Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

Pretty sure most of these cases were started by big head Trump haters. Be funny as all hell to see this stuff unravel in their faces.

Just like all the other times.
Yeah, I've posted a link to the 9th circuit opinion in another thread and so far all the commies are avoiding it like the plague.

Run little boi.

Find that safe zone
Hey look, I found a pic of you...

You need to go back and read for comprehension....I told you to come here asshole....But you won't because you're the pussy it?

Why would I do that?

And you will not come here, so I guess we are both pussies! :banana::banana::banana:

But only one of us gives a fuck what some on the internet calls them.
In Maine, I guess the SOS could essentially remove anyone from the ballot at any time for any reason or no reason at all. Seems pretty nefarious to me.

The electoral college is accepting votes from each state, so they should have some say as to how the election in that state is executed, otherwise, we have pure chaos.
Anyone can bring an action in front of the Maine SOS & other election authorities in other states. In fact, it's done all the time.
So you still can’t cite any Maine election law that she could use to keep Trump off the ballot.

I accept your concession, Vermin.
If there wasen't such a law she couldn't have done it.

But keep shedding those MAGA Tears over Boss Hogg Trump, window licker.

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