Trump pushing Iran towards a nuke

Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN must have no knowledge of history/etc = it doesn't matter what the world/Trump/etc does or does not do = if they want to try to get a nuke, they will
..the Iranians are debating/discussing/etc why they need or don't need nukes.....
....the US has been entangled with Iran for a long time:
the 1953 crap
helping the Shah
the Hostage mess
helping Iraq during the Iraq-Iran War
....there is a lot more to it than just Trump
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
thats equivalent as claiming a women is asking to be raped walking into bar full of drunk men wearing a miniskirt
Only one thing will stop Iran from getting a Nuke eventually................Everything else is just BS..........

Iran should not be allowed to have a Nuke..............They support terror around the globe.............

Anyone else know what we will eventually have to do to stop it...............

And if you ignore it..........then later claim OH LOOKY WHAT YOU DID.............You are full of it.
Only one thing will stop Iran from getting a Nuke eventually................Everything else is just BS..........

Iran should not be allowed to have a Nuke..............They support terror around the globe.............

Anyone else know what we will eventually have to do to stop it...............

And if you ignore it..........then later claim OH LOOKY WHAT YOU DID.............You are full of it.

If supporting terrorism means an automatic denial of nukes, then obviously the USA needs to give up their nukes.
Only one thing will stop Iran from getting a Nuke eventually................Everything else is just BS..........

Iran should not be allowed to have a Nuke..............They support terror around the globe.............

Anyone else know what we will eventually have to do to stop it...............

And if you ignore it..........then later claim OH LOOKY WHAT YOU DID.............You are full of it.

If supporting terrorism means an automatic denial of nukes, then obviously the USA needs to give up their nukes.
Come and take them...............

We Honor the Mad Principle..............Iran are the picture of Postal clerks.........of the Dark Side of Islam.

And the only way they don't get them is taking them out........Which we are VERY capable of doing it.

What you going to do if we smoke their nuke facilities.........CRY.........get a tissue.
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
-------------------------- GOOD , let the 'iranians' do as they can and let the USA and Western world confront it . Time to stop pussy footing around no matter what happens and the same thinking for 'china'. TRUMP may stop YOU from living on borrowed time RealDave .
That's a laugh. Iran is still trying for a nuke and I'd bet the billions Barry and Kerry gave them is funding that hunt.

If you lefty loons think that agreement would stop them from pursuing a nuke then you are dumber than a bag of rocks.

Oh wait. I forgot. You are all dumber than a bag of rocks. Never mind.
You've been listening to fake news again.
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
Well that's world class stupid.

Obama/Biden give Iran the green light to build nukes, and $Billions in sanctions relief and a couple of plane loads of cash to pay for them....

And their mouthpiece blames Trump.

What kind of Tard falls for something that transparency dishonest?

Trumpette logic.

An agreement that stops Iran from getting a nuke is letting Iran get a nuke,

Trumptard pulled out of that agreemrent giving Iran a free path.

That agreement did no such thing. They were still enriching uranium. They were still acquiring delivery systems. They were still funding terrorist under O's non agreement that wasnt even ratified.

They were enriching small quantities of uranium that was verified by international inspectors

Not anymore, Trump is allowing them to produce enough to make a bomb
Trump is just giving the renegade terrorist nation a little discipline, that's all. Obama gave them the impression that he was a co conspirator in their dastardly ways.
Bullshit. Obama stopped Iran's nuke efforts while maintaining sanctions on other issues.

Yiu assfucks need to quit lying.
Lookie here. I have a monkey see-monkey do liberal calling me a liar. You bigots need to learn the difference between a lie and a difference of opinion. Viva Trump, best since Eisenhower.
Trump is just giving the renegade terrorist nation a little discipline, that's all. Obama gave them the impression that he was a co conspirator in their dastardly ways.
Bullshit. Obama stopped Iran's nuke efforts while maintaining sanctions on other issues.

Yiu assfucks need to quit lying.
Lookie here. I have a monkey see-monkey do liberal calling me a liar. You bigots need to learn the difference between a lie and a difference of opinion. Viva Trump, best since Eisenhower.

It is my opinion that you are a lying fuck.

Is that better?

How did Obama give Iran the impression he was a co conspirator.

Here's you chance. Prove that this is true.
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
Well that's world class stupid.

Obama/Biden give Iran the green light to build nukes, and $Billions in sanctions relief and a couple of plane loads of cash to pay for them....

And their mouthpiece blames Trump.

What kind of Tard falls for something that transparency dishonest?

Trumpette logic.

An agreement that stops Iran from getting a nuke is letting Iran get a nuke,

Trumptard pulled out of that agreemrent giving Iran a free path.

That agreement did no such thing. They were still enriching uranium. They were still acquiring delivery systems. They were still funding terrorist under O's non agreement that wasnt even ratified.

They were enriching small quantities of uranium that was verified by international inspectors

Not anymore, Trump is allowing them to produce enough to make a bomb
----------------------------- if so its best to confront and defeat 'iran' RWinger .
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
-------------------------- GOOD , let the 'iranians' do as they can and let the USA and Western world confront it . Time to stop pussy footing around no matter what happens and the same thinking for 'china'. TRUMP may stop YOU from living on borrowed time RealDave .

The USA & Western World DID CONFRONT IT.

Trump set them free.
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
-------------------------- GOOD , let the 'iranians' do as they can and let the USA and Western world confront it . Time to stop pussy footing around no matter what happens and the same thinking for 'china'. TRUMP may stop YOU from living on borrowed time RealDave .

The USA & Western World DID CONFRONT IT.

Trump set them free.
The so called Great Deal of Obama.......handing money off to them on the tarmac there...................and asking Iran to pretty please STOP TRYING TO MAKE NUKES.

Yeah that will work.

Only one thing will stop Iran from getting a Nuke eventually................Everything else is just BS..........

Iran should not be allowed to have a Nuke..............They support terror around the globe.............

Anyone else know what we will eventually have to do to stop it...............

And if you ignore it..........then later claim OH LOOKY WHAT YOU DID.............You are full of it.

Iran supports certain countries in the Middle East. They support rebels fighting in Yemen.

The US supports certain countries in the Middle East & support rebels fighting in Yemen

Both the US & Iran opposes ISIS.

Iran supported factions in Iraq fighting our occupation.

Do thety actially support more terrorism that the US does?

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