Trump put down a $3 million retainer fee for a lawyer for the classified documents case. Why?

/——-/ Like you would know how billionaires would act, or even what a retainer is. BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA

Purpose of Retainer Agreements

The purpose of the retainer agreement is to set out the duties of the parties so that all parties have an agreement on the services that will be provided, how they will be provided, when and at what cost. Retainer agreements are typically used to hire lawyers and freelancers.

The retainer fee ensures that the hired service provider reserves time for the client in the future when there is a need for their services. Unlike a one-time contract, a retainer agreement is a long-term work-for-hire contract and thus can retain ongoing services
Lol oh my god you’re such an idiot. Are you morons incapable of basic reading comprehension? This isn’t about why he would get a retainer in the first place. It’s about the high price tag for this particular retainer. Derp!

All this tells me, by the way, is that you googled “what is retainer” because you didn’t know lol
Lol oh my god you’re such an idiot. Are you morons incapable of basic reading comprehension? This isn’t about why he would get a retainer in the first place. It’s about the high price tag for this particular retainer. Derp!

All this tells me, by the way, is that you googled “what is retainer” because you didn’t know lol
High price? The price is whatever they agree on. And when you have the Feds coming after you it gets expensive.

Man, you really are an ignorant putz.
Lol oh my god you’re such an idiot. Are you morons incapable of basic reading comprehension? This isn’t about why he would get a retainer in the first place. It’s about the high price tag for this particular retainer. Derp!

All this tells me, by the way, is that you googled “what is retainer” because you didn’t know lol
/——-/ I spent 18 years in legal publishing and know what a retainer is. I’ve also had retainers for my real estate business as as a Notary.
I put the link because libtards first reaction to anything they don’t like is: YOU LIAR. POST A LINK. So I always do, and yet you still complain. BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA
/——-/ I spent 18 years in legal publishing and know what a retainer is. I’ve also had retainers for my real estate business as as a Notary.
I put the link because libtards first reaction to anything they don’t like is: YOU LIAR. POST A LINK. So I always do, and yet you still complain. BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA
Lol what sense would that make? I already indicted I knew what it meant? See it was just all around pointless.
Why would a completely innocent man and former president put down such an insanely high retainer fee if he hasn’t even been indicted yet?

His supporters of course think he is completely innocent and has the utmost integrity because of course they do. What would be their explanation for this though? If there’s nothing to this case whatsoever; If there’s not a shred of incriminating information involved in the DOJ’s case at all, Trump wouldn’t bother with that kind of money. He’s a cash poor “billionaire” anyway. Wouldn’t he at least save this for when he would get an indictment? Now seems premature if he’s innocent, right?

It’s safe to say that Trump won’t get indicted before the election so he has time. He will of course try to buy more time, but have you noticed that is his only legal strategy so far? Talk about yikes.

He's already spent hundreds of thousands, moron, and when the entire federal government is out to get you, then you are going to have some hefty legal fees. How much did Flynn spend on lawyers? Roger Stone?

All you proved is that you're a fucking moron who believes that having the FBI and the justice department after you is cost free.
Your thought leaders keep dangling that orange cock out there, and you keep dutifully slurping on it. Nothing has changed in 6 years.

They're playing on your mental illnesses, and I'm just as happy to laugh and point at you weak parasites. You got him this time for realz!!!! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Oh, don't worry. tRump will still have his hand out looking for cash from gullible sucker's like you. $100 million & counting. :abgg2q.jpg:
High price? The price is whatever they agree on. And when you have the Feds coming after you it gets expensive.

Man, you really are an ignorant putz.
Oh, I agree. When you may be headed off to the federal slammer in an orange jumpsuit, lawyers get expensive. Especially when you steal top secret intel documents that you have no business being in possession of then lie to the FBI to cover your ass & get caught, yep a lawyer will have his work cut out for him. And especially when you're stoooooopid & don't listen & psychotic to boot.

"But, but her emails" he whispered as they slapped on the cuffs.
The New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, who has reported on Trump's many legal troubles, said he knows this situation is different.
Oh, I agree. When you may be headed off to the federal slammer in an orange jumpsuit, lawyers get expensive. Especially when you steal top secret intel documents that you have no business being in possession of then lie to the FBI to cover your ass & get caught, yep a lawyer will have his work cut out for him. And especially when you're stoooooopid & don't listen & psychotic to boot.

"But, but her emails" he whispered as they slapped on the cuffs.
No one actually talks like this you moron. You like to pretend they do so you can have a pitiful, faux sense of intellectual superiority, but you’re just embarrassing yourself. Obviously stealing those documents was a crime - classified or not. Trump declaring them being his like a toddler does not make it true. But I get it, you’re both toddlers in adult bodies anyway.
No one actually talks like this you moron. You like to pretend they do so you can have a pitiful, faux sense of intellectual superiority, but you’re just embarrassing yourself. Obviously stealing those documents was a crime - classified or not. Trump declaring them being his like a toddler does not make it true. But I get it, you’re both toddlers in adult bodies anyway.
Well then Tard....with so much clarity, why hasn't he been indicted?
Well then Tard....with so much clarity, why hasn't he been indicted?
Because he’s a former president running for re-election. Any average job retarded enough to do whet he did would have been thrown in jail a long time ago. In order to indict a complete moron like Trump, the evidence and case must be open and shut. The case is being built now and any arrest won’t happen until after the election is over anyway. Since his moronic Neanderthal supporters are threatening violence, the DOJ can only wait for now.
Because he’s a former president running for re-election. Any average job retarded enough to do whet he did would have been thrown in jail a long time ago. In order to indict a complete moron like Trump, the evidence and case must be open and shut. The case is being built now and any arrest won’t happen until after the election is over anyway. Since his moronic Neanderthal supporters are threatening violence, the DOJ can only wait for now.
Hahaha…you sound so matter of fact….hmmm, just like you and Adam Schiff did when the “Russian collusion” circus rolled through town. Hahahaha

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