Trump Rally in Salt Lake City turns into another Shitcago


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
"Peaceful protesters" my ass. These people are thugs. They proved it again:

Trump supporters, protesters clash outside rally in Salt Lake City

Supporters of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and protesters clashed after a rally in Utah on Friday.

Crowds who chanted “Donald Trump” were met with “Mr. Hate Out of Our State” as police in riot gear blocked the entrance to the Infinity Event Center in Salt Lake City. Protesters tried to rush the door of the building and got into screaming matches with Trump supporters who were barred from entering the venue.

According to KSTU-TV, people who were exiting the building were being pelted with rocks. Some protesters were seen tearing down a security tent that the U.S. Secret Service used to screen attendees before they entered the building.
Time for water canons. Long overdue in my opinion. Fuck their iPhones.

That will just make the water canons all that more effective. Watch all the leftwing yuppies scurry away in their Volvoes because they don't want their iPhones to get wet.
This will go on as long as we have the professional student class in this country.
Professional student age 30-35...Student/protestor/agitator....
No direction in life but to take class after class after class studying nonsense.
Always ready to be led by the nose to whatever progressive cause is popular that day.
The "free speech" left wing losers cheering for obamas monster known as blacklivesmatter acting as khmer Rouge.

His useful idiots cheer on.

Fuck you left. Not without a fucking fight.
The "free speech" left wing losers cheering for obamas monster known as blacklivesmatter acting as khmer Rouge.

His useful idiots cheer on.

Fuck you left. Not without a fucking fight.
some reporter should of walked around these protesters and asked them how much the national debt is, and who is the "Current Vice-President".
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Chaos at political events has been happening quite a lot this election season. I wonder if there is a common factor present in all of these events.

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