Trump put down a $3 million retainer fee for a lawyer for the classified documents case. Why?

Why would a completely innocent man and former president put down such an insanely high retainer fee if he hasn’t even been indicted yet?

His supporters of course think he is completely innocent and has the utmost integrity because of course they do. What would be their explanation for this though? If there’s nothing to this case whatsoever; If there’s not a shred of incriminating information involved in the DOJ’s case at all, Trump wouldn’t bother with that kind of money. He’s a cash poor “billionaire” anyway. Wouldn’t he at least save this for when he would get an indictment? Now seems premature if he’s innocent, right?

It’s safe to say that Trump won’t get indicted before the election so he has time. He will of course try to buy more time, but have you noticed that is his only legal strategy so far? Talk about yikes.

Probably because a team of highly skilled DOJ lawyers are on a political witch hunt, the FBI is helping them and they playing dirty? That would be my guess. :dunno:
I'm not. I just like to rub your noses in it further because that's where you cultists live.
Nope, republican's aren't living in Trump's ace, but undoubtedly the progs are because they are the one's that won't lose the scent of his ace when they stay in pursuit of him. LOL..
Yep. you are obviously obsessed with Trump's ass.
Your concern for trump is going to skyrocket within the next few weeks. First, the SCOTUS is going to hand his ass back to him on this latest idiot filing, then Garland & DOJ can build a case to indict your boy & rest assured they're going to. Your ass buddy trump is looking at 10 miles of bad road & that's putting it mildly. I don't give a shit if he is a former POTUS & more importantly neither does Garland.

Tick tock tick tock.
Your concern for trump is going to skyrocket within the next few weeks. First, the SCOTUS is going to hand his ass back to him on this latest idiot filing, then Garland & DOJ can build a case to indict your boy & rest assured they're going to. Your ass buddy trump is looking at 10 miles of bad road & that's putting it mildly. I don't give a shit if he is a former POTUS & more importantly neither does Garland.

Tick tock tick tock.
Any. Day. Now

Day: 1,483,485,987,142,264,487
Your concern for trump is going to skyrocket within the next few weeks. First, the SCOTUS is going to hand his ass back to him on this latest idiot filing, then Garland & DOJ can build a case to indict your boy & rest assured they're going to. Your ass buddy trump is looking at 10 miles of bad road & that's putting it mildly. I don't give a shit if he is a former POTUS & more importantly neither does Garland.

Tick tock tick tock.
/——-/ OH, we got him this time for real. #7,893. And we even got a tick tick tick tick.
Your concern for trump is going to skyrocket within the next few weeks. First, the SCOTUS is going to hand his ass back to him on this latest idiot filing, then Garland & DOJ can build a case to indict your boy & rest assured they're going to. Your ass buddy trump is looking at 10 miles of bad road & that's putting it mildly. I don't give a shit if he is a former POTUS & more importantly neither does Garland.

Tick tock tick tock.
Go ahead if you dare, because the American people have got Trump's six. If he goes down in flame's you'll have half or over half of this country looking you people right straight in the eye, and that's not going to be good. Keep prodding the bull.... You thinking Trump as weak knowing the backing of the American people that he has, is basically you thumbing your nose in arrogance towards the American people as well as Trump... Being a man on an island ain't good, because I believe soon that you will turn to see whose left, and they'll be all gone.
Go ahead if you dare, because the American people have got Trump's six. If he goes down in flame's you'll have half or over half of this country looking you people right straight in the eye, and that's not going to be good. Keep prodding the bull.... You thinking Trump as weak knowing the backing of the American people that he has, is basically you thumbing your nose in arrogance towards the American people as well as Trump... Being a man on an island ain't good, because I believe soon that you will turn to see whose left, and they'll be all gone.
Yea, yea, yea. Not everbody in this Country excuses Trump's criminal behaviour.

We've got Democracy's six so fuck off. Btw, Trump wouldn't piss on you cultists if you were on fire.
Yea, yea, yea. Not everbody in this Country excuses Trump's criminal behaviour.

We've got Democracy's six so fuck off. Btw, Trump wouldn't piss on you cultists if you were on fire.
/——-/. What criminal behavior? You democrats enjoy getting pissed on. It’s not something we Republicans would want.
Why would a completely innocent man and former president put down such an insanely high retainer fee if he hasn’t even been indicted yet?

He is being targeted by a treasonous criminal federal agency that has violated the Constitution and US laws, intentionally knowingly participated in a faed coup attempt despite already knowing the Russial Collusion scandal was bogus.

He is being targeted by an FBI that has intentionally knowingly set up and sent innocent peoe to prison in the past.

He is being stalked / hunted by an obsessed partisan group of criminals and traitors who have been attempting to arrest him ... and failing to do so ... for going on 7 years now.
/——-/ All that article is just a bunch of huffing and puffing and wild eyed accusations.
So once again, what crimes?
View attachment 709288
Violation of the espionage act by taking documents that belong in the national archives.
Tax evasion by undervaluing properties, while simultaneously overvaluing them to get loans.
Illegal interference in the Georgia state election.
And then obstruction of justice all around.

is it really necessary for me to describe this because you wont read?

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