Trump put down a $3 million retainer fee for a lawyer for the classified documents case. Why?

"Two sources told the Times Trump paid the lawyer $3 million,"

Not one anonymous source.... but two! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You dumb fucking animals are too easy.

BTW, this is the mentally ill tranny that wrote a book on what it almost found in President Trump's raw sewage. It was soooo close to finding something in DJT's shit! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

maggie haberman.jpg
Why would a completely innocent man and former president put down such an insanely high retainer fee if he hasn’t even been indicted yet?

His supporters of course think he is completely innocent and has the utmost integrity because of course they do. What would be their explanation for this though? If there’s nothing to this case whatsoever; If there’s not a shred of incriminating information involved in the DOJ’s case at all, Trump wouldn’t bother with that kind of money. He’s a cash poor “billionaire” anyway. Wouldn’t he at least save this for when he would get an indictment? Now seems premature if he’s innocent, right?

It’s safe to say that Trump won’t get indicted before the election so he has time. He will of course try to buy more time, but have you noticed that is his only legal strategy so far? Talk about yikes.

Trump HAD to put up $3 million because he's a deadbeat who fucks over anyone he can even his lawyers. And he's scared shitless because he knows DOJ has him by the ass. Trump's asseaters like Lyin Ted can't save his sorry ass this time around like they did in the 2 impeachments even though those fuckers knew he was guilty as sin.
If the Feds were coming after me guns blazing for anything I would lawyer up to the max cuz they have unlimited funds.

So why are you shocked Trump took the only reasonable action someone of his means would take?

I vote this dumbest thread of the month so far.
Ignoring that he paid a ridiculous retainer before being indicted doesn’t mean it isn’t true lol. Those are details about this that matter. Trump knows he’s in this the for long haul.
"Two sources told the Times Trump paid the lawyer $3 million,"

Not one anonymous source.... but two! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You dumb fucking animals are too easy.

BTW, this is the mentally ill tranny that wrote a book on what it almost found in President Trump's raw sewage. It was soooo close to finding something in DJT's shit! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Trump sat down for numerous taped interviews with her, you idiot.
Trump sat down for numerous taped interviews with her, you idiot.
Yes, and hopefully you bought her book and eagerly looked for the pictures of Trump's shit with some signs that he wiped his ass with classified documents. Documents with classifications are completely at his discretion, but that's besides the point.

Did you send some money to this gash? She can't do it without the support of useful idiots...
You ARE kidding, right? He was feckin' PROVEN innocent over 4 years and the assaults just keep on comin'. Next time you have an interaction with law enforcement, be sure and answer all their questions at length and without legal counsel.
If shit eaters Lyin Tred, Tom Cotton, Lindsey Graham & the rest of those fuckers had any balls instead of the cowards that they are this country would have been rid of that whiny, orange lardass a long time ago & that fucker would be $3 million richer.
Lol it’s definitely not hard to get an attorney after getting arrested.
It's very stupid to wait to that point. Hunter Biden is being investigated but has not been indicted yet I suspect he has lawyers at the ready as well something he would be wise to do and something I doubt you would have an issue with in his case.
Yes, and hopefully you bought her book and eagerly looked for the pictures of Trump's shit with some signs that he wiped his ass with classified documents. Documents with classifications are completely at his discretion, but that's besides the point.

Did you send some money to this gash? She can't do it without the support of useful idiots...
Trump has collected over $100 million from his "stop the steal" scam. He couldn't have done that without retards like you who enjoy getting screwed by the greatest conman of them all.

Did Trump use Spock's Vulcan Mind Meld when he declassified those documents?
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It's very stupid to wait to that point. Hunter Biden is being investigated but has not been indicted yet I suspect he has lawyers at the ready as well something he would be wise to do and something I doubt you would have an issue with in his case.
See, if I was Trump ask if I was completely innocent, I would just think “well they’re not going to find anything in those docs they seized so this will collapse on its own once they’re done reviewing all those documents. Worst case scenario I’ll get a lawyer if i get arrested.”

Also, that said, why is Trump trying so hard to keep the DOJ from reviewing those docs? Wouldn’t he just get the process over with since he has nothing to hide?
See, if I was Trump ask if I was completely innocent, I would just think “well they’re not going to find anything in those docs they seized so this will collapse on its own once they’re done reviewing all those documents. Worst case scenario I’ll get a lawyer if i get arrested.”

Also, that said, why is Trump trying so hard to keep the DOJ from reviewing those docs? Wouldn’t he just get the process over with since he has nothing to hide?
Given that Trump was the focus of a bogus Russian collusion investigation based on evidence that the DOJ/FBI knew at it's best was highly questionable and at it's worst flat out lies he is wise not to take that chance. Waiting to till you get arrested to get legal counsel is like putting on a condom after you have had a one night stand not smart or effective. If this is the way you would handle a legal matter you might be facing hey have at it I don't think most people would though.
Why would a completely innocent man and former president put down such an insanely high retainer fee if he hasn’t even been indicted yet?

His supporters of course think he is completely innocent and has the utmost integrity because of course they do. What would be their explanation for this though? If there’s nothing to this case whatsoever; If there’s not a shred of incriminating information involved in the DOJ’s case at all, Trump wouldn’t bother with that kind of money. He’s a cash poor “billionaire” anyway. Wouldn’t he at least save this for when he would get an indictment? Now seems premature if he’s innocent, right?

It’s safe to say that Trump won’t get indicted before the election so he has time. He will of course try to buy more time, but have you noticed that is his only legal strategy so far? Talk about yikes.

If you were a person that was alledgedly about to be framed by the government, then wouldn't you want the best council possible ?
Do you realize how dumb it is to say that he is innocent simply because he was not indicted for any previous crime?
You didn’t write that with a straight face did you?

You got mental issues. Reread your post you fking idiot
Ignoring that he paid a ridiculous retainer before being indicted doesn’t mean it isn’t true lol. Those are details about this that matter. Trump knows he’s in this the for long haul.
What isn't true, Simp?
You ARE kidding, right? He was feckin' PROVEN innocent over 4 years
"Your honor, my client hasn't been found criminally conspiring with Russians, he therefore could not possibly have violated the Presidential Records Act and mishandled classified documents by refusing to turn them in to National Archives"

Yes dummy? That sounds to you like sane defense?
Trump has collected over $100 million from his "stop the steal" scam. He couldn't have done that without retards like you who enjoy getting screwed by the greatest conman of them all.

Did Trump use Spock's Vulcan Mind Meld when he declassified those documents?
Your thought leaders keep dangling that orange cock out there, and you keep dutifully slurping on it. Nothing has changed in 6 years.

They're playing on your mental illnesses, and I'm just as happy to laugh and point at you weak parasites. You got him this time for realz!!!! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Hiring an attorney and putting down 3 mil BEFORE he has even been charged is not normal lol. He’s scared.
/——-/ Like you would know how billionaires would act, or even what a retainer is. BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA

Purpose of Retainer Agreements

The purpose of the retainer agreement is to set out the duties of the parties so that all parties have an agreement on the services that will be provided, how they will be provided, when and at what cost. Retainer agreements are typically used to hire lawyers and freelancers.

The retainer fee ensures that the hired service provider reserves time for the client in the future when there is a need for their services. Unlike a one-time contract, a retainer agreement is a long-term work-for-hire contract and thus can retain ongoing services

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