and Clinton created a lot of messes. These two buffoons were arguably the two most incompetent people we have ever had in their respective positions.

They started COUPS in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Turkey.
They financially backed and supplied weapons to Al Queda, Al Nusra, The PLO, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, and even ISIS.
They made numerous boneheaded, Naive and Ill-advised Ideological decisions in Iraq, with The PLO, Palestine, Syria and in Afghanistan.

They endangered Embassy Personnel all across the globe and single handedly created The Benghazi mess, then tried to cover it up.

Because of their poor leadership, we had to then extend our stays in Iraq and Afghanistan for another 10 years, and they completely destabilized The Middle East almost from the moment they took control.

President Trump has corrected much of their idiotic decisions, and has actually had a calming influence in the region.

Things with Clinton had she been elected would have spiraled out of control.
Clinton, Obama, Bush. . . . all psychopathic "yes men" to the global elites.

To them, the little folks of the world are just "collateral damage."

I really do think Trump cares about folks, all folks.

Even those people in "shit holes." He doesn't want folks to die unnecessarily, and I don't think he wants them trafficked illegally as labor and sex slaves either. The previous occupants? They thought the small folks were nothing but pawns for partisan and corporate power.
Trump cares about people? Thar's why the stupid shit is allowing more pollution that will kill & sicken thousands of Americans every year. That is why he is trying for millions to lose health insurance coverage. That is why he is saddling us is with a trillion more in debt every year.

How the fuck did you get this stupid?

Vlad called & told Trump to leave his buddy Iranians alone. His bullshit story og how he asked about casualties at the last minute like the military did not present him with options that would have included this information.
Who did he appease?

Trump appeases dictators around the world and you love it
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.

Right now there is no agreement you stupid knothole.

Iran was in compliance before Trump ended it.
Trump is just giving the renegade terrorist nation a little discipline, that's all. Obama gave them the impression that he was a co conspirator in their dastardly ways.
Bullshit. Obama stopped Iran's nuke efforts while maintaining sanctions on other issues.

Yiu assfucks need to quit lying.
Lookie here. I have a monkey see-monkey do liberal calling me a liar. You bigots need to learn the difference between a lie and a difference of opinion. Viva Trump, best since Eisenhower.

It is my opinion that you are a lying fuck.

Is that better?

How did Obama give Iran the impression he was a co conspirator.

Here's you chance. Prove that this is true.

How many wars did Trump start compared to obama and Hillary?
Who did he appease?

Trump appeases dictators around the world and you love it
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.

Right now there is no agreement you stupid knothole.

Iran was in compliance before Trump ended it.
So Iran has no respect for any nation but the US...GOOD!
Who did he appease?

Trump appeases dictators around the world and you love it
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.

Right now there is no agreement you stupid knothole.

Iran was in compliance before Trump ended it.
So Iran has no respect for any nation but the US...GOOD!
Iran was respecting us in that agreement. Then you assdfucks elected Trump.
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.

Right now there is no agreement you stupid knothole.

Iran was in compliance before Trump ended it.
So Iran has no respect for any nation but the US...GOOD!
Iran was respecting us in that agreement. Then you assdfucks elected Trump.
So Iran has no respect for any nation but the US...GOOD!
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.

Right now there is no agreement you stupid knothole.

Iran was in compliance before Trump ended it.
So Iran has no respect for any nation but the US...GOOD!
Iran was respecting us in that agreement. Then you assdfucks elected Trump.

Say what?

President Kennedy said to the UN in 1961: “The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us ... It is therefore our intention to challenge the Soviet Union, not to an arms race, but to a peace race ...”
President Kennedy said to the UN in 1961: “The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us ... It is therefore our intention to challenge the Soviet Union, not to an arms race, but to a peace race ...”
That worked out real well...
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.

Right now there is no agreement you stupid knothole.

Iran was in compliance before Trump ended it.
So Iran has no respect for any nation but the US...GOOD!
Iran was respecting us in that agreement. Then you assdfucks elected Trump.

It was a BAD agreement.

Do you think he just ended it on a whim?

He TOLD you American negotiators got their ass handed to them. Did you not listen? :dunno:

Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites
No Americans permitted under final nuclear deal
Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites - Washington Free Beacon

". . . . Elliott Abrams, a former White House National Security Council director under George W. Bush, criticized the administration for consenting to Iranian demands.

"It's ironic that after Wendy Sherman told us about how Kerry and Zarif had tears in their eyes thinking about all they had accomplished together, we learn that the Islamic Republic won’t allow one single American inspector," Abrams said, referring to John Kerry and Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister. "No member of the P5+1 [negotiating team] should be barred, and this is another example of how badly the administration negotiated."

"We should have insisted that the ‘no Americans’ rule was simply unacceptable," Abrams said. "But there was no end to U.S. concessions."

One American source who was present in Vienna for the talks said the ban on all U.S. inspectors is the result of Iranian demands in the negotiating room.

"The administration promised the American people and their lawmakers that we would be implementing the most robust inspection regime in the history of the world and that we would know what’s happening on the ground," the source said. "Now they tell us America can’t have anything to do with the inspection regime because we don’t have diplomatic relations with Iran. I guess we should be grateful they’re not solving this problem by opening up a U.S. embassy in Tehran."

Obama administration officials also admitted recently that promises for "anytime, anywhere" inspections of Iran’s nuclear sites were a rhetorical flight of fancy.

"I think this is one of those circumstance where we have all been rhetorical from time to time," lead U.S. negotiator Wendy Sherman told reporters this week. "That phrase, ‘anytime, anywhere,’ is something that became popular rhetoric, but I think people understood that if the IAEA felt it had to have access, and had a justification for that access, that it would be guaranteed, and that is what happened."

U.S. concessions on the structure of the inspections regime have allowed Iran to delay inspections of sensitive sites for at least 24 days.. . . . "
He handed money off to the mullahs of Iran................and held up a piece of paper not worth the paper it was written on..............

Another Appeasement that will never work............but dream on........lib.

Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.

Right now there is no agreement you stupid knothole.

Iran was in compliance before Trump ended it.
So Iran has no respect for any nation but the US...GOOD!
Iran was respecting us in that agreement. Then you assdfucks elected Trump.

Oh they "respected" Obozo all right. He just bent over and let them have their way with him. Then gave them billions in cash for the pleasure. Trump has devastated their economy with his sanctions. Their money is worthless and they wouldn't last 3 days in an actual conflict.

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