Trump pushing Iran towards a nuke

President Kennedy said to the UN in 1961: “The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us ... It is therefore our intention to challenge the Soviet Union, not to an arms race, but to a peace race ...”
Trump & the Rethuglians will never ever get it.
Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.

Right now there is no agreement you stupid knothole.

Iran was in compliance before Trump ended it.
So Iran has no respect for any nation but the US...GOOD!
Iran was respecting us in that agreement. Then you assdfucks elected Trump.

Oh they "respected" Obozo all right. He just bent over and let them have their way with him. Then gave them billions in cash for the pleasure. Trump has devastated their economy with his sanctions. Their money is worthless and they wouldn't last 3 days in an actual conflict.

Yea sure.

Obama sent 400 million in cash that was money Iran had sent us for weapons before the revolution.

There was no other cash sent. You really need to pull your head out of your stupid ass. Were you born this fucking stupid or did your stupidity develop later in life?

Obama put together 5 nations to get Iran to give up their nuclear program.

It took Mr Stable Genius" a minute to end it & put Iran back on track to get that Nike.

Go ahead & attack Iran & ignore who supports Iran.
Is the American freaking left actually rooting for Iran? Obama bought and paid for their nuclear program and lefties are hoping they can finish it in time to make a political statement and damn the U.S.. More and more it becomes obvious that the left is being manipulated by foreign agents either willingly or because they are afflicted with a mental condition commonly called TDS.
Iran was keeping the agreement you stupid fuck. So it was worth something as agreed by Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.

Right now there is no agreement you stupid knothole.

Iran was in compliance before Trump ended it.
So Iran has no respect for any nation but the US...GOOD!
Iran was respecting us in that agreement. Then you assdfucks elected Trump.

It was a BAD agreement.

Do you think he just ended it on a whim?

He TOLD you American negotiators got their ass handed to them. Did you not listen? :dunno:

Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites
No Americans permitted under final nuclear deal
Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites - Washington Free Beacon

". . . . Elliott Abrams, a former White House National Security Council director under George W. Bush, criticized the administration for consenting to Iranian demands.

"It's ironic that after Wendy Sherman told us about how Kerry and Zarif had tears in their eyes thinking about all they had accomplished together, we learn that the Islamic Republic won’t allow one single American inspector," Abrams said, referring to John Kerry and Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister. "No member of the P5+1 [negotiating team] should be barred, and this is another example of how badly the administration negotiated."

"We should have insisted that the ‘no Americans’ rule was simply unacceptable," Abrams said. "But there was no end to U.S. concessions."

One American source who was present in Vienna for the talks said the ban on all U.S. inspectors is the result of Iranian demands in the negotiating room.

"The administration promised the American people and their lawmakers that we would be implementing the most robust inspection regime in the history of the world and that we would know what’s happening on the ground," the source said. "Now they tell us America can’t have anything to do with the inspection regime because we don’t have diplomatic relations with Iran. I guess we should be grateful they’re not solving this problem by opening up a U.S. embassy in Tehran."

Obama administration officials also admitted recently that promises for "anytime, anywhere" inspections of Iran’s nuclear sites were a rhetorical flight of fancy.

"I think this is one of those circumstance where we have all been rhetorical from time to time," lead U.S. negotiator Wendy Sherman told reporters this week. "That phrase, ‘anytime, anywhere,’ is something that became popular rhetoric, but I think people understood that if the IAEA felt it had to have access, and had a justification for that access, that it would be guaranteed, and that is what happened."

U.S. concessions on the structure of the inspections regime have allowed Iran to delay inspections of sensitive sites for at least 24 days.. . . . "
Not unusual for these types of agreements.

Maybe you should get better informed before you post your crap.
Trump is just giving the renegade terrorist nation a little discipline, that's all. Obama gave them the impression that he was a co conspirator in their dastardly ways.
Bullshit. Obama stopped Iran's nuke efforts while maintaining sanctions on other issues.

Yiu assfucks need to quit lying.
Lookie here. I have a monkey see-monkey do liberal calling me a liar. You bigots need to learn the difference between a lie and a difference of opinion. Viva Trump, best since Eisenhower.

It is my opinion that you are a lying fuck.

Is that better?

How did Obama give Iran the impression he was a co conspirator.

Here's you chance. Prove that this is true.

How many wars did Trump start compared to obama and Hillary?

Who knew Secretaries of States can start wars.


How many did Obama start?
Is the American freaking left actually rooting for Iran? Obama bought and paid for their nuclear program and lefties are hoping they can finish it in time to make a political statement and damn the U.S.. More and more it becomes obvious that the left is being manipulated by foreign agents either willingly or because they are afflicted with a mental condition commonly called TDS.
Bought & paid for with Iranian money?

Iran has been on the path for nukes long before Trump came along and they have not been off it despite the over the top claims the Obama deal got them off it. It never did here is something for those who keep raising hell about Trump pulling out of that deal to consider if Obama had gotten a treaty with Iran Trump couldn't have just pulled out of it. Lets consider why Obama didn't go for the treaty yes there was Republican opposition to the deal Obama wanted no doubt but there were also more than a few Democrats who were against it as well he would have never gotten two thirds of the Senate to vote in favor of it because they knew how bad it was.
Trump is just giving the renegade terrorist nation a little discipline, that's all. Obama gave them the impression that he was a co conspirator in their dastardly ways.
Bullshit. Obama stopped Iran's nuke efforts while maintaining sanctions on other issues.

Yiu assfucks need to quit lying.
Lookie here. I have a monkey see-monkey do liberal calling me a liar. You bigots need to learn the difference between a lie and a difference of opinion. Viva Trump, best since Eisenhower.

It is my opinion that you are a lying fuck.

Is that better?

How did Obama give Iran the impression he was a co conspirator.

Here's you chance. Prove that this is true.

How many wars did Trump start compared to obama and Hillary?

Who knew Secretaries of States can start wars.


How many did Obama start?
Madeline Albright, a Secretary of State, was very instrumental in getting Epstein's sidekick to bomb Serbia. The painted lady had a childhood grudge against Yugoslavia and she used her influence over the sex fiend to get him to bomb them. Obama, on the other hand, didn't start wars but he let Russia invade the Ukraine, ISIS developed and started their caliphate largely funded by the $150 billion Obama gave Iran, tensions in Israel hit an all time high because of Obama's anti Semitism, Obama's Sec of State sold Russia 20% of our uranium and laundered the money she got through her phony foundation, and he set race relations back 50 years, creating a warlike atmosphere within our own country including the total disrespect for our law enforcement agencies. Obama was by far the worst president ever. Thank God he's out
Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.

Right now there is no agreement you stupid knothole.

Iran was in compliance before Trump ended it.
So Iran has no respect for any nation but the US...GOOD!
Iran was respecting us in that agreement. Then you assdfucks elected Trump.

Oh they "respected" Obozo all right. He just bent over and let them have their way with him. Then gave them billions in cash for the pleasure. Trump has devastated their economy with his sanctions. Their money is worthless and they wouldn't last 3 days in an actual conflict.

Yea sure.

Obama sent 400 million in cash that was money Iran had sent us for weapons before the revolution.

There was no other cash sent. You really need to pull your head out of your stupid ass. Were you born this fucking stupid or did your stupidity develop later in life?

Obama put together 5 nations to get Iran to give up their nuclear program.

It took Mr Stable Genius" a minute to end it & put Iran back on track to get that Nike.

Go ahead & attack Iran & ignore who supports Iran.

5 piss ass country's?
Is the American freaking left actually rooting for Iran? Obama bought and paid for their nuclear program and lefties are hoping they can finish it in time to make a political statement and damn the U.S.. More and more it becomes obvious that the left is being manipulated by foreign agents either willingly or because they are afflicted with a mental condition commonly called TDS.
Bought & paid for with Iranian money?


That Obama sent on a military plane?
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN

Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
Well that's world class stupid.
Obama/Biden give Iran the green light to build nukes, and $Billions in sanctions relief and a couple of plane loads of cash to pay for them....
And their mouthpiece blames Trump.
What kind of Tard falls for something that transparency dishonest?

Not just sanctions relief. Obama gave Iran $150b including $1.8b in one plane load of cash.
Agreed that probably funded their nukes and ICBM development.

Donald Trump: Iran got $150 billion and $1.8 billion in cash

Trump is a lying fuck & I can't believe you actually believe what he says.

Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -

Trumpette, dumber than shit & proving ot every day.

Don’t vote for him again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN

The nuke was pushed when Iran woke up with $1.7b in cash in its backyard.
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
Well that's world class stupid.

Obama/Biden give Iran the green light to build nukes, and $Billions in sanctions relief and a couple of plane loads of cash to pay for them....

And their mouthpiece blames Trump.

What kind of Tard falls for something that transparency dishonest?

Trumpette logic.

An agreement that stops Iran from getting a nuke is letting Iran get a nuke,

Trumptard pulled out of that agreemrent giving Iran a free path.

That agreement did no such thing. They were still enriching uranium. They were still acquiring delivery systems. They were still funding terrorist under O's non agreement that wasnt even ratified.

They were enriching small quantities of uranium that was verified by international inspectors

Not anymore, Trump is allowing them to produce enough to make a bomb

Small quantities? For what reason. Bullshit. Maybe they only wanted to put the the tip in. Oboe sold us out.

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Who did he appease?

Trump appeases dictators around the world and you love it

Trump owns your punk ass, and you love it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
You mean because he flew $1.5 BILLION dollars into Iran, IN CASH, under the cover of NIGHT to help them build a nuke?

Oh wait... that was OBAMA.

Fucking CNN opinion?

Agreed. I didn’t even open the link, when I saw CNN. Fuck CNN!

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I had to read it in order to counter the propaganda.

You will note, my post #78, where fake Dave responds in post #85

Iran violated The Agreement and is in Violation Right now.

They never intended to keep it which is exactly what President Trump said their intentions were.

Right now there is no agreement you stupid knothole.

Iran was in compliance before Trump ended it.
So Iran has no respect for any nation but the US...GOOD!
Iran was respecting us in that agreement. Then you assdfucks elected Trump.

It was a BAD agreement.

Do you think he just ended it on a whim?

He TOLD you American negotiators got their ass handed to them. Did you not listen? :dunno:

Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites
No Americans permitted under final nuclear deal
Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites - Washington Free Beacon

". . . . Elliott Abrams, a former White House National Security Council director under George W. Bush, criticized the administration for consenting to Iranian demands.

"It's ironic that after Wendy Sherman told us about how Kerry and Zarif had tears in their eyes thinking about all they had accomplished together, we learn that the Islamic Republic won’t allow one single American inspector," Abrams said, referring to John Kerry and Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister. "No member of the P5+1 [negotiating team] should be barred, and this is another example of how badly the administration negotiated."

"We should have insisted that the ‘no Americans’ rule was simply unacceptable," Abrams said. "But there was no end to U.S. concessions."

One American source who was present in Vienna for the talks said the ban on all U.S. inspectors is the result of Iranian demands in the negotiating room.

"The administration promised the American people and their lawmakers that we would be implementing the most robust inspection regime in the history of the world and that we would know what’s happening on the ground," the source said. "Now they tell us America can’t have anything to do with the inspection regime because we don’t have diplomatic relations with Iran. I guess we should be grateful they’re not solving this problem by opening up a U.S. embassy in Tehran."

Obama administration officials also admitted recently that promises for "anytime, anywhere" inspections of Iran’s nuclear sites were a rhetorical flight of fancy.

"I think this is one of those circumstance where we have all been rhetorical from time to time," lead U.S. negotiator Wendy Sherman told reporters this week. "That phrase, ‘anytime, anywhere,’ is something that became popular rhetoric, but I think people understood that if the IAEA felt it had to have access, and had a justification for that access, that it would be guaranteed, and that is what happened."

U.S. concessions on the structure of the inspections regime have allowed Iran to delay inspections of sensitive sites for at least 24 days.. . . . "
Not unusual for these types of agreements.

Maybe you should get better informed before you post your crap.

What I was specifically refuting was the CNN propaganda, particularly this part;

"If that happens, Iran will have gone from the most inspected country in the world and, by all serious accounts, a country that was in compliance with the international nuclear agreement to a country armed with nuclear weapons. Iran will represent the second country to have obtained nuclear weapons in the Middle East, arguably the most dangerous region in the world."
How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN

Clearly, the opinion of fake news journalist is just that, an opinion which is refuted by facts, and fake Dave has nothing but crap to refute it with other than his opinion informed by crap propaganda.

Excellent piece on how stupid Trump really is & how the Republicans are pushing Iran to becoming a nuclear power. The U.S. with 4 other countries brought Iran to the table & signed a ten year agreement with Iran to stop their nuclear ambitions to get a weapon.

Now there is nothing to to them. Thank you Trump

How Donald Trump pushed Iran to the bomb (Opinion) - CNN
You mean because he flew $1.5 BILLION dollars into Iran, IN CASH, under the cover of NIGHT to help them build a nuke?

Oh wait... that was OBAMA.

--------------------------------------------- and heck , I don't care if 'iran' gets 'a Fleet of nukes' or a single 'nuke' though I applaud the TRUMPS words , actions , sanctions and decrees that 'iran' is not ALLOWED to have 'nukes' . I just want to see the TRUMP exert his Peacekeeping Will ------------- just saying in response to Real Dave and his post number One .
Is the American freaking left actually rooting for Iran? Obama bought and paid for their nuclear program and lefties are hoping they can finish it in time to make a political statement and damn the U.S.. More and more it becomes obvious that the left is being manipulated by foreign agents either willingly or because they are afflicted with a mental condition commonly called TDS.
Bought & paid for with Iranian money?

--------------------------------------- USA had Control of this so called 'iranian' money until 'mrobama' GAVE that Control to the 'Iranian Enemy' RealDave .

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