Trump Rally

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You used to claim that the ballots would be their own proof.

Now you claim they had no ability to prove it.

All the CyberNinjas proved was they have no idea what they’re doing.
I said the court has the ability to prove it. Do you think blank ballots should be counted? Do you think ballots with no chain of custody should be counted? Do you think ballots with no serial numbers should be counted?

Again, you could not look more foolish.
You used to claim that the ballots would be their own proof.

Now you claim they had no ability to prove it.

All the CyberNinjas proved was they have no idea what they’re doing.

Just how much out of the loop are you? Hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballot improprieties were found, encompassing several states. Far over the amount Donald Trump needed to win those states. If you have truly been paying attention, you would know this.
Doug Logan is an ardent Trump supporter and believer in the big lie.

If you cared about integrity, he’s about the last one to do an audit. They’re supposed to be fair and unbiased.
Was Maricopa county fair and unbiased? Your big lie is crumbling and dying. RIP.
I said the court has the ability to prove it. Do you think blank ballots should be counted? Do you think ballots with no chain of custody should be counted? Do you think ballots with no serial numbers should be counted?

Again, you could not look more foolish.
Blank ballots weren’t counted, moron. And yes, you said the ballots would be their own proof.
I said the court has the ability to prove it. Do you think blank ballots should be counted? Do you think ballots with no chain of custody should be counted? Do you think ballots with no serial numbers should be counted?

Again, you could not look more foolish.
Just another one who simply can not or will not believe that their TV could lie to them. Little parrots, all over the place.
Although you won't tell me why. Me on the other hand I could tell you PLENTY of reasons why I support Trump. The most important one being that he helped keep illegals out of this country. You Bidden supporters on the other hand are a complete joke. All I get out of you idiots is that you support the guy, but the truth is that you're all a bunch of sheep and are just following him for no other reason except that's what a lot of other people are doing.

I'm not really sure why you think Biden understands all of this,.. he doesn't even understand how to wipe himself.
I get it. You support Trump because of his immigration policy. That trumps (no pun intended) everything including the fact that he tried to destroy our democracy & install himself as an autocrat after stealing the election, if he succeded. And he nearly did.

The fact that he pulled that stunt proves to me that he's a malignant psychopath not worthy of even being referred to as an ex president. The term should be stripped away from Trump for the rest of history & if not there should be an * after his name in the history books outlining what the bastard did.

341 days of orange whining


I literally laughed my ass off. My ass is on the floor. What do I do now? If I manage to reattach my ass, I know I will just want to watch that video again and .........well, you know.............
colfax said:
You idiots are being manipulated.

dude. YOU are the party of killing the unborn. The Left is the party of double standard justice system, lies, inflation, money printing, corruption, open borders. Don't tell any one that they're being manipulated when you have not even come close to figuring out it's YOU.
I can tell you why you support trump. Because you are filth.

Fire in the hole!

A communist is anyone that doesnt support trump.

No, a communist is anybody who supports Joe Biden and Kamala Harris due to the fact that they are literally destroying our country.

I've asked the many times to define it, and they never can.

We have MANY times. You just don't like our responses and you keep parroting as OhPleaseJustQuit put it until you get the response you want.

Just another one who simply can not or will not believe that their TV could lie to them. Little parrots, all over the place.

Yeah, quite the overpopulation. No wonder this thread is so filthy, they're dirtying it with their bird shit.
I get it. You support Trump because of his immigration policy.

Yeah, and the fact that he actually loves and cares about our country unlike the two current asses that now sit in the white house. You still haven't told me why you support Biden though for the record.
Fire in the hole!

No, a communist is anybody who supports Joe Biden and Kamala Harris due to the fact that they are literally destroying our country.

We have MANY times. You just don't like our responses and you keep parroting as OhPleaseJustQuit put it until you get the response you want.

Yeah, quite the overpopulation. No wonder this thread is so filthy, they're dirtying it with their bird shit.

Yeah, and the fact that he actually loves and cares about our country unlike the two current asses that now sit in the white house. You still haven't told me why you support Biden though for the record.
You know, I was hesitant about supporting Trump initially. I wanted to talk to all of my friends and find out what they thought of the idea of a non-politician, an outsider, running for office. What really pushed me towards considering what Trump might have to offer was the speed and vehemence with which all the leftists I knew got completely stupid over hating the guy. It was so embarrassing to see people whom I'd always thought were pretty intelligent descend so rapidly into an abyss of irrational stupidity. I had to shake my head and wonder how these people had convinced me that they were actually thinking individuals. It really did go a lot like:

Over 20,000 attended:


The MSM will never show the vast numbers. All those folks likely voted for Trump in 2020. Just another proof that the Democrats likely rigged the 2020 election.
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His behavior after the election should have demonstrated he cares more about himself than the good of the country.

Although there were plenty of reasons to believe it prior to this as well.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion.
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